Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692964-Chasing-Paradise-Chap-4-DAS
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1692964
Dwelling of All Sanctuaries has been reached, but something's wrong.
Dwelling of All Sanctuaries

                   “We have almost 50 survivors. A pretty good amount considering that there are a little bit over 50 werewolves per tribe and given the fact that there were double the amount of humans attacking them, which means that we have about one whole tribe. One of survivors was William, he's not going to last much longer and he requested that ,once we were all gathered together again, to go over and see him,” Holly informed the group of werewolves circled around her.
                   When the small amount of wolves clambered around him, William let the important news he'd been keeping to himself all these years spill out,”When I was a young boy, about 16 years old, a white transparent wolf,appeared before me one day as I was out in my parent's orchard picking apples. She told me that there was to be another 'great battle', greater then the battle that had occurred back in the 1500's, while she played different scenes of the battle inside of my mind. I know for certain that the battle that just transpired is not the one in the prophecy. She said that I could trust her because she was from 'It'; then she disappeared into thin air.
                   “You can imagine how I felt after seeing what I saw at the age I was: I was scared. I never told anyone, I just kept on hoping that what I'd seen was just my delusional brain playing tricks on me, but I fear that it wasn't my brain playing tricks on me. So, I decided that when I died I would finally relay what she'd told me to someone willing to hear. I know for a fact that the battle that just transpired is not the battle I saw in the scenes that I saw; it is to be another battle that it to come in the future. One with much bloodshed and death. One with magical powers.
                   “Train the young ones to fight. Get them ready for the battle to come, but if at all possible don't go to 'It'; she told me some of us are not welcome there anymore. Go to the other place that you should know of,” this he said to Holly directly with his last breath of life.
                   Alex moaned with everyone else as the sorrow of William's death crushed everyone.  A battle had just been finished; Alex wasn't  ready to even have to think about another war somewhere in the future. There were already enough  loved ones dead or wounded, including William himself.  Hopefully, by the time the next huge war in the future surfaces, everyone who has witnessed the current battle will be long dead, Alex thought to himself.
                    “We can't fret about this right now. We must see to the wounded,” Holly said, quickly brushing some tears away from her eyes,” We can't stay in this place forever, so we'll have to leave as soon as everyone can walk on their feet, whether by themselves or with the help of another person. Alex, Jeremy, and Lily: go with Zeke to find some wild vegetables for the stew, and get lots of them; there's no time and no one to go and hunt for fresh meat. I have a few cooking utensils stored in the small satchel I brought with me to cook the stew with. We'll just all have to suffice with some vegetable stew for a week or two,” she instructed Alex, Lily, and Jeremy; to Willow she said,” Willow,  you can come with to find herbs and water for the wounded, alright?” Holly told Willow as she put her arm around her limp shoulders, and she responded with an emotionless nod.
                   Everyone was silent as Alex, Jeremy, and Lily went to retrieve plants and vegetables for the upcoming meal. Alex was still taking in and comprehending everything William had told everyone, especially what he'd said at the end. He imagined that both Jeremy and Lily were doing the same. What was the mysterious place William mentioned at the end, Peter questioned himself, One thing's for sure, he was definitely pointing the comment at Holly.
                   “I don't want another war,” he said numbly.
                   “No one does, Alex,” Lily replied gently.
                   “Besides, it won't happen for awhile, so enjoy the peace while you can,” Jeremy chimed in solemnly.
                   “What peace? All of us have lost our parents,” Alex remarked bitterly.
                   “Please, let's not talk about it anymore. We've all got our own wounds to lick right now, so let's just get this job done,” Lily said on the verge of tears. Alex muttered an apology and they finished the rest of the work in silence.
                   “We'll bury as many dead as we can tomorrow morning, so everyone get a good night's rest tonight; you'll need it,” Holly informed everyone sitting around the fire that night.
                   Alex, Jeremy, and Lily  managed to find some wild carrots, turnips, and parsnips for the stew. As a treat Lily had spotted some wild strawberries for dessert because of the late spring season. Thankfully it wasn't winter or else they wouldn't have had any food and everyone, who could, would have to transform in order to stay warm. Holly and Willow were both successful in finding the herbs they needed along with plenty of water from the nearby stream.(Alex hadn't told them that the captives' bodies were thrown into the river; he was the only one who almost refused to drink the sullied water.)
                   “If we have time we'll also hold a small funeral and then proceed to go the same way we'd been planning to,” Holly continued to say and ate the rest of her remaining stew.
                   Everyone nodded in agreement and finished their meal quietly.
                   “Where are we going? What is beyond this land?” Jeremy asked once he'd finished his bowl of stew.
                   “Something you could never imagine; all your wishes will come true,” Holly stated.  Alex couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or if she truly was serious.
                   When the elders heard this they looked at each other uneasily and whispered something inaudible amongst themselves.
                   “Are you sure we were really heading to that place?” Ellie, the Head of Elders, asked Holly.
                   “That's what I thought William meant when he said that I should know of the place. I didn't know you also knew of it. Anyways it doesn't matter; that is the only choice we have left,” Holly replied.
                   The elders shook their heads and went back to muttering among themselves.
                   “Who will be the leader? All the kings are dead; there are no other leaders anymore,” Willow said, finally, speaking up for the first time that night; everyone looked over at her. She was leaning forward on the tree stump she sat on, elbows resting atop her knees, and hands clasped in front of her; her eyes stared blankly into the blazing fire.
                   “I guess I'll take the role as the leader for now,” Holly answered her,” Right now, though, I suggest we all get some rest; I don't want anymore weak and tired people then we already have.”
                   “Holly, what's really in Haven of the Past? My mother promised me that she'd tell me everything when I got older, but then she....she died,” Alex asked her while they shoveled graves the next morning, wavering on the last sentence. All of his friends tuned in as they heard what subject was being brought up.
                   “Haven of the Past is what you could call a 'fairyland', but anymore now I don't think I'd refer to it as that, though. It's filled with lush forestland, green meadows, vibrantly colored flowers, etc; everything that's in this world, but in such a difference of color and visibility that it'll be like your sight is being renewed. It's said that only the spirits of the few elect werewolves are chosen to reside in that place for all eternity, everyone else is sent to another place. The Past werewolves, that's the name we use when we refer to the wolves that reside in Haven of the Past, protect the Present werewolves, the name we use when referring to ourselves, the living wolves. I imagine your mother also told you this, but they once turned against their own race for a reason still unknown to the Present wolves today.
                   “There's a legend passed down from generation to generation of werewolves that says a Past  werewolf will one day bestow upon a Present werewolf a sword. Not just any sword, a magical sword; one that possesses great powers. But, the werewolf that receives the sword is said to be a half-breed, half human and half werewolf. The werewolf must also hold some magical powers deep inside of themselves. That part of the legend is what makes it hard to believe that it's actually true; there hasn't been any sign of any magical powers in one werewolf for hundreds of years.
                   “After receiving the sword it's said that he or she and their friends will have many adventures from that day forward, whether good or bad we do not know, until their day comes to pass on to the next life. And for some reason every wolf I know refuses to say they name of Haven of the Past; just because the King of All Kings, from long ago, ordered no one to ever say its name again doesn't mean we can't say the name. He's dead now, so who cares? It's poppycock if you as me,”
                   “Do you really think we should be telling the children such obvious fables?” Ellie asked annoyed as she rolled a body into the newly made pit Holly had just dug.
                   “Why not? They deserve to know and they'll find out sooner or later. After all, I have a feeling that it won't be too long till the prophecy is fulfilled,” Holly retorted leaning on a shovel they'd been able to find in a nearby abandoned shack.
                   “But, they're just children; it's too complicated for them to understand all the implications. You could've made it later then sooner,” Zeke argued nearby.
                   “Well, it's already done, so deal with it,” she replied agitated.
                   An hour later they'd finished burying the dead, and, because most of the werewolves could walk on foot, they headed out of their old campsite.
                   They traveled three more tiresome and weary days after that until they reached their final destination. During that time they never saw a single person; instead they saw many mouthwatering, plump dear, but everyone knew that at the current state of their 'tribe' there was no possibility or chance of catching the meaty beasts.
                   “We're here,” Holly shouted to everyone relieved when they'd finally reached their goal on the third day.
                   “But....we're just on top of a hill. What could possibly be so important up here?” Alex asked while looking around at his surroundings.
                   They had previously been walking up a path ,that was lined with many trees; that path lead to the top of the steep hill, and, as they approached the top of the hill, the path had widened and  continued to widen until they finally reached the top. At the top the path had become a huge perfectly round cut-out clearing, with some patches(that were occasionally large) of deciduous and coniferous trees alike. The clearing seemed to go on for about a mile; a mile of a  wide flat surfaced hill, it seemed to be more of a plateau then a hill.
                   “A sanctuary,” Holly replied,” Haven of the Past isn't the only place werewolves go when they die. The many other werwolves that aren't chosen to join the Past wolves are sent here, Dwelling of All Sanctuaries. Except when their spirits are sent here they completely die and stay dead. Come on, now. Everyone sit and take a breather for the moment,” Holly said to everyone's relief.
                   “How am I supposed to believe that that's a sanctuary? The grass is brown and looks to be crunchy and some of the trees look as if they were dying. They probably are dying from all the sunlight this place gets,” Alex complained.
                   “Oh, tut! That's just the outwards appearance; the sanctuary is protected by a special barrier that only allows werewolves into the interior. Inside it's a beautiful garden with butterflies and birds and flowers galore,” Holly said joyously.
                   “Not even any other kind of mystical creature can reach the inside of this place?” Willow asked surprised.
                   “I'm pretty sure they can't. You see, because this is a sanctuary of the dead; there's a stronger barrier surrounding it then that of Haven of the Past. There isn't supposed to be any fighting held in this place, so it's made so that anyone who tries to enter, that isn't a werewolf, will be sealed off and thrown through the air. Haven of the Past's barrier is weaker so that the ones protecting us will be able to easily pass through without any complications coming up. Well, at least that's what they've told us in the past. Anyways enough talk! Let's quickly enter our awaiting shelter,” Holly said and walked towards Dwelling of All Sanctuaries.
                   She put her hand to the barrier, and then quickly pulled her hand away, holding it to her chest.
                   “Someone unwanted has been tampering with the barrier, and I fear that they've actually been able to enter Dwelling of All Sanctuaries. But, the worst part is, the thing that entered this place was neither werewolf or human,” she informed them with fear-stricken eyes.
                   Willow's eyes widened in realization. “My brother, Carl, with his last remaining breath said that....said that the humans that had attacked them had two accomplices that weren't.....human,” she blurted as she made the connection with the two mysteries.
                   Ellie looked sharply at Willow and nearly screamed,”And you didn't bother to tell us this?!”
                   Willow held her head in her hands and sat trembling on the earth saying sobbingly,”I'm so-sorry, I-I d-don't k-know why I-I fo-forgot  t-to tell y-you.”
                   Lily ran over to Willow and hugged her murmuring reassurances and comforting words into her ears.
                   “Ellie, that was unnecessary. Hold your tongue,” Holly told the elder angrily,”What we need to focus on right now is whether to enter the sanctuary or to take shelter at another place.”
                   “I thought you said no other creature could enter such a sacred place except for werewolves,” Alex said after peeling his eyes off of Willow's trembling body.
                   Holly turned her attention to Alex and nodded. “I did and it's true. The only way any other creature could have gotten into this place is by either having great magical powers or by having help from someone who has magical powers.”
                    “Well, should we attempt to enter this place or not?” Zeke asked speaking up for the first time since they'd arrived.
                   “I think we should,” Holly answered,”Children will stay behind with those of you who can't walk along with the oldest elders here. Everyone else is welcome to come with me.”
                   Every werewolf nodded their agreement, but behind the agreeing faces, Alex could see the worry that lined each and every one of the werewolves' eyes.
                   Those who wanted to go joined Holly up at the front, and those who were staying remained seated in their places. Those remaining watched as each one of the werewolves disappeared from sight through the barrier of Dwelling of all Sanctuaries; all they could do now was hope that they would return safe and unharmed.
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