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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1684472
Part 5 of Omni-Gods:Genesis
It was already too late. I didn't notice the change in Vincent quick enough to foresee his fist flying at me. My ability of clairvoyance held an obvious flaw: It was fallible when I consciously decided to consider someone of little to no threat. I did have time to dodge the initial attack by leaping backward off his shoulder but my timing came too little too late when he simply unfurled his fist in a flicking motion. His middle finger extended just enough to come inches from my nose but held the strength to turn the wind itself into a hostile weapon.

"Fuuu...!" I cried out feeling the oncoming pocket of air. It wiped large gashes onto my exposed cheeks and nose. It felt like I had been physical punched with a powerful uppercut by someone so strong it caused my teeth to clack together as my jaw opened and then shut just as fast.

I flew backward into one of the many tree branches that stretched out from their base at ten feet high. I would swear right then to anyone in hearing distant that I had shattered ever bone along my spine. And yet I was able to roll out of Vincent's unbelievably large fist then do a cartwheel to spin around to his blindside.

The first motion didn't put much stain on my back plus the effects of adrenaline and fear pushed pain back far enough for me to over look. The cartwheel however had been a bad idea. I used too many visually appealing moves where simpler less dramatic motions would suffice. What could I say? I had a love for the cinematic.

The pain in my back made me arch backward as if that would help. I felt paralyzed there in that spot while Vincent turned around swinging his leg that appeared to be bigger than the tree, I had hit, was round. Dodging wasn't possible but luckily the physical realm was no longer the only option for my talents. Building up mental energy I focused it into my palms utilizing a shove motion to eject the wave at his leg aiming to knock it back down. It would have been great if it had worked. What I hadn't been expecting was how utterly insufficient psychokinesis was against a super strong ogre like creature. My technique against Vincent's raw power was the same as using a tsunami to somehow extinguish an atomic bomb. It just didn't work.

I did succeed in reducing Vincent's momentum enough to cause his kick to thrust me only slightly into the air instead of it liquefying my insides with only its velocity. My survival would be short lived. The minute I was sent into the emptiness of the air I knew I would be unable to evade or move even the slightest inch until I reached the ground again. All Vincent had to do was clap his hands around me and crush me like some pestcey fly. It appeared he was just about to do that very thing when Kevin flew over Vincent's head landing a kick to Vincent's more vulnerable eye as he glided through the open night sky. For the first time I was happy to know Kevin was still alive. If he hadn't distracted Vincent I would have been dead by now.

I was in the worse predicament one could think of. My best friend was in an uncontrollable rage trying to kill both Kevin and me while Kevin was trying to kill him. If I tried to help I might end up being killed by Vincent while I was concentrating on fighting Kevin. I could not handle both of that I knew. What could I do?

"Shit, Vincent you can be a real ass." I whispered under my breath. I was irritated with my own inability and indecisiveness. Thinking through all the abilities I had discovered I contained I tried to imagine every application they had. Thats when it hit me. Physically I could do nothing to help Vincent but as for his psychological state maybe I had the power just for that job. I took a short glance around to find a small outcropping or artificial contraption that could hide me. Licking my finger I made certain which direction would be down wind. Keeping down wind would buy me some extra time if Kevin tried to find me even with his heightened sense of smell detecting it from down wind would take time. However, there was little if anything in the way of hiding. The trees were too far spaced apart with barely any kind of vegetation. It did a lot too give people a nice sensation of open space but for me at this moment it gave me a sense of unprotaction. A feeling of exposion that robbed me of any security that I would gain from any kind of cover.

Deciding that hiding would be useless inside this forest I dived around the first tree with a wide enough trunk to decently cover my body from any eyes that tried to glance me out instead of thoroughly searching the surrounding area. If I had any kind of luck Kevin might just figure I had ran away out of fright. Positioning myself into an Indian style meditation stance to help my concentration for what I was about to attempt. I closed my eyes before letting my mind drift. This was going to take awhile. After all I had to stop the adrenaline coursing, along with the fear, anxiety, and just about every other emotion that put humans on the edge when they fought for their lives.

To be honest it was particularly easier to do than I was expecting. I had indulged in meditation techniques for years now. A modest hobby that was set about by intrigue. I wanted to test if the stories that it could overcome pain and allow someone to master their own internal emotions. So far I had not accomplished such a unique skill set. At that time I had deduced it to have been a waste of time, now, I knew that it had been preparation for this moment. For the first time in my life those odd interests I had since I was little and all those ancient archaic methods I had explored had substantial applications. Ever since I was ten I had no interests in the subjects other kids my age felt were important. I couldn't do extreme sports, I couldn't play even the simplest musical instrument, or tell the difference in car models, I didn't know the current fashion attires. But I did know how to tell the difference in fighting styles, I could explain in detail what the difference between a Japanese katana and a European broadsword were. Along with their differences in swordplay. I knew how to calm down when agitated via meditation, I held academic knowledge beyond my peers in numerous subjects. I was the average intelligent geek that had little idea of what day to day social life was suppose to be about.

Before tonight I had regretted my preference. And as odd as it may seem to another person relished the fact my time had not been spent in vain. While at the same time knowing I would come to regret that very desire. I was born to be a warrior, a fighter, in every essence of the word. I had the attitude. I hated to lose, I was obnoxiously prideful, I took badly to insult, and I had intimate knowledge of pain and how to deliver it in all fashions. The two things I had lacked before tonight was an actual fight, I don't include small tossles in the school yard over non-sense that didn't matter in the smallest of schemes, or an opponent to focus my talents upon.

I had to admit that there was a few difference in the fantasy battlefield I had imagined as to the realistic one. First of all I hated to hurt people or see them hurt. Odd for a person who desired conflict. It was my only major contradiction I was mildly surprised when I felt nothing whatsoever for Kevin's welfare but the easiest explanation was my state of mind. He was the enemy, the monster, the object that created destruction and thus had to be destroyed. The three bodies that laid lifeless in the parking lot before the forest I had registered when I ran here did spurn a silent sadness for the victims, as well as anger, and a sense of hatred towards Kevin. A longing to put an end to his existence to give the misfortune souls their desired vengeance.

Despite my desires I was helpless to do anything to Kevin. I had been granted powers that most craved for one reason or another yet ironically I had never been so weak in an fight. Kevin kicked my ass in two minutes flat almost taking my life as a reward. Shaking my head I discarded those dark thoughts to focus more on the task at hand. I had to detach my mind or perhaps my very soul to use this technique. I had no idea how I had used it before to connect with Tyler when I was unconscious but I had so it must be possible to do so again.

I let my mind drift over into subconscious only one thought touching every part of my brain and that was: I want to Mind Walk to Vincent. Although I had no idea if that was what exactly I had done with Tyler but Mind Walking was the only way to describe what I had done. At first nothing of note happened. The distant clash and bangs of the fight waging between Vincent and Kevin was all but deafening. I had to forcibly shut the enormous amount of noise out while trying not to think about what would happen if the came upon me while I was meditating.

Gradually without me noticing the sounds began to simply vanish in their place I began to see or rather sense lights everywhere. They came in all sorts of hues, sizes, and brilliance. They even seemed to have their own unique textures and auras. For a long while I sat there trying to interpret what they were. Using my mind I extended my awareness to the closest light to me. It wasn't far away only a couple inches in front of me. Upon close inspection I found the green colored light, of dull radiance in comparison to most of the other lights, took the shape of a beetle. I realized then what I "saw" was brain signals with the brain being the brightest spot on the creature and the lights brilliance was dependent souly on the amount of intelligence each creature held.

I also noticed that nothing seemed to be moving within the forest. It was as if someone had pressed the pause button on the entire world. Quickly running my mental self around the tree where I had taken refuge I found Vincent and Kevin eternally locked in combat poses. This looked to be the same event I had experienced with the eighteen wheeler and the werewolf. Still there were subtle differences. The major one being the pain I had experienced. This was blissfully pain free and I could explain how it was that the world seemed to be stopped this time. I remember during my biology classes that the brain had the ability to process several times faster than the worlds greatest supercomputer. Especially the part of the mind that lay dormant in the subconscious. Perhaps it was so great that it could take relative hours, days, or even weeks before the world would move the slightest inch. This could give me plenty of time to figure out how to invade Vincent's mind and somehow fix it.

I glided forward not really having to walk since I was little more than a image projected by my own mind to Vincent's enraged form which appeared a storm of red and green hues. It looked like he was fighting within himself as well as outside. Kevin appeared to be a calm greenish-blue almost as if it was solid. Funny, I had expected a deep consuming black. I focused on Vincent and returned to shutting everything else out. In this state I could do nothing to physically harm Kevin and I had no idea of the psychic powers he possibly held. It wasn't a far stretch to assume he knew of psychic abilities since he himself was the very example of myths hold on reality.

Reaching my hand out to Vincent hoping to merge into his mind I was shocked to find an icy-blue colored paw reaching forth. I then noticed how significantly shorter I was then average. I took a mental look at my avatar and discovered it appeared to be a Ice-blue panther. It wasn't that big of a mystery that my mental projection didn't have to be a replication of my human body I was just curious why it had taken the form of a panther. Deciding it was a question better left to ask later. Even with time being apparently halted I still didn't know how much energy this was taking up or how long I could manage this particular technique.

I hunched back onto my hind legs pressing my paws gently onto Vincent's thigh I let my mind guide me. I didn't rush since I had no idea what I was doing I was forced to rely on my new psychic powers to lend me their insight. I felt my emotions begin to suddenly spur from a calm meditative state to a furious violent destructive desire. At first I thought something had gone terribly wrong but then I found myself inside a cave like environment the instant I had reached my limit to the amount of rage I could control. In order to enter Vincent's mind I must have had to sync my mind along with his. Upon entering the cave I felt the rage bubbling up inside my chest to the point of explosive proportions cease and evaporate. The rage wasn't just all consuming it was also very painful. I wondered if Vincent had to constantly experience that during his transformation state.

Snapped from my internal wonderment by a cry of pain I began my journey down the long narrow rocky cave formation at as fast of a pace as I could. I quickly found that the journey through the cave would not be an easy one. The surface of the cave was wet and smooth a poor condition in my current form. My paws clacked on the surface as I walked using my claws instinctively to keep a better grasp on the uneven surface. I hurried to the place where the scream had emanated from.

Chapter 6: Demons within

When I had heard the cry I had expected to find myself at the place of commotion in mere seconds despite my poor rate of pace. That was not the case. It had already felt as though I had been traveling for a good twenty minutes when I decided that the cry I had heard could have come from anywhere. Since this was after all Vincent's mind not mine. That meant it existed on his logic meaning there probably wasn't too much logic in the formation of his inner world. Still I had wished he didn't understand gravity otherwise I could float there instead of having to walk on the tedious ground work.

To my relief the distance to Vincent's reclusive conscience wasn't as far as it could have been. In one's inner world size was of little consequence. In truth if someone truly wanted their inner mind could be the entire size of a universe. Luckily for me Vincent didn't think on such a scale and even to do so required a great intelligence. One that I was certain Vincent was not in possession of.

The narrow part of the cave opened up quite suddenly into a vast open mouthed cavern where it and another section intersected. Both appeared to lead to this particular spot as if it was the single destination anyone could have attained. Definitely different from my own inner world in the beautiful nearly fantasy prairie of eternal moonlit night. Where as mine was overly artistically gloomy Vincent's was down right simplistic and dour.

As I entered the massive cavern the aesthetics became abundantly different. The over head ceiling was lined with numerous violet florescent crystals with an massive cluster of them directly over the center of the giant cavern. I stood looking down form an downward sloping hill that led straight into the heart. Straight to where Vincent laid beaten and broken whilst a crude being similar to a human figure towered over him.

Even from my position above the two I could hear their conversation quite well as the sounds of this world seem to reverberate through the walls rather than actually causing an echo. In this place physics really did seem to have gone out the window. It sounded as if the discolored humanoid was attempting to persuade Vincent with power. The power to defeat Kevin.

"You need me I have the power to defeat your adversaries where you cannot." It reasoned. "Allow me to be free, to roam and this Kevin of yours shall be no more!"

'Let me go!" Vincent told it refusing the beings offer.

'If you won't allow me to be free to drench in that wonderful blood, to crush anything and everything, then I'll just have to devour you!" The humanoid raised its hand opening it into a flat palm before large sharp spikes began to extend from the fingers themselves.

Recognizing Vincent was defenselessly helpless being held down by the beast I let out a ear shuddering cat cry leaping off the elevated hill opening my mouth I caught onto the beasts arm clamping down hard onto it. I felt my jaw nearly shatter and several teeth do before I landed a few yards away sliding across the rough ground on my four paws. Though the attack had proven insufficient it did prove effective. I drew the attention of the beast away from Vincent despite being unable to even scratch him. At a closer proximity I quickly recognized that the beast had striking similarity to Vincent's transformation state only with less human influence.

As the beast turned to face me I felt a quiver of fear strike my body making my fur ruffle onto its end. Right then I wanted nothing more than to be in my regular human form. Although I knew it to be pointless all around having two arms and as well as legs instead of four felt awfully comforting to me at that moment. In the creature's advance he appeared to hesitate briefly showing an expression of surprise but only for the slightest of instance. It didn't take long before I realized his confusion. I felt the shift of balance unevenly as my fore legs shrunk and my paws became instantly more flexible.

I leapt away still using all fours placing some distance between me and the grotesque creature to gain my bearings. It was a bit of change to get use to being a panther and then suddenly human again. However I quickly adapted. Fighting as a human would prove far more easy than trying to fight in a cat form I was unfamiliar with. Then again easy was more of a contradiction since warring against the beast would prove anything but. Flexing my arms and leg muscles I gathered my body into a fighting stance showing the beast of my intent and that I would not run.

To my astonishment the beast watch intently before erupting into a sudden burst of harsh bone-chilling laughter.

"You expect to fight me human?" It seethed and then his entire body shuddered as the walls began to whisper and talk of incoherency but of something the creature could only understand. "Samuel is it? The psychic who is a dear friend to this pathetic master of my container. I think the pleasure of killing you would be a descent way to kill time."

Before anything more could be said he rushed me moving at a much higher and fluid speed than that giant ogre state that appeared outside the confinements of this world. Shit! I cursed myself barely dodging the first punch enough so it only glanced off my right shoulder. A glancing blow was all it had been yet I felt as if the punch had caught me dead center on my shoulder with enough force to nearly dislodge it from the joint. I let out a howl dropping to my knees grabbing the injured limb.

"Here I thought a psychic might prove a little more intuitive. The Lords' praise for you was wasted. Not that that wasn't to be expected." The creature mocked. "Did you honestly expected me to move as slowly as the master's sluggish anger? All that raw power and hate does nothing but stunt the true power he can unleash!"

"What the hell are you?" I choked out.

"What am I?" He sounded out the question as if pondering his answer. "I am pure rage, war, eternal strife. I am the power within Vincent Brake. I am his demon his internal desire. I am his Abomination!"

I felt shocked. Was this thing, this grotesque creature, really a part of Vincent? But then even if I desired to deny that fact his resemblance of Vincent's outward manifestation was uncanny. This being that referred to itself as Vincent's Abomination could it really be his inward manifestation of that same power? Was Vincent's fractured mind really going to be the end of my life?

Despite I was nothing more than a mental image I felt pain as normal. I could hazard the guess that if I died in here then I too would die outside. After all according to the Matrix's philosophy your mind makes it real. I began to channel psychic energy into my left palm put if Vincent's physical power in the real world was anything like it was in here it was nothing more than a desperate move in an even desperate situation.

Suddenly Abomination strode away from me at a brisk pace choosing not to deal the finishing blow. "It seems you actually posses some fighting will. I thought you might be nothing than another pathetic human come to whimper before my might. And although I enjoy killing I enjoy the fight all the more."

I stared in disbelief at Abomination. I had been at his mercy seconds before and now he appeared to be letting me live, if only for the time being. I hoped that Vincent perhaps held more control than he appeared.

"What are you staring at?" Abomination asked slightly annoyed. "Get up or I'll kill you before you can flinch!"

I didn't have to be told twice. I leapt to my feet sending the energy out of my left palm I had been building up for a defense. Abomination was caught off guard to my sneak attack and was thrusted off his feet and across the wide cavern. He land hard against the far wall while I made a break to Vincent.

"C'mon, dude, get up!" I demanded dragging him to his feet.

"I can't... how are we suppose to run from that thing?" Vincent asked all hope abandoned apparent in his voice.

I instinctively knew he didn't mean "we" as I could leave here at any time I wanted. What he meant was how he was suppose to run from something inside his own head. I found it frustrating when there was absolutely nothing I could do for him.

"He's invincible." Vincent continued in despair his entire body working against my urgent efforts to force him from the spot. "We cannot win."

"Damn it Vincent!" I yelled pissed off at Vincent's we're doomed attitude. He wasn't the kind of person to simply give up. As a matter of fact he had trouble realizing a situation in which he had lost. I had never seen him in such a pitiful state and I felt my own resolve begin to slip.

"That was cheap, ya bastard!" Abomination cursed as he flung forth from the opposite end of the cavern. In one fluid motion I placed my shoe against Vincent's chest and pushed him away from me as I narrowly dodged a right jab from Abomination. And I do mean a narrow dodge as he clipped my shirt as it ruffled from the wind within a supposedly enclosed cavern. There seriously was no logic behind this place.

Hope sprung in me as I evaded. If I could dodge him that meant my speed was greater. That also meant that his speed before had just caught me off guard. Despite that his speed was still greater than it was on the outside and his speed was just slightly lesser than my own. He was still a highly dangerous opponent. And if strength and speed alone wasn't he still had that impenetrable skin like Vincent's transformation state. That was the truly the most vexing and terrifying ability Vincent wielded.

How can I beat someone who I can't hurt? On top of that I had to protect Vincent. Was this all such a hopeless situation? I felt a strong will not to acknowledge that fact. I decided that I would evade and watch Abomination until he showed a weakness. If he held one of any kind or form I felt confident I would see it then I maybe able to exploit it. The first thing I had to do was distance our fight away from Vincent. He was not in the state to help or defend himself if Abomination decided to turn his attention on him.

I danced around Abomination leaping away and dodging his attempts to hit me. I didn't try to counter once while I measure the distance between us and Vincent that would be deemed safe for me to let loose on his inner demon. Abomination grew irritated quickly and soon understood my motives for letting him gain ground without protest.

Glancing over his shoulder stopping his constant advancement upon discovering my intention he smirked amused. " Are you trying to lead me away from that sorry excuse for a Lord? You believe me to be the type to take to hostages, I presume. Do not worry such acts are beneath me. You have nothing to fear for him so long as the fight with you proves to be entertaining."

"And am I suppose to just take your word for it?" I inquired. "To me your nothing but ill gotten intentions created from Vincent's enraged mind. That could also include lying and deceit."

"Are you suggesting I am a formation from that boy's fractured mind?" Abomination inquired his smile widening with amusement. He let out another harsh bark of laughter. "You are an impossibly dense for a child with such high intellect and mature standing! Have you not been paying attention to my attitude or mannerisms. The way I talk, the way I fight? Are there no significant differences to how I act as oppose to this weak child?"

I felt my blood run cold as improbably, impossible, thoughts flashed across my mind. His manner of speech was not one Vincent would or even could use. His style of fighting though barbaric in some instance also held an air of practice. It was a style not just simply swinging one's fist until the hit a solid object like the way Vincent employed his abilities.

"How could you be anything other than?" I asked. "Our powers came to use in a lightning storm three days ago. You could not have existed before then."

"You are a seriously naive, child." Abomination said condescendingly. "I have existed since the day this weakling was born. However, unlike him I attained the herditary memories of our lineage. But then that is how it has always been."

"What in the hell are you talking about?" I asked completely confused. "What the hell are you?"

"I'd hate to spoil the surprise." Abomination replied. "And if I know your family, and I do. I know how much this will drive you crazy. All the information that you could possibly want to know about all three of you loves is right at your finger tips!"

"What information could you possibly know?" I asked suddenly feeling foolish. I had already accused this creature for the possibility of pathological lying yet here I stood letting myself be spoon fed by him. This was all probably just some mind game.

"I refuse to say. Just know that no matter what is done to my container or the current Lord, I remember everything!' He laughed obviously entertained with the fact I was ignorant.

"Enough of this!" I roared anger throbbing at my temples. "I don't believe a goddamn word you say!"

Abomination stopped laughing instantly turning to me appearing agitated by my words. "Really? Or do you just assume all your enemies will innately lie to you?"

"I believe you are trying to rile me up to make me make mistakes." I argued but even to me those words sounded hollow for the same reasons that Abomination would point out.

"Like I told you not my style. Besides you were on your knees ready to die when I let you live." Abomination sighed. "Why do that just to kill you as quickly as I could have before? I told you once, and I immensely dislike repeating myself, I want a fight not a slaughter."

"Well, good because I think we're far enough!" I declared.

Confused by my meaning Abomination reacted to slowly as I launched forward into he air spinning into a round-house kick to his neck. I felt the kick connect but the result was the same as last time. Abomination appeared unfazed, bored by all accounts while I let out a whimper of pain falling to the ground clutching my swelling foot.

Sighing Abomination knelt down beside me looking unimpressed brutishly dragged me onto my feet. "You are a psychic are you not? Then why do you use physical power rather than your mental?"

"Ya, why don't I use my psychic powers!" I agreed clutching Abomination by the forearm. I had no idea what I was thinking but what I figured is that if I somehow ejected my mind from Vincent's along with Abomination perhaps I could drag him into mine. If that held true then in my mind the world would hold reality on what I believed to be real. At best it was just an insane idea but then again the world had gone insane long before I even had these powers. Not entirely surprising was the fact that my idea worked.

In a blur of colors as the scene from the cavern in Vincent's head melted away to be replaced by the midnight moonlit night inside mine. Abomination bewildered by the sudden change in scenery, exspecially to one he had probably never seen before, had caught him off guard for the first time in his entire life. He let go of me staggering away searching as if for a way back. I was surprised by the instant transition but figured that it was easily because I was just returning instead of searching out some other worldly mind.

"The hell did you do?" He demanded with what appeared to be genuine fear in his expression.

"I brought you to my inner world." I explained standing up allowing him to see my confidence in my stance. "Here I am certain I can rid you of that over powered defence of yours!"

"What?" He exclaimed shocked even more.

"Its psychology one-oh-one," I began. "In our own minds things follow the rules to what we believe them to be. So it goes without saying anyone that invades that realm is subject to what we desire. In short in here I am God."

"Is that right?" Abomination asked his fear and shock instantly dissolving away to be replaced by a psychotic grin. Before I could ask why he was suddenly happy I found myself being punched backward across the open field. His strength was still beyond comprehension.

"Why have you not reduced my strength psychic boy?" Abomination asked. And it was a good question one I knew the answer to instinctively and one I had feared. See in one's inner world reality went off what you not only believed but understood. I understood Vincent's strength so naturally I understood Abomination's. But didn't that also meant his strenghth wouldn't be the only thing to exist here. If so I was back to finding a way around his durability, otherwise this was all for nothing.

I rolled onto my feet dodging one of Abomination's knee drops. I went completely on the defensive trying to rack my brain for some untapped ability that I could use as a bypass for his impenetrable skin. Nothing came to mind. I was devoid of any ideas or strategies. I was confounded by one single simplistic ability. Out of all the powers I had discovered I held it paled to the mere two Vincent wielded. I was humbled in the most profound way.

Deep in thought, without realizing it, I had juked right into the Sakura tree that existed alone in this massive world. Caught unaware by the solid object I had backed into I made the major mistake of letting it distract me. Even if it was only for a second it left the fraction of time Abomination needed to get close enough so I could not evade. This time he made certain to put enough strength to finish me off. His patience for our fight had long since dried up. After all he had explicitly said he had wanted a fight, not a game of cat and mouse. And he had arrived to the same conclusion I had. I could not give him a fight even if he could willingly reduce his own physical attributes. I was plainly that weak in comparison.

Reaction dictated my attempt to block not logic or any kind of knowledge that had piggy-backed on some wave from the future that only I could have heard. But to both our utter austonishments we both stood there gapping open mouthed at the appearence of me not only holding his fist cupped firmly in my right hand but also staying it with little effort. It took a split second before my mind regained its traction, while it would take Abomination several more, I lunched my first counter strike more out of curiousity than in the event of the apparent opening.

At first I had been inclined to believe that my successful block of Abomination's attack had come from the fact he had indeed lost all his sheer strength for one reason or another. That was not the case. The power I was able to put behind the counter attack invalidated that assumption. Someway or somehow I had instead gained Abomination's own strength. Either way it evened the odds. I was convienced that his own strength would be able to inflict damage to his outter skin making this endeaver within the possible.

I didn't notice it until then but I felt my muscles go slack with relief. I had been so tense from worry about how I could possibly do anything not just with Vincent's situation. This balancing point would have an outward echo. If I couldn't get Vincent back under control defeating Kevin would become near to impossible. Being unable to beat Kevin would end with us all dieing and the fact I had no power whatsoever to stand my own against the vampire it all relied on Vincent. I had known this upon first going into that forest but I had refused that fact. This would redeem my pride for my powerlessness against Kevin as I was not totally useless to Tyler and Vincent. At the moment that was all I could have asked for.

I found my way over to where Abomination had landed amongst the tall grass where I had knocked him dozens of yards from the Sakura tree. I must've hit him pretty damn hard too as he had yet to pick himself off the ground. Either he was intense pain or he was just so scared by my new found power he was immobilized by it.

"Don't be so slow to get up," I lectured. "After all weren't you the one whom wanted this battle?"

Abomination slowly lifted his body looking back at me with an expression I had not expected. He was in fact not in pain, nor even afraid, he was smiling happily. He let out a wicked laugh springing to his feet. I was slightly still assuming he'd run but he did the exact opposite. I ended up returning back to dodging his attacks as he went into a psychotic frenzy. This time I felt impressed with how effortless evading him had become.

"How the hell did you gain so much power, so much speed?" Abomination asked laughing happily. "Where the hell did that power come from? But it doesn't matter more, more!"

I landed a quick kick to his abdomen that stopped him dead in his tracks before spinning around to his blind side drilling a high kick to the crown of his head. His words still repeating in my head. I had only thought that my strength increased but he pointed out that my speed had as well. Why was that? How could my speed increase on its own? Was I not syphoning these attributes from him?

Despite the obvious turn of suporiority Abomination acted as though he enjoyed it even more. Time and time again I put him down only to have him get back up with twice as much vigour. I recognized then that he was not having a psychotic break onset by his sudden disadvantage but that he was relishing the fight. Before he was going to kill me for the fact I was boring. I didn't provide the challenge he desired. When he had let me live the first time he was probably thinking that as a psychic I might have a unique round about way to fight him. One that would entertain him. I had disappointed him then but now I was everything he wanted. He had little caring for his own life.

I obliged Abomination three fold. I started to introduce my psychokinesis into my fighting pushing and pulling him like a rag doll. And not once did he ever get a direct hit. Eventually he became a cracked and bleeding mess. Undoubtedly he had numerous bruises but with his already bruised tenged skin it was impossible to tell. Yet despite the poor pityful state he was in he looked to be enjoying it more than ever. I was never going to make him say uncle. The battle seemed like it would go on for eternity but in the end something blissfully drew his attention.

I had just kicked him in midair sending him tumbling into the Sakura tree that took his mass like a concrete skyscrape would a bird flying into it. It wasn't even phased. As Abomination stood once more about to continue our very one sided bout an invisible commontion seemed to draw his attention.

"Shit," He cursed showing extreme displeasure. "I need you to take me back to Vincent's mind."

He phrased it as though I hadn't a choice in the matter but my refusal was just as well. "I don't think so."

"Damnit, child, I don't have time to give you prolonged explainations." Abomination told me. "Time, although highly reduced, still continues outside the confines of this realm. In response to my disappearence your friend Vincent, my current land lord, has lost all his abilities."

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. I had not known that could be a by product of me bringing that beast here from Vincent's inner world. "How do I know your telling the truth?"

"Foolish boy!" Abomination roared. "I speak truths yet you throw them into falsehood with little proof other than your seriously flawed intuition or expectations. I am that Lord's power source much like a battery to an electronics device. Pull me out and it cease its function. Now take me back!"

"What is your hurry before were you not trying to kill him yourself?" I asked suspicious all the more.

"Devour, boy! And I have no time to explain the secrets of the universe to you!" He grew increasingly agitated. "Put it in layman's terms I am as connected to my container here as I am there."

"Then you must promise me to never bring harm to Vincent if I send you back." I told him with a tone that said it was not under negotiation.

"I cannot promise never but I will not harm him in the near future. I will considerate a reward for the entertainment you have given me." Abomination replied.

"How long is "near"?" I inquired.

"Numerous years. Now enough with the interigation." Abomination demanded his impatience was starting to over come his sense of logic. I knew I wouldn't be able to press for more than that.

"How do I know you will keep our bargain?" I asked squinting as if trying to see into his very being.

"Good god, boy, you don't but its either that or leave my Lord to his fate powerless." He had me there. If I didn't let Abomination return Vincent was as good as dead anyway. I couldn't protect him and Tyler was powerless unconscious as he was.

I conceded there was no other choice. I walked over to Abomination who made no objections when I placed my hand on his shoulder I closed my eyes I began to concentrate.

"Make your desire into going back to Vincent, I'll just make my power the conduit." I told him although I already knew he had that very desire was all consuming for him at that moment.

"One extra prize for the terrific bout you gave me today," Abomination added I didn't respond so I wouldn't break my concentration. "I didn't sense it before until we were standing motionless but I see you have one just like me living inside you too!"

"Oh ya?" I scuffed disbelieving. I was certain I would have felt such a tremendous presence.

"Just one warning," He continued overlooking my obvious lack of faith in his words. "Unlike me who enjoys fighting overall other things I can tell at one glance he doesn't enjoy that part. All he'll like is when he crushes the lives of everything and anything he can touch!"

With that he was gone. Dematerializing into the wind leaving me standing there thinking about his words. I chose simply not to believe him and on the off chance he was right I'd deal with it then. But what I woundered if I indeed had such a being in me then why didn't I have some obvious transformation like Vincent? After all my powers were of the mind not the body.

Upon returning to reality I felt curious about the amount of time that had passed. Leaving the safty the shadow of the tree provided I wasn't too thrilled by the time lapse. Vincent was currently on his back in obvious retransformation while Kevin strolled up his chest punching him every so often looking for a weak point. Only three minutes had passed in reality dispite the multiple hours it had felt inside Vincent's and my mind.

"Are you so afraid you can no longer fight?" Kevin asked driving another unsuccessful fist into Vincent's giant chest. "Fine I'll keep attacking until I can penetrate that infuriating hide of yours!"

Taking that as my cue I burst from the tree line sending a psychokinetic wave at Kevin that took him up in th current further down into the forest. Kneeling beside Vincent I spoke directly to his head.

"You alright?" I asked in concern for both his mental state as well as pysical well being.

"Ya, thanks." He answered drawing back to his feet. "You really saved my ass twice, man."

"Don't mention it," I nodded before adding. "Just don't hit me again."

"I'll try." Vincent replied not promising anything.

Kevin was back and rearing to go. I felt my body sag. I was exhausted and despite all I had discovered about Kevin's abilities I had honestly held hope he would have backed down after another psychowave.

"So you're back and here I had thought you had run with your tail tucked between your legs?" Kevin goaded.

"Ya whatever, I call it a tactial retreat like everyone else." I sighed. "Man, we've gotta end this sometime today I'm nearing the end of my rope."

Ending the brief cease fire Kevin blurred to motion. I attempted to react but even with maximum energy I had been far to slow. Now I was tired, exhausted not only of body but of mind as well. I held no expectation of dodging the next attack and although I could no longer follow Kevin's speed with my mind I instinctively knew who his target was. Vincent responded just as sluggishly he could do nothing to protect me.

To both our surprise another streak of impossible velocity shot across our field of vision tackling the first. They slid to the left for a brief exchange that was over long before I could manage to turn my neck in their direction. A bright flash of yellow shot past back in the direction where the second flash of colors had appeared from shortly followed by Kevin's singed body. This time the lightning had not been powerful enough to bring him to kneel.

Dispite briefness of the skurmish, which lasted all but seconds, I was already allowing my mind to take the next attack. I lunged forward dipping into a crouch lifting off the ground into a handstand bringing my left leg so as to kick Kevin at head height. A task that took a paticular types of acrobatics to accomplish due to the severe difference in our heighth. Kevin was still faster even in his injured condition. He effortlessly caught it at the thigh clutching it painfully as he made to swing me across space. Tyler sped to my rescue appearing suddenly to counter Kevin's brute force by supplying me with a solid plateform since Kevin had dragged me free of ground elevation.

Taking my shoulders he pushed me into a small semi-circle allowing me to bring my other free leg to bare. Kevin was caught unaware by it as he missed his appearance to my side. I felt the connection reverberate through out my entire body causing it to grow numb. Kevin released his captured appendage stumbling back dazed. I reacted sending Tyler my plan of attack without a verbal word ever leaving my mouth. I spun to the ground slaming my palm in a strange ritual like fashion send a tremendous amount of psychokinetic energy across the earth that flung Kevin helplessly into the air to be met by a head dizzing spinning object that at first glance appeared as a sideways rotating white vortex. The vortex met Kevin with devistating effect. It sent the vampire flying across the forest and a single tree where he smashed painfully into the roof of a parked vehicle before bouncing off somewhere on the parkinglot concrete.

Tyler fell to the earth at an odd angle. I inadvertly cringed as I watched him land hard onto his left tibia. He kept the state of mind to duck into a roll to help lessen the damage to his body. I doubted that he did so out of instinct and knew he did not do so out of training. He probably just played too much of the game Zelda. I know I had.

"Jesus!" I cried running to his aide. "You idiot why did you do something so reckless and unneccessary?"

Tyler rolled over onto his back letting out something cross between a chuckle and a whimper. "You told me to!"

"I did not!" I denied his accusation.

"Yes you did!" Tyler shot back. "You showed me that if I spun at that speed while taking advantage of my lower body strength the velocity would be able to crush even a vampire's hardened bone density."

I had no idea what Tyler was talking about. My perplexion must have showed because Tyler realized the issues with his previous sentence.

"Wait how did you show me?" He wondered aloud. "At the time it seemed normal but now... Did you use telepathy to get inside my head?"

"I have no idea myself." I admitted.

"Tyler, Samuel now is not the time to solve the mysteries of the universe." Vincent boomed drawing us back to the current problem we had to solve.

In unison we fled to the edge of the forest. Kevin was already standing albet with help from one of the dozens of cars parked in the middle of the hospital parking section. He leaned half way across the cement landscape between us and the hospital. And now that we had escaped the forest I could hear the distance sirens singing their journey towards us. It created an eerie battle chant where we had before fought in the unabaiting silence of the night. Now that I thought about it there had been bystanders before I had arrived. Logic dictated that someone must have informed the authorities. Their incredibly late timing could be subjected to the workers needed to find survivors after the storm had wreaked havoc or due to the incredible story some or all of them told. Never the less they would be required to check out any commotion undoubtedly reported by numerous witnesses. I just hoped none had seen Tyler's face or at least knew his identity. Vincent, I was quite certain was safe from recognition.

"We must bring this to an end now!" I ordered taking a brief inspection of what the parking lot terrain had to offer. Forming an ingenious plan I motion to the other two to form a huddle. Explaining my attack plan in a barely audioable whisper. I suspected that not even Kevin's heightened hearing would've dipicted the sounds. It did not however stop him from knowing that we were obviously scheming.

"You can do that can't you?" I was asking Vincent when I noticed Kevin had lapsed the distance. His healing powers had seriously dwindled to a bare spec of what they had been. The consistant wound damage we had inflicted upon him had not been an entirely wasted effort. He was still faster than I had anticipated but far too slow to be able to catch us off guard.

The three of us evaded away from him along with one another. Kevin had acted too late. The plan had been worked out and given to the other two and I was assured that they would not let me down.
© Copyright 2010 Amerine (amerine at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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