Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1689305-Eternal--chapter-4
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1689305
Do Rayne and Damen ever get out of the cabin, will they ever find Haven? read to find out.
                                            “Time passes
                                  even when it seems impossible
                      even when each tick of the second hand aches
                            like the pulse of blood behind a bruise.
                                        It passes unevenly
                              in strange lurches and dragging lulls
                                            but pass it does
                                                even for me.”

                                    (Bella Swan chp. 3 New Moon)

                                                  Chapter 4

          Rayne- Two days we’ve been here in this stupid cabin. No sign of anything. Our blood supplies were down to a pint and a half and at this point I’m thinking that this is useless.

I look over at Damen sound asleep in the corner. He jumps awake.

“What’s wrong,” I ask jumping out of my chair.

“Phone,” he says pulling it out of his pocket, it was on vibrate.


“Will be right there,” he says closing the phone.

“Who was that,” I ask.

“Stefan says there’s been another attack,” he says putting everything back in the bags.


“Brill street it was a man, 49, that had been killed we better find her soon.”

We throw the backpacks on and take off down the road.

When we get there we put our bags in Stefan’s car and look around.

The police were still there and mews reporters flocked the area like rats.

“I’m going to go look around town,” I tell the others.

Damen hands me a cell phone, “Here take this.”

I turn on my heel and start walking down the street. I pass a McDonalds, a bookstore, and 2 Dollar stores before turning around.

I walk about 2 yards before someone grabs me and pulls me into an ally. They clamp a hand over my mouth and pull my head to the side. Their teeth try to penetrate my skin. I struggle for a moment but I free her hand from my mouth.

“Haven,” I gasp.

The name makes her pause a moment but a moment was all the time I needed. I grab her hands and flip her over my head. She hits the ground with a thud. I pull her up and pin her to the wall.

“Haven, listen to me,” I say staring at the red haired girl, “I know what you are I can help.”

She stops struggling and falls to the ground. She hugs her knees against her chest and stares up at me, “What’s wrong with me, what am I.”

Tears run down her face like race horses leaving streaks in the dirt caked on her face.

I sit down across from her, “Nothing is wrong with you.”

“Then what am I,” her blood red eyes search mine desperately for answers.

“You are a vampire.”

She nods, “Are you?”


“How can you help me?”

“I can give you shelter, ‘food’, friends, you just have to trust me.”

“Ok, but I have to go get my pets… if they’re aloud,” she says.

“Pets are aloud we have lots but they must stay in bedrooms.”

“May I go get them?”

“There is no need I already have them in my bag.”

“What do you mean.”

I explain to her how we found the cabin and I took them just in case I found her or she’ll find me.

“So you took them hostage?”

“No I thought you might come to me once you realized they were missing.”

“Oh thanks.”

“For what?”

“For helping me.”

I stand up, “Well lets go.”

“I can’t,” she says stepping back.

“Why not?’

“The sun… It, it burns.”

“Oh frap I forgot a ring,” I say to myself, “Here put this on.”

I throw her my sweatshirt and she pulls the hood over her head.

I pull the phone out of my pocket and call Stefan.

“Are you hurt,” Damen answers.

“No, I found her I’ll stand on the sidewalk so you can find me make sure you bring my bag.”

I shut the phone and put back in my pocket.

“That was my friend I just called he’s like us. You’re going to a home where we’re all like this.”

“How many of you are there?”

“15…16 now that you’re here,” I say before walking out into the street.

Stefan’s car pulls up and Damen hops out.

“Haven this is Damen He’s here to help ok,” I say grabbing her hand.

We help her into the back seat.

“Haven this is Dusk and Stefan,” I say.

She looks up but doesn’t speak.

          She sits on my right side Damen on my left. She leans her head against the window and pulls her knees up and clutches them to her chest.

          “You’re safe now,” I whisper to her. “You’re going to be ok.”

          She turns and looks at me. Tears fill her eyes and pour down her face. I hold my arm out to her and she accepts it. With my arm around her she lays her head on my shoulder crying into my shirt.

          I look out the window the once sunny sky now was black and filled with rain clouds.

          The rain hit the windows in a rhythmic beat. The rain fell with Haven’s tears.

          Her breathing slowed and in minuets she was asleep.

          When we got home I pick her up and carry her up stairs.

          Grey stood near the window and Nevar passed anxiously.

          When we came into view Nevar ran up to us, “Is she ok?”

          “Yes she’s just tired,” I say heading to the steps, “Is the guest room ready?”

          “Yes,” she says flitting up the stairs.

          I follow after her, at the top of the stairs we turn left and go to the room right next to Mourning’s room. Nevar opens the door for me and I walk into an all white room. I lay her on the bed, take off her shoes, and pull the silky covers up to her neck.

          “Goodnight  Haven,” I say before leaving.

          Mourning- I look out my window and see Stefan’s car coming down the driveway. All I could see in the window was red hair.

          I hear Rayne talking to Nevar down stars, then walk up the steps.

          Nevar passes my door then Rayne passes carrying a tiny girl with red hair. Seconds later Rayne appears in my room. She jumps on top of me and says in a screaming whisper, “We found her and she is sleeping in the guest room, so keep the noise down and be nice.”

          “Ok,” I murmur crushed underneath her.

          She jumps up and runs down stairs.

          I wonder how she looks. I go to my door peak outside.

          Grey was doing paperwork in his room. Nevar sat on the patio. Selene and Autumn sat on the stair railing talking.

          Geez, what is this hang out on the second floor day.

          I slip out my window and shimmy across. God I hate this I don’t see how Rayne and Kaiden can do this on a regular basis. I peer in the tall glass window. She lay asleep in the white room. I pull open the window and slip inside. I walk over to her white bed. Her red hair surrounded her delicate face like fire. I brush a stray strand from her face revealing her ivory skin.

          Something at her neck catches my eye, four slightly curved marks scar her beautiful skin. Venom filled in my mouth and angry thoughts swirled in my head. How could any body change her?

          I swallow back my anger and focus back on the sleeping girl. She was beautiful, it was strange though. She had an odd beauty like a pressed rose or a tree covered in fresh snow.

          I say farewell to her sleeping body and had to the window.

          Haven- I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling. It was just a dream, it was all just a dream. I think before moving my eyes from the ceiling.

          Unfortunately I was wrong but something else surprised me. A boy was getting ready to climb out of the window. He was one of us and about my age. He turns around and I close my eyes just barely peaking at him.

          He had shaggy black hair and chocolaty brown eyes that were as big as quarters.

          He turns back around and climbs out the window. I jump out of the

bed and run to the big glass window. No one was in sight. Who was he? I had a feeling that I was about to find out.

          I turn around and see Rayne standing there smiling at me. She had her long black hair braided in two separate braids in front of her shoulders. Her eyes amazed me I hadn’t noticed them before they were bright silver all most white.

          “Now that you’re awake how about we get you cleaned up,” she says grabbing my hand.

          She pulls me out of the bedroom and into a huge bathroom.

          “Take a shower,” she tells me throwing a towel at me, “You’re about a 2 right?”

          “Yeah,” I say.

          “Alright I’ll bring you some clothes,” she says before leaving.

          Rayne- “Echo!,” I yell running up stairs to the third floor.

          I open her door she wasn’t in there so I left her a note that told her where her clothes went.

          I run back to the bathroom she was already in the shower so I laid the clothes on the counter and sat down next to them.

          “So why are you helping me?,” she asks.

          “Because it’s the right thing to do.”

          “How did you know it was me?”

          “Well we didn’t know it was you exactly we knew it was newborn and I wanted to help. Grey said that I could find you answer your questions then,” I say trailing off.

          “Then what?”

          “Then you have to leave. But I’m trying to go around it… that is if

you want to stay?”

          “So you can help me give me a home and food for awhile and answer my questions.”

          “You all questions will  be answered.”

          I hear the water click off so I hand her a towel.

          “Thanks,” she says stepping behind the folding screen.

          She pulls on the jeans and the tank top I got her I got her and looks shyly at her reflection.

          “My eyes why are they so red?”

          “That’s just a newborn thing they’ll go away in a week of two,” I say. “How long have you been changed?”

          “About 5 days.”

          “Hmm,” I say looking at her neck the bite mark was in plain sight.

          She sees me looking, “Will it ever go away?”

          “No I’m afraid not but no one but vampires will be able to see it. It’s to faint for human eyes,” I pull my braid to the side. “Here’s  mine.”

          She opens her mouth and looks at her teeth.

          “When will my fangs come in?”

          “Well you have to check for them since they’re retractable.”

          “Hmm, how do you check?”

          “Take your finger and feel the inside of your mouth on your jaw under your k-9’s if there are bumps on both sides then they’re here. Eventually you will be able to master the act of making them come out with out the help of blood.”

          “Have you mastered it?”

          “Yup, I’ve  had a long time to practice,” I say grinning with my fangs showing.

          “How many teeth are fangs?”

          “Only four but there are different stages by which they come out,” I explain. “Normal or at rest. I t is nothing out at all the teeth look human.

          “Stage 1 is just the top k-9’s out about a half inch. Stage 2 is the bottom k-9’s out half way along with the top two. And the last is stage 3 in which all of the k-9’s are out all the way we call this stage ‘Maximus Eruptus’.”

          “Hmm…”, she says taking it all in.

          “Are you thirsty?” I ask.

          “Ya, but how do I…uh…ya know…eat or..or drink?”

          “It’s easy you just have to make sure you listen very carefully. Alright now make sure you listen so you don’t go into a frenzy.” I say leading her up to my room.

          When I open my door my black mix breed dog, Kestrel and Alec, my black wolf, meet us at the door. Felix, my black Persian cat, jumps off the bed and runs out the door. Lynk, Damen’s brown pit bull, looks at me lazily then continues sleeping.

          “Ok,” I say turning around. “Do you think you can stay level headed?”

          She nods nervously.

          “I’m going to start you off with animal until your eyes change and you’re more in control. I’ll be back in a second.”

          I dash down to the kitchen grab a bottle and run back up.

          “Plug your nose,” I say walking in. “It makes it a lot easier.’

          She pops the lid and starts to drink. Drinking deeply her eyes close and she begins to slip into a frenzy.

          “Haven don’t loose consciousness you need to keep your eyes open.”

          Her eyes instantly flip back open and she finishes the bottle.

          “Can I have more,” she asks looking up at me.

          “Unfortunately no that was your dinner and we never have dessert. Just like humans have 3 meals a day so do we and one of those 3 meals can be a glass of human. But that’s it I have to say your very in control of your self it’s very amazing and almost unbelievable. You are more in

control than I was my first time.”

          “Does that make me weird,” She says frowning.

          “No of course not just very in control it’s a good thing trust me it means that you will be able to be around humans without freaking out.”

          “Oh,” she smiles. “Is it possible to eat regular food?”

          “Ya, as long as we keep blood in our system we are pretty human, so I’m guessing you want something else.”


          “Ok, come with me,” I say pulling her with me.

          When we get to the stairs I stop and jump them.

          “Try it, it’s fun,” I say up to her.

          She jumps and lands gracefully barefoot on the mahogany wood floor.

          “Good job!”

          “Thanks,” she says smiling.

~I'd love to hear what you think of it so far, in the next chapter you get to meet the characters one by one so it might be boring for some people~
^^Song inspiration- Born for This by Paramore^^
© Copyright 2010 Raynefall615 (raynefall at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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