Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1669288-swords-of-destiny-and-fate-prologue
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1669288
an age old legend is cast back in the lime light in hopes It can preserve mankind.
long ago, a dwarven smith made seven swords of great power. He presented these as gifts to the seven great human kings in hopes to end the senseless bloodshed. He was wrong as a great war erupted as each tried to get all seven of the uniqe blades. In this war all but one of the kingdoms were destroyed and all but that kingdom's blade were lost. In time that sword dissappeared to the annals of history and the kingdom crumbled from within. the age of the great kingdoms of man disappeared and the humans faded to little more than serfs under their Elven masters.This in time too faded as did the Elves to seclusion. So humans struggled to reach and maintain the lofty position they now held and slowly forgot all of this, only the most learned of story tellers hearing this old legend. But when the Elves, Dark and vicious. struck down once more on the old blades which could cut through the Elves Moonmetal like pudding. But where are they? and who is worthy enough to wield such a great blade... 
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