Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1675119-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1675119
Chapter 2 - first attempt at writing
        We've traveled quite a ways when Cassidy dismounts and leads Adar to a stream to drink of the clear water.  I hop down and lap the water as well.  I am amazed that the ride has been so comfortable.  It seems that the saddle has been made with an extra long cantle, so that I can perch easily and comfortably if I tire of riding on the saddle pad and struggling to not claw Adar through the fabric.

        I am startled by a woman suddenly appearing beside me.  Cassidy doesn't seem to notice her.  Oh great.  Now I'm seeing things!  Or rather, I'm still seeing things.  Somethings haven't changed between where I came from and here.  Sigh.  She is of medium height, olive-skinned, dark brown hair.  If we were back where I came from, I'd say she was Italian.         

        The woman begins to speak and it appears that Cassidy can hear her, although he still does not seem to see her still.  “The Fae Folk over in Clomaria over the next hill are in need of help.  The tyrant who rules Oakwood is ruining their crops and grazing land in attempts of taking over their town,” this woman says.

        Cassidy turns to me and says, “Venya, my spirit guide, says I am needed in Clomaria to stop tyranny.  Care to follow me on my journeys and help me in my battles?”  Venya, wished for, lovable in Sanskrit.  Seems fitting for a guide.  I watch as Venya walks off instead of just vanishing, with a lovable little sprightly boy following her.  I hear her call, “Ivan, come now.  Quit dawdling and come on.”  With that, Ivan springs around, but not before blowing me a kiss.  Apparently, they can see me.  And why does this boy wear pink tassels?  What kind of place is this!?!

        We mount Adar and begin to ride at a gallop over the fields toward Clomaria.  Shit!  Okay, Adar is going to have to deal with the claws through the fabric, I'm having problems staying on at these speeds.  Adar summits the hill and I see Clomaria.  I also see that the town's crops are aflame and the fields used for grazing have been plowed up so there is no grazing land within the town's walls.  Whichever tyrant that is responsible for this is a no good, low down scoundrel.  I would say worse, but I'm going to be polite for now.

        Cassidy lets out a primal yell, the likes I have not heard before.  That says quite a bit since I'm a … well we won't talk about that for now.  I thought we had been galloping before, but the speed we go down the hill is ten times that.  It's almost like Adar is flying, and I'm afraid to look down to see if we really are.  EEEPP!  We are!  Ok, unicorns can fly without wings.  Cassidy bears down on the brawny man wielding the torch setting fire to the crops and draws his sword.  He handily takes this person out of action so he can no longer harm anyone.

        Adar then spins around so Cassidy can see the men who are plowing up the grazing fields and setting the fields to ruin.  I hop off Adar as I am having difficulty staying on during Cassidy's battle.  As I drop to the ground, one of the men's swords catch me on the rear left leg, slicing it open almost to the bone.  I hop up onto a fence post to stay out of the way.  Owie Owie Owie!

        Cassidy swings his sword at the first man he comes to and injures his arm severely and the other  two men scamper off into the woods dragging the injured man with them.

        Cassidy sits and surveys the damage that has been done to the Fae town of Clomaria.  All the crops of been ruined and most of the grazing land ravaged.  Adar snorts his disgust at what some men will do to get more power.

        The Fae Folk begin to come out of their homes to see who has come to their rescue.  Although the Fae can do magickal acts and control the actions of some other beings, within their own town they often do not rely on those abilities for fear of attracting evil entities to the town. The Fae are all beautiful, and they seem ageless!  They remind me of the stories of the Tuatha De Danaan back from whence I come.  I sit on my fencepost gazing at the Fae with my mouth open, which is an interesting look for a cat.

        The owner of the Clomaria Inn steps forward to offer thanks to Cassidy for his assistance in getting rid of the tyrant's men.  “I am Mintaka, and I run the Clomaria Inn.  We thank you for assistance Great Hero.  You may stay at the Inn for as long as you may like, partake of food, and stable your noble beast and feed him of our feed stores.”

        Cassidy seems to be staring at Mintaka like he has come home compared to how he was looking when I first came across him.  Hmm.  What is going on here?

        “I will stay for a short time.  I do need time to replenish my energy.  Adar would surely like to have some time to sleep in a stable.  And it seems my new little friend, Moira, has been injured,” Cassidy tells Mintaka as he gingerly lifts me off the fencepost.

        “PRRRRTTTT! MERRRRWWWW!” I exclaim in pain.  Damn this hurts worse than anything I've ever gone through before.

        “Aw, poor kitty. Come, bring Moira into the Inn and I will see to her wounds,” says Mintaka as Cassidy carries me into the Inn and sets me on a table with a soft fabric cover.  Mintaka busies himself preparing herbs to treat my wounded leg as I lay on the table twitching my tail nervously, knowing this is likely to hurt like bloody hell.  Cassidy pets my head and sings softly to me trying to settle my nerves, but I cannot make out the words.  It seems almost like he's apprehensive of someone overhearing him singing.

        Mintaka brings several bowls over to the table and I tense up.  He holds his hands above my wounds without touching me for several minutes quietly.  The area below his hands begins to feel warm and the pain begins to subside.  Then, Mintaka takes a bowl with soapy water and gently cleanses the cut on my leg.  I'm not saying it didn't hurt like hell, but I've never been around many men that are that gentle, especially with animals.  After cleansing the wound, he applies lavender oil, and a cream of marigold and calendula before wrapping my leg in cotton.  Mintaka then again hold his hands above my wounds quietly for several minutes before setting me in a nice basket with bedding by the fire.

        Cassidy has been watching all this unfold with awe.  “I've never seen someone as gentle with animals as you before.  You seem to revere livings things as much as I do.”  Mintaka chuckles and looks at Cassidy before saying, “There is much you'll learn about me that fascinates you, as it fascinates most people.”

        Mintaka sets down a goblet of red wine for Cassidy and drinks from a mug himself, but I can't tell what.  He also brings out a meal that appears to be mostly fruits and vegetables.  Sigh.  With the crops ruined, that might change.  He and Cassidy sit down and begin to eat and talk about life, philosophy and more.  I'm bored and doze in the heat of the fire.

        That is until I notice a feline presence in the far corner of the room.  I see a beautiful sleek cat with a warm glowing red coat, like an Abyssinian back where I'm from.  She seems a bit ticked that I am in her abode.  Well, probably because I'm most likely in her bed by the fire.  This cat walks over to me and bumps heads with me.  Ah, a good sign, that means she doesn't want to fight with me.  Good, because I'm not in any shape to fight.

        She sits down and looks at me.  “I'm Gwenyth.  Mintaka is my caretaker.  I see you've had a bit of a row with someone.  And they got the better of you.  Rest well here.  We will take care of you.  Mintaka and I, well, we kinda like strays.”  With this, she saunters off and goes back into the Inn to what must be Mintaka's quarters.

        How dare she call me a STRAY!  Oh wait, I guess I kind of am.  Cassidy hasn't exactly claimed ownership of me yet.  Wait!  I don't want to be owned either.  What a conundrum!  URRRGHHH!  I'm hungry and I don't eat rabbit food.  I'm going to go out to the stable and see if the mice are slow enough for me to catch in my current state and sleep in Adar's stall.

        As I limp out towards the stable, I hear laughter and singing drift out the windows off the Inn.  Why would someone be singing about little boys and dinosaurs together, and WAIT!  They know about dinosaurs here?  I shake my head and decide to just sleep off whatever Mintaka must have done to me and curl up beside Adar as he snoozes in his stall.
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