Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1682050-Concert--pt-2
by Paige
Rated: · Other · Other · #1682050
butterflies return but so do the Splashing Dolphins
"Well only you 8 are left, both of your bands have been amazing. This last round will all be decided on Michael. He is going to be the one to pick the winner. So Splashing Dolphins you are up first." Randy said. We all exited the stage and me and my band waited back stage.
"Alright girls this is it. I feel like we should change our song but i dont think that is legal so im not going to. Let's just go out there and have a good time because that just seems to work. So I wish you girls all the best of luck and I love you all." I said.
"We love you more Paige." They all said hugging me. The Splashing Dolphins were really good they had the audience up on their feet before they even started the song. When they did my mouth dropped.
"No way!" I said.
"Not possible." Hannah said.
"Those little weasles." Mickey said.
"They STOLE our song!" Sophie said. I couldnt believe it the song that my band and I wanted to do the most and they STOLE it.
"MIckey did you check your email?" I asked.
"Yeah twice, it said that we had an all clear!" Mickey said.
"They changed their song!" I said. Soon Mrs. TeeGarden came by.
"Mrs. TeeGarden!! Were you incharge of the emails that were sent out?" I asked quickly.
"Yes why?" She asked.
"The Splashing Dolphins Changed their song. We were going to do The Lost Children we even sent in the song." I complained.
"Oh really? Well let me check my list here." She said getting her list out. "Oh why you girls are right. You were suppose to do that song. They were going to do Beat It but changed at the last minute. I dont find that fair. Well girls i guess you could do Beat It would that be alright?" She asked. I looked over at my band mates who were annoyed as annoyed could get.
"Well we practiced really hard on The Lost Children, but I guess Beat It will do. What do you guys say?" I asked my band mates.
"I dont care i can play Beat It but i was really looking forward to doing that song." Sophie said.
"I know me too." Hannah said.
"Yeah how is that considered fair?" Mickey asked.
"Do we have anyother choices? Cant you disquialify them for stealing our song?" I asked.
"Im sorry girls, but im afraid that's not possible they have already preformed. I cant go changing now." She said.
"Fine Beat it will do if they hold the compititon for 5 minutes so we can at least run through it." I said.
"I can do that." she said.
"Wonderful come on girls lets go quickly." I said. They grabbed their instruments and we headed off to our back room. We had practiced beat it and it sounded really good i thought. I still would of liked to have done the lost children with our mircial playing i could have brought tears to their eyes.
"Come on girls we need to get on stage." I said and we all headed out.
"Im very sorry for the delay but we had a slight changed in songs, the band before did Rascal Flatts songs so, they are now ready to play for you." Mrs. TeeGarden said.
We all came out in our regular clothes because we didnt have a costume for the last round or at least this song. The song started and when it was my time to sing oh boy did i ever sing.
"They told him dont you ever come around here, Dont wanna see your face you better dissapear, the fires in thier eyes and their words are really clear so beat it, just beat it." I sang. When it was over we had the audenice up on their feet.
Soon we were up on stage for either the last time or to play an encore song.
"Alright you both did a FANTASIC job today." Michael said smiling. I was so nervous i thought i would surely faint from all the nervous ness but i stood strong. "But there can only be one winner. I think that Rascal Flatts did a very good job, so did Splashing Dolphins, but it seems that The Splashing Dolphins switched their song, making Rascal Flatts having to do a song that they never practiced for. So by default the winner is RASCAL FLATTS!!!" Michael said. We all screamed and hugged eachother.
"Ha in your faces Splashing Dolphins that will teach you not to steal anyones song." Mickey said. We all laughed and kept hugging and screaming. I could believe it we actually won.
"I knew that we could do it!" I said to my band members. Jesse walked up to us.
"Congrats girls." Jesse said.
"Thanks Jesse." I said.
"You deserved to win." He said.
"Yeah we did. Why did you steal our song?" I asked.
"We thought that if we stole your song we would win because you would be able to go on. But i guess we were wrong." Jesse said.
"Yeah you were.. uh bye bye." Hannah said. We all waved good bye and then they left hanging their heads in shame. Michael came up to us.
"Hey girls so you won how does it feel?" he asked smiling that smile that made me so happy to see.
"Fantastic." Mickey said.
"The most amazing thing ever." Sophie said.
"Superior, an awesome feeling." Hannah said.
"Too amazing for words." I said.
"Well i am very happy for you all." Michael said. We all smiled. I

I looked around after the show and Sophie, Hannah, and Mickey were all with their families. i felt alone, with no one to hold no one to love. Annie never came to anyof my school events she had too many kids to take care of. I felt someones hand on my sholder. It was Michaels.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." i said back trying to hide the lonesome i felt inside.
"So you won. Thats great." He said.
"Yeah it is." I said back.
"So wy arent you celebrating?" He asked.
"With who?" I asked lowering my head.
"Oh now i see whats going on here. You wish you had someone to hug and someone to love, someone that you could share this moment with." he said. I nodded. "Well my arms are always open for you." he said. I smiled knowing i was loved by one of the most wonderful people in the whole world i felt happy. His tall body embrassed me. I felt safe in his arms. Once he let go i felt warm and loved.
"Alright girls once you get home you and your families need to pack everything you own you are all moving to L.A." Simon said.
"REALLY!!??" We all screamed.
"Yes your recording is going to start immdeiatly. You have two weeks to pack everything." Simon said. I didnt know what i was going to do i could live all by myself, and i couldnt leave the orphange.
"What about Paige?" Hannah asked.
"Hmm what about her?" Simon asked.
"She cant leave." Hannah said.
"What do you mean she cant leave?" Simon asked.
"Because im an orphan and i cant leave the orphange with out a family it just doesnt work that way. I am a newsence to the band i cant go. Just go on without me." I said starting to get tears in my eyes. Feeling ashamed again i ran to the back room grabbed my guitar and ran outside. I started to strum, music was my only ascape from anything. When i played music i felt free and away from the world. Michael had come out. I turned away from him. I didnt want to look at him, because if i did i would be in his arms crying my eyes out.
"Sweety, please turn around." Michael said. I did but my head was lowered. I couldnt look into his chocolate brown eyes.
"Im sorry." i said. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up.
"Paige, you have nothing to be ashamed about." he said placing his hand on my cheek. His hand was soft and warm. Oh how i wanted him, oh how i just wanted to be near him. I nodded.
"May i escort you home?" he asked. I nodded again and we started to walk toward Michael's strech limo. Once we got back to the orphange i got out and so did michael. I went up to my room while michael talked to annie.
"Paige." she called. I went back downstairs.
"Michael what are you still doing here?" I asked coming down the stairs. He was just smiling at me.
"Paige we have something to tell you." Annie said. My eyes went big and my mouth opened. Was it true? i didnt know i waited patiently for them to tell me.
© Copyright 2010 Paige (mjj13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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