Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1688935-Your-LifeSmaller-2
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Entertainment · #1688935
A sequel to a microscopic interactive somewhere else on this site.

A sequel to a microscopic interactive somewhere else on this site.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
^Original Story Above^

Life for you has been....unique,to say the least.It has bee 12 years since the original storyline,and you have survived to 26.Being 1/100th of an inch tall has lead you to many situations.Some fun,others life threatening.A single droplet of water is an ocean to you,an insect is a godzilla-sized monster,and normal humans are astronomically large.

But through it all,one thing has lead you,a mantra.Live life to it's fullest.

Currently,you are married to your High School Sweetheart,Racheal.Since....intercourse is impossible,the two of you decided to adopt.You even have a job of your own.So,go out and live your life smaller.


Main Character
Name:Your Name
Appearance:A slim,and highly athletic body with neck-length brown hair.1/100th of an inch tall though......

Appearance:A mid-sized woman,with a beautiful face.She has flowing brown hair,and equally deep brown eyes.She wears dresses most of the time.Despite her age,Karen has managed to keep fit and healthy.
Personality:A loving and caring mother,she's always worried and cared for you at your size.She is a strong,loving woman.
Story:After you left,Karen currently has a part time job as December's secretary.

Older Sister
Appearance:Tall and slender.December takes after your dead father,and has blonde shoulder-length hair.She has the biggest chest your microscopic self has ever seen,her breasts being an H cup.She usually wears tight/low cut shirts(obvious reasons),and skirts in a casual setting.In court,she wears a business suit that's few sizes too small around her chst...
Personality:You love your sister,but you have to admit,she's dumber than dumb.Putting a whole new level on 'Dumb Blonde'.
Story:December actaully grew up to be a Defense Attorney.The dumbest person you've ever met,graduated from law school and actually owns a sucessful law firm.It's like her mind had a tiny compartment just for being an attorney.

Little Sister
Name:Melody 'Melly'
Appearance:She has an almost angelic face,with blue eyes and hazel hair.A cute girl.
Personality:Sweet and loving to the naked eye,but when no one of importance is looking,she's a complete spoiled brat.
Story:Melly currently attends the high school you went to.

Appearance:Tall and slender,she has dyed black hair,with a delicate face which hides her true nature.She has C cups,but her best feature is her butt,not too big and not too small,and firm.Usually wears hoodies,tight jeans,and flip-flops as if she' still a teenager.
Personality:She's very protective of you,and has a deep caring for those who need it.She can be ferocious when needed though....
Story:Usually stays at home to care for the children,but she has the occasional time to herself.Usually uses it for Yoga or chatting it up with friends.

Best Friend
Appearance:An athletic soccer pro.He has tanned skin,and a buzz cut.He's kept it that way since you've ever met him.
Personality:A pretty self-centered guy.But,Andrew's been protecting your microscopic butt since the 2nd grade,so you two have a tight friendship.
Story:Andrew currently is head coach of the loal Soccer team,and your next door neighbor.

Worst Enemy
Appearance:Has a build very similiar to December,even down to her breasts being just as large.The difference is that she is as pale as a ghost,and dresses like a dominatrix.
Peronsality:Sadistic.Manipulative.Uncaring.These are the nicer words you use to describe her.
Story:After you left with Racheal,Rogue is luckily barely in your life.But when December visits,it' Rogue who's always tagging along....

Eldest Daughter
Appearance:A tall,slender young woman.Currently,she's going through a 'finding herself phase',and it's led her to some Gothic places.She's dyed her hair blue,and dresses in the usual attire of a goth.She has DD cups.
Personality:She's a daddy's girl beneath the darkness,and absolutely loves you.

Youngest Daughter
Appearance:Somewhat of a preppy girl clothing-wise.Has long brown hair similiar to yours,and a lean build found in female athletes.
Personality:Her feelings towards you are...bittersweet.She loves you for adopting her,but despises the fact that her dad is the smallest human being ever.The other kids in school tease her.She ocassionally 'pranks' you for payback....


1.Have Fun!This is why you came to this interactive,right?
2.Mild Vore is allowed.....
3.Nothing too crazy like instant weight gain,okay?
4.Death is allowed,just not too much.
5.Keep additions sizeable please.At least 3-5 sentences.
6.NO "Oh she stepped on you and now the end ha ha."
7.Characters can shrink or grow!!Just give a good reason for it.
8.The story can end,just have a good build-up.
9.Male interaction is allowed,just nothing gay or sexual.
10.Animal interaction is allowed!!Just no animal sex.
11.No toilet stuff!!
IMPORTANT NOTICE and DISCLAIMER: The content in this story has been rated 18+. However, since this story is created by members, Writing.Com can not control the content within it. As with any item on Writing.Com, the content rating MAY or MAY NOT be accurate and the site makes no guarantees as to the accuracy. Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates will not be held responsible for the content within this interactive story. Posters accept all responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content they've uploaded / submitted / posted on Writing.Com.
Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1688935-Your-LifeSmaller-2