Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681862-Mircals-and-Jesse
by Paige
Rated: · Other · Other · #1681862
A mircals appears why we all get ready for Tuesday
It was Friday and school was out it was a professional day. I woke up at 8 because i had to be at the school by 9:30 to have the compition meeting with the other lead singers. All last night even while we were practicing i could stop thinkin about Michael and how he comforted me. OH how i wish i could find a family that acted just like him. I thought.
"Annie im out ill be back later." I called to the keeper of the orphange.
"Alright Paige, hey while your out could you pick up a few things for me?" She asked.
"Sure, what do you need?" I asked.
"Here is a list and 40 dollars i need everything on that list ok." she said. I nodded and headed out the door. I caught a bus and got off 2 blocks from the school and just walked. I finally arrived at the school and not a moment too late either. 9 other people were standing there waiting for me apparently to show up. I looked around but i didnt see MIchael anywhere. 'Maybe he didnt show up at this meeting.' i thought to myself. I shrugged and took my seat.
"Alright it looks like we are all here." Said a lady. "Im Ms. TeeGarden I am the schools districs super intendent. I am also the producer of the School's Jam concert." Ms. TeeGarden said smiling. "You are all the lead singers of your bands am i correct?" she asked. We all nodded our heads. "Ok good well today you are basicly going to be meeting and greeting the other lead singers and wishing them luck for next week. So you all can go ahead and get started." She said. We all got up and I saw Jesse Andonte the lead singer for the Splashing Dolphins.
"Hello Paige." He said with a smirk.
"Hello Jesse." I said.
"So i heard you fainted yesterday when Michael was about to leave." He said.
"Where did you hear that?" I asked.
"From John, your friend told Mickey told her brother who told John who told me." He said.
"Yea well what is it to you? So what if i fainted?" I asked rudley.
"Well then do you actually think you and your little country band have a chace against us again this year?" He asked.
"Yes infact we do. I think that our songs are 150% better then last years and we have great cover songs. So this year Rascal Flatts is going to be dominating this contest." I said.
"Oh yeah well we will see about that come Tuesday." He said.
"Yeah we will see." I said leaving. Soon it was time for everyone to go home. I was happy to leave i didnt want to be there i wanted to be with my band practicing. I used 75 cents that i had out of the dollar for a bus ticket to use the payphone to call Hannah. The phone started to ring 'Oh please pick up' I thought to myself.
"Hello?" asked a voice over the phone.
"Hannah is that you?" I asked.
"Yes it is Paige is that you?" she asked.
"Yeppers it sure is listen i cant talk long but at about noon get the band together at your house i will be over as soon as i finish running some airrons for Annie." I said.
"Alright Paige i will." She said. I thanked her then hung up. After i had run the arrions i went over to Hannah's house.
"Hey guys sorry im late." I said.
"Its no problem Paige we were just talking." Hannah said.
"Great well lets practice i think we really need to practice the Lost Children one we know everything else because we play it every day but i think we should practice it first." I said. They nodded and we started to play.
"We pray for our fathers, pray for our mothers, wishing our families well. We sing songs for the wishing of those who are kissing but not for the missing so tihs is ones for all the lost children." i started to sing and by the time we were done i had tears in my eyes.
"wow Paige that was amazing. I have never heard you sing like that before." Mickey said in total shock.
"Me either." I said to her. "Did those beautiful notes just come out of my mouth?" I asked in total shock.
"Yeah or unless you got a recording thing on you." Sophie said.
"Nope it is just me. I have NEVER in my life of singing sang so beautiful before. It is like something just over powered me and took over my voice." I said.
"Sing something lets see if it works again." Hannah said.
"Ok umm let's see.. oh i got it.... Its a brother and a sister kinda thang raise up your hands if you all wanna hang with me and my gang we live to ride we ride to live me and my gang." I sang.
"No Paige this is a blessing on us all. We are sure to win with your singin like that." Sophie said happily.
"I know but this is really weird. I am a pretty good singer as it is but how did i get from pretty good to amazing in one night?" I asked. They all shrugged. "Oh well lets keep practicing. I ran into Jesse Andonte today at the meeting for lead singers. We have to show him up." I said.
"Paige you have an amazing voice. We will beat those tone deaf propouses once and for all." Mickey said with a smirk.
"Well i dont know if this gift from god that just showed up today is going to last til Tuesday so we still need to practice." I said. They all gave in and for a good 2 hours. "Alright see you girls on Monday." I said heading home. Since Hannah's house was only a block away from the orphange so i just walked home. The band and I never practiced on Weekends and we only had 4 more days until this thing came upon us and we hadnt gotton an email about the songs so we were on an all clear. I went to bed that night thinkin about my voice and if it really was a blessing in disgise. "I didnt pray for the wonder to sing. I dont think any of my friends did. Then who?" i kept askin myself. Then i thought "Michael could he have prayed to Jesus askin that i had a wonderful voice?" I kept thinkin about it for a while. "No if Michael prayed for me to have anything it would be a family." Maybe it was just my practicing i didnt know. I decided not to think about it and go get a goodnights sleep. I dreamed that night about Michael and about Tuesday. They were beautiful dreams.

The weekend had come and gone and it was Monday. I didnt have any chores so i told Annie I was going out and she said "Be back by 5:30." i said "alright." and i headed off to Hannah's house.
"Hey Paige do you still have your golden voice?" Hannah asked as we went up to her room where Mickey and Sophie were.
"I dont know i havent sung today. I guess we will find out when we practice." I said smiling. Happy to know that my band mates were so excited about me and my golden voice.
"Ok girls you will never believe what happend to me last night." Sophie said as we were all gathered up in Hannah's room.
"What?" Mickey asked.
"Ok well you know how i am a pretty good guitar player? Well last night i was amazing i could play Beat It's guitar solo PERFECTLY!! I couldnt ever do that before. I dont really practice it." Sophie said. My eyes went big.
"The same thing happened with me and my bass playing." Hannah said.
"Yeah and me with my drumming." Mickey said. My eyes where really big. I dont think that this was a blessing i think this was a miracle.
"Guys i dont think that this is just some blessing i think it is something much more then that." I said. All of our eyes went big and we had this shocked look on our faces could it have been what we thought it was? A mirical?
© Copyright 2010 Paige (mjj13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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