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by Katy
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1677125
Character sketch
We will make it I swear

“Don’t worry about it, I’m a good driver.” Brian said.
As we went flying around a corner while driving with his knees just to prove that he could. It was the back roads of Hartford, back by the airport, doing 80 and Brian had his hands in the air just to prove that he could drive with his knees.
Brian Anthony Lee is daring when it comes to his driving abilities. He tries to show off even though he knows its dangerous. Going around curves in the road at 80, where the speed limit is 25. Or going around an icy corner at 85 and pulling the emergency break just to slide, when he almost crashed into the sign at the bowling ally. However when I am with him he tends to slow down and he now drives with his hands, versus his knees, because he knows his driving skills scare me. Even though we can have fun when he isn’t going too fast, but then decides to turn the wheel and pull the emergency break, so it’s a controlled slide.
I have to admit that he tends to pay closer attention to the road then I do. One day when Brian and I were going to Hartford to just meander, I blew past a stop sign. On Kettle Moraine drive there is a stop sign on the top of a hill, it is partially hidden behind bushes, and I wasn’t paying attention. After I was across the intersection Brian asked, “You do know there was a stop sign there, right?”
“Umm. Of course I knew there was a stop sign, but I wanted to know how well you were watching my driving.” I said with a big smile on my face.
“Right, did you want me to drive,” he offered.
“NO! I am paying attention now.” I replied.
His big brown deer eyes just looked at me like I was crazy, because blondes cant be trusted to drive. That was just one case to prove that fact.
When Brian and I are standing we are the same height. In some ways it’s a good thing, and in other ways its kind of sad.
On Tuesday, December 1st we had the day off of school due to the snow. That didn’t stop him from diving over to my house, because honestly the roads were not that bad. My little brother (JT) and I were at my aunt’s house in Hartford, because we were supposed to shovel the snow that was sitting in the driveway. My parents knew that Brian was going to come over to my aunt’s house with me. When he showed up I let him in and we watched TV together for a while. After a while we went to go check up on JT and make sure he wasn’t destroying the house. I stood up, so did he. Then I was standing in-between the living room and the hallway and I got lifted off of the ground. When I realized what happened it was too late to panic, all I could do was duck. Brian had lifted me up onto his shoulders and carried me around the house, just because he wanted to know how I would react to that. It was difficult not to hit my head on the ceiling because he is 5’9’’ and so am I, the ceilings in her house are 7 feet tall.
Brian is always thinking on his feet, being completely random at every opportunity. Not only has he lifted me up on his shoulders, he has grabbed me by the ankles and flipped me upside down over his back. “PUT ME DOWN!” I yelled.
“Don’t wiggle or I am going to drop you,” he warned.
“I wouldn’t wiggle if I was on the ground,” I replied.
After I said that he set be on the ground, but he left me on my back, sat on me and started to tickle me.
“I thought you wouldn’t wiggle on the ground,” he smirked.
“Ha Ha Ha Ha, I wouldn’t be wiggly if you weren’t tickling me!” I answered.
He got up and sat on my bed, turned on the TV, and put his feet on my legs. “Are you ever going to let me off of the ground?” I asked.
“I would but then you would be wiggly, and I’m trying to watch TV.” he remarked.
We sat like that for about 10 minutes until he decided that I could join him in watching TV before he had to leave.
Not only do I get to spend most of my free time with him, I work with him at Ponderosa with him as well. He is a cook. So when I am in the back kitchen area I get to see a lot of him, which isn’t always a good thing because his mind is usually in the gutter.
When I frost layer cakes, it’s a white butter cream frosting that comes from the freezer. Not only do I have to worry about frosting cakes, I have to watch for people to come in the door and eat. So when frosting gets on my hands I don’t have time to wash them in water, and I just wipe it on my black apron. Having my boyfriend work there when I get a lot of white stuff on my apron gets the brunt of a lot of jokes. Or after the tongs fall in the whipped cream Brian is always the first to say, “Sorry for the white stuff.”
I just shake my head and keep walking, because I’ve heard enough from him.
But, his perverted mind doesn’t get in the way when it comes to him being romantic, and adorable.
For our first month of dating he picked me up and we were going bowling. He reached behind him in the car, handed me a rose, and started explaining why it was a white rose. “Well I know that red roses mean something,” he started, “and white roses mean something else, and I didn’t know if you or your friends know the difference between the colors and so I played it safe and went with a white rose.”
“Actually I don’t know the difference, and thank you, its very pretty.” I replied
“okay, good, I didn’t want to be too creepy or anything.” He told me.
I just started laughing because even though I told him it was adorable he was still explaining why the rose was white, and not any other color.
That wasn’t the first time he had given me flowers either. The first time was extremely funny. It was Sunday, October 19th, the same day he asked me out. He had worked in the morning and I worked a 3-8. At around 4 Brian and Brian’s brother Roger walked into ponderosa. Naturally I started to blush because I liked Brian. Then as quickly as they showed up they left with a pliers. My guy friend Mattie was laughing and so was most of the Ponderosa employees, I didn’t get it. Mattie told me, “Ask Brian what’s wrong with his car.”
I was confused, “Why can’t you tell me since you know what’s wrong with it. What?”
Mattie started laughing again and walked away. Roger walked in the back door first with the pliers in his hand, mumbled something and started to talk to me, before stealing a brownie from the tray. A minute or two after Roger walked in the door, Brian walked in with a bouquet of flowers for me. He handed me the flowers and asked me out. I started to blush again, and gave him a hug before he told me why Roger had a pliers in his hand.
He had been nervous about asking me out, and locked his keys in the car, so they got a metal coat hanger from the managers office and a pliers from Liz the manager, to pick the lock and open the door.
So even though Brian can be careless, forgetful, and perverted. He can also be the most romantic, spontaneous, and caring person I’ve ever met. When I started dating Brian not only did I find someone to love but I found a best friend.
© Copyright 2010 Katy (neuenkat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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