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Martha asks Guiles to give her a practice session on love. |
WC 2924 The Practice Session Martha was an Elvenhume and her boyfriend, Guiles, was a Son-of-a-Witch. That's right, an honest to goodness Son-of-a-Witch (SOAW). An Elvenhume was part Elf and part human, and a SOAW was the male offspring of a Witch...duh! Anyway Martha was drop dead gorgeous. However, despite her good looks, she had never had a boyfriend, except for Pluto, and he acted more like her brother; usually, anyway. Sometimes he forgot his role and tried to upgrade the relationship. One time in particular, he had pushed the limits, but mostly, he liked Martha enough to step back and not put their "friendship" in serious jeopardy. Martha was afraid, in her heart of hearts, that men might not be her persuasion, but she wasn't a hundred percent sure about that. Sometimes, when training women in the Martial Arts, she got to breathing heavy and started feeling compulsions, she preferred not thinking about. She was Assistant Weapons Instructor to the great, Squire Rogoletti, Weapons Miester Extraordinaire, at Bellmont Military College for Women. The Squire considered her the most talented woman who had ever picked up an edged weapon. It was almost like she was telepathic but she wasn't. She had been tested extensively for that, like all the girls were, and showed no sign of the gift. At first he though her abilities were solely attributable to her strength, quick reflexes and aggressiveness but he had this nagging suspicion that it had to be something more. The Squire was also her Godfather. Her father had died at Myrocenia and had been Rogoletti's best friend. As she got better and better he started to worry that she might kick his butt in front of everyone some day and resolved to resign, before ever letting that happen. Now Bellmont College for "The Amazons", was loosely affiliated with a Templer school, Finsterwald, which was also a military college, but one for men. The head weapons instructor there was a Captain, named Guiles Standaloft. He was the SOAW, mentioned earlier. Martha had been invited, earlier in the month, to do a knife fighting demonstration. She was awesome with any sort of edged weapon but with the Elven blade, was phenomenal; a virtual blur and Guiles had been much too overconfident. To make a long story short, he zigged when he should have zagged and she sent him flying off balance, across a table and landed him flat on his ass. When she reached down to help him to his feet, she felt a powerful surge race up her arm and that unexpected tingle got her to thinking that maybe he had something that other men didn't. However, there was a real problem with Guiles Standaloft. He was handsome, athletic, brave and incredibly smart, but he was also a social moron. So much of his brain was taken up with his other attributes that there was no room left for the interpersonal skills that most everyone takes for granted. His life was an unending series of social gaffs that made him look like a fool and the more he tried to compensate, by emulating this role model or that, the more idiotic he appeared. As a consequence, most everyone would stand around when he spoke waiting for the entertainment to begin. For example he once referred to a group of Nabowian Elves as "Midnight Bandits." He was making reference to the training the night before when they had conducted a practice raid on a caravan of Empire Battle Wagons. In the presence of everyone in the mess hall, however, it took on the tone of a racial slur, associated with the dark complexion of their skin. It created a tense and silent pause that was only broken when one of the Nabowian's converted it to humor, saying in thick ethnic dialog, "Ya, Capo Stindalew, we waah derr wid our camo on." Guiles laughed in genuine amusement while everyone else joined in relief. He was always making these kinds of gaffs, however the man was utterly without malice and as a combat leader, his exploits were legendary. Thus, his students and peers usually forgave his tactless and insensitive remarks, while those meeting him for the first time always walked away with a terrible first impression. And while nobody ever laughed in his face, there was always plenty of chuckling and guffawing behind his back. Thus, as Martha was picking him up off the floor, and feeling the tingle, he looked back in wide eyed amazement. Standaloft had never been bested in a contest of arms and if he'd been a man with the normal male temperament, might have been angry or humiliated. While every one else stood stunned, Guiles spoke. "Well done, Miss Toperoff,. For a woman you can really take advantage of a lucky break." He didn't mean to emphasize the Woman part, or imply that her success was solely the result of luck but those were his words and her female colleagues were offended. Their eyes shot him daggers and they muttered harsh words. However, despite his misconstrued language, he was genuinely impressed and decided that Martha was someone he wanted to know better. So it was that a reciprocal visit to Bellmont was arranged, where he demonstrated the Two Handed sword. Guiles was taking a shower afterwards when Martha walked into the Men's Room. She often did this, because being a woman's college, nobody was ever in there, and she could sit in one of the stalls without being distracted. Her students, a bunch of nubile females, sensed her conflicted appetites and delighted in flirting, teasing and horsing around with her. It gave them something to laugh and giggle about. She was so accustomed to walking into the male latrine, that she just did it without a second thought. Guiles stood in an open stall, lathering in the gush of hot water, reveling in the glorious sensation, as it poured off his back and soap suds went flying everywhere. Her first response was to back quietly out of the area, but then he turned and she saw his manliness. He was oblivious to his surroundings, taking no note of her presence,and with the steam rising, a female was the last person on earth he expected to encounter. This gave her an opportunity to pause and get a better look. His male attribute, was enormous, so large in fact that she was shocked. It was a good seven inches long and an inch in the girth and that was in the relaxed mode. My gawd, she whispered to herself looking in wide eyed amazement...Sakie, Sakies, how would a girl ever get something that huge into her body? With a grimace, she backed up and slipped quietly out the door. Luckily none of her students noticed or she'd have never heard the end of it. Actually it might have done her reputation some good. So here's the take Martha had as she reflected on the situation. First, she wanted to sort out her orientation for once and for all and determine if there was any flexibility involved. Second was the tingle that had raced up her arm when she touched Guiles. It sent a surge of energy that warmed certain parts in a way she had never before experienced. Finally, there was the physics question, regarding a size twelve foot in a size six shoe. As a weapons instructor Martha was very process oriented and every problem she faced wound up broken down into segments, which she solved one step at a time. The problem she defined thus. I need to determine, she told herself, my capability to physically accommodate a man like Guiles. Can my blossom open wide enough, can my clutch swallow the length? Next, what is going on with this tingle, when he touches me? Could it be I just haven't found the right man up until now, or is it time to quit fighting my true nature and find myself a buxom girlfriend? WHAT IF? I took him down to the Armory and instead of spending the rest of my life wondering, determined once and for all, the scope of my orientation? So, when Guiles came out of the Mens Room, she walked over to him and said, "Let's take a walk around Campus and I'll give you a tour of the facilities." It was a beautiful Saturday in the late fall. The leaves were changing and it was one of those Indian Summer days that is perfect for relaxation and fostering a mood of romance. At length they came to the Armory. There was a guard at the gate who swung the massive door open. The Cadet smiled, stepping back at attention. Martha winked. Guiles didn't notice. Taking his arm she led him inside as the sentinel pushed it shut. When it was closed, Martha took her key, turned the tumblers and threw the bolt. Guiles looked about in mild curiousity, accepting her actions as part of the routine. "Security, reasons," she explained, snapping the key ring back onto her belt. The walls were filled with racks that contained every weapon known to warfare. It was virtually a museum and they walked about, talking about the weapons, a subject near and dear to their hearts. Then she took him downstairs and laying on a large worktable was the biggest sword Guiles had ever seen. "This is a replica of the Sword of Orwald, discovered last month at the Tiberian Gorge. It came out of the mold last week and the Spell Masters are working on the enchantments." Guiles stepped up and examined it in wonder. "Orwald is an ancestor of mine," he told her, "on my Mother's side. He must have been huge to wield a blade like this." "Try it," she offered. "May I?" he answered in awe. Taking the handle he pulled it across the surface but it took both hands to heft it. Raising it over his head he began to pirouette around the room, swinging in that classic style he had demonstrated to the young women earlier in the day. "Put it over there in the case when you finish," said Martha raising herself up onto the table. On a stand was an open mahogany case with inlaid mother of pearl scroll work. He put the sword inside and closed the lid. Martha had been thinking how to manage the plan that was beginning to form in her mind. She knew it would require quick action and that there wouldn't be another opportunity like this, for a long time to come. She was smart enough to realize that being coy wasn't going to get the job done. What happened next will sound unbelievable, given Martha's usual behavior towards men and the mating protocols of Elves. However, she girded her fortitude, took a deep breath and stopped mincing around. "Are you a virgin?" she asked. Guiles was blindsided, and stood wide-eyed at a complete loss for what to say. "Yes," he finally managed to answer." "I am too and I have a favor to ask; something I want you to help me with." "What's that?" "When I do it for the first time..." "Do what for the first time?" "Have sex, Guiles, Have sex... Do you understand what that is?" "Sure I do." "Well when that time comes, maybe with a real lover or a husband, I don't want it to be an exercise in fumbling and groping with somebody, mad with passion, who I won't know how to handle; someone who might hurt me and spoil things for the future....Do you understand what I'm getting at?" "I hear you." "I want to be familiar with the process...to have some control over what's happening....It's going to be emotional and difficult enough without being in a situation where I don't have any experience. You follow me?" "I think so." "So the favor I want to ask is this, WHAT IF we were to walk through the process at a very slow speed, like we do when we're teaching our students the basics of a weapons drill; to make sure we understand the fundamentals, before moving on to the more advanced forms at real time speeds." "What do you want me to do?" "Have sex with me, but in a very slow and deliberate manner...not all the way mind you, but almost all the way." "Almost?" "I want you to penetrate but not push so deep as to ruin the evidence... The evidence? I don't want you to rupture my hymen membrane... Guiles stared blankly, a quizzical look on his face.... She could see he still didn't get it. "My cherry Guiles, my cherry, I want to save the bloody cherry for my husband." "Why didn't you just say so to begin,with " he answered, in tone that inspired neither confidence or understanding. "Where do you want us to do it?" "I was thinking that this table will serve nicely." "Are you serious?" "I'm serious Guiles. Are you going to do this for me or not?" "I suppose....Where do we start?" "First, take your clothes off, and I'll do the same." Martha removed her shoes and socks. Then her blouse and skirt. The blouse was cotton with a frilly lace collar that buttoned down the front. Her skirt was a wraparound and fastened with a tie at the waist. Guiles started hopping around, tugging off his boots. Once that was done, he stepped on the edge of his socks, with his toes, pulling them free. Then he unbuttoned his leather tunic and laid it aside. He unclasped his belt and pulled his breeches down over his knees and stepped out of them. They faced each other, her sitting on the table and him standing in front. Then she pulled off the silk top of her under garment. He did the same with his undershirt. His bare chest reminded her of a big hairy gorilla. She reached back and unbuttoned the back of her bra and let it fall over her arms and drop to the floor. He gasped. Her breasts were bigger than oranges but smaller than grapefruits. Each tip turned upwards into a mezmerizing brown pertuberance. She slipped off the table and rolled her silk panties down over her buttocks and let them drop to the floor. He stared fixedly, on that part of her womanhood, heretofor but a figment of his imagination. Then she lifted herself back up . He stepped out of of his shorts and blushed. His eagerness throbbed with excitement. She took a bottle of lotion, poured some onto her hand and began getting ready. Motioning him over to the table she said. "Come here." Taking his manliness, she poured some there and rubbed back and forth. It has a nice texturue, she thought. He raised on his tip-toes and groaned. "Oh my gawd." "Climb up here and get on top of me." He lifted a knee and hoisted himself onto the table as she laid back, extending her arms towards him. "Nice and easy...very slow and just enough to get the feel for it...you got that?" "I think so," he answered. She spread her legs and he moved up, nudging her thighs with his knees. Then he leaned forward onto her. He felt the crush of her breasts against his chest, his heart pounding with excitement. She reached down and took hold, coaxing him closer. She felt the tip slide through her soft hairs and into the folds of her flesh. Twisting back and forth she shifted her buttocks, trying to accommodate the entry. Her opening was small and his sinew, thick. Martha began to despair getting it inside. Sweat began to bead on her forehead as she twisted and worked. "You know," she said," trying to control the frustration in her voice, "It might help if you pushed a little....I think that's something a man is supposed to do." "Like this?" he replied, pushing harder than intended. Suddenly, she groaned as it popped inside and began slipping deeper. "Slow down! Slow down!, Woaah!" she exhorted, as it gained momentum sliding into her sheath. "Ouch!" she cried out as it tore through her hymen. "Stop Guiles, you're hurting me!" The sting was intense and he paused taking the pressure off. "Do you want me to take it out?" he asked. "I think you better, yes, take it out..." "Am I still hurting you?" he asked stalling for time, not wanting to stop. "The pain is subsiding, but we've gone much further than I intended." At that moment she felt a swelling begin to pulse inside him and the circumference of her tissues begin to spread still wider apart. "Hold it back, hold it back?" she exhorted. "Oh my Gad, get ready!" He groaned, pushing deeper. "What are you doing?" she cried out in dismay. Losing control he buried it in the tangle of her short hairs. Fully seated, it began splaying back and forth. Then, from inside her womb she felt the hot squirt of his seed. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed in despair. "That was the last thing I wanted.to have happen." "I'm sorry, so sorry," apologized Guiles. "How could you?," snapped Martha. "Pull it out and get off of me!" "Where did all this blood come from?" "Where the heck do you think? You've deflowered me, that's what you've done, deflowered me, and if that wasn't enough you came while still inside... Now, it's decided. Now, no man is going to want me! I hope you're satisfied." "I couldn't help it...I couldn't help it. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. "Darn you Guiles! I expected better, I really did..." Then with a start she thought"What day is this? and began counting back to when her period started. WC 2924 |