Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1691352-through-my-window
by bunbun
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1691352
A successive story; Habitat for Humanity/homeowners/volunteers alike.
The red-powdery dirt squished between my barefooted toes.  Legs covered with the stuff and not afraid to get dirty. Childhood memoirs of summer days when everyone went without shoes. It wasn't embarrasing or shamefull to a child who saw no difference. Cars drove by fast at limitless speed flaring red dust as they passed the house and ignored speed limit sign. Not a police in sight. Seeing a police around these parts was rare, something awfully wrong had to have happened for a sheriff's car to show.

Families were larger then, from five head of children to nine at the most in a household. Neighbors were more neighborly and food all around us. What was a grocery store when there was wild apple, pear, peach and plum trees that grew. And blackberries, pleanty, along side roads hidden in thorny bushes. Ma kept a garden others raised their own hogs. Just about every family had chickens.  Only we had chores. As children, we visited surrounding neighborhoods or just walks in the woods. A parents voice could be echoed and heard, calling for supper or home before dark. There was pleanty to do in the summer, even to just relax under a pine tree or a game of stick ball or kick ball or hopscotch or marbles before dark. My brothers tickled me the most when they played cars characterizing the roaring sounds of its car motor or crashes. From their prompt bodily reactions; their expressions, we'd laugh hard and free, holding our sides with tears flowing, all of us.

I didn't  play much for my age with others, rather, exploring things around me were more important, and, interesting. Every now and then walking and looking up at the clouds in the sky to see what form puffy clouds would shape. The bordered trees outlined the openly exposed corn fields. Overhead, unknown black birds crowed against the clear blue sky and the sun pitched its vivid tones. I enjoyed the freedom more than talking. I was six, seven then quite small to be roaming the neighborhood at that age though someone was with me at all times. I was not alone.

Through windows, adults watched throuhg out their houses or poarches or somewhere in their yards to see which way a child or group of  boys or girls headed, who was together, what they were doing. When a parent called from accross their poarch, Mr. or Mrs. answered. Phones were rare, then. That was a neighborhood. Everyone knew someone.

I wasnt old enough to style my hair or keep it platted but the play house in woods closly behind our house. Starting with the outline where the kitchen and living room to be was my main interest. The kitchen for some reason was my main spot to the whole thought out plan and layout. I made mud pies using wild berries, the kind that stained your hands and clothes and a bitter taste. I'd place the pies in the sun to cook. The next day, hard as stone.

That was then. Now a reality. I still observe the sky. The clouds that form in a childs mind, images that one would not see unless pointed out. Mainly angelic figures. Or just fugure forms in general. Always someone is kneeling facing up in the presence of...praying or pleaing, or, standing in soldiered armor..these are not my imaginations. The east from where i stand in the evening originates the suns various display of colors streatching out as far as its periphials will go. The orange combined with blue equals pink to peach. it depends on what Gods creation will give before it is completly out of sight.

The sky is open unmarked above an open like range of the first homes now completed. The families nestled quietly as the last of light closes and darkness quilts itself with stars. Only sounds of nature come out signifing their unseen presence.

Trees are so tall and thin at the neck the leafy hairs brushing the wind, they wave simotaniously to the wind as it touches each in passing. They stand like guards, walls, they shield. A wonderous sight of Gods glory day or night. It is a feeling to have a place to be, think, look at whats been provided, as always, acknowledging Gods giving when obedience endured.

I'll take my time as time goes by, to write, the time is so prescious, every minute counts.

In mentioning the volunteers, to tell on myself,  either watching or glancing thru the windows, my house, of course, to those ones listening and did not know but do now, their diligence (volunteers) in working to build on families houses. Together as a team they work. Not much conversation or play. By the end of the day the house is shaped acccording to its layout. Walls are in place, roof shingled, the doors on hinges, windows shut and sealed, the poarch skeletel, that is progress. This Family should be in their home by December 2010. The sponsors needed to know this, impressed, don't know but it lets them understand that their contributions are put to productive use and fulfilled. We forgot all about that this was a fund raising event. So excited, motivated that when it come to each speaker, we laughed, heads agreeing; it was the fellowship, like church, diversely displayed. Many content. The atmosphere just right on a fine autum day the Lord gave.

The machine kept struggling and went on and on until reaching over to get the cell to see what time was which is 9 am. the yellow dipping cup of the machine went down then up with scoops of red dirt mounted. the men like fragils silently at their duties waiting for the other in patience. they did not look up whil standing in the window watching yet they knew i was there even i knew they knew i was there. why should i hide it was the beginning of the shape of the foundation to another house soon to be coming up next to me. the house that will partly block full view to the east side. yet looking at the morning sun, the open sky that i still had. the back yard clear enough to see the back of its house when it is finally built. in a since i felt selfish about it but not long it was my imagination my imagining what the end would be. shoving it off, slept 30 minutes more but the sound though not unbearable was in my mind so getting up headed to the kitchen. I let it alone because that family soon to be, i was familiar by last name will be living next to  my house. its ok. i yield.

The community garden is abandoned, no one is pulling weeds, trying to keep the plants that are already there. I look at it when ever passing. keeping a racke hoe in trunk of car and basket with hand tools and gloves. also muddy garden shoes.when ever i decide to stop. you never know about people, their hidden agendas until they surf up. that is why there are as my brother mentions, "rules". to keep the getto look out and decency in tack.

The children immediately began playing on the swing set at the play site. there is not much chattering in the circle or in the narrow streets now, not even an echo. they need it. it is some, a few pre-teens who want a basket ball goal, but i dont see that happening soon. their priorities is to get a job and work. that is the way the development planning is designed. i dare not tell them. they ll get over it. the field is large enough for family gatherings, volleyball, soccer and pleanty of room to venture.

the children are so free, no stress nor crying, just at their leisure, playing hearing it in their echoes through the atmosphere. Yep, a community that is to be kept in moderation. Soon to grow, the children, into American adults adding to the appreciation of their parents previous struggles. It is ok, all have a past.

yesterday ramona was doubtful being the elected secretary because she felt she was doing all the foot work and getting nowhere progressively getting every elected board members scheduled to meet. this morning she finally got with alex to see if he was available and to respond back to her to confirm everything. so far so good. otherwise will have to elect someone who is willing and available. I did let alex know how doubtful i am with tammy who was elected and accepted the position as treasurey, the last to move in her house of the nine families of eighteens of the first phase group. the two story house is appealing and suites the corner located. It can be seen well from my kitchen sink, side door, dining area and front poarch. It all is beautiful to view in any type of weather.

Somehow, I ended up on the 5th of November in the main office of Habitat that late evening thinking all the officers would be gone at that time of day, Friday, especially. But the main ones were there. Sharon poked her head from around the corner, sign one, then Alex carring a small hand book plus an even smaller one as though he was trying to catch me befor getting away.Then there was Tom walking into the picture straight on. "So Tom, how about the water?"it was like disturbing a bee hive to his face. Stunned.

Later that evening backing into the drive, now out of the car, Tyler slows behind me like cloudes passing over the sunlight casting a bleek shadow. Tyler is tall. "Did you get my email" "yes, i should have emailed back" Several unusual items are lined beside the house when "eek!" Tyler turns looking back, "where did these come from?" "They will be planted tomorow" I look at Tyler from the side one eye lid raised, "Did you know that Kenan/Flagler is having this house to dedicate on tomorow at 12 noon" "I just found out" As he walks away facing the east, I call out "Tyler thank you." "You are welcome" of course he did not know what i was thanking him for, "No, thank you" puzzled. "For getting my trash can to the trash truck on last Saturday" "Oh!" "Im always doing something around here" "so am i" calling back to him at a distance.

The time is creeping along and must be in route to Chatham Virginia, a place I have been to but not driving alone. Im not sure of all the key points to get there, so i have to map quest it. pretty good at map reading. stopping to get gas, finally heading north east on route 86 towards Hillsborough, then 70 to 29 north. the traffic is bare on the long but narrow road and the sky is darkening. I ask the Lord to leave enough light to reach the main turning point i mostly remember to turn off on once arriving in a small town i dont recall its name but do remember the sign, Danville, etc. I kept flipping open my cell to scan the text directions Shaynon sent. I turn off on the first exit, by now it is night and I felt it immediately that this was the wrong exit, it was the next one. I stop at a convenient store to ask directions to Chatham Virginia. The firest person was a heavy set Black man bald who immediately stated he knew nothin about the place. I find myself call ing out in the store if anyone knew how to get to Chatham. In front of me is a bald light skinned man well dressed and colone sizzling. Turn at Wendeys the first exit, you will see Bojangels keep going til see the signs on 29 North. "Where exactly are you going" "Hargraves Academy" by this time a black lady near by is scratching on a game card raises up "there are signs all over the place. It shouldnt be hard to find" then leans back to finish. I make a u turn and there is Wendeys and 29 north at the next turn. when i get into the township of chathatm, once more flip open the cell to see Halifax road. it is dark so making a left turn down an even darker street a long sigh faces the car, on it is Hargraves Academy and recognize the campus. By now it is 7.18p and cars are still coming and parking, there is a football game. wondering is it is half time i park at the end of the winding road from the buildings behind the last car. instead of respectfull walking the pave to the field, cut through the grassy slope to the field. I hear the national athem being played. still thinking its half time. the game has just started. i do not sit in the cemented stands but at the corner at top of the hill looking at the field to the right where the players are sitting on the side and actually playing.
the bushes near by shake and the chill is felt, cuddling tighter in my thin jacket but not too cold to watch the game. I sit alone unacompanied.

After the game i am accompanied by an elderly man who walks me to the place the Hargrave players will come out to he ask me who i know on the team, #25, Peppers. "oh, the Peppers who played for the Carolina Panthers?" "yes, he is in the family" at the path now he calls out "number 25" a player responds, it is Shaynon, "your mom is here" Shaynon ask me later who he was, the man say he walks through here daily to see all of you practice i reply. "Wait for me ma by the car until i change out of uniform. I move the car closer to the building. he calls me being close, he is in his cadet uniform and we walk to the sign out post that is crowded but we go thru with no hesitation. outside i think it is enough light to get a profile pic of him, he is ready to get away i insist one at a posing spot and he lets me.

On the way home he is constantly on the cell texting and i am periodicly asking if this is the right route.
stopping at mcdonalds we get coffee, 2 cheese burgers and big mac. it is quiet every now and then asking what is on the signs..it is dark. when we arrive home he manages to find a way to leave it is just about one at night. a car is out side waiting as he asks for the house key. "ill be up" but give him it any way after stating the time of night it is. all nite i was up until he arrived. the next day i didnt disturb him went to church and sunday school.

the house dedication was scheduled for three pm along with my brothers who lived just a  stone throw away.

today is november 17 and it is beautiful.

The paralel between the views show portions but enough to see in sections fractions but also it is not necessary for the whole picture. the stillness of objects, the greenery, at least whats left of it the layout is breath taking. there are no humans moving about not even a moving vehicle. the oceanic sky,  feathered wings spread soaring.

© Copyright 2010 bunbun (denisepep at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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