Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1669133-The-wolf-and-the-sheep
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1669133
kind of written like a fairy tale - but nothing for kids actually....
Once upon a time there was a sheep.

A wild one, grassing day in day out.

One day it arrived at a place that looked a bit like a mess,

there was a lot of stuff gathered together.

It seemed like it was actually a lost, but that was just the first impression.

Suddenly from behind was a deep voice coming:

”Looking for someone to have a meal with, eh?”

The sheep turned around and looked into the face of a wolf, and said: “actually no, since I’m a vegetarian...”

”I could eat you now, you know” the wolf growled.

”I hardly imagine you being able to eat me!” the sheep meant

”Ah yea? Why not?” the wolf replied

”I wouldn’t even fit in your tummy” the sheep said

The wolf laughed out loudly, “we wolves can eat 10 goats at once in one meal, hahaha.”

Not far from the place a horde of goates was grassing.

The sheep was seeing that and said to the wolf, “Hah if you really can, then show me!”

”Nothing easier than that!” the wolf replied and was already running into an attack position.

it was one hell of a noise, and dust and dirt, but quite soon it was quiet again and the horde literally ended up in smoke.

The wolf returned slowly, having a big belly.

”Ufff, and? Is that good enough? I said 10, but for you I broke the record and ate 15, bwahhh”

The sheep then asked: “and what do you drink after such a meal usually?”

”One bottle of nice red wine, but for YOU I will drink one barrel, to show how much we wolves can really drink”

the heavy wolf went portly over to a quite big barrel he had put onto some branch forks already to tap from it.

He threw the the mugs away, put his muzzle on the orifice and opened it.

The red wine poured down quickly, and you could slowly see his gut increasing, the wine also made him soon so heavy that it threw him to sit down.

And the wine continued pouring down his throat and his tummy became rounder and rounder.

As the barrel was empty the wolf was unable to move.


he became a large, round fluffy ball with his big smelling footpaws in front of him showing up.

The wolf was also so drunk that he could barely say a clear word anymore.

trying to caressing his large belly, which he could not even enclose with his arms anymore he said to the sheep:

”Lalll tolsha a would manash sis all, hick!”

The sheep simply replied “nice, but you haven’t eaten me, haha, and I can continue my way”

And so the sheep left.

The wolf was so perplex but basically too drunk and fat anyway, that he simply let himself fall on his back, his tummy swooshing and woobling around.

his tongue hanging  out his muzzle he said to himself:

”lall never twa so eat a seep ngn!, hick”

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1669133-The-wolf-and-the-sheep