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Leah finds out she's pregnant by a werewolf, but has no memory of the act. |
Pregnant by a Werewolf with no memory..Continued.. ********************************************************************************* Part 9 The house was quiet. It was extremely dark except for the whisper of light coming from the bedroom that Leah was sleeping in. Leah would be asleep for the night from the sleeping medicine the doctor had given her. It was very simple to take her out of the house and into the night without waking up the other wolves. They already had a room set up to take the baby. It was of no consequence if Leah died or not. He was getting paid no matter what as long as the baby was brought to her. She wanted to use the baby's genetics to increase the power of the black wolves. This would change their standings within the different packs, and would make them supreme. Leah came awake to a bright light shining in her eyes. She was laying on what looked like a hospital birthing bed in a room filled with medical supplies and equipment to deliver a baby. She had an IV in her arm and she was very groggy like she had been drugged. She knew the doctor had given her sleeping medicine, but this felt different. Something wasn't right. Leah tried to sit up and realized her hands and legs were secured to the bed. Why would she be tied to the bed? Aydon wouldn't do something like this without telling her! Leah started to panic. Where was she? What day was it? "Hey, Hello.." Leah screamed. A man walked into the room with a mask on his face. "You need to shut your loud little mouth, before I shut it for you!" He said. "Who are you?" .. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Don't you recognize my voice?" He laughed. Leah caught her breath. "Jerry"..Leah stuttered. "Call me dad!" He said as he pulled off the mask. Leah's heart started to race. "Where's my mom?" She yelled! He just gave her an evil laugh and left the room. WOLFNAPPED It had been about two hours since Aydon had left Leah to rest. He wanted be by her side always but didn't want to push her away, or stress her out about the baby. Maybe they could wait a couple more days. She really didn't have to have the baby tomorrow. She needed her rest. Aydon walked to the room and gently knocked on the door... No answer. She was probably asleep. Aydon slowly opened the door. The curtains in front of the window blew out from the window being open and the bed was empty. "Leah, he called." He walked to the bathroom it was also empty. I know she didn't run away again..she was too sick and tired. Aydon rushed to the window and shifted through it. With his heightened senses he could find out exactly where she was and who had taken her. Seth was beside him in seconds in his wolf form running through the forest with him. "They have found her, and taken her again" Aydon thought. "We will find her Aydon." Seth thought back. Aydon was panicking. He couldn't lose her again. She was his mate, and she carried his child, his son. He knew he couldn't do this with only Seth. It was time to bring her father and mother. The wolves that had stolen her would have no chance of ever taking another breath when he caught them. He could not chance losing her again. *************************************** Part 10 KIDNAPPERS POV "You idiot!" Marilyn screamed at Jerry. "I told you not to take off your mask!" "What difference does it make now, she won't be alive to care anyway once we have the baby?" He snapped. Marilyn backhanded him, making him stumble backwards. "Don't voice your opinion to me Jerry..You can be replaced" She roared. Jerry rubbed his cheek where she slapped him. "I'm sorry darling, it was a mistake"..he walked gingerly towards her. Grabbing her waist he pulled her harshly towards his chest. "You know you love me..he winked." Marilyn smiled evilly, grabbing a handful of his hair she whispered her lips touching his ear. "Defy me again Larry, and I'll bite you where I love you most!" Larry backed up crossing his hands over his privates. Marilyn laughed..and left the room to check on their hostage. Marilyn walked into the room made up to deliver the baby. Leah laid facing away from her. Her body trembling as she looked to be clutching her stomach. "Poor baby" she thought. An ugly grin spread to her face. "Leah sweetheart are you alright?" She tried to sound motherly. Leah whimpered. "Mom" she cried. "What's going on mom, why am I here? She stopped. "Why was Larry wearing a mask?" Marilyn's expression changed from concern to angry. "You always did ask too many questions." She snapped. "Always so perfect she paused, such a beautiful child." She said with rotten distain. Marilyn pulled a cigarette from her pocket, lighted it and sucked a long drag blowing the smoke in Leah's face. Leah covered her mouth and coughed looking away from her mother. Tears ran down her face, the smoke burning her eyes and the shock at knowing her mother was somehow involved. "You look just like her, you know." Marilyn said. "She was always so perfect too with her handsome husband and you, her little girl". "You should've seen the look on her face when you went missing." Marilyn laughed Leah gasped. "Kinda looks like yours right now." She smirked. "Oh yeah your dad was a fine one he was." "Wouldn't have nothing to do with me though." "Your mother..she took another drag... was his mate you see..and I wasn't good enough for the smug bastard." "So when I was kicked out of the pack, I made my own pack of wolves." "My only mistake was that genetically they are weak." "That is where you come in." "What are you talking about?" Leah stuttered. "Don't you see sweetheart?" "Your baby is going to bring strength and power to my pack." "Oh, I thought I wouldn't need you after this one, but I was wrong!" I think I'll keep you to build my pack up, I have plenty of wolves that would be eager to impregnate you!" Marilyn walked over with a syringe in her hand and injected it into her iv tube. "NO! Leah Screamed. "You can't make me do that, you can't ...she started but her vision faded and she passed out. *************************************** Part 11 It was two days before Aydon and Seth caught the scent to where they were holding Leah. Michael and Carrie were on their way along with other members of the pack. The farmhouse looked abandoned. The grass hadn't been mowed in months and you could see the mailbox was overfilled with mail. They were about a mile from the house, but with their increased vision and sense of smell Aydon could tell Leah was in the house. A terrible smell came from a shallow grave dug up in the woody area of the property. The smell could only be the previous tenants that Aydon was sure used to live there. Seth and Aydon surrounded the house looking for guards and found it to be unguarded at the moment. The four black wolves had to be inside. The only way to kill a wolf was to sever the head or destroy the heart. You could also stop them from shifting with silver. If they could shift, while hurt, they would repair any damages done. Aydon and Seth were young and strong but they had never killed anyone or anything before. The black wolves were much more careless and carried no guilt for the murders they had committed. These were the same wolves that had murdered Aydon and Seth's parents, and had now taken Leah for the third and last time. ****************************************************** Authors note: Thank you for reading and voting, This is my first story and I'm trying to get it finished. I have no idea how to break it up in parts or groups yet so for this story it will stay in one big a** group. Anyone with some suggestions please feel free to comment, and thanks again for reading! Muah :) For people confused about characters.... Leah Main character Aydon Leah's mate Seth Aydon's brother Nathaniel Pack doctor Michael Leah's biological father Carrie Leah's biological mother Larry Leah's adopted mother's pt boyfriend Marilyn Leah's adopted mother Jessica Leah's biological sister PART 11 CONT.. Aydon and Seth shifted into their human shapes before they entered the house. The boys had been shifting for a year now and had mastered being able to shift with or without clothes. Although Seth liked to shift to his naked form most times just for shock value. Stepping into the house and quiet as a mouse they slowly walked into the farm house which was only an outside disguise. The inside of the house was a medical facility. Specimen jars littered the shelves and multiple computer systems sat disarrayed on desks. There was a wall of refrigerated areas that held hundreds of bags of blood. Aydon walked up to the bagged blood and read the labels. The bulk of the blood was from people he knew that had been missing or taken from his pac. Investigating further he recognized his mother and fathers names that were murdered. The people that had done this would pay. They couldn't be allowed to continue to terrorize their race, and use their pacs blood to try and build a larger rival pac. The twins were furious, but they had no time to think of retaliation at this point. Leah was the only thing they needed to worry about, and her unborn child. They walked down the hall carefully listening for anyone approaching. All was extremely quiet. They opened a door to check to see if Leah was inside. Leah lay in a bed with tape covering her mouth and her eyes popping out. Her arms and legs were tied down. Leah was shaking her head back and forth, her eyes darting back and forth and she was struggling to get loose. Aydon stepped forward towards her and she screamed through her tape. He quickly pulled her tape off. "LOOK OUT!" she screamed. A silver made net fell from the ceiling . Aydon and Seth were both trapped. Unable to shift from the silver. Marilyn and Larry walked into the room. "Tsk tsk". Marilyn said shaking her head. "Do you really think we would keep her unguarded?" We have video feed all over this place. "LET THEM GO!" Leah growled. She started to pant and shake. Her body temperature rising quickly and her skin started to itch. "She's going to shift early if you don't let me calm her!" Aydon said. Leah started to panic. She felt like her skin was going to rip apart, and she was terrified for the baby. "Shh sweetheart!" Marilynn said. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FU**EN PSYCO!" Leah yelled. Leah pulled her arms breaking her ties to the bed. The machine hooked to Leah started to alarm. Leah's heart rate raced and her temperature was sky rocketing. "LET ME HELP HER!" Aydon growled. Marilyn backed away from Leah. Jerry pulled a gun out of his lab pocket pointing it at Seth's head. "You try anything...he growled...and he is dead!" Marilyn removed the net from the twins. Seth just smirked at Larry, While Aydon walked over to Leah very slowly. It was very dangerous for anyone to get close to a near shifter. Their strength was incredible and Leah could rip a body apart at this point. "Leah?" Aydon whispered. Leah darted her eyes to Aydon. Her hands were clutching her stomach and her teeth were clenched. "Something's wrong!" She whimpered. "It will be ok Leah, you need to take slow deep breaths..just breath!" Aydon carefully reached for her hand. "Be careful."..Seth whispered. She won't hurt me, said Aydon. Aydon grabbed her hand, Leah was still tense. Looking up at Aydon with tears in her eyes, he felt his heart would break. "Leah, you have to calm yourself. You don't want to hurt the baby, our baby." He smiled gently. He lowered to her face and softly kissed her lips. It was supposed to be just a soft reassuring kiss, but Leah's lips had a mind of their own and she deepened the kiss, grabbing hold of his long thick hair in her hand and forcing him to respond more aggressively ..and he did...he gently nipped her lip and then pulled back a little to look at her swollen thoroughly kissed lips. With a sexy smile he said. "You feel better?" "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Marilyn growled as she shoved Aydon away. "I think she's calm enough!" The sound of bottles crashing to the floor outside the room made everyone tense. Marilyn looked to the door. "Go Larry, and take Seth with you. Put him in the cage." "Gladly!" Larry growled yanking Seth's arm to make him follow. "Don't try anything stupid". Aydon thought to Seth. "Would I do that?" Seth winked at him while he was shoved out the door. "You think you're so cool!" Larry said as he kept shoving Seth down the hall and opened the cage. Seth Laughed.. "You think this dinky cage is going to hold me?" "OH, I know it will, It's pure silver!" Larry said as he slammed and locked the door. "Why lock me in Larry, you afraid I might kick your little a*s?" Seth snickered. "You wouldn't act so cool if you saw what I did to your parents!" Larry grinned. Seth reached through the cage grabbing Larry's head and crushing it with his bare hands. "Why don't you show me!" He whispered, dropping Larry's lifeless body to the floor. Seth dropped to his knee's putting his face in his hands..he roared his agony. PART 12 MICHAEL AND CARRIE Michael and Carrie had already reached the farmhouse disposing of the two black wolves almost immediately upon arrival. They walked in confidently. Carrie walked up to the cage holding Seth and kicked the door open. "You ready to get our girl now?" She smiled warmly as she pulled him into a loving hug and kissed his forehead motherly. "Never more ready!" He said wiping a lone tear from his cheek. Michael disposed of Larry and walked with Carrie and Seth to the room holding Leah. "What the hell is taking Larry so long?" Marilyn said impatiently. She checked Leah's vitals again and started to pace the room. "UGH I'm going to kill that little"...she trailed off as the door slammed open. "Too late!" Michael smirked as he leisurely walked into the room. Michael was a large man. 6'3, 240 lbs..all rock hard muscle. Marilyn's jaw dropped open with shock. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?" she asked with awe. "Wasn't hard to smell a cold hearted murdering bi*ch!" Carrie said with fury in her eyes. "Calm down honey, we don't want to frighten Leah." He said gently holding her back from tearing Marilyn apart. Marilyn grabbed a scalpel and rushed to Leah's side holding it against her neck. "STAY BACK!" Marilyn screamed in outrage. "I'm not letting you take my daughter from me!" Marilyn growled. Carrie stepped forward. Very calmly she started.. "Your daughter?" Carrie said. "Mom?" Leah whispered, with question in her eyes. Carrie smiled warmly at Leah. She was identical to Leah. She had long red gold hair that fell to her waist, was about 5'5 125lbs of pure toned muscle. "Don't listen to her!" Marilyn screamed, pushing the scalpel and cutting her neck slightly. A slow line of blood ran down Leah's neck and she winced from the pain. "Don't hurt her Marilyn!" Aydon said calmly. "She's your daughter right?" Michael said trying to calm Marilyn. "You were supposed to be with me! Marilyn said looking at Michael. Why did you have to ruin everything!" "You are so right, Michael said walking towards Marilyn." He pulled her roughly towards his chest and Marilyn smiled as she looked up at him dropping the scalpel. " I never realized how much I wanted a SLEAZY FLEE INVESTED BI*CH AND MURDERER!" Marilyn gasped with horror in her eyes as Michael swiftly broke her neck and threw her to the floor with disgust. "I'll just get rid of this", said Seth with a smirk on his face, as he grabbed Marilyn by the hair and pulled her out the door. Michael wrapped his arms around Carrie and slowly looked up to Leah. "Does she always faint like that?" Michael said. Aydon laughed.. "Yes she does!" PART 13 Leah woke from consciousness back in Aydon's room. Aydon lay beside her with a sexy smirk on his face. Michael, Carrie, Jess, Seth and Nathaniel stood at the foot of the bed smiling down at her. "I fainted again", Leah shook her head with disgust. "That will change once you shift." Carrie said as she walked to the bed and reached for her hand. Leah looked up to her mother's tear stained face. "Why are you crying?" Leah whispered. "I just ...can't believe it's you...it's really you." She reached for Leah and pulled her into a hug. The flood gates were open for everyone as they watched the reunion of mother and daughter. Michael also came to join Leah and Carrie hugging his daughter. "We never thought we'd find you....we thought you ..he stammered..were dead. If it wasn't for Aydon and Seth we may have never known you were alive." Aydon smiled while Seth put his head down blushing. "There's something Aydon needs to tell you." Seth said looking at Michael, and then Carrie with a mischievous look on his face. Aydon scowled at him. "What is it?" Carrie said winking at Michaels knowing look. "What do you have to say to us?" Michael said with a stern look on his face. Leah bit her lip looking at Aydon. "Well the truth is that ah..he looked at Leah..I'm in love with your daughter, and ...she's having my baby" he looked to the floor. Michael cleared his throat. Jess giggled. Seth snickered. Carrie Coughed. Seth had a very proud of himself look on his face. Leah smiled. A few seconds passed and Aydon looked up to see everyone holding their breath. Then they all burst out laughing in hysterical laughter. Aydon was dumbfounded. Carrie decided to save Aydon his confusion. She walked over to Aydon and grabbed his chin making him look to her face. "We have known since Leah was born you were her mate Aydon. She smiled kissing his cheek. We have always known you would be our son." Michael winked at him. Leah cleared her throat.. "Aww..guys..she said through her teeth..I think my water just broke!" ************************************************************ More to come..Thanks for reading and voting. Please comment! Muah... ************************************************************* |