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My experiences, opinion & findings on Aspartame: Should we cunsume this substance? |
July 19, 2009 Politics, Profits, and Poison Politics, Profits, and Poison “Some researchers think artificial sweeteners may actually interfere with our efforts to diet.” (Sora Song) Even though there are many diabetics, and citizens in general, that believe aspartame is a safe product, I believe aspartame should be banned from the market. There being an abundance of conflicting information on the subject, I must go by what my body tells me when I consume it. I am not willing, in the process, to be a pawn or guinea pig in the game of deciding whether aspartame is safe for human consumption. This would not be first time that an FDA approved product would end up being recalled and removed from the shelves of our supermarkets once the indisputable evidence is tragically revealed. You may wonder what aspartame really is made of. “It is a combination of three neurotoxins, aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. All three cross the blood brain barrier and excite the brain cells. Prior to its approval it is reported that our soft drink industries issued a 16 page report condemning the product. However, they changed their stance as soon as it was approved for market, making millions as a result. We all must become label readers because it’s not even required to be listed on the ingredients of some products. We must be aware and informed because phenylalanine (a by-product of aspartame) is required to be listed.” (Ron Dodge) It is my hope that if even one person reads this essay and chooses to avoid aspartame, it will be worth more than I can describe. As Americans we have been so duped by the FDA that we believe everything they tell us as much, or more so, than people believe the Bible. It is possible that the FDA should take the stance that “substances are guilty (banned) until proven safe for human use.” I believe there also should be a system of checks and balances to avoid “campaign contributions” from those seeking approval of any substance or ingredient and its owners. Originally, the FDA rejected the use of aspartame for 16 years until 1981 when Pres. Ronald Reagan appointed his new FDA commissioner, Arthur Hull Hayes. Hayes quickly approved aspartame for use in puddings and mixes. (Fox 5 News-Washington) This was done in spite of the reports that said “Dr. Adrian Gross, the FDA’s own toxicologist, told Congress that “without a shadow of a doubt, aspartame can cause brain tumors and brain cancer.” (William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.) Whatever the reports might say, I have to listen to the signals and symptoms my body gives me. If there has been even one single case reported in tests about aspartame being a neurotoxin, I would think that would be cause enough to prohibit its production and distribution. Given that there has been a large increase in neurological type disorders since the approval of aspartame, in fact, the FDA has received about 10,000 complaints on this product alone since 1980. Dr. H.J. Roberts calls it the “ignored epidemic.” (Fox 5 News-Washington) He reportedly has over 1300 patients in his database with severe reactions from consuming products containing aspartame. Dr. John Olney, a researcher at Washington University, has been conducting research using mice since 1970 and says “he was alarmed when the rodents developed brain tumors.” (Fox 5 News-Washington) Olney took his findings to the FDA and in 1975 the product was put on hold pending further research. By 1980, an independent public board ruled that aspartame should not go on the market. Then Pres. Reagan appointed a new FDA Commissioner, Dr. Arthur Hall Hayes, aspartame was suddenly approved in 1981. The Fox5 reporter tracked down Dr. Hayes who refused to answer any questions. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum stated “I can say that I am dissatisfied with the manner in which aspartame was approved.” Developed by Searle Manufacturing, campaign contribution records show that Searle Manufacturing made contributions to several Senators involved in keeping the product on the market.” Additionally, Monsanto is known to have made large contributions to organizations like the diabetes foundation and the multiple sclerosis foundation who now claim to support the product. The Department of Health and Human Services has identified 91 symptoms attributed to its use. (Fox 5 News-Washington) Dr. Bernie Young, the only surviving member of that independent board advised the need for additional studies. Dr. Gere Goyen was forced to step down from the commission when Hays was appointed. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum reported that politicians received campaign contributions to keep it on the market. So it’s politics and profits, not science that has kept it from being banned. It is possible that there are genetic factors involved with the side effects of this product. It would be very easy to exclude certain groups of individuals from the studies that get products approved for the market. The scope of this paper does not provide the necessary space or time for me to cover all the contributing factors and statistics. It does however, raise questions to the ideas that the increased rate of diabetes, migraine headaches, seizure disorders, Parkinson’s, MS, obesity, and many other diseases, seems to coincide with the FDA’s acceptance and approval of the product known as NutraSweet or aspartame. Is aspartame the next disease causing agent? Why do we need artificial sweeteners; should we use them? Saccharine, Splenda & Aspartame; are the so-called benefits worth the risks? Could all of this be part of the “dumbing down of America?” Aspartame is reported to be the one product that has the highest rate of inquiry with the FDA. A long list of over 92 symptoms reported. (Janet Starr Hull) Personally, as one individual challenged by M.S., If I chew even one piece of gum containing aspartame I immediately experience decreased strength and ability to walk, and become sleepy and disoriented. By the way, EVERY single chewing gum brand offered at most check-out stands contain this poison; right at children's eye level. I understand how disturbing it can be to think about the very programs and systems that are designed to protect us may actually be deceiving us all for the sake of profits and politics. I have no way to prove the connection but recommend that you do your own research and decide for yourself whether or not to use these dangerous and questionable excitotoxins. There is certainly cause for concern when it comes to serving this ingredient to our children, when these products are presented in such attractive and colorful packaging to get their attention. What do you choose to believe? Works Cited: http://www.sweetpoison.com/articles/0706/aspartame_symptoms_submit.html con Janet Starr Hull http://www.sweetpoison.com/articles/0706/aspartame_symptoms_submit.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8df9-oADP_c&NR=1 con http://www.aspartame.net/ -pro Sora Song of Time Magazine http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1200762,00.html (sponsored by AstraZeneca) William Campbell Douglass II,M.D. http://form.douglassreport.com/reports/Aspartame.pdf con http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvFRLIjOLOU Fox5 news Ron Dodge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkeHwMyCEGI&NR=1 http://dorway.com/ |