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A dog goes missing. Must have run away; as simple as that, right? If only it were. |
“AGGGHHHH!!!” that was the first thing I heard that morning; the blood curdling scream of my sister finding out that the dog had eaten her shoes. I knew that the scream was something unimportant so I decided that since I was awake I would get up and have breakfast. “Dog eat your shoes again?” I asked my sister as I started pouring cereal into a bowl. “I hate your dog!” she exclaimed angrily, “can’t we just get rid of it”. I kept on pouring cereal. “It’s me and dad against you and mum, majority rules that we keep the do… agghh!” A bloodied human tooth had fallen out of my cereal box. “Aww that’s disgusting!” I exclaimed in disgust. “Why would you put your tooth in my cereal box”. I thought it was my sister’s tooth. A harmless and disgusting prank, but on closer examination of the tooth I realised that I was dead wrong. The tooth was too sharp and too narrow to be human. It must have been from a dog; and not just any dog, I could recognise this tooth, it’s my dog’s tooth. I ran outside to the doghouse. No, it must be a mistake; it couldn’t be my dog’s tooth. How would it have gotten into my cereal box? He’s not there. “He’s not there!” I yelled to my sister. “Do you know where the dog is?” My sister came out running into the backyard. “I saw the tooth, what do you think happened?” she asked. “I think we need to find my dog. Let’s have a look around the block.” “We’ve been looking for ages”, moaned my sister annoyingly.” “What are you talking about, we’ve been looking for less than five minutes,” I replied angrily, “We’ve only passed two houses.” “Well I don’t think we’ll be able to find it here”, she said “I read in the newspaper this morning that there’s this ‘Rogue Dogcatcher’ person that’s stole twelve dogs in this area. “Well I’ve never heard of him,” I said and then thought had I heard of him? “Any way this is the Grimm’s house, they hate the dog almost as much as you, always runs over here and digs up their lawn; I really miss him.” Because I couldn’t tolerate knocking on the door and actually conversing with the Grimm’s, I decided we’d go around the outside of the house and have a look. Nothing in the front yard, nothing around the side of the house, but when we made it to the backyard; the most horrifying site met my eyes; I’d found my dog… he was dead. He had a thin hole in his stomach, there was blood everywhere; it looked like he had been stabbed with a stiletto, his mouth half opened in shock. Wait, I think there’s something in his mouth. I went in closer to have a look; I pulled his mouth fully open to see a plastic ‘Hello Kitty’ logo. “I can’t believe it,” my sister gasped, “The dog was annoying sometimes but I don’t know why the Grimm’s would kill it.” “The Grimm’s didn’t kill him,” I told her “I just remembered, the Grimm’s are on holiday, they couldn’t have killed my dog, don’t you remember, they came to our house and yelled at dad to make sure he wouldn’t let the dog out of the house, that’s why I have know idea how my dog got here.” “I know what happened,” my sister exclaimed, “The ‘Rogue Dogcatcher’ broke into our house, kidnapped our dog and… and then he realised that we would end up finding out what happened so… so he killed the dog and disposed of the body in this backyard so that… that we would think it was the Grimm’s.” I looked at my sister; her face pale and scary in the morning light, she doesn’t usually waver in what she says. And that was when I saw it, the shoes that she was wearing; the shoes slightly torn up, were the ones my late pet had gnawed on and I realised the left shoe was missing something, something the other shoe did have, a plastic Hello Kitty logo. I looked up at my sister’s deranged face in shock. She had killed my dog. It came swiftly but five milliseconds before impact I saw what it was; a mangled Prada shoe with a spiked stiletto heel coming right at the temple of my head. CRACK. As I slowly lost consciousness I heard my sister’s manic laughter and her barely coherent words, “damn dog, eat my shoes, all of the shoes, the entire collection, all one hundred and eight.” |