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Just a simple poem. |
Deception of dawn In the light of twilight, a man had lived between the lights. Centuries of gloom and lonesomeness in this place of twilight, Brought about the arising feeling of forever and a day. Searching as he might, but finding none to whom would Satisfying his awe. The man of twilight wanted someone different. A companion who was not from between the lights. Leaving his stay of the land of twilight, He found his way through midnight, To a place called dawn. To his surprise, this place of dawn wasn't Even vaguely similar to his home of twilight. Everything seemed as though it had a new beginning. He searched and searched, but still none compared. Being alienated to this unfamiliar place, all who saw him chortled and did not take his sensual gestures to heart. With out a failing heart, he pressed on. Low and behold, his unmoving convictions, Gave their just rewards. A beautiful maiden greeted him well, and from there He knew it would be her. Traveling back to the land of twilight, under the moon, There they be wed. The land of twilight gave way to the dark, As it soon became dawn. He was no longer lonesome nor gloomy during that night. Though, life in general always has something different in mind. He awoke, and there he found his young beautiful wife not as She was before. Laying next to him was an aged old woman. In his shock and horror, asked what had become of His beautiful wife of dawn. She replied sullenly," I am this young girl. But I have always been old here in this place of twilight." How quaint it is that deception always gives in to an Unfamiliar place. This poem is more fictitious and abstract. Twilight is my concept of a place where this man lives, as dawn is another world per-say. The idea of twilight is a place between the end of day and the beginning of night, dusk. Twilight is also usually the time when things are not the most distinguishable. The man of twilight finds no one from his world to be a suitor, for he is looking for someone different, uncommon to what he original knows. He travels through night, in order to go from dusk you must first travel through the night to get to dawn. When he reaches his destination, everything around him is uncommon. This place of dawn is the beginning of new things, considering that dawn is after night and is the beginning of day. He too is very unfamiliar to the inhabitants, so when he tries to whew those he thinks are ideal for him, they scoff and laugh at him. A woman greets him well and since he is determined to find someone to be his companion, he takes her as his bride without considering who she really is, nor questioning why she was the only woman to greet him. He marries her under the moon, as a sign of dawn meeting dusk in the middle, since the two can never truly meet. The symbolism of twilight going to dark then becomes day, is a representation of him finally feeling complete with what he comes to believe as his beautiful dawn. To his surprise, he wakes not to his beautiful young woman, but a haggard old woman. In shock, he asked what had become of his wife, she simply says she is one in the same, but she too is from the land of twilight, and the reason why she was living in dawn, was so she can feel young again. His unmoved convictions, really did give their just rewards. |