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Attempts to depict the main character though only his end of the phone. new style for me!! |
CONTACTS-> DARELL->CALL....Connecting.... Hey Dude! Heard you are hosting a Champagne party this year! --------Oh yeah, I understand, I actually had one to go to it just got cancelled and------oh don't worry I'll find another one, I understand...it's a busy time of year! ----you're right I really should have planned earlier, next year I suppose-----oh yeah, that'll be great...I'll look foward to that---Sorry to have *dial tone*bothered you.... CONTACTS->JEREMY->CALL....Connecting.... ....*dial tone* CONTACTS->BRADEN->CALL....Connecting.... Braden! What's up man? -----Oh yeah I'm getting ready for it to, uhm, that's actually why I called------Yeah, I heard you were throwing a Champagne party this year?-----Oh well I wouldn't take up much room-----Yeah of course I have a date! Would I be coming if I didn't? -----very funny very funny, but no she won't take up too much room either------Thanks dude, you're a lifesaver-----Yeah, I'm sorry man, I'll make it up to you-----see you Wednesday! *dial tone* RECENT CALLS-> MOM->CALL....Connecting.... Hey Momma-----yep! Just like I promised-----I know------Yeah I have a date Mom-----Okay yeah, you got me, I don't-----I know I can't go without someone----Listen Mom, I don't know if this is a good idea afterall-----I know----I know! But.... Honestly Mom, I just think Champagne day, it's stupid------------I'm sorry Mom. I know. I'm Sorry....... Mom?........Mom? Please talk to me?-----Okay.....Well I will call you later, and I promise I will have a date-----It's okay, really, I want to, I promise----goodbye...*dial tone* RECENT CALLS->SIS->CALL....Connecting..... -----It is good news, really-----I'm going to a party, just found my way into one this morning-----No, not yet, give me a little time-----Yes I know I can't go without one, but it's not exactly easy to find a date this late in the game. Who doesn't have someone to share Champagne day with only three days left! I mean, other than me------Yeah, I just talked to her-----It went okay-----Listen, I don't want to disappoint her, but-----I know, I know, sorry. You're right----I just don't particularly love to think about this holiday Angie, you know that-----Don't pull that man-of-the-house shit on me Ang, you think I don't know I'm being a pansy about this? It's hard, damn it! Harder than it is for you, you didn't even know the guy!-----Ang, wait.....Ang, I'm sorry.....Please stop crying Angie, I didn't mean it-----Yeah I know....I'm being a real asshole------Look, I'm trying to make it right here.......Forgive me?-----Thanks.... call you later. Love you Angie-----Bye---*dial tone* MESSAGES->CREATE MESSAGE Hey, long time no see! I know this is really last minute but my date for Wednesday has the flu so if you still need a date and a party to go to let me know! SEND TO->CONTACTS->SELECT "JENNA", "MOLLY", "HANNAH", "QUINN"->SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM JENNA->VIEW->REPLY Yeah I figured as much, was worth a shot! Have fun Wednesday :) SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM QUINN->VIEW->REPLY Oh sorry, this is Hank, thought you had my number SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM QUINN->VIEW->REPLY Hank Foster...my cubicle is two down from you on the right? SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM QUINN->VIEW->REPLY Yeah don't worry about it. See you tomorrow morning. SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM HANNAH->VIEW->REPLY Yeah I guess it is rude, but I knew I wasn't going to see you in person before Wednesday! lol SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM HANNAH->VIEW->REPLY Yeah I suppose I could have called you...my bad...so are you free? SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM HANNAH->VIEW->REPLY Well you could have just told me that first off so I didn't waste my time...and no it wasn't a mass text, lol THAT would be rude. have fun with brett wednesday SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM MOLLY->VIEW->REPLY That's fine, don't feel bad! I'm going to Braden's too so I'll see you there I guess :) SEND INCOMING CALL FROM SIS->ACCEPT What?-------jeez! Sorry! Hello, how are you, how's the weather? seriously, just tell me what's up----Are you serious?----Well I guess that would be my only chance, how'd you find her?---- How long is she going to be in America?------cool, and you think she'd be okay with this?----This is gonna be so awkward you realize----I know, I know, but I'm not exactly a begger if I don't want to go at all-----whatever, just give me her number-----wait, wait, let me find a pen or something----- SPEAKER PHONE ON Okay go ahead----yeah----yeah----wait, 7-9 or 7-5?----oh, okay-----got it. I can't believe I'm doing this-----Yeah, yeah I'll do it now and then I'll text you-----oh yeah, thanks----bye *dial tone* NEW CONTACT->NAME->GRAZIELLA->NUMBER->***-***-****->SAVE TO CONTACTS->CALL...Connecting.... -----uhm, hi, Graziella?------Yeah, that's me. My sister Angela told you I'd be calling?------Haha, yeah she would say that, so you two met through a friend?-----Oh I didn't know Sofia was your cousin! Sofia and I go way back!------Yeah, definitely. Well, did Angela tell you why I called?------Oh yeah, so you've heard of it?------You haven't heard of Champagne day at all? Well I suppose since they don't have it in Italy it isn't too strange that you don't know what it is, let me explain. Champagne day is a day that I guess is to celebrate all that's happened in a year-----Oh you've heard of thanksgiving? Well it's not exactly like that, I guess more like what you personally have accomplished------Well it's not exactly bragging, although you're right that would be a very American thing to do...you see you don't just celebrate it alone by yourself thinking about what you've done, you celebrate it with friends, you see, there are these huge parties-----yes, at night, and people throw them all over the country, there are big city-square style ones but also ones in people's homes, sort of like new years I suppose, and at a certain time during the party everyone is asked to make a toast to what they believe to have been their greatest accomplishment over the year-------Well yes, that is like bragging but that's why everyone must have a date, because you toast to your date's greatest accomplishment, and you're date toasts to yours!-------Well yeah, you see....uhm....that's the problem. I'm in a bit of a bind and I actually do not have a date, so yes I am asking you to come with me! You sound like a very sweet person, and I guess I really lucked out because every girl in the country has already made her plans for the holiday very far in advance and-----yep! ------yeah, perfect-----I'll let you know!-----Okay, talk to you later, and thanks again, you really saved my life! haha---bye...*dial tone* MESSAGES->CREATE MESSAGE jeez Angela, if she's as beautiful as her accent sounds I'm gonna be the talk of the party! SEND TO "SIS" NEW MESSAGE FROM SIS->VIEW->REPLY Yeah that means she said yes. thank god now mom will get off my back SEND INCOMING CALL FROM GRAZIELLA->ACCEPT Hey Graziella, what's up?------Oh yeah, I forgot, uhhmm....I'd say it's sort of like dressy but not exactly formal------Yeah sorry, I'm a guy! How can I be expected to explain these things, you know what? Ask Sofie, she'll know exactly what to tell you-------Okay cool, see you Wednesday!--------Oh yeah go ahead, ask away!--------Oh. Uhm. I didn't have a date because I wasn't planning on going at all this year--------well yeah everyone does go, but I just didn't want to-------My mom changed my mind, she has this silly obsession with the holiday------well it's kind of a long story, i dont know if-------Okay, well, I'll give you the quick version....back in the day my dad sold Champagne, and he was looking for some way to get people to buy more of it. Sales went up for New Years and for Valentines day so he picked a day in August because it was roughly between the two and launched the idea for Champagne day in his town------yeah, I guess it is cool-------well it just grew and grew for whatever reason. And soon enough it was what it is now. According to my dad the idea took off because he had sewn his love for my mother into his passion for creating the holiday-------Yeah i suppose, more cheesy than romantic, I'd say-------No, it's really not that big of a deal, no one we know even knows it was my dad who did it, which is the way I like it--------Well yeah for other people it may be cool for everyone to know but not me-----I don't really want to talk about it-------I don't wanna talk about it ------Look, just leave it alone okay??.............Graziella?.......Listen, I'm sorry, I just don't know why I even told you about my dad in the first place, no one else knows but my family.------*sigh* you really wanna know what happened?-----okay fine. My dad was killed in a car crash by a drunk driver when I was 10 and my sister was 3. It was actually Champagne day so the news stories got a big kick out of that, showed it as a human interest story that was supposed to make you chuckle at the irony of it all.............-------No, don't feel bad, might as well tell you if you're gonna be my date for the damn thing-------for me it's the worst time of the year but my mother still loves it. Sits in her chair by herself all night and toasts to an empty room------I suppose so. She says we have to carry on the tradition 'cause dad and mom used to toast to Angie and I every year, you know, as their greatest accomplishments------Yeah, I guess it is cute. Sometimes when we say goodbye on the phone to her now she still says, "Don't forget, you're my greatest accomplishment"...Okay, that's enough.....it's uhm....it's getting late I guess.....So, thanks again -------- No seriously, it's fine you asked I'm not mad, you didn't know.... -----really it's fine ------ Goodnight *dial tone* MESSAGES->CREATE MESSAGE Damn it Ang i told her about dad SEND TO->RECENT CONTACTS->SELECT "SIS" NEW MESSAGE FROM SIS->VIEW->REPLY She kept asking why I didn't have a date, then why I hated the holiday. Said she needed to know if she was gonna go with me. Guess that's fair. SEND NEW MESSAGE FROM SIS->VIEW->REPLY I'm fine. Thanks for finding her. Goodnight. SEND RECENT CALLS->MOM->CALL....Connecting..... ----Hey Momma, good news! -----Yep! You remember Sofia Juliano? Her cousin from Italy is visiting, and get this! She didn't even know.......uhm, well, she didn't have a date! -------Yeah, I know Mom haha, but I'm 28 you can stop calling me a Lucky Duck------Happy almost Champagne day to you too Mom------I'm fine, just got a little frog in my thoat I guess----Yeah you're right I'll go put the kettle on right now----Love you Mom-------------.......Yeah Mom, I know. Goodnight. *dial tone* |