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anne boleyn's chech |
Chapter 1 January 1533 I’m the happiest women in all of England. I am no longer Lady Anne Boleyn in Henry’s eyes I’m his Queen and wife now. The only thing is the marriage is secret for now, but only for a few more weeks. It does not matter if the court knows now or not because my sweet Henry knows. I love him. I am in bed with my husband next to me. I like that word husband. The great king Henry the viii is my beloved husband and I his beloved wife. I hope I will get with child soon and it is a boy, a beloved Prince of Wales future king of England. I will be with child soon. Henry I think is waking so I say in my most flirty way “Good morrow my husband.” He turns on to is back and smiles at me. I love is eyes so powerful and wonderful. Henry sits up and says “Good morrow to you my beautiful wife” I laugh and smile at him, and that makes him smile and laugh, he kisses me on the mouth. He stops and look in to my eyes and says “My wife what is so funny?” “Oh Henry I laugh because I am the most happy to day my first day as your wife” “I love you Anne.” “Are you leaving My Lord?” “Yes, my dear Anne we both should get dressed and go to mass.” “Oh what time is it?” “Seven o’clock love. I will leave you to get ready I will see you later for hunting yes?” “Of course! Bye my husband.” “Bye my wife.” He kisses me again and put on is robe and leaves to his apartments. I get dressed in a blue gown and hood with gold lining. It a French hood and gown of course. I look in the mirror at my reflection and annualize myself. My skin is young not a wrinkle, my hair is thick and strong I have no grey hairs just a sea of brown pleated up in my hood, my eye are my favor part of my face there a dark brown Henry said once “it like staring at your soul” my eyes I thing are his favorite part of my face, my lips are full and are the color of cherries, my cheeks are pale and so I pitch them and that better I have lovely cheek bones, I am truly blessed. When mass is over a few noble go hunting with the king. My Father Tomes Boleyn, my Mother Elisabeth Howard, my Brother George Boleyn , my sister in law Jane Parker or I guess now Jane Boleyn, and my Sister Mary. The other noble that are in Henry’s favor like Charles Brandon Henry’s closes friend, and The Seymour man. We all get on are horse. I make sure I’m next to Henry. He waves is hand and we are galloping the dogs close by. I love the thrill of the hunt. We spot one a huge deer, so we go faster and faster the wind wiping against me. Henry looks backs at me and smile and I smile back. I no he is feeling good and happy. We are on the deer now the dogs tackle the beast. The man hold done the deer as Henry on his knees slashes the deer’s neck there is a river of blood coming from the wound I know it died. Henry says “Look we got are dinner.” The court laugh I laugh the loudest and most joyous. We trotted back to the palace. We all went to get dressed for dinner I walk to my apartment alone I clean myself I put rose water on my chest and wrist. I change in to a green gown and a hood. I pick a shear scarf and loop it throw the ring at the base of my gown. I walk to the dining hall and look around and see my brother George. I walk to his side and say “Hello my brother.” “Hello your majesty.” “George what are you doing it has not be declared I not call me that now. Put very so that is all you can call me” “Very well Anne be mean to me, your nosed loving brother.” “Oh George dance with me” He smiles and takes my hand and we dance until the king calls for are dinner. I go and sit next to Henry. Henry says “Hello my love.” He kisses my hand. I say “hello my lord” “Anne how was your day? I hope well.” “It was very well my lord. And yours?” “Perfect because I was with you my sweeting” “I love you so much Henry.” “And I you” The dinner is set before use. It looks very good. There is pork and beef. I drink wine so does Henry. Some courtiers are dancing. I watch my sister dance with my brother. “Anne” Henry says in a hushed tone. “Yes, my lord” “We shall tell the court of our marriage soon in April I think.” “Oh good” |