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convo between Queen Floofy and King Foofy (they are not related in anyway) |
>= Queen Floofy King Foofy = -- >Hehehehe my hand…. --Uhhh what about your hand? >What?? I didn’t say anything about my hand… --Yes you did! Now what did you say?!!!! >Hmmm idk --No, you know what I’m talking about. Now tell me!!!! >Yelling at me will get you nowhere and I told you idk what you are u talking about --OMFG!!! You mumbled something, I heard you!!!! >Yeah I said “I love that band” --No you didn’t. I heard you mumble “my hand” >I think you are hearing things wrong; I was talking about a band --What ev, but I know I heard you say hand…. >Would you just shut up about it already?!!!!! Yes I mentioned my hand, god! --Ha I knew it! Now what were you talking about that had to do with your hand? >You got me to admit to saying it, I’m not going to tell what I was talking about -- Come on you know you want to tell me >Not really, nope -- Just tell me, it’s probably nothing but I still want to know >Yeah it is nothing so just shut up --No, I want to know >Well I ain’t telling you so shhhhh --Yes you is!!!! >NO I’m not!!! Be quiet already!!! --I don’t want to. Tell me!!! >OMG I said “hehehehehehe , my hand” Happy now? --Nope what did you mean by it? >Nothing I was just talking to myself….. --Hmm so you talk to yourself, interesting >Not really, everyone talks to themselves if you haven’t noticed --I don’t >Well you aren’t everybody are you? --I feel real loved >Yup you’re welcome --So what were you hinting at about your hand? >Darn my subject change didn’t work. Nothing really, god!!! --Obviously it’s something if you don’t want to tell me >No, I told you, it’s nothing --Ugh why are you so aggravating?!!! >I don’t see myself as aggravating --Well you are and you should just tell me something when I want to know >I’m not gonna tell you everything in my life and I already told you what you wanted to know --But it’s obvious you are hiding something. Just look at the expression on your face >what’s wrong with my face? --nothing you just look guilty or something lol >I do not, now stop talking about me --Why? Is it making you self conscious? Good >no I just don’t want you to talk about me. Let’s just forget about it --nope im not gonna shut up until you tell me about your hand >Ugh you are the aggravating one --am not >are to --am not >this is childish. Just be quiet. --noooo >yes --why? >cuz I said so --not a good reason >what ev, I think im gonna stop talking to you now --no come on tell me and I won’t ask any more questions >hmmm idk --please? >I guess --yay! >I didn’t mean anything by it --that’s not a good answer >you asked for the answer and I gave you one -- I wanted the right one >that is the right one --you are so pathetic >you’re the one who is asking questions and not liking the answers --ugh what ev >does this mean you’re done with asking questions? --for now >ha-ha I win!!! --how do you win? >I win because you give up --I don’t give up I’m taking a break because I’m getting nowhere with you >oh so you were planning on getting “somewhere”? good to know --not like that >yes I think it is like that. U said it --but I didn’t mean for it to be that way >prove it --idk how to >hmm not good enough --don’t use my own tactics on me! >So what if I do? --I don’t like it. And I didn’t mean for it to be that way. It’s your messed up mind >like you didn’t think the same thing --actually I didn’t so there >what ev I bet you are lying --no im not >fine I believe you but im still not gonna answer any questions and I win --no cuz I didn’t give up and im gonna get my answers >not if I can help it --you should just tell me >just leave me the hell alone --ahhh no I don’t u want to go >hmm so you did have things in mind --no… >I is good. --ok now you should have to answer me >nah --yah >why? --cuz you is the bestest bestest person on earth and want to share with me >suck up --no it’s true >too bad I disagree --come on you know you want to tell >nope --what’s it gonna take? >hmm… --nothing far out or ridiculous >hmm.. --so what is it? >well…. --spit it out already!!! >god don’t rush my thinking process, it’s fragile you know --haha that it is >oh now you are making fun of me? --no… >yes you were --then why did you ask? >idk --you are so not helpful >thanks --that’s not a compliment! >I took it as a compliment so there! --what ev. So what’s it gonna take for you to tell me? >hmm. Would you be my servant for all eternity? --what does that entail? >doing everything and anything I want you to do --that’s a bit extensive…don’t you think? >nope. You wanted to know what it’s gonna take and that is all I want. --ugh >it’s not really worth it lol --I guess not >then we is good? --we is good >yay!!! --haha lets go get some ice cream! >sounds good, and we is off on a mission! |