Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1695171-The-Wants-and-Needs
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Young Adult · #1695171
When looking for a place trust your instinct you might choose a one thats own by unknowns.
The Wants and Needs

Chapter One

        There are only one dangerous Vamp you should look out For. When you hear the name you might not be frighten but when you see the actually person you wish you never did. His name is Lord Vack might not sound scary now but when you see him he might look like the next Dracula but without the cape around him he have the skin though. Vack is about a millennium right now in modern day. That suppose to mean Vampires almost been around long as human. In that time Vampires was all for themselves and really greedy so they die off by human hands. Back then people called them Demon from hell because they crave for blood only and some could not control their thirsted. So they died off quicker because only one instinct kick in that is to kill and feed. all this ended when Lord Vack came along and helped out the trainee that was in training. Lord Vack showed them to catch a human and showed them how to feed on them without killing. One day he was passing through a town and saw Four guys Lurking in a dark corner and he thought to him self I might need a army in case anything happened like a World War. Lord Vack introduce himself to the four guys. Then they all introduce themselves as Ken, Troy, Tyrone, and Miguel. These guys was in there early Twenties on the street hunting. So Lord Vack gave them a offer they couldn't resisted. He offered them a home to stay at and they will get all the supply you need as long as you devote your lives to me. They heard that last part and think hard. The four boys agreed because he seems like a fiduciary person who they could rely on. Years pasted and Lord Vack and the guys get a long great with them until Lord Vack got carried away with the little power he had over the Humans and Vamps in the state Arkansas, he tried to take over the state but the four guys he took as his on off the street stopped him from doing his evil deeds. He ran out of the state before it was even a state and no one ever seen him since then. But the guys knew he will be back soon so they kept a eye out for centuries to centuries and still haven't seen him.

In modern Days

        "Come on Lacey I'm tried of looking at boring houses all day and I'm feeling hungry" complain Brick.
        "Fine but we have one more to go to and Then we can check in a motel or a apartment" Lace  said.
You always have us waiting and we hate that habit of yours and you know that already but you kept doing it," Pariah complained too.
          "Whatever I'm almost there so their is no turning back and you three know I have snacks in the truck of the car so stop being a whinny child" I said to them.
          "This is why I never quarrel because you always have food" said Cupric.
          " We are pulling up at the house now everybody be nice and no complains it ends here in this car," I demanded.
          "Wow the house is huge we can have parties off campus" said Brick.   
          "Yeah but whose clean up after you not me and we  didn't even meet the person who owns the house yet so don't start to plan anything" I pointed out.
            We got out the car walk up to the driveway to the doorbell and I pressed it then a shirt less long here blond open the door with hard biceps.
        "Daaaam he is hot as hell we definitely picking this house" Brick whispered in my ear.
        "Shut up he might here you,"  I whispered back.
          The guy was smiling then I think quick to say something.
        "I'm Lacey these are my friends Brick, Cupric, and Pariah" I introduce.
        "I'm Troy how can I help you ladies today," he asked.
        "Whose at the door Troy hurry up I'm hungry man" somebody shouted inside the house.
        "Pardon my friend he have no patients. I bet you here four the rooms okay lets have a tour shall we," he said opening the door to let us in.
          This house seems familiar I read about it before but I just can't remember it. This house had a library about everything in it so I don't have to go to the public library. The house had nine bedrooms and five bathrooms and a inside pool and a kitchen. After we went in to the living room we saw another shirt less guy sleeping.
        "This is Ken the lazy one who screamed at me to cook. There are four of us living in here one at work and one at practice and Ken why you not at practice?"
      "What is up with the questions man I'm trying to sleep now shut up and go"Ken said to Troy.
      "We have visitors man and show some respect to them pretty boy", Troy told him.
      "Fine I'm Ken welcome to our home have a pleasant stay here" he said lazily and was stretching.
          When he finally opened his eyes and he turned around and our eye met my heart  skipped a beat.
        "Well that's about it I showed you every inch of the house now it your time to decide," Troy said to us.
        "When can we move in I was thinking today how about it girls?" asked Brick with all smiles.
        "I agree," said Cupric.
        "Now are you sure because I have a strange vibes and it's all dudes in here now are you sure you want to stay here?" I ask them not feeling so sure.
        "Even better," Said Pariah.
        "Okay I'll talk to him. Troy hello , excuse me we would like to move in today if it's not any rush or anything."
        "That's cool you need any help from us we willing to help aren't we Pretty boy?"
        "Yah I'll help if you feed me man I'm hungry," Ken was mumbling.
        "Do he even do anything in the house or he sit like a big blob all day?" I asked.
        "No he just look like that all the time but he take me for his Maid to cook for him everyday but I put a special ingredient inside his plate every time," he said laughing.
          I started laughing too.
        "You did What Troy," I heard a shout out the Living room.
        "We better go now," I suggested  with smile.


Chapter Two

        We drove the car inside the driveway and we took out the luggage's and the guys help out too.
      "Dinner will be ready in an hour so do what you have to do and come downstairs after and meet the rest of the crew," Troy announced.
        I took a shower came out the bathroom and felt a evil aura that almost make me want to faint.
      " What the hell was that?" I shouted.
        I hurried downstairs wanted to tell the girls what happen but I knew they going to say something like I'm not feeling well. When I got downstairs and I was the last one to come to the dinner table. Everybody was talking except for Ken he was to himself so I sat on the other side across from him then he looked up at me but I pretend I didn't notice.
      "Ladies remember this only and it's a rule for visitors only. No walking after dark unless you have one of us with you," said Troy.
      "Yah we heard you the first time,Now tell me how much time a day you work out for because I know that body don't come like that," said Brick using her flirting voice.
        "Brick quit it you just met the dude you don't even know if he is pervert or what,I said to her.
        "You so old school, a girl can make the first move you know and I'm doing it," she said back to me.
        "Don't worry Troy not a criminal he won't hurt her so quit worrying,"said Ken feeling annoyed.
        "Who said I was talking about Troy?"I said putting a spoonful of mash potatoes in my mouth.
        "I can tell we going to get along great,"said Ken.
      The rest of the night we were quiet and the others was just yapping away. After  dinner we went to bed and I didn't notice how tired I was until now. It didn't take five minutes. Heard a soft voice in my ear saying "Wake up". I jumped up and turn on the bed lamp. I looked around and saw nothing but my suitcase. Okay bad dream I really need my sleep but dreams like this how can I. The entire night I was in the room up staring at nothing. The next morning I got up brush my teeth and took a shower and went downstairs and came out the same time as Ken. Just look at him my parents will never let me date him. My parents said to date sophisticated guys and don't pick up a bum. I just be a good daughter and  agree with them. From a teenage girl point of view of Ken is like a God. His well perfect body to that mach that perfect inviting smile not to mention those seductive emotionless eyes.He is the tallest of his friends around six feet two, his low cut blond hair was laying on his forehead neatly. He was wearing a black  T-shirt, a  pair of black pants, and matching black Timberland. I was in front of him walking down the stairs to the Kitchen. If I ever bring him home to meet them they would probably turn me back with him that is how my parents roll. The last boy I dated was Jimmy Morris a Junior in high school. Told him to pick me up at eight when he did my Dad question him so did my Mom he had a Two point one average. Guess my parents didn't think it was high enough they told me he is not right for me so I had to call the date off.
        "Well, well, well look who got up so late usually you the first one up exercising or something," said Brick eating a toasted.
        "Well I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up whole night," I said tiredly.
        "Oh no when you don't sleep you know how you is, you'll just get miserable and start picking fights," said Pariah, the red head, tallest of all of us with daze brown eyes she always seems out of this world.
        "Am not I'll stay in the library all day until I fall asleep or something I'll stay out of all your reaches," I pointed out.
        "No you don't that's where I get my free time of my friends," Ken said.
        "It's a big library so you can fit in it too so stop nagging you big baby," I said to him.
        "I don't share kid so either you fine a new spot or something," he said back to me.
        "I don't take orders from no one not even my parents  tells me what to do," I shout back.
      "Ok you two haven't been here a day good and you at war wow this is interesting,"said Tyrone spaciously.
      "Fine you stay over your space and I'll stay over mines and we are even," he suggested.
        I started towards the kitchen door went into library and it was big enough to give each off  space. A few moments later ken came in a tense mood I just have a tempting urge  to bug him.
      "Um Kent can I ask you question?"
      "The name is Ken," he said scanning the sports book shelf without looking at me.
      "Whatever, anyways what sport you play at the college?"
      " None of your business now be quiet we in a library," he said to me.
      "Not a public library come on and answered the question you big lump," I said trying to make him mad.
      "Do you even know me kid I'm your worst nigth mare and why you asking so much question? Are you a reporter?" he asked suspicious.
      "Just a worried friend want to know about all the guys we living with, so do you have a girlfriend," I asked.
      "None of your business."
      "I'll take that as a yes."
      "Can you be quiet for me you really giving me a bad vibes kid."
      "Call me that again and I'll take your eyes out like a angry cat," I snapped and he finally turn and look at me.
      "Look I might be the youngest of my friends but I'm really protective too so try anything funny and you regret it that goes for you all at the door listening."
      "Well aren't you no fun the youngest and so tense you need to relax and we promise we won't hurt your friends or you, or let anything happen to there's not many new people in this area of this state. But you have to watch your backs around here," Tyrone advise me.
      "Yea thanks for the heads up."
        I read until I fell asleep twisting and turning. I wasn't having nightmares I was just uncomfortable. When I got up I saw Kent looking at me like 'Im crazy.
      "What you looking because I know I'm not drooling or snoring."
      "Maybe you were drooling a bit," he said to me.

Chapter Three

        It's been almost a month since living in this haunted house I've been up every night seeing images ,faces, and hearing voices. Still couldn't tell anyone they might think I'm crazy especially Kent he will mock me to get on my nerves. That's why I'm putting on some makeup to hide it
        hat's all we do most of the time just be on each other case. But today I was paler than usual and had bags under my eyes, I was feeling awful too.
        "Wow you look like crap and like you haven't slept in days,"Kent show in my face.
        "Gee's thanks a girl really like hearing that,"
        "Is that make up," he asked sounding shock.
        "Well duh just because you don't see me wearing it doesn't mean I don't wear it."
        "I love the natural look better," he said to himself and i barely heard him.
      "What you trying to say Kent I'm not pretty with make up?" I asked feeling offend.
        I did not say that you putting words in my mouth," he accuse me.
      "I'm not in the mood I think y'all house is haunted and I'm hearing voices, seeing things I don't want to see. I am not crazy there is something weird about your house and if I can't sleep I'll open that secret room," I threaten him.
      "Well Maybe your room is haunted your rest of your friends not complaining."
      "See this is why I didn't want you to know you just going to make fun of me. "I bet you can't even have a serious relationship I bet you can't even woe a girl."
      "You sure about that?"
      He got up from the seat he was sitting in and came around the counter and I backed away and I bump into the counter. He trap me in with hit hands now my heart was beating fast.
      "Ken what are you doing," I wasn't intend for it to come out in a whisper.
      "You call me my real name for the first time," he said putting his body on mines so that we touching.
      "Well if you- I was cut off by our lips touching my eyes was wide open until his hand slowly creep up my back and held me closer to him my eyes shut down. The only reason why we stop was because Tyrone came in.
      "Is that Ken, oh man is that Ken you breaking rules."
      "I think I better go and leave you two alone," I said getting out of his caress grip.
        I walk up to Brick room and open the door she was on her laptop. She turn and saw that I was a little jumpy, so she turned around on her bed and made her feet hang off.
      "Why you so jumpy what you did,"
      "It's not what I did it's what Ken did," I whispered to her.
      "What did he do did he hurt you," she said standing up.
      "No he, um, kissed me and it felt so good but I think they have some rules not to date people in this house," I told her.
      "No wonder Troy haven't made a move on me yet I thought he might have a girl friend or maybe he do,she said sadly.
      "I know for sure Ken has one now I'm having feelings for him even more," this sucks I want to go home.
      "To Mom and Dad and show them you can't be on your own," she said mocking me.
      "Good point but how I'm going to fix this wait it was just a bet so its all good I'm going to watch TV."
      I Walked downstairs and turn on the TV and put it on the news channel.
      "Breaking news," said the reporter.
      "Kid Phone,"Yelled Ken.
        I ran into the kitchen and roll my eyes at him and took the phone.
      "Hello, hey Mom."
      "Is that your boyfriend honey you know the rules," she said.
      "No Mom he is not and that's my roommate boyfriend visiting her in our dorm," I lied.
      "How is school honey?"
      "Great passing my classes having a blasted at school taking piano lessons its great," I lied again.
      "Your Dad said he loves you and wish you were
home."Bye honey love you."
      "Bye Mom love you too."
      "You are such an liar your friend boy wow and in dorm room woo you are a liar," Ken accuse me. 
      "Well I want to be with my friends so I convince them to rent a house and wow here we are stuck with you and this haunted house."
      "Maybe you're  poses, I'm seeing a blue flower tattoo on your  lower back why that color flower? " he said mocking me.
      "None of your business," I said walking in the living room with a soda until the doorbell.
      When I open the door I saw five girls at the door standing staring at me like I was nothing.
      "Can I help you," I said.
        The long hair blond hiss her teeth and was trying to get in but I put my hands in the way and block her.
      "Remove your hand or lose it," she threaten.
      "Look I don't know you so you can't come in unless I call the guys."
      "You playing with this thing move Sandra."
      When the blond move and let the shoulder length hair girl came in front of me staring at me like she trying to do hypnotize me. But it wasn't working.
      "What you trying to do kiss me move out my face hey pretty boy I think these creeps are for you," I yell in the house and he came to the door he seems disturb like he knew them. So I  back off from the door and went in the living room and turn on the TV but not too high because I want to here what they saying.
      "How do you think I feel when people talking about my boyfriend is with that thing," said Sandra.
      "Hello we are not together we broke up a month ago so why you here making a big deal out of nothing," Ken answered her.
      "That's a phase of a relationship don't you know that is how could you think we going to be over for good. Is it because of that girl who answered the door you know the rules no dating the living so you stuck with me."

Chapter Four

      "No I'm not getting stuck with you another three hundred years so forget about it we are over."
      "I should tell you that Lady Raven want to talk to you and the guys. " She is really disappointed in you four," she told him.
        What he mean by three hundred years with her and who is Lady Raven that is kind of a British saying. What is going on with this place I'm kind of worried right now. I heard the door closed so I turn up the TV a little. Ken walked in has his same expression as always lazy and sat down beside me.
      "So that was your girlfriend why you didn't let her in she seems nice," I lied.
      "You not a good liar so don't even try," he said taking the remote from me.
      "Hey I'm watching that," I said trying to snatch back the remote and my hands touch his skin and we pause and stare at each other for a long moment. It took most what I have to get back to reality.
      "Is there something you not telling me?"  I asked him after I snatch back the remote.
      "I can't tell you it's kind of a secret I have to keep away from you. " I wish I could tell you but its a rule."
      "Fine but why I see kids in black everyday at school and you all are so pale don't  you know Tan like me."
      "Whatever I have to not be here my Mom called me."
      "You listen to your Mom wow that's a shocker," I said surprise.
      "What that suppose to me she is the governor of the state so I have to talk to her want to meet her?" he joked.
      "Why don't you let your girl friend meet her I bet she would love to go and who she calling thing she make it sounds like she wasn't human."
        I saw something of a little shock then change back to his normal self. I laughed to play it off.
      "I'm going to take a shower so later pretty boy, tell your Mom I said hi."
      I  walk off and went upstairs and head in the shower think why I feel drawn to him and then again feel like I should stay away. I really think I'm going to be in a heap of mess. When I was finish I went back downstairs and saw Troy making dinner so I  sat down with a bottle of water.
      "Hey Troy can I  help with anything I'm bored and I want to talk to you about Brick."
      "Ok sure you can make the salad," he told me.
      "Ok I know Brick might be pushy but she is really a nice girl I know she's going to kill me when I tell you this but its worth it. She likes you I mean really like you that's why she's around you that much."
      "She does, but I can't have a relationship with her."
      "Oh right because of this stupid rule thing. Gee's I get it this rule thing has to stop."
      "What rule we don't have any rules that say can't date, but there is a rule that says to keep the ones you love out of trouble you stay away from them."
      "But that's not it you hiding something else all of you but I'm guessing its not a good secret so I don't want to know," I said purring the dressing over the salad.
      When the food was ready the table was so quiet nobody talking so I said something.
      "So  what is up with the silence at dinner nobody talking come on what's the news?" I asked.
      " All of  our  Mother's want to meet you four at the ball in three weeks," Ken said.
      "But none of us dating in this house why they want to see us in the first place? I question.
      "Because you all living with us that's why," Miguel said.
      "Ok why you all so nervous we going shopping tomorrow I'm happy," said Brick.
      "I wonder what I'm going to wear hope Dad didn't see the last credit card bill," said Cupric.
      "So they do think we are your girlfriends I have a bad feeling," I whispered to Brick.
      "You always have a feeling enjoy this one you meeting the governor cheer up."
      "Have my feeling ever fail me, no," I said.
      "Please Lacey do it for me I really like the guy I don't mind meeting his Mom for a change."     
      "Fine but don't blame me if something bad happens," I warned her.
      The guys seems a bit jumpy like they wish they haven't met us. I need to clear my head I need a walk so much to take in.
      "Ok now we pair up," said Brick.
      "No," Ken And I said at the same time.
      "Well don't we found a pair already," said Brick.
      "We are not going as a couple we can barely stand each other he just make me go crazy," I said to Brick.
      "I drive you crazy you, drive me crazy with your nagging."
      "I don't nag," I said.
      "See you doing it right now," Ken said.
      "Don't make me come over the table," I warned.
      "Guess what the house is haunted, well your room is anyway's," he mocked me.
      "Shut up Ken you are such a jerk so stop scarring her," Troy said to him.
      "Oh I've seem worst than ghosted so he is so not scarying me pretty boy."
      "What the hell! The house is haunted why you didn't tell me Lace," Brick said to me sadly.
      "You know I hate pity so don't I know you all might think I'm crazy so I kept it to myself  for a while then I told it over there and he was making fun of me," I pointed on Kent.
      "You two acting like children stop it," said Troy.
      "You the one treating me like one not because I'm the youngest of all does not mean you should treat me like a baby," I yelled and walk out, I don't even know why I was mad but I just need to get out the house I don't even know where I was but I've been walking. Where I was walking I heard noises well mostly hissing like snakes in the bushes and I turned around looking at nothing.
    "Keep playing around I know Karate  so back off," I shouted.
    "Then you will be a challenge for me," said a voice.

Chapter Five

    "Oh crap now I knew why the guys say stay in the house there too much creeps at night this isn't good," I mumble to myself.
    "Stop with all the small talking I'm hungry," said a guy in ripped clothes then three more that dress like him came out. They weren't smelling so clean so I put my hands over my nose.
      "Ok somebody need a shower and if you come any closer I'm calling the cops," I shouted at them.
      "You won't get the chance Love," he said and they vanished in midair all of a sudden they made a circle around me.
        Before I draw my knife somebody grip my hands. My heart was beating fast I was hyperventilating. Then I saw the guy I saw first who came out the bush. grip my throat and lean my head to the left and I saw fang. Now I was kicking, screaming, and struggling. I did kick one in the shin. I don't know why I call Ken name but I did. Before the guy could take a bite he got thrown off of me by Ken. I forgot I was holding my breathe and I let it out and then fainted.

Sunday Morning

      When I woke up it was really frightening I thought I was at the same place where I was attacked. I jumped up and I was breathing shallow and my eyes are blurred up so I sat up in the bed.
      "We warned you kid but you wouldn't listen if you didn't called my name I wouldn't even know you left," said Ken worriedly.
      "Look I totally forgot ok I just needed to be a lone for a minute so I stepped out and did I saw what I saw because these thing don't existed. "Do they?"I asked.
      "They said not to leave the house without one of them you do some stupid things some times," said Brick.
      "What if I didn't caught you in time uh?" said Ken again making me feel bad.
      "Don't blame me you four should of told us that this town was full of unwanted vamps oh man I bet you four are too no denying that uh?" I pointed out.
      "of course they are you guys are too perfect for sure so you don't date humans because we are not like you," said Brick.
      "I know I should be freaking out but I think I did that last night  I saw my life flashed in front of me," I said then heard the doorbell rang and Troy opened it. We all went downstairs I was shock to see my Mom at the front door.
    "Mom how did you fund me and what are you doing here?"
    "Young lady you lied to me you not even sleeping in the dorm you didn't even check in there you here living with a bunch of boys. "Go for your suitcase we leave now, for the rest of you girls I'm calling you all mothers," Mom demanded.     

"Mom this was my idea to rent a house so we can be together and this doesn't affected my grades it stays the same  I'm not leaving and this isn't a good day for me oh yea not coming home with you."
      "Lacey Rachel Millers  you come with me now or I'll take your credit card away and lets see how you work for a change," she threaten.
      "Take it here I can get a job easy I'm tired of you pet me like a baby Mom I love you but you really starting to make me not come home and visit so have a safe flight home," I said a bit relief.
    "I never seen you so angry am I a bad mother? she asked me.
    "No but you not going to be all the time when I need help so its time I do it on my own."
      I saw her looked to the stairs and I turned around and saw Ken. Now I knew what Mom was think. He is the reason why she losing her baby girl.
    "Is that your boyfriend let me meet him," she said walking in.
    "Mom he is not my boyfriend so there is no need  to ask him anything," I said quickly.
    "But you like him it shows in your eye and you blushing too."
    "This is why I don't have a boyfriend its because you always pushing them away and I'm not coming back home I don't want to be treated like royalty Mom and I don't want any guys you picked out for me it is so centuries ago.
      "They have turn you against me my only baby."
      "Don't be so dramatic I'll be fine I want to prove to you that I can make it on my own."
      "Fine be that way I'm leaving don't come crying to us for help."
      "I never ever asked for your help Mom bye," I said closing the door behind her.
      "You ok?" Brick asked.
      "That was harder than face four Vamps trying to drain my blood and I still can't take this serious," I said.
      "Well we should start look for a job or draw money of the cards before they deactivate it."
      "Good thing that was the credit I still got that debit she will fine out but not soon enough," I smiled.
    "Ok we should really be prepare in case another attack you guys you know that this isn't over so lets make a plan," said Pariah.
    "Plans are we the weak  just be prepare like have a stake and holly water I'll get a pastor to pray over the fountain outside and turn it holly so you boys stay far away from it for centuries of years old you all are pretty hot," I complimented.
      I went upstairs brush my teeth and saw a bruise on my neck good thing my Mom didn't see it. I should probably thank Ken for saving my life. As I stepped out my bathroom andd walk in my room I saw Ken at the door with his hands cross.
    "Ok you still not done yet yelling at me  fine keep yelling."
    "You had me worried when I saw the guy almost drain you what were you think at the moment when you left the house unsupervise."
    "At the time I was thinking need space get out," I joked.
    "This isn't a joke Lacey its serious," he said.

  Chapter Six

      "If I take it too serious I'm going to start worried and when I worried I start having regrets and I don't want to have none meeting you," I said walking closer to him.
      "What are you doing don't you know I'm dangerous.
      "Some times you need a little in your life," when I was about to kiss him Brick came in asking for my laptop and I pointed on the desk and she looked at me apologetically.
    "Just stay here and you'll be safe."
    "Since you want me so safe I want you to carry me go shopping Mr. Overprotective.


      "Come on this store what you think about this top," I said showing him because the rest of the girls was busy doing their stuff.
      "See you lying you wasn't even looking," I complained.
      "Hurry up its almost dark," he said rushing me.
      "Don't rush me its not polite,"I said to him.
        When we were finally done it was almost six he hurried us to the car but as we almost there their was a hiss and he pulled me  and said not to move so I didn't he pull my hair to the right side of my my neck and said don't move.
    "Hey buddy why don't you share," a man said across the lot.
    "Get your own she's mines," he said  kissing my neck it felt good I think he was doing it on purpose. When the guy finally left he let go of me and he was half smiling but I knew he was worried.
      "So bad boy why you decide to break up with the blonde and  did you meet somebody else and she look like a handful.'
    "Tell me about it and yes I met somebody else, You."
      My heart just skipped a beat when he said that was I dreaming or something.
    "If we going to have a relationship I don't think we should keep anything covered I want it to be in the opening," I said.
    "Be prepare for my mother she is really harsh and disrespectful and dont temp her she like to be treated like royaltiy."
    "Well I'm not bowing to no one no even my mother or the king and queen of England," I said and he laughed.
    "But I can't have you I'm afraid I'll hurt you."
    "Wow so you like me but you can't have me what that suppose to me. " Ok is it because you think I'm going to get hurt or maybe worst die if I'm with you fine I'll stay away," I said gathering my bags and coming out the car.
    "Come on don't be that way."
    "Ok whatever you want your the with the powers and know more about everything," I said coming out the car.
    "I didn't say that I know everything I just thing its  best  you we keep our relationship as a friendly level."
    "Yea ok I get it," I said coming out his car and going in the house.
    "Oh you home in time we are just about to have dinner," said Brick excitedly.
    "Great not hungry I'll be upstairs putting my stuff away."
    "Something is wrong what's going on?" she asked me worriedly.
        "Nothing I'll be down in a sec,"I said  trying to sound excited.
        I walk upstair hang my clothes up that I bought at the mall and walk back down stairs and sat at the table playing with the food and everybody staring at me.
    "What everybody looking at I'm not hungry I'll eat it later ok."
Two week later

      Its another we until the ball  and I still didn't talk to my Mom or Dad they've been calling the house
    Constantly but I told them to say I'm not here and if I talk to her I'm going to miss home. I was in the kitchen when the phone rang and Ken answer and hand it over to me. He was saying talk to her and I was saying "Say I'm not here."
    "Fine hello," I answer.
    "Why are you ignoring me young lady I've been trying to call your cell for two weeks now," complain Mom.
    "Sorry I've been busy with homework and projects I'm been distracted so how you've been how is Dad?" I asked.
    "Your he is holding up fine since the surge I still need o talk to that young man if he's going to be with my daughter."
      "Mom don't we are not in a relationship even though I wish."
      "Your Dad said hi and he love he's at work right now, I love you and you know you can always come home when your ready."
      "I Know Mom but I'm having a blast here love you bye. "Dam I'm really going out my mind if I don't get enough sleep."
      "You can use my room I'm going to be out for the day," Ken offered.
      "What going to look for your girlfriend I thought  you, never mind."
      "What girlfriend where you keep coming up with these things," he asked me.
      "Well I don't know maybe because I'm not Vamp enough you don't want no weakling is because I don't have physical  strength well guess what I have mental strength. I can't believe I fell in love with you I said," walking out the kitchen and going in the living room but he use his speed to block my path.
    "What you just say?" he asked again.
    "You really need to stop doing that," I said in a whisper.
    "You love me since when?" 

© Copyright 2010 Marlena (marlena1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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