Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668542-Dollar-Menu
Rated: E · Short Story · Food/Cooking · #1668542
A story of whimsy, wisdom and food.
Once upon a time there was a King.  The King of Burgurville.  He lived in a large white castle.  His daughter, Princess Wendy, was smitten with a young stablehand named Carl the Second.  One day, Carl the Second sent Princess Wendy a gift.  As she unwrapped the gift a knave sprang forth from the box, causing Wendy to have a heart attack, killing her instantly.  Carl the Second was distraught.  He hired five men to discover who had booby-trapped the gift.  The five guys searched for the culprit, who turned out to be Carl's evil brother Ronald.  As they chased after him, Ronald ran in and out of the King's white castle, attacking the villagers that dwelt within.  Carl the Second took up his sword, chased after his brother, and with a mighty stab ran Ronald through.  The King of Burgurville, despite his sadness from the loss of his daughter, was relieved that her killer had been dealt with.  He asked for Carl the Second to kneel, then tapped each shoulder with the tip of his sword, dubbing him "McKnight Carl".  The villagers rejoiced, throwing meat patties, french fries and large sodas in the air.  They realized too late, however, that ice cubes falling from the sky really hurt one's head.

The End.

*No french fries were harmed during the writing of this story*
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