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Rated: 18+ · Other · Relationship · #1688545
A piece about a girl I once almost dated and what we never could have almost been.
Creatures of dogwood and not deceit

You're goofy-sexy
Like Disney, without the racism
Just the right blend of everything to send my toes dance-singing to the beat of a new piccolo
You've twisted my heart like a bendy-straw
All loop-de-loop and color-thrilled around your crook'd little finger
I swear, sometimes, all of my self lingers in that

First time we made eyes across a room
When I knew you were taken like a seat on a bus
Or in a two-seater rag top
Only room for two no bucket seat for tagalongs
I toddled out of my tortoise shell the first time your ass met my crotch between layers of cloth
God you're the sexiest person I know

even if your girlfriend is knifing me in the back with her dagger-steel eyes
You're mine for a second, no matter what we all know better
I loved your fauxhawk and mascara
And your baggy clothes, and soul-searchin' eyes
I neer knew you as well as I wanted to know you
But I always knew you as well as I could

Probably better than I should claim to, seein as you're a unicycle built for her to ride
All love-worn out in your seat, but I loved for the moments I got to sidle up on my
Two good boots and take you for a too short spin
All the while knowin when my two second ride would end
It was worth it for the feeling of freewheeling a unicycle off a roller coaster waterfall
My heart bangin' against my teeth, my chest empty-squeezed like a sponge
At the thought of how soon we'd be done

I wanted to be your moon
And you my earth
But you were already a moon, happily
So I tried to provide a wide berth from our flirtin ways
Those days, I never could tell where you were goin with your smokey bitten lip bedroom eyes

Even if we would never be (happy I was just one of the guys)
I needed reassurance that you were
Happy without me--
Assurance I never saw through to conclusion of belief
She way too Edward to your Bella to my
Too Jacob to know when to move past go and on to going and later to gone
You were gone before I said goodbye
Taking your heart, your flirt, your bedroom eyes

I puffed up like a peacock in 'is prime, when you were around
I knew I was no regular guy; you were all compliments and dick jokes
so many times I stumble-choked on the ways to say I Love you without saying I want you
Because I don't know if I ever really wanted you more than I wanted you happy
And you seem happy with her and I'd sure rather that
Than some obscure affair with an insecure peacock
Feathers all the wrong colors in the sunshine

You're a god-send, sent from divine
Loki-coyte, to test my loyalty to principle and good grace
I'm a consummate gentleman
Never let my desires waste our friendship or set a blip
On anyone's Love-dar

Maybe we'd have gone far
But that's a ship that sailed
not a moment to swoon
To use a cliche
And if I might say,
Your beauty is handsome and surreal
I strut in your presence because I can't help but feel a sense of kinship
And I'd love to slip sometimes
Spill a coupla Love-rhymes
Designed to indulge desire

bue we are not creatures of deceit in the face of so much Love
We have principles and grace, and the need to save face from
Moment to moment we shine like lighthouses
Bringin Lovers safely to shore
And I've never really needed more than what we have to give
see how I lie with the best of them?
So my wants can go hang

Because I'll be damned if I ever
Hurt you like I know I would do if I indulged
Desire and deceit more than a second's fleeting
Breath upon the hour's five o'clock shadow
That we both know should always be
For me.
© Copyright 2010 TC Wordsmith (tcwordsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1688545-Creatures-of-Dogwood-and-Not-Deceit