Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692629-Adventures-of-Code-lyoko
Rated: E · Fiction · Computers · #1692629
It's Aelita's Birthday and she's giving herself a happy birthday...

Aelita:Hey guys what's up?

Jeremy:Your birthday is today! Did you forget?

Aelita:I guess i did.

Jeremy:That's Okay!

Aelita:Come on,Let's see what they have for breakfast!


*Narrator:*Aelita and Jeremy go to cafeteria and see what's for breakfast*.

Aelita:*Grabs plates and looks at it*

Jeremy:What's wrong?

Aelita:You think i wanna eat this?

Jeremy:I don't,But that's all your gonna eat until lunch and it's 8:00.

Aelita:I can wait 4 hours.



Yumi:I'm so nervous!


Yumi:I have a huge math test and I was doing good so far..

Ulrich:And what are you saying?

Yumi:I'm bad at math.So I should fail.

Ulrich:Come On! That's something Odd would Say.

Yumi:Your right. Uh oh


Yumi:Here comes your number one girlfriend.

Ulrich:She's not my girlfriend!

Sissi:Hi Ulrich! What's she doing here?

Yumi:The question is What are you doing here?

Sissi:*Rolls eyes* Anyway Ulrich,I got us tickets to see Bella Skate on Ice!!

Ulrich:Who do i look like? A little kid?

Sissi:You're missing one of the best things that will ever happen to you!!

*Bell rings*

Yumi:I'm late i gotta go! bye Ulrich!


Sissi:*Gives Ulrich an air kiss*

Ulrich:*Rejects it*



Mrs.Hertz:And you connect this cord to the database and divide the square meters by what Jeremy?


*Everyone laughs*

*Bell Rings*

Aelita:What happened? I thought you knew everything?

Jeremy:Aelita, I don't know everything!

Aelita:I didn't mean it like that.

Jeremy:Come on! X.A.N.A activated a tower!

Aelita:Well Okay.


Aelita:I'm not going.

Yumi:Why!? You have no choice!

Aelita:You said something about a present on your birthday and it's my birthday and for my present i choose not to go!

Yumi:I can't argue against that!

Jeremy:I hate to interrupt your tea party but X.A.N.A is attacking!

Aelita:*Attacks Jeremy*

Yumi:What was that for! X.A.N.A!!

Aelita:Muah hahahha!

Yumi:*Calls Ulrich* Ulrich! Come to the scanner room! quick!


Aelita:*takes phone and smashes it*

Yumi:*Gasps* Do you have money to pay for that!?

Aelita:*Evil Laughs and Goes to Lyoko.

Yumi:*Goes into scanner*

Aelita:Goes to the Scyphozoa*

Scyphozoa:*Takes Aelita's memory*


Scyphozoa:*Drops Aelita*

Yumi:You okay?

Aelita:Yes.But why am I here?

Yumi:Long story. Come! you have a tower to deactivate.

Aelita:What's happening? *Aelita's Disappearing*

Yumi:Oh no! Jeremy: We need back up.

Jeremy:Coming right up.

Meanwhile..Odd is fighting the principal A.k.a X.A.N.A.

Odd:*Calls Jeremy* I'm on my way!

Mr. Delmas:*Takes Phone And Smashes It*

Odd:Hey! I hope your gonna pay for that!

Odd:*runs to factory*

Aelita:*Run's to tower and deactivates it*

Odd:Aw man! I came for nothing!?

Jeremy:Sorry odd. Return to the past now!!

Aelita:Wow. It's so different.


Aelita:Oh nothing. Thanks for all your help.*Gives tender kiss and leaves*


It's my first story and i just wanted to say im a fan of code lyoko and i want to write a story for you. Thank you.

© Copyright 2010 ILUVCODELYOKO (iluvcodelyoko at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1692629-Adventures-of-Code-lyoko