Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1689227-Revelation-Genesis-2-General-Sang
by Arkane
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1689227
General Sang prepares a response to the genocide suffered at the royal city of Maas Tai.
General Sang stood alone in his war room surveying a holographic read out of damage reports flooding in from Maas Tai. In what has become a rarity since the destruction of the royal city the general found his services not urgently in need, at least for the moment.
         Soon he knew it would all begin again, the meetings with the royal counsels, the battle plans with his officers, and perhaps the most tedious task of all dealing with Prince Demarkus.
         Once again in the Prince’s short rule General Sang would need to hold his hand through a political nightmare. One worse then any other the two had faced thus far. The general still could not believe the prince actual advised caution against all out war. Nearly thirty million subjects killed in an abysmal act of terrorism and the head of the monarchy actually advised against a reprisal?
         He pegged the young man a weakling long ago, but to even suggest turning a blind eye to such atrocities meant The Prince was prone to cowardice that even Sang had not imagined. He recalled the days when an heir to the throne would be required to serve as an officer in his military. General Sang would have broken the chicken heartedness from the boy far before this incident.
         The voice of one of his top aides interrupted his train of thought abruptly “Excuse me General Sang, but Advocate Lancing has requested an urgent audience with you sir.”
         “Patch him through at once.”
         “I would sir, but he’s here in the flesh. He wishes to speak with you face to face sir.”
         “Advise Advocate Lancing that I will be down to meet with him shortly.”
         “Of course sir.”
         General Sang despised the Advocates nearly as much as The Prince himself. The office of Advocacy was created shortly after the first constitution was drafted as a means to retain royal control even in what was then such an anti monarchy political climate. The Advocates occupied a place apart form both the civilian officials and royal officers alike. Not so much above the law as they are outside of it. After public option turned more favourably toward the royals it was decided to maintain the use of Advocates as means to project royal authority.
         He reminded himself that the assistance of Advocate Lancing was of the utmost importance at this precarious juncture in the history of the kingdom.
         “Good day General Sang I hope all goes well this day.” Advocate Lancing greeted him as he entered the room.
         “Did you check it?” Sang ask nervously.
         “Of course I checked the room for listening devices what do you take me for? One does not plan a royal coup so carelessly.”
         “We cannot be too careful Lancing these are dangerous time on so many different levels.” The general took a seat across from his guest.
         “Any news of the fate of Prince DaMarkus?” Ask Sang.
         “My agent informs me The Prince has ventured into The Holy Maw and he intended to eliminate our royal pain after he leaves.”
         “Make certain he is sure of the gods will before he dispatches him.”
         “What do you except him to do ask for a list of instructions before he kills him? Ask Lancing angrily. “Listen Sang we may never get this opportunity again, DaMarkus will never be this vulnerable. We must assume that the gods will honor our desire to avenge the devastation of Maas Tai.”
         General Sang stands from his seat “One does not assume anything when concerning the gods.”
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