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A girl who has a fat fetish keeps having dreams about a strange man that fattens her up. |
A girl who has a fat fetish keeps having dreams about a strange man that fattens her up.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Amy has a secret fetish that only her and her best friend know. She loves the thought of being fat. However, due to her metabolism and keeping her feelings a secret, she doesn't gain much weight. That all changes when she sleeps. Every night she dreams of a strange man that fattens her up to an enormous weight. Every time she wakes up, she notices a small gain of fat on her body.
1) Do not submit one sentence answers, make it at least a detailed paragraph.
2) Characters must not die.
3) If there's an addition there may be a chance that I'll edit it. Mostly just fixing grammar stuff.
4) Have the results of the weight gain 10 pounds for every time she wakes up. No 'she gains 200 pounds overnight'
5) Keep an eye on this page for further updates such as rules, additional characters, etc.
Amy - The main character of the story. She's 16 years old and weighs 140 pounds at the beginning of the story. She always wanted to be fat, and she slowly gains weight every night due to her wish.
Sarah - Amy's best friend. She's 17 years old and weighs 150 pounds. She's the only person that knows about Amy's fetish. She unknowingly helps her gain with a wish on that mystical night.
The Shadow - A mysterious man who starts appearing in Amy's dreams. He fattens her up in different ways as he magically makes her gain 10 pounds every night. |
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