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Gloria and Laurie are two sisters who are also princesses |
Introduction This royal family, the Lianmes, rule the country of Umblaz. There is the king and queen, Hutser and Palla, and there four kids, Gloria who’s 19, Laurie who’s 16, Ian who’s 12, and little Sandra who’s eight. Prologue September 20, 2010-Snippet of Gloria’s Diary I’ve finally settled into my college setting. I'm gonna prove to my parents it's possible for a princess to go to college. Ugh, but they still make me have a guard follow me around. I love to go to college though. I'm taking this painting class where we get to paint what we want based on certain themes. Right now we are working on cities. I'm also taking a couple of other classes but those are non-important. There is this creepy guy in my class that stares at me most of class. His eyes are deep brown like the earth and his hair is as black as coal. He is such a creeper. I don't like that kind of attention, he is just some weirdo. Right? Oh well I don't really think of him much. Maybe I do need my guard...but don't let my parents know that. I still stay at the "castle" if you want to call it that, because they would never let me live outside the royal grounds. It's not so much a castle as an oversized mansion, very modern looking. White siding with these beautiful black shudders. When you walk in the front door, to your left is the regal dining room and kitchen. Then on the right is the living room and the study where my dad spends most his time. Upstairs is the family's bedrooms. Five total. Each has its own bathroom and walk-in closet. Our staffs have a house to themselves off to the side of us. I've never been in there, never really needed to. Harriet is our professional cook, she always wears these old fashioned shoes, it drives me nuts. Then there is Caroline and Mindy, our house cleaners (I don't think of them as maids and I don't like to call them that.) They are really nice, but kind of young, I think they are in their early thirties maybe. There is Fredrick who is our most wonderful butler. He is old, but tells really funny jokes, and he has been working for my family for over 20 years. My dad's assistant George also lives over there. He pretty much helps my dad arrange all our family events and stuff with the "kingdom". Like an advisor I guess. Then finally there is Gina, the family nanny. She isn't really needed much anymore since Sandra is eight now and doesn't need much attending to, but she is still fun to have around. She's probably my mom's best friend in the whole world too. Of course there are others but I don’t have time to tell you the rest. Chapter one “Gloria dear it’s time to wake up. You have class soon,” called Gina through the open doorway. The sun was up by now and it was shining straight into Gloria’s window that was open. She could hear the birds outside chirping away. Next to the window was her radio, which she had fallen asleep listening to and it was still on. After taking a moment to stretch and rub the sleepiness out of her eyes, Gloria got up and turned up the radio. It was a song by her favorite band, Linkin Park. Being 10 o’clock meant that Gloria had an hour before class started. She quickly found her clothes for the day laying on the back of her desk chair. She got dressed and brushed her long brown hair and rushed down to the kitchen. In the kitchen was Harriet who was just finished cooking up some grilled cheese sandwiches for Gloria and her parents. “Thanks Harriet. I’m starving and these look awfully delicious.” Gloria politely complimented Harriet and took a sandwich for herself. Now to find her guard; she wasn’t supposed to leave without him. Of course he would probably being waiting outside at the car so she ran back upstairs to get her sketchbook and favorite paintbrush. Running back down the stairs she almost ran into her mother. “My goodness dear! You almost knocked me down these stairs.” “Sorry mother, I have class I have to get to. I love you, bye.” And with that she kissed her mother goodbye and ran out the door. “Sigh, when will she ever learn to be on time?” Her mother said as she headed up the stairs. Gloria’s guard, Mark, was waiting outside at the car just as she had suspected. He wore his nice dark blue button up shirt with a pair of khaki dress pants as usual. He always bought the same clothes. Climbing into the car she saw the driver sitting patiently ready to go. Mark had been part of the kingdom’s militia years ago as a young man. He was now into his mid thirties, coming to assist the royal family after leaving the military. Hutser trusted him very much and he’d been completely loyal to the family after three years of working with them. With his gorgeous black hair that fell half way down his eyes and his rather developed muscles, Gloria had dreamt about him more than once. You had to admit the guy was pretty good looking. “Thanks for waiting, and sorry for the lateness. We can leave now.” Gloria apologized as she was buckling her seat belt and waiting for Mark to get into the car. Once he was in, the car accelerated forward and they were off to the college. Moving our view to the high school, sitting in history class, Laurie was utterly bored. Which is only to be expected in a history lesson, right? Next to her was her best friend Gracie, who like herself had black hair, only her own went past her shoulders. They had met as little children on their first day of kindergarten; it was friendship at first sight. She was the only one who knew Laurie was actually one of the princesses of the kingdom, partially because everyone else didn’t even know there was another princess. Palla and Hutser had thought it would be best if no one knew about their three other children so as to make their lives as normal as possible. They had soon learned it would be best after they had Gloria and it became a big deal. Obviously they just wanted the best for their kids as any parent would. Laurie didn’t mind though, she liked not having to be well known and not being treated different by her peers. One day she wished of being discovered but that would be after school and all, where it wouldn’t matter as much. “Ugh this is pathetically boring. What’s the point in teaching us this shit?” Laurie complained to Gracie. “Ab-soooo-lutely nothing; simply because we will never need this. Well…you might if you were to become queen one day or something” replied Gracie unenthusiastically. “Shhh!!!” hushed Laurie, “I don’t need everyone to know about that. Sometimes I just wonder how much longer you will be able to keep this on the DL.” “I know, I wonder the same thing.” Gracie giggled but was soon silenced by the sound of her name from the front of the room. Mr. Balkan, or more commonly known through the student body as Mr. B, thought they were being disruptive. The girls sat through the rest of the class bored out of their minds. Laurie was daydreaming about the future and Gracie was doodling smilies on her paper. |