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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1691575
A giant Terriermon vs. his little sister, Lopmon. Not a good outlook.
Dear Terrriermon and Lopmon,

We are extending our greetings to you to request your presence at the Shujinki abandoned laboratory at 2:00 pm. We have an experiment that requires one to be the primary test subject and the other to be the secondary test subject. We will pay you handsomely; inside the envelope received is half of the 5,000,000 yen we are prepared to pay you both and you can expect the rest after the tests. We sincerely hope you can make it and see you later on…
Dr. Roshido

2:00 pm
Terriermon and Lopmon arrive at the small abandoned laboratory the doctor told them about and entered quietly. Upon entrance, they notice the door shut tightly on them and the room completely pitch-black. Terriermon stumbled onward looking for a light switch while Lopmon searched across the wall; Lopmon, of course, found it first and Terriermon ended up stumbling on top of a target. As the light came on, Terriermon realizes this and looks up to discover a huge laser beam pointing straight at him. Too late to dodge, the beam hits Terriermon dead-on.

Soon, though, Terriermon began to grow and grow in size topping at about twenty feet until he was a giant of his former self. Lopmon began to cower in fear and ran toward the exit only to find it was locked. That’s when a man’s voice (probably Roshido) came on the speakers, “Well, I’m glad you both made it, but the experiment we were planning to try actually was that growth ray and now that we see it as a success, we want to try another experiment on you. Terriermon, I want you to destroy Lopmon!”

“WHAT?!” both Terriermon and Lopmon exclaimed. The now-giant Terriermon told the man in the speakers, “I can’t destroy Lopmon! She’s like a sister to me!”

“Well, you don’t really have to destroy her! We’re just giving you thirty minutes of free time to do whatever you want to her while you are here. And, if you don’t, there will be no money and no freedom.”

Lopmon responded, “Well, then that’s a straightforward answer! We’re not gonna do as you say! Right, Terriermon?” Terriermon was silent in a pondering state. “Terriermon!?” Lopmon asked again and still no answer. “Honestly, you can’t be giving in to his offer!”

“Well, he said I don’t have to destroy you…” Terriermon answered.

“WHAT?!” Lopmon exclaimed.

“Hey, I want to leave and if you wanna get out of here, too,” Terriermon began walking toward the tiny, terrified Lopmon, “I think you know what time it is.”

Lopmon started running for her life, but was quickly caught by a gigantic Bunny Blast Terriermon released sending Lopmon straight into the white ceiling. As she fell down, Terriermon quickly caught her and squeezed her body with his giant paw. She started grunting and screaming very loudly, and after a minute he dropped her to the floor as he caught her by a kick with his left foot, then his right, and then his left. Soon, he was playing soccer with her for another minute until he finally missed on purpose and let her fall on her face onto the white-tiled floors. He sat down behind her and step on her body with his tremendous forepaw, and that’s when she started screaming her head off.
Terriermon just laughed coldheartedly and said, “Come on, I know you can do better.” After about two minutes of screaming and two minutes of Terriermon grinding his foot even harder, he finally got up and swept her up in the air and knocked her into a wall almost thirty feet away from their position (it was a big abandoned laboratory). He started walking toward her with big, pounding, earthshaking steps as they vibrate her limp and unconscious body. He started to get an idea as she started to slowly come to; as she got up, he stomped on the ground only to knock her down and continuously did this for another minute.
Lopmon finally stood up and kept her balance, “I’m not afraid of you,” she cried out. “You can step on me, squeeze me tightly, and even kick me like a soccer ball, but I will not give up the fight. I can still take you!” Unfortunately, Terriermon couldn’t hear what she was saying all the way down there and instead interrupted her speech by kicking her into the wall. The kick left a huge Giant-Terriermon-foot-sized hole as he moved his giant forepaw up into the wall pushing Lopmon up into the bricks of the building. When his legs couldn’t go any higher, he let go of Lopmon and let her fall on top of his tree-trunk-sized legs.
Terriermon let her slide down to his foot and he catapulted her into the top of the giant hole in the wall. As she fell from the top of the hole in the wall, she was stomped in the air by Terriermon which caused her to speedily crash into the bottom of the hole in the wall where Terriermon once again stomped her. As he released his foot, he grabbed her tattered body and began burping her awake. When she finally woke up, he continued burping until she passed out, again, and then let out the loudest, biggest, and most gnarly burp to wake her up, again.
As she woke up, Terriermon stuck her inside his butt cheeks, face-first. He ran toward the corner of the laboratory, bent his knees, and rubbed his butt cheeks into the corner of the lab. He continued this for about two minutes until he was tired and pushed Lopmon furthermore into his butt. He started farting her back out and then slowly pushed her back in and continued this for a while. In fact, he continued this until there was only two more minutes left.
He finally farted her out until she popped out where she was unconscious and smelly. He had only two minutes to think about what to do last and at the last second, he asked the doctors, who were enjoying every minute of this spectacle, if they could make Lopmon at least five feet smaller than he was. They complied, “Sure, but why?”
He answered, “Because, I want to finish this off right, but I don’t want to kill her and I need her big enough to enjoy it!” Sure enough, the ray fired at Lopmon and she grew to be fifteen feet tall. He looked at her and thought to himself, “Good, now we can truly finish this!” Lopmon began to wake up and realized that she wasn’t as small as she used to be.
“I’m bigger!” she exclaimed. “But why?”
“Hey, sis,” Terriermon quietly explained, “we’re going to break out of here because I know they won’t let us out after the time has stopped. But we have to do it as soon as they tell us the time has stopped!”

She agreed with him until he said, “But, first, I really wanna have some more fun with you!” That’s when he punched her in the gut and butted heads with her. She fell to the ground groggy as he sat on top of her, “You ready for this?” He started to jump up and down on top of her with his butt all while slowly creeping to her face where he blew a few farts for a minute. There was only thirty seconds left.
That’s when he let out the longest and hugest fart he had ever done right on to her face. In fact, it lasted for about fifteen seconds. After he was done, he grabbed her head and faced it under his armpit to let the humiliation continue. That’s when the buzzer rang and the man on the speakers told the two battling Digimon time was up. He winked to her and threw her toward the window the doctors were seen at; she ended up crashing head-first into the window where she executed a bunny blast to knock out all the doctors.
As she climbed out of the window, she walked over to her bother and exclaimed, “Okay, you didn’t have to throw me at the window or fart in my face, but nice plan, brother. Now, how are we going to get out of this place?” He quickly thought of an idea and kicked Lopmon into the wall with the hole, and he continued to kick her until they were finally free.
“Well, that was the most fun I ever had, and the day is still young,” Terriermon smiled at Lopmon on the ground in pain. “Come on, I know an abandon factory where I know we’ll have tons of fun!” He grabbed her by her giant floppy ears and pulled her down the way…
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