Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1693213-Boondock-Saints-III-Saints-Redeemed
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Crime/Gangster · #1693213
Treatment for the third Boondock Saints movie
Boondock Saints III-Saints Redeemed
Location: The office of the US Attorney (Boston Branch)
Time: 2 weeks after the ending of the BS II movie timeline
Characters: Paul Smecker, Eunice Bloom, US Attorney Dagan Pierce
Place: Dagan’s office (late at night)
Synopsis: As usual Dagan was working late, now that the Saint’s had been caught the real work would begin. Dagan perused the evidence in the stacks of files that were on her conference table. She looked over crime scene photos and she was confused.
Why would these two seemingly innocent good guys go on such a rampage? Not that she minded who they were taking out. She had battled twice with Concezio Yakavetta and had lost in court. Now he was lying dead with his henchman. Even their racket chiefs were dead; the Yakavetta family was now dead almost to a man. Even as she read she knew that Boston was picking up the street walkers in an effort to forever put Boston out of the reach of any of the Yakavetta clan.
The crowd outside suddenly grew louder. They had been out there since the Saint’s arrest, they wanted them freed. She understood that they were also at the prison, thousands strong protesting the saint’s incarceration. If she managed to get these men to trial she was going to have one hell of a time convicting them. Everyone seemed to love these Irish boys who only killed criminals. Women on the TV said that they felt safer with these guys roaming the streets.
(A knock on the door)
“Come in,” Dagan answered barely looking up. She was expecting her law clerk with another box of evidence. Instead two people walked in and closed the door.
Paul Smecker, former FBI agent with the mafia taskforce and Eunice Bloom former FBI agent now wanted for aiding and abetting the Saint’s were standing in the office.
“What the hell is going on here?” She exclaimed, Paul was supposed to be dead, and Eunice was supposed to be on the run.
“Hello Dagan.” Paul answered her in his usually infuriatingly calm voice.
“You look good for a dead guy.” Was the only thing she could think of.
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself. For a woman about to get her ass kicked in court.” There was that signature Smecker smirk.
“Oh I have these guys.” Dagan said crossing her arms.
“Really?” Smecker said. He turns to Eunice and she hands him a thick file.
“Let me ask you something Dagan, why would you want to put these two men in jail when they could be more useful elsewhere?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know all those guys, the ones we tried so hard to get. All those assholes who we knew were guilty but who walked out of the court laughing at us? The ones that we don’t go after because it is too dangerous?” Smecker asked.
“What about them.”
“What if we could eliminate them?”
Dagan sat back down in her chair. Smecker was suggesting we use these two men to kill.
“Are you crazy?” Dagan asked.
“No, think about it these two guys only kill those guilty of crimes. They are not crazy; they don’t have a blood lust. They are decent, god fearing men who believe in what they are doing. These men are good at what they do, they are careful, and they don’t make mistakes.”
“But how do you control them if we get them out.” Dagan asked. “Who says that they won’t just disappear?”
“We will put them in with the Sullivan’s.” Smecker answered.
“You’re going to put men in with the Sullivan’s? Are you nuts? Mary still barely talks and Victoria…”
“I know all of that, but I believe that these girls need to see what good men are again. They are entirely too valuable and I think that Connor and Murphy might just be the men who help them to get over what happened.”
Dagan sat back in her chair thinking.
“If this fails I will put all of you in jail for the rest of your lives.”
“So is that a yes?” Smecker asked.
“Yes, but if they don’t agree I am going to bring down the wrath of God on them.”
(Beginning of boondocks entrance music)

Opening Scene:
Location: Hoag Maximum Security Prison
Time: 2 weeks after the ending of the BS II movie timeline
Characters: Connor & Murphy, (New Character: US Attorney Dagan Pierce)
Place: Conference Room
Pierce having been assigned to the Saints case enters the conference room. She is hoping to make a deal with the still anonymous and silent saints. If this works, all of their lives would be easier. The door opens and Connor and Murphy enter in chains.
Pierce tells them that they have two choices, they can take the deal that she is about to offer or they can stick to their guns and stay silent. Should they chose the latter, she is prepared to move one of the brothers to another prison and she tells them that they will never see each other again. She also informs them that she will be seeking the death penalty on one of the brothers to put an end to the Saints reign.
Connor and Murphy, quietly terrified at the prospect of being separated permanently, communicate silently with one another.
“What is the deal?” Connor asks.
Pierce tells them that the US Attorney’s office has compiled a list of 150 criminals; these men are too dangerous to try to prosecute as they pose a continuing risk to the families of the men and women who are trying to put them into jail. So when the Saints, known for their vigilantism as well as for never hurting an innocent person, fall into their laps, they decide to make a plan. Under the direction of the attorney general of the US, she is authorized to make this deal. She will give them a list of men to be eliminated, they take them out and when the job is done they will be set up with new identities and allowed to remain free.
She tells them that they will be under the direct supervision of a handler, they will be living an isolated existence on a farm in Massachutes, and that they will be kept out of the public eye forever.
“I will give you one hour to make up your mind, but I warn you, if you do not take this deal today will be the last day you two ever see one another.” She tells them as she puts the contracts in front of them. Then she leaves the room.

Scene 2:

Location: Hoag Maximum Security Prison
Time: 2 weeks after the ending of the BS II movie timeline
Characters: Connor & Murphy
Place: Conference Room
Connor and Murphy look at the contracts in front of them. They know that signing them will change their lives forever. They sit staring at one another.
Finally Connor picks up the pen sitting in the center of the table, and begins to sign. Murphy does as well.

The Contract
Written in Russian
To Connor and Murphy MacManus:
Hello boys:
This is Paul Smecker, I guess you never thought that you would hear from me again. I have been watching and waiting from the shadows until the time that you would need me. I would guess that time is now. The woman you are meeting with is a friend of mine. She and I are creating along with Eunice are making you an offer that will allow you to continue the work that you were sent here to do, all the while we will get rid of some real fucking scum bags.
The men you will be hunting, we can’t hunt. It is too dangerous in order for us to take them on. These assholes have no problem killing our wives, our children or our parents. You will be able to just make the streets safer without anyone else getting hurt.
We are getting you out and sending you to some friends of mine, the Sullivan’s. They are good people, right up your alley. Connor, Murphy this is your chance to make a real difference. Every kill you make is 100,000.00 in a secure bank account that you can use once it is all over. Then when we are done you just disappear into legend. We will put you back in Ireland where you can live in peace. I will be in touch soon. Trust her as you would trust me.
Scene 3:
Location: A farm in the country
Characters: (New characters) “Padre” Jaime Sullivan, his sister Dr. Victoria Sullivan and the baby of the family Mary Sullivan.
Place: The kitchen.
“I don’t like it” Victoria says
“Now we are playing wet nurses to killers, what the fuck is Smecker thinking.” Victoria seethed quietly.
“Paul has never steered us wrong. He says that these men are good men.” Padre answered her quietly.
“Padre are you sure we are safe?” Mary asked quietly. Her small face tightened with anxiety.
“Mary, Paul would never put you in danger.”
“Girls, we owe Brother Paul, so if he wants us to care for these souls we shall do that.”
Padre turns to Victoria and very pointedly says, “If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have Mary, and you would be in prison. Remember that.”
Victoria holds her temper and then nods, she walks out of the room muttering to herself.

Scene 4:
Location: Hoag Prison
Characters: Connor, Murphy and Romeo
Romeo is now out of the coma his gunshots put him into. He is starting to sit up on his own and the brothers know now he is out of danger of dying. There has been so much death, first Rocco so many years ago when they began this journey, now Detective David Greenley, as well as their beloved Da are now gone. Connor and Murphy couldn’t even attend their funerals. Now they have to explain the deal that they have made to Romeo.
“Rome,” Murphy begins, “We have met with a woman from the US Attorney’s office. She has offered us a deal, but we aren’t taking it if you don’t.”
“What deal?” Romeo asks
“She says that they have a list of men that they want taken care of. Criminals that they cannot convict in court, because they are too dangerous to try, so they have offered to get us out and give us immunity if we take care of these men. Then when it is done, we disappear.”
Connor adds, “But we aren’t going without you.”
Romeo slowly, painfully gets out his cot and goes to the window. His bare back now exposed Connor and Murphy can see the long series of scars made by the surgeons when they were trying to save his life.
Romeo stands at the window and looks out over the vast yard that surrounds the prison. He had almost resigned himself that he would spend the rest of his life here. Now he has a chance to be free and still be with the brothers that he never knew he had.
“Are you sure that this is what you want to do?” Romeo asks. He turns to the brothers.
Connor and Murphy nod and Romeo silently agrees.

Scene 5
Location: Hoag Prison
Time: Midnight
Characters: Connor, Murphy, Romeo and Dagan
It is time to get the brothers out of prison. Dagan knows that with all of the people who have gathered outside and who are maintaining a vigil to get the Saints out that they must be very discreet in how they handle this. While the brothers have hundreds of fans it only takes one lunatic to end this plan with a bullet.
She enters the infirmary where the brothers and Romeo have been waiting. They are prepared for whatever happens now.
“Come on, let’s go.” Dagan motions to them and then puts her finger to her lips. They have to move quietly in order to avoid being noticed.
The men get ready to go and then follow Dagan as she makes her way out of the infirmary, down the stairs and down a long corridor. The men follow her quickly and quietly. Toward the end of the hallway, they see two men dressed in prison uniforms. The men quickly take charge of the brothers acting as if they are leading them out. Pierce takes Romeo by the arm and all six of them move quickly through a series of doors and out into the yard.
A van drives up and all six of them get into the van. It takes off.

Scene 6
Location: McGinty’s Tavern
Time: Midnight
Character’s: Doc McGinty
Doc is closing up the bar, since it all went so badly at the Roman’s house Doc has been alone. He saw to the funeral of the boy’s father and put him into the ground alone. Then he has spent the past couple of weeks avoiding everyone. Now that the Saints have been publicly discovered and their connection with the old man is known, every reporter in town has been begging for an interview.
Doc turns off the lights and then hears a knock on the bar room door.
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the fuck do they want now?” Doc mutters to himself as he goes to the door.
He opens it and suddenly two men burst in the door. Doc realizes that they aren’t reporters. He begins to back up.
“Now lads I don’t have any money, so why don’t you make like a tree and get the fuck out of here.” Doc yells at them.
“We don’t want money old man. We came here for you.” Said the larger of the two in a heavily Russian accent.
The two men launch onto the old man and begin to beat him. The light fades out Doc is screaming in pain, and loud thumps are heard as blows are rained down on the old man.

Scene 7
Flashback scene:
Connor and Murphy are back in their old apartment, before they had any notion of being the Saints. There is a knock on their door. Murphy opens the door and an older woman comes through it.
“Ma, what are you doing here?” Murphy asks as he kisses her on the cheek.
“I brought ya some dinner. “
Connor and Murphy clear their messy table and the three of them sit down. Ma MacManus takes both of her boy’s hands and begins to say grace. Then she begins to serve out dinner.
“Ma why don’t you move in here with us.” Murphy asked.
“You lads need your space. “ Was always the answer.
“Ma you wouldn’t have to worry about anything. We could take care of you.” Connor added.
“I am pretty fair at taking care of myself. Have done so for many years.”
“I know Ma but…” Murphy starts to object.
“No buts lad, I am fine, you boys need to start on your lives. Don’t worry about me.” Ma MacManus answers firmly. “Now eat.”
Murphy sits in the van daydreaming. It had been a long time since they had seen their mother. She was still in Ireland, still living amongst the nuns. Ma MacManus had gone to live with them after her boys executed Papa Joe Yakavetta. Now she prayed daily for the souls of her sons, as well as for their continued protection.

Scene 8
Location: The farm
Time: Dawn
Characters: The brothers, Romeo, Dagan, Padre, Victoria and Mary
The brothers as well as their entourage arrive by private plane onto a small private airstrip. With the cuffs now off, they disembark from the plane and look around. It looks like a small private family farm yet it has some extra features.
Connor and Murphy see three people coming towards the plane. A large red headed man and who women, one blonde and one dark haired. The blonde looks strong and confident while the dark haired woman holds the big man’s hand like a small child. She is virtually hiding behind him.
Murphy looks at the dark haired woman and sees that while she is beautiful she has two large scars on her face. He wonders silently what happened to her.
The three stop and Dagan comes forward.
“Padre, Vic, Mary this is Connor and Murphy MacManus, and their partner Romeo.”
Padre nods toward them and then turns to Dagan.
“Everything is ready.”

Scene 9
Location: McGinty’s Tavern
Time: Morning
Characters: Detectives Dolly and Duffy
Synopsis: The two detectives stand over the beaten body of Doc McGinty. The old man is covered in blood and is obviously dead. The only strange thing about the killing other than its obvious savagery on an infirmed old man was that like the saints there were pennies in the eyes. But this time it was not US pennies but Kopeks used in Russia.
“Holy shit man.” Dolly says to Duffy.
“Poor guy looked like he never had a chance.” Duffy says as he leans over the body.
“The boys are going to go ape. Doc was like their father.” Dolly says
“Yeah but there isn’t anything that they are going to be able to do it from a jail cell.” Duffy was dreading the conversation that would have to take place. The boys were going to have to be told.
Dolly and Duffy knew that the thing to do was find the men who did this, and put them where the brothers could get hold of them. They couldn’t wait to see if they would be convicted, that was all but a certainty.

Scene 10
Location: The farm
Time: later in the day
Characters: Connor, Murphy, Dagan, Padre, Romeo, Victoria & Mary
The brothers were shown to their rooms and were now settling in. Mary starts to cook and her siblings sit on the porch waiting for the brothers to emerge.
“They seem like good men.” Padre ventures quietly
“We will see I guess.” Vic answers, her mind is still swimming a bit. Connor MacManus didn’t look at all like a killer. He was something out of a dream. Vic shakes her head, she wasn’t getting involved. Connor was a killer, and she wasn’t going there.
The door opens and the brothers emerge along with Romeo. They are still helping him to walk around. Romeo is still very weak. Vic turns her attention to the Mexican. She could tell that his injuries were still very serious; he must be in a tremendous amount of pain.
“Do you want something to be more comfortable?” She asks
Romeo shakes his head and then does his best to settle back into the large chair that they gave him.
Connor stands over in the corner. He is unsure of what to make of all of this; here they were in an unfamiliar place with people whom they didn’t know. Connor looked at Victoria as she leaned over Romeo trying to make him more comfortable. For the first time in his life he saw a woman who stirred his soul. She was beautiful.
Murphy for himself was entranced by Mary; he watched every gentle move she made. Murphy wondered at the scars on her face. It was obvious that she had suffered terrible wounds to her face and her quiet withdrawn nature made him sure that she had been the victim of a terrible crime.
She was bringing out some drinks when she stumbled. Immediately Murphy moved to steady her. Mary jumped back away from him like she had been burnt.
“What’s wrong?” Murphy asked.
“She is fine, stay away from her.” Victoria seethed and then stepped in between Murphy and Mary.
“I wasn’t going to…” Murphy started to say.
“Mary go back inside the house.” Padre said quietly. He took the tray of drinks. Mary immediately did as she was told.
Padre motioned to the two brothers and then walked off the porch and out into the yard. He walked out toward the barn.
Once he was out of earshot he turned to the brothers.
“I apologize if my sister is abrupt. But she is trying to hold herself together. My sister survives everyday with the knowledge of what happened to Mary”.
“What did happen to Mary?” Murphy asked.

Scene 11
(Flashback scene)
Location: A house in NYC
Characters: Mary, Victoria, their mother and father and 2 thugs
Timeline: 6 years earlier
Mary was still in college and Victoria was a third year resident. My mother and father witnessed these 2 thugs beating a man to death. They did the right thing. They went to the cops, and told them everything they saw. But what they didn’t know was that one of the cops worked with the gang. He gave these two assholes my parents address.
The thugs went to my parent’s house, they broke in.
Padre leans up against fence, remembering.
They tied my father up and then raped my mother and sister. Then they slit my mother’s throat and killed my father. They marked my sister’s face as a reminder. Victoria found them, and by that time Mary had nearly bled to death.
Padre turns to the brothers, “So Mary, who was always shy, is now afraid of everyone. And Vic, she threw away a career in medicine to take care of her well, and well, she has turned from a very fun lady with the world by the ass turned into a woman who now seethes with rage at everyone.”
“What about you?” Connor asked
“I asked the church to relieve me, my sisters needed me.” Padre answered. “I needed to get them where I could watch them, so the Church sent us here and then a couple of years ago Paul Smecker came to see us.”
Padre looked over the two young men in front of him, in any other setting they would be two ordinary guys. They were just guys who really blended in well to the landscape. Yet Padre could see what Smecker saw in them. He knew that these guys weren’t ordinary guys. Paul said that they spoke like six languages, that they were highly devout Catholics, and that they seemed to have a psychic connection that allowed them to communicate on a level that wasn’t usual even for most siblings.
“No he just needed to be gone. Apparently he has had you two in his sights for many years. Then when you boys got into trouble he decided it was time to move you. So now we are here to take care of you, while you get prepared to do the work you came here to do.”
Connor and Murphy looked at one another.
“Do you know who did this?” Murphy asked.
“Smecker does.” Padre answered and then walked away.
Murphy and Connor looked at one another. They were going to be first on this list.

Scene 12
Location: Police Precinct
Time: The next day
Characters: Duffy and Dolly
Sitting in the murder room they look over the evidence of Doc McGinty’s crime scene.
“So what do you think?” Dolly asked
“I think that this whole thing is fucked up. Why would anyone kill this old man? He wasn’t a threat to anyone?” Duffy answered.
“Do you think maybe the assholes who did this knew that Doc was connected to the brothers?”
“Could be, with all the publicity, someone could have decided that they wanted to be a part of the saint’s story."
“They still don’t know.” Dolly sighs
“Yeah I know we have to tell them, but we can’t just walk into the Hoag, they haven’t given their names and we can’t give out their identity.”
“I know but we can’t let them find out on their own.”
Dolly and Duffy stared at the gruesome pictures. Now they just have to figure out how to get word to the brothers without tipping anyone off.

Scene 13
Location: The farm
Time: Just past dawn
Characters: Connor, Murphy, Romeo Padre and the sisters
The boys having not been to mass since they were incarcerated had asked Padre to do a small informal service for them. Padre was more than happy to oblige.
Having dispensed with services the families go back to the farm house where Mary has been cooking up a big breakfast. She is serving it up when there is a knock on the door. Mary peers around the corner to see who it is and it is Dagan, Smecker and two men she doesn’t know. Mary steels herself and goes to the door while everyone else comes in the back door. Immediately she returns to the kitchen and points toward the door. Padre sees who it is and goes to the door while Mary continues to retreat until she is standing behind Murphy. Murphy almost out of instinct reached for her hand and Mary took his.
Padre opens the door and sees Dagan, Smecker and two haggard looking men behind her.
“Good Morning.” Padre said.
“No its not going to be.” Dagan answered him.
All three entered into the kitchen behind Padre. Immediately Connor and Murphy went to greet their old friend Dolly and Duffy, but they could tell by the look on their face that something was terribly wrong.
“What is it?” Connor asked deadly quietly.
“Boys ahh…We got some bad news for you.”Duffy started
“Yeah boys we are awfully sorry to tell you this. But Doc…”
“What about Doc?” Connor demands
“Doc is dead. We found him the bar morning before last. “
“Dead? What happened?” Connor had a feeling though that Doc McGinty was just the latest unintended victim that paid the dearest cost for being associated with the Saint’s.
“Doc…Uh Doc was beaten to death.” Dolly explained
“There is more…” Dagan told them.
Both of the brothers all but sank into the kitchen chairs while Dagan told them that their signature style of the pennies was used but this time there was Russian Kopecs. Dagan then tells them that this has been the signature of only two men. Adropov and Ivan Petrova.
The boys realize now that the Petrova’s are targeting the people who know and love the boys. No one should have known about Doc, he wasn’t in any of publicity refusing to even acknowledge that he knew the boys even after David Greenley was murdered in his bar.
“They are on the list.” So start there, Dagan started.

Scene 14
Location: The kitchen
Characters: All characters
Time: Morning
Dagan tells the brothers of the condition that Doc McGinty was found in. How he had not been shot but rather beaten they believe with a Russian instrument of torture called a scavengers daughter. It is a long instrument almost in the shape of an egg beater. It worked like a rack in reverse as it compressed the body as opposed to stretching it. It was like being crucified.
The old man in addition to suffering horrific wounds from the two men’s fists had his arms and legs broken with this devise. Dagan tells them that this MO is the special signature of Yuri and Andropov Petrova, the sons of the elder Petrova. She also mentions that the men use Russian Kopecks in place of pennies as a direct challenge to the Saint’s
“We have been tracking them since they came to this country five years ago, but no one can pin anything on them. Everyone whom they interact with either works for them or is killed to be kept silent. I guess when Doc was found out that he was close to you to it made him a target.”
Connor and Murphy sat listening their rage building. Doc McGinty was not only their oldest friend he served in place of their father when they had their first communion. He had looked out over them making sure that they didn’t stray into any trouble which was so common in their neighborhood, even knocking their heads when they needed it.
Now again someone close to them was dead because of them. The brothers knew who was next on the list. The Petrova’s were going down, all of them every last motherfucker who had anything to do with Doc’s killing.
“We need two things,” Connor said.
“What’s that?” Dagan answered
“Everything you have on the Petrova’s and everything on the men who hurt Mary and her parents. I don’t give a fuck about your agenda, they are dying first. Then we move onto everyone else.”
“And if I say no?” Dagan answered
“Then we will figure it out ourselves, no one here is going to put us under arrest. You brought us out to make out the trash and this is what we are doing but we are going to do it our own way. Take it or leave it.” Connor finished.
Then he went over to Vic and stood next to her, it was then that he noticed his brother holding Mary’s hand. They looked perfect.
“So what is it going to be?”
Dolly and Duffy took Dagan aside and they spoke for a few minutes. Dagan seemed to understand that these brothers were not going to be pawns. Now she had a choice to make, pull the plug and send these men back to prison, or let them go and see what happened. It seemed fairly obvious that they weren’t going to be easily controlled. She liked however how they seemed to mold into the Sullivan family. Maybe this is what Smecker had in mind. A family of assassins.
“Duffy give them the files. I would suggest that you two put in for retirement. If you’re going to work with them you can’t wear a badge anymore.”
Both officers immediately took off their badges. Dagan suddenly realized that this might work out even better than she had hoped.

Scene 15
Location: Petrova’s Headquarters (A non-descript office building)
Characters: Ivan and Andropov Petrova plus a few Russian henchman
Time: Lunch
Synopsis: (All in Russian)
Ivan and Andropov are watching as one of their lackey’s is putting the Scavengers Daughter on the wall with Doc’s name underneath it. They sipped their soup without a care in the world as the device still stained with blood marked the wall behind it.
Fill In here

Location: The Farm
Time: A couple days later (round noon)
Characters: Connor, Murphy, Dolly, Duffy
Montage Scene
The boys and Duffy and Dolly have been setting up operations for the past few days, and learning about the Petrova’s as well as the
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