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Rated: E · Assignment · Educational · #1676015
Oh No,,,,,, More Commas !!!

1. Most of the evidence seemed convincing. Still the credibility of some witnesses was in question.
Answer: Most of the evidence seemed convincing. Still, the credibility of some witnesses was in question.
Rule # 7 Introductory Transitional Words.

2. The volcano filled the sky with acrid smoke but it never erupted.
Answer: The volcano filled the sky with acrid smoke, but it never erupted.
Rule # 1 Compound Sentences With Coordinating Conjunctions

3. He cries in frustration every time his cable goes out.
Rule # 9 (Ending) Adverbial Clauses

4. If we have good weather tomorrow we may go out for a picnic.
Answer: If we have good weather tomorrow, we may go out for a picnic.
Rule # 2 Introductory Adverbial Clauses

5. He never understood why all his friends had viciously turned against him.
Rule # 10b Adjunctive Adverbial Words

6. He was a difficult stubborn poet.
Answer He was a difficult, stubborn poet.
Rule # 3a Coordinate Adjectives

7. They lived in a white frame house.
Rule # 3b Non-Coordinate Adjectives

8. My uncle who is eighty years old walks three miles every day.
Correct ( if there are many uncles)
Rule # 4b Essential Elements
Answer My uncle, who is eighty years old, walks three miles every day. (if there is only one uncle)
Rule # 4a Non-Essential Elements

9. Your best friends where are they when you need them?
Answer Your best friends, where are they when you need them?
Rule # 11 Absolute Phrases

10. The woman who interviewed you is my sister.
Rule # 4b Essential Elements

11. So you decided to put a comma there.
Answer: So, you decided to put a comma there.
Rule # 8 Interjections

12. The book that I borrowed from you is excellent.
Rule # 4c Essential Elements

13. A good student listens to his teachers without yawning reads his lessons and submits assignments on time.
Answer: A good student listens to his teachers without yawning, reads his lessons, and submits assignments on time.
Rule # 5 Elements In A Series

14. Remarkably he never understood why all his friends had turned against him.
Answer: Remarkably, he never understood why all his friends had turned against him.
Rule # 10a Disjunctive Adverbial Words

15. The wind blowing violently the townspeople began to seek shelter.
Answer:The wind blowing violently, the townspeople began to seek shelter.
Rule # 6 Introductory Phrases

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