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you move to a new town and some thing strange is going on |
you move to a new town and some thing strange is going on
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
you move to a new town ware for two weeks all boys change to mice and girls change in to bunnies then instead of getting your body back you get the body of whoever changed after you .for example lets say you made a good male friend named Joe then 1month later you got to know him very well then one day you go to school and he's not there you and him made plans for after school and he's dependable then you teacher says he transformed over the weakened then at the end of the week you go home and find your mom's clothing in the living room and a rabbit in your house then you remember reading the strange law of transformation reading if any one in your family is transformed the remaining family is to report it to the transformation center and gather up and wash all of the transformed person's clothes and bring them to the center so you do then they tell you that they will call you when it's time to come back to pick up your mom's new clothes .then a week later your mom's body approaches you acting like your friend you get it so have fun .
rules1 the transformed is ether a mouse male or rabbit female
2 it last for 2 weeks
3 it's always Mose one week and rabbit the next
4 sex is OK but no gay or lesbian stuff (it must at least look boy girl)
5 the most important rule have fun
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