Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1690553-Dark-Ends
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Drama · #1690553
Immerse yourself in the captivating story of Marcus Aberdeen, and the mysterious Z.E.D.

Here I sit, in a dust and smoke-filled room. All those who I have ever loved have become but a faint memory to me. I haven’t seen the sun in months, save the tiny rays of light peeking through the cracks of this stone wall.  I can’t leave, or else they will find me. They take no prisoners, or show any mercy. They are the Z.E.D. I know not what this acronym means, nor where its origins are, all I know is that they are ruthless. They are what fills your darkest nightmares; they are what teenagers talk about around the fires. They started the war that ended everything for me. I fear they are close to me now. If you are reading this I will give you the tools for a better tomorrow, one in which I will not be privileged enough to see.

I was but a 19 year old child when the first rumors of the Z.E.D began to surface. Marcus Aberdeen is the name I was given. My friends always described me as a muscular, black-haired man, with a solemn face. I had lived out my seven thousand and four days always longing for an adventure, and little did I know I was about to go on one that would change everything.

It was another bleak winter in Varrock. The whole city was covered in a soft blanket of snow. The smell of freshly brewed tea, along with steam, rose from every chimney. I was on the way to the house of my best friend, William. Upon arrival I noticed something unusual. Through the window I could see William frantically running to and fro, with wads of clothes in his hands. I marched up the walkway to his rather unimpressive house, and that’s where I learned about the Z.E.D for the first time.

“William, what are you doing man?” I asked, rather dumbfounded.

“There’s no time Marcus, you don’t understand, their coming,” William said.

I had never heard such fear in William’s voice. He was always the brave one when it came to anything. I knew something had to be terribly wrong. “William, I-I just don’t understand, what in the world is going on here, you’re never like this.”

“I can’t stay here, they’ll kill me, I know they will”

“What are you talking about, who are they?”

“They call themselves the Z.E.D, they have no boundaries. They have no morals; Marcus they will kill you if you try to get in there way!”

“William, stop right now! Take a few breaths and tell me what you’ve been trying to for the last ten minutes man!”

At that moment William’s countenance changed. The fear in his eyes was suddenly gone. He dropped the clothes he was holding, and motioned me to the kitchen table.

“Pay attention Marcus to everything I tell you. The Z.E.D is group of the most elite warriors, banded together with the belief that this world is inferior to them. They believe that only the strongest deserve to live. They ask no questions and kill swiftly. Their numbers have increased drastically in the last few months, and it’s believed that not even the Royal Army of Varrock can stop them now. Their fighting skill is beyond belief, and it’s rumored their leader possesses the legendary sword of Rothmans, the first king of Varrock.”

“Man, I don’t even know what to say. We can’t just keep running from them, though. There has to be something we can do to stop their advance. Have you notified the king of Varrock?”

“Marcus, I told you, it doesn’t matter. Their too powerful for even the Royal Army, don’t you see?

“I understand that, but don’t you think we can at least buy some time for others? I mean the Royal Army is large enough to slow their advance for at least a few days, right?”

“You fool, it won’t make a difference. All there is to do now is run, and get as far away as possible. If you leave now, you might even make it to the elves land before they catch you, and surely you would be safe there.”

“I can’t just run away while all those I care about are slaughtered. I don’t care if they kill me; I have to do something for the sake of Varrock. William, we can start a resistance. We can fight alongside the Royal Army. We can recruit farmers, peasants, and anyone else who wants to protect this land. Surely with an army that large they couldn’t defeat us!”

In that moment I saw William’s eyes burn with an unspeakable rage. His face began to turn a crimson red, and I knew I had lost him at that moment.

“Goodbye, Marcus,” he said, slamming the door behind him.

A rush of emotions overcame me at that moment. I had just lost my best friend, the only one to stand beside me at all times during my life. Now, when I needed him the most, he was gone. I was alone.

Chapter 1

There I stood, awestruck and speechless. William’s stout figure and flowing blonde hair had become a specter in the night. Just moments ago his blue eyes seemed to radiate immense concern. Then they had turned so cold, as he turned his back on me.

William was my best friend. We had promised each other we would see each other through anything. Now when I had needed him the most, he simply left me. I can’t what I was feeling in that moment. I felt like I had just had the hilt of sword forced into my gut. I felt angry, betrayed, and sad. In that moment I lost myself completely. Before I knew what happened, I found myself picking up a chair in the kitchen, and tossing it into the wall. That wasn’t enough to satisfy me; shards of glass began to fly everywhere, splinters of wood also joined them. I finally found myself composed, and that’s when it all hit me. What was once a beautiful kitchen now looked more like a sawmill. I had never lost my temper like this before, this was inexcusable. At that moment I promised myself I would atone for all of this.

Once I had some time to cool off, my mind was finally back on the right track. The Z.E.D would be here soon, and William said not even the Royal Army could stand against them. I couldn’t just run like he did, I had to do something. I didn’t know what someone like me could even do. I could go to the king, but he wouldn’t be willing to listen to me. I might even be sent to prison on insanity charges. Running away would be far easier, but I just couldn’t let everyone die. I don’t know these people, why should I have to sacrifice my life for them? Being only 19 years old naturally I wasn’t ready for this kind of this pressure. I finally made the decision. I would do as William did, and run.

I opened the door, and stepped out to a starlit night. My house was only a ten minute walk from William’s, but in those ten minutes I saw things that would stay in my memory forever. I saw kids merrily running around in their living rooms, with innocent smiles engraved on their faces. I saw aged people in their rocking chairs sitting around a warm fire. I saw young couples dancing around, each one unaware of the danger approaching. All this made my heart feel heavier and heavier by the moment. I finally arrived at my house, and that’s when it became too much to bear.

I knew I would never see this place again. I mean it wasn’t the most extravagant place, but it had been my home for over half my life. It brought back all the memories of my past life. I remembered how I had ran away from my parents at nine years old. They never had loved me. My father was always drunk, and mother used to scold him for it. He would beat her, but that wasn’t enough. He would then walk to my room and finish taking his anger out on me. He would kick me, punch me, and even throw me into the wall. At nine years old I decided it was enough. After he had left for the pub one night, I crawled out my window and into the dark streets of Varrock. I walked until my legs couldn’t carry me anymore, and dropped right where I was.

I awoke the next morning to a comfortable bed, and a warm fire. A man, who later introduced himself as Robert, had taken me to his place during the night. At first I had a hard time trusting him, but as time went on he grew on me. I truly loved him, and even started to call him dad. He put me to work with whatever small tasks he could find. I found myself starting to bulk up, and become strong. He taught me how to fight with my fists, and with the sword. I loved this new life I had. From time to time I still thought about my mother. I promised myself one day I would save her from my dad. I was determined to keep that promise until one night that changed everything. It was the night before my seventeenth birthday, and I awoke to a loud crash. I ran out my room, and into the kitchen. That’s where I saw him.

“Well nice of you to join us Marcus,” my dad said menacingly.

“I won’t let you take him, you never deserved him anyway.” Robert replied, beaten and bloody.

“You know what old man, you might be better off dead.” My dad retorted.

At that moment my dad began to beat Robert. Robert could have easily taken him in his prime, but now he was far too old to even contend. I couldn’t control myself anymore, and lunged at my dad.

“You were never a dad to me, all you did was beat me again and again.” I said, as I mercilessly punched my dad in the face.

My dad tried as hard as he could to get me off him, but I was too strong now. I just looked him in his hazel eyes, as I took him closer and closer to death.

“Don’t think I won’t save mom after this,” I added.

My dad began to chuckle at that moment. A twisted smile began to form on his face. “Oh, don’t worry about her, she’s in a better place now. That’s right I killed her. She just kept nagging and nagging, and I got fed up with it. One night when she was walking downstairs to the kitchen, I was there waiting. You can imagine her surprise upon seeing me, as she thought I was just out drinking. I could see the fear in her eyes when she spotted the knife in my hand. Being a man of compulsive nature I didn’t delay my deed with small talk. I simply stood up, and ran at her with the knife in hand, and plunged it into her breast. I saw a tear begin to form in her eye, but that didn’t stop me. I pulled the knife out, and plunged it right back in several times. I saw her life’s blood stream down her soft body as she fell to the ground. That was the end of the trouble with her.”

That was all I could take. With tears running down my face, and rage pumping through my veins, I picked dad up and threw him into the wall.

“Why!” I yelled with a thunderous voice. “You’re a monster, you know she didn’t deserve that. All she ever did was put up with your drunk self, while you beat me and her daily. She loved you and cared for you when you needed her most, and you killed her! I’ll see to it no one is ever hurt by you again!”

I once again started to beat my dad, as he used to do to me. I showed no mercy, nor had any remorse.

“You brat,” he said, as his last breath of life left him.

I kept hitting him, until I knew without a doubt he was dead. I then ran over to Robert and held him in my arms. Tears streamed down my face. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst at any moment.

“Robert, you will make it through this, I know you will.” I said, crying as I spoke.

“Marcus, you were good to me all of my life. These wounds are too deep, I won’t make it. Know that I loved you from the night I picked you up near that old pub in Varrock”

I couldn’t bear to remember that memory anymore. I found my mind back in the present. Tears were streaming down my face, but I knew I had no time to dwell on my past anymore. I gathered a few changes of clothes, my sword, and some cash. I then walked out my door, and turned my back on the city that had been my life for all these years.

Little did I know, I could’ve stopped everything if I hadn’t ran away.

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