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This is a video on youtube, Credits to kitty0706 on Youtube
Actual video uses swear words. Characters: Nick, Elliot, and Steve(evil person) Setting:Aperture Science Laboratories. Plot: (Read Description) Nick and Elliot are trapped inside pod-like things and they wake up and wonder where the hell they are. Elliot:"What day is it?" Nick:"It's Tuesday." Elliot:"Hmm?" Nick:"It's Tuesday, yesterday was Monday." Elliot:"What?" Elliot has blurry vision at this point 'cause he just woke up. Nick:"It's Tuesday you frickin' idiot." Elliot:"Ohhh." Steve:"Hello and again, Welcome to the The Aperture Science Testing Facility.You were chosen to be participating in this enrichment center activity. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Steve, and I will be guiding you throughout the testing courses which will test your statistics of strength, endurance, flexibility,and cooperation." Nick:" Huh, cooperation my ass, not with this buttface." Elliot then smacked Nick with a pillow, and Nick gets mad and Elliot looks super retarded. Steve: "And throughout the testing process you may notice that i pronounce a few words incorrectly, as I am not a faggot, like you buttf***s. You two are little s*** things who like to suck p***s and you like to f*** butts. The door will open in 15,46,23,67,88,32,10,9000,876,6,7,-16." The door opens, and they go to the elevator. Elliot:"So is there any explaination for this, i mean..." Nick:"Will you ever shut your ass up?" Elliot:"So anyway, what do people call you?" Nick:"It's Nick." Elliot:" It's Dick?" Nick:"No you p**(s, it's Nick. Say it right or i'll beat your sorry ass." Elliot:"Fine, be that way, God." Then, they got to the first test chamber. Steve:" Welcome to the first test, ladies. In this course, you will have 60 seconds to get to the other side of the room. Watch your step. That water isn't healthy. It can melt your skin faster than you can say 'oh my gosh, I washed my hands and I fell off into the paper. That shot my hair, in the face after taking a s**t on the tree.' After 60 seconds is up, you will be crushed by a big-ass platform thingy that I like to call Bob. Bob is very heavy, and weighs over 2 ounces. So don't let Bob squish you, because if he does squish you, you will be dead. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL." Then Elliot throws a cup by Nick, and then throws a couch at him. Bob starts to lower and Nick starts to freak out. Nick:" Oh, God. Oh.God. Oh,God. Oh my God! Bob's gonna kill us. What are we gonna do?!" Then a random stick of dynamite blows up behind Nick. Then Elliot notices a button that says "Push me to live" Elliot:" Oh, yeah. Maybe we can push that button over there that says 'Push me to Live'. Yeah, let's do it!" They get transported to the other side of the chamber. Steve:"F***, man. You poop stains. Now Bob won't get to kill anyone. Boo Hoo. Go to the Elevator. Yup, faggots." Nick:" So what's your name, F***upMcdumbass? Elliot: "No Dick, it's Elliot." They both go to the elevator and get in. Elliot:"That was almost too easy." Nick:"Your mom's too easy." The door on the elevator closes and they go to the next challange. Steve:"Allright, whick one |