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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1687044
this is the opening of a new book idea. it is the life of the anti-christ.


Heaven and Hell. They hold a precarious position balanced on the human race. For centuries the world has remained blissfully oblivious to the battle being waged around it. While humans pray and focus on their spiritual health, spirits of good and evil fight unrelentingly for supremacy.

Leading the earthbound demons is Uleeya, the most vile and merciless demon to ever step out of Hell. Fighting them is the host of angels determined to keep the evil at bay. The scoreboard is even, with both sides equal in losses, but a new force has been commissioned.

It is quite possibly the turning point of the war, but there’s a catch, neither side knows about it. Angels and demons alike have no idea what has been unleashed. It depends on what side this force chooses as to the outcome of the Great War. The greatest problem is that it doesn’t even know its own power either…

Chapter 1

Hi my name is Gemini, and I am the Anti-Christ, or one of the many demonically cursed offspring that have extra-ordinary supernatural powers. My mother was raped and left for dead by a black hearted and cruel devil. I was the result, a baby born with evil red and black eyes, claws, and two rows of serrated fangs. Naturally my mother, Orion, named me Gemini since I was born of two natures, the innocence of a human and corruptness of demon.

The whole process was carried out in secrecy due to my heritage. A monster like me would have been instantly killed in a public hospital. Or worse, taken to a secret lab to be experimented on by sick minded scientists. So my dear mother was forced to suffer my birth in an old condemned trailer way up in the Mountains.

Forty hours. That is the amount of time my mother spent in labor. I wish it could’ve been easier on her, but the demon in me fought and made it a torturous process. She barely survived. When I finally made my way out, I slid onto the floor and spit up acid and cried blood.

I am eternally grateful for my mothers love. Those first few years were especially hard for Orion. I was a hateful baby with a violent tendency to bite. Her body is witness to my fits of anger. Bruises and bite marks scar much of her upper body, I still weep at the thought of hurting the only person to love me.

As a baby I was always curious. Fear never touched me, no matter what I did. At the age of one I discovered my crypting powers (though I didn’t know they were called that until much later). They allowed me to hide my demonic appearance from humans. This allowed us to move around with more grace instead of having to sneak into towns.

Home life was sketchy at best. We always lived outside small towns in cramped shelter that we had to build by hand. Mama would hunt for us and cook it over a blazing inferno until it was well done. And I would entertain her by shooting balls of fire into the air and making them explode. What I didn’t see, though, was a rising fear under her calm façade.

When I was two, mother fashioned me a cedar-wood throwing spike. Since I was smart enough to speak fluently in the English and Demon languages, she figured that it was time I learn to protect myself. Being an ex-marine she knew quite a lot when it came to any kind of close range combat. After just a few months I could widdle and bury a ten-inch wooden spike twenty inches into a tree. After a few more months I began throwing knives. But I still widdled that sweet-smelling cedar for fun.

On one occasion when I was three I bit a sleeping wolf and brought it under my control. I named her Terry. Scared the hell out of my sleeping mom riding home on the back of a hundred pound monster, talking to it like it was a house broken puppy. That was when I realized my bite could bring certain life forms under my control. But it never affected mama.

When my fourth birthday came around I got a special surprise, I grew wings. And it was very painful let me assure you. Twenty-four hours of pure hell as my back felt like it was ripping itself apart. When I awoke the next day mama was sobbing hysterically.

“I can’t take it anymore,” she was whispering.

She appraised my five-foot midnight black wings with blood red tips and started crying again. I started crying as I struggled to stand. She cringed at my stumbling form. Then she did the last thing I ever expected her to do, she ran away.

“Monster…” I heard her breath as her legs carried her far from me, the whimpering demon-child.

“Mama, come back!”

I struggled to get up and pursue her, but only succeeded in stumbling and falling on my face. The rejection hit me hard that day and it was when I closed my heart to the world…

Chapter 2

Crack! The demon’s leg severed as my knife slashed through it. He let out an unearthly scream, which I silenced by decapitating him with my rapier. His partner turned to run but went down hard after I embedded a spike into her spine. With a flash of fire both of the unholy devils disappeared in smoke.

A heavy sigh escaped my weary body. It had been ten years since my mother left me to fight for myself. Ten years of pure hell. I have had to fight my way through every hellhole in the mortal world, and a few in the otherworld. You could say that I was a little jaded.

I was about to leave when a faint whimper echoed from the alley that the bastards had foolishly tried to jump me. Upon further inspection I found body wiggling in a leather bag. I used my scanning ability to read its mind and didn’t find any hostile emotions, contrarily all the only feelings I read were fear and sadness. Funny, smart demons tended to skirt around fights when a blood slave was in their possession. Guess my aura was too strong and reeled them in like fishes on a rod.

Igor had said that I was on my own if I tried to save any more slaves. I exhaled another loud breath and picked up the surprisingly heavy bundle. Then, making sure nothing was following me, I teleported back to Base. The Base was where other demon infected humans took refuge, and thinking of my lair brought some of the tension out of my otherwise battle-poised form.

I reappeared in the middle of my bathroom. I carefully laid the moaning bag into my swimming pool of a bathtub. Then, taking the usual precautions, such as summoning a ritual star to surround the tub (complete with salt, garlic, silver, platinum, and stardust), unsheathing Deathstrike, and reasserting my mental link, I slashed open the sack with my exposed claws. What I saw almost made me drop my weapon. She was approximately five feet tall, had long red hair, thin but not quite curvy, and her skin was pitch black She sputtered and made to sit up.

“Stay where you are!” She flinched and curled into a ball.

“Sorry Master, so sorry,” she faintly whispered.

She spoke Master in such a way that I knew she’d been worked over by demons for to many years. I sighed and walked over to her. It wasn’t until then that I noticed that she was naked. Her body was a testament of the mercilessness of demon kind, with puckered red scars layering her dark body. 

“Don’t be afraid, my name is Gemini, and I am here to help.”

She flinched again at my closeness.

“Please, I’ll do what you want… just don’t hurt me.”

I sheathed my sword and rubbed my hand against a scar on her cheek. It stopped bleeding and sealed itself.

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