Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681762-Songs-and-Michael
by Paige
Rated: · Other · Other · #1681762
finding out songs and meeting someone famous
My band and I had already figured out our cover songs, and we had figured out our originals but the one thing we just couldnt figure out was our Michael Jackson song that we had to do.
"Come on guys how hard can this be?" I asked going through all of Mickey's MJ albums.
"Apparently very hard." Hannah said.
"Yeah we have been looking through all of these albums for 20 minutes and we still cant figure out what song we want to do." Sophie said.
"Yeah Paige, how are we going to figure this out?" Mickey asked. I didnt know what to say. We had been looking over the albums for about 20 minutes and i still didnt know what all the other bands were going to do. If we picked a song and someone else was already going to do it then, how were we going to figure out another one if it took us this long to find out the one we wanted to do?
"I dont know... why dont we do something that no one else would think of doing?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Sophie asked.
"I mean most of the bands are probably going to be doing like the most popular MJ songs why dont we pick a song that no one would really do. Like, like The Lost Children??" I asked. They looked at me like they had just seen a ghost.
"What?" i asked.
"Paige you are a GENUIS!!!" Hannah said.
"Well thank you i try." I giggled while looking so proud of myself. We all giggled.
"Well awesome now we have all of our songs. We should go email the judges back." Mickey said getting up.
"Ok let's go." Hannah said. We all headed down stairs to email the judges back. After we had emailed the judges the doorbell rang.
"Mickey could you get that please?" Mickey's mom called from up stairs.
"Sure mom." She yelled. We all went to the front door and when Mickey opened it we all screamed.
"AHHHHHHHHH." The face at the door was Michael Jackson's.
"Hi, are you Rascal Flatts?" He asked in the most sweetest voice ever. We couldnt answer right away i was hyperventalating.
"Yeah we are." I finally said.
"Here please come in." Mickey said usering Michael into the house.
"Thank you i am glad that you are rascal flatts i thought i had the wrong address when i arrived. But im sure glad i found the right house." he said.
"So what are you doing here?" Sophie asked.
"I am here to talk with the band i am going to every bands house and talking to them all one on one." Michael said. He had the most sweetest smile. Oh how i wish i was older i wouldnt mind going out on a date with him.
"So who is the lead singer of the band?" He asked.
"I am." I said very shyly because i didnt do well with celebraties.
"Well it is nice to meet you. What is your name?" he asked smiling at me i guess he could tell i was shy.
"Its Paige, Paige Marie." I said blushing.
"That's a very pretty name. Anyway girls umm about the contest i just want to wish you good luck and that i am going to wish you all the best." Michael said. I started to giggle. He smiled.
"Alright well i should be going. Is there anything you want to ask me about the contest?" he asked before heading out the door. I knew what i wanted to say but i was too embarassed so i kept my mouth shut. We all shook our heads no.
"Alright then well i will see you all at the contest. Oh can i get all of your names i no Paige, but what is the rest of your names?" he asked.
"Im Sophie, this is Hannah and Mickey." Sophie said.
"Hi." they all said.
"Well its very nice to meet all of you. Oh Paige come here for a sec." Michael said motioning me to him.
"Yes Michael." I asked.
"Tomorrow all of the bands lead singers are going to meet at Rocky Road school for a short meeting. And so all of the lead singers can meet the other lead singers of the other bands i need you there at 9:30 AM ok." Michael said.
I smiled and said. "Oh ok yeah sure ill be there." I said really blushy and i was about to scream.
"Good, well ill see you at the compititon." Michael said, then he did the most amazing thing he kissed me on my cheek. That time i acutally fainted right there in his arms and i never did that with anyone else but he stole my heart away he always did.
"OMG PAIGE!!" My band members screamed coming down to my limp body.
I awoke and started to cry of embarassment. "Oh my god i cant beileve i did that. I feel so ashamed." I sobbed, then i ran up to Mickeys room and sobbed.

There was a knock on her door. "Paige please come out." Sophie said.
"No i fainted in front of michael i feel so ashamed." I said still sobbing.
"Paige it is ok please come out." Hannah said. I didnt answer her.
"Michael it is no use she wont come out she is so embarrassed. What are we going to do?" Mickey asked.
"If she doesnt come out we cant preform." Sophie said.
"Oh no we NEED Paige she is the one who made up all of our songs lyrics we need her." Hannah said.
"Girls ill talk to her is the door unlocked?" Michael asked.
"It should be i dont have a lock on my door." Mickey said.
"Ok im going in." He said, the girls giggled.
"Knock Knock." Michael said heading into the room. I looked up and starting sobbin agian.
"Oh Paige please dont cry please." Michael pleaded.
"Im sorry i ran out i didnt mean to, i... i was just very embarrassed that i fainted." I said softly. He came over to me and pulled out a tissue from Mickey's tissue box and dried my tears.
"Baby its alright, do you know how many people faint in front of me?" He asked smiling.
"Ill bet a lot of people do." I said smiling.
"Every night i have a concert we have like 1000 peramedics over somewhere who take care of billions of fans who faint every night, like once when i pulled a young lady on stage with me she fainted in my arms. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." He said holding me in his arms cradleing me. I felt safe. I was an orphan i didnt have any parents but i had a lot of people i considered family but Michael when i was with him i felt a very big connection. I loved him. More then just a fan would love their idol i mean i loved him like a dad or even more. All i had in my life was music and my friends if i lost any of that i dont think i could go on. I had been born into a family, and i lived with them until they apparently didnt want me anymore i was 5 then, just starting to understand life and what was going on around me. I still go to school the orphange pays for all of that school and intruments and stuff so im covered with that.
"Are you feeling better?" Michael asked. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Michael, can i tell you something?" I asked.
"Sure sweety anything." He said.
"You might be loved by billions and billions of people, but i think my love for you concers all that. I mean you may have a whole lot of people faint and cry infront of you, but i felt like when i did i was doing something wrong by doing so. I dont have a family, i live in a orphange with 40 other children i was abandoned one night i was 5. I feel like you, music and my friends are all i have left. Thats why i cried infront of you i felt like i was letting you down in a way that i cant explain." I said. "Do you understand?" I asked.
"You have no family?" he asked. I nodded my head.
"And dont let that affect you and your judging i want you to be fair. I'd hate to win by cheating, that is not the way to win anything." I said.
"I won't let that effect me. Baby i never knew that you were an orphane. Im so sorry i dont think it is right for children to live in a orphange with no family." He said. I nodded but my blank expression didnt change. He reached over and hugged me. "Well i cant wait to see you preform your songs. I bet they will be great. But i must go i have one more house to see." he said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.
"Thanks for caring so much Michael. I love you." I said. He smiled and said "I love you more." Then he heading out of the room and down stairs out to his strech limo. That was amazing the most amazing time of my life. The girls asked me what he said and all i could say was "Let's Practice."
© Copyright 2010 Paige (mjj13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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