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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1665009
This is for my personal thoughts and ideas for Era and Dorian, plus other random ideas.
As I hit walls with my stories, I'll be making various scenes and spilling out the gist of what I am trying to make happen.

I'm stuck in various moments in Era of Dragoon, so I'll be talking a lot about that, and Death of Dorian has some unique difficulties of its own.
August 18, 2010 at 11:01am
August 18, 2010 at 11:01am
Finally, I'm back! As if anyone reads this!

Oh well, I started this blog to keep tabs on myself, and such purpose it shall serve.

Let's see... lost two horrible horrible chapters of Dorian due to an computer virus with a raging hardon for destruction... and have been meaning to try to pick up the pieces.

I've been getting a lot of Jessica vibes lately, I think I'm going to find out what is going on with her. I'm curious to see how Dorian finds out and reacts, but I'm worried that it's going to have a huge ripple effect and make his life more droll than usual.

Just finished Under the Dome by King. Honestly, it brings to mind the most exhilirating race across the nation riding on a motorcycle with a driver addicted to wheelies... and falling off at about 90 mph ten feet from the finish line. I'm not quite sure what was hokey about the ending, just that it came out bleh compared to some of his earlier work. An amazing ride, though.

I'm planning on starting up my "1K a day" plan with Dorian again this Friday, then shifting the timeslot to fit through my work schedule.

Speaking of, I know have a job working a graveyard shift at a gas station. I'm just beginning to realize the skit-character potential of the various drunk/high/plain-ol'-crazy customers, and expect it will help not only my multiple dialogue failings, but give some intermission-esque comedic scenes that aren't played out in Dorian's jaded mentality.

Also, hoping to start doing some R&R's on the site and also would like to see my new friend start posting some of her work. So, if you're reading this friend, I'll make a deal: I'll do an entry for every entry/chapter/etc. you post, and I'll R&R everything you write! That'll give us both something to do, right? Right.

Not going to touch Era with a stolen dick until I'm finishing up Dorian's skeleton draft. Way too much moving and modifying before I can fantasize (haha, get it? I'm a dork!) about that pipe dream.

Well, it's 8 a.m., and I'm kinda tired. Think I'll do a quick review of where the new last chapter finished up at, and maybe start doing some good old fashioned new fangled pen and papering to get myself back into the mojo.


Ah, my idiot alarm is going off. Time to sign off for now.
May 3, 2010 at 4:01pm
May 3, 2010 at 4:01pm
Making more progress on Dorian. I think my dialogue still needs work, but that's second draft issues.

Couldn't bring myself to go to Mass on Sunday, not sure why. I think I might be in a funk. I've got only 17 days left in Southern Idaho before I move, and I'm still upset that Kick-Ass wasn't shown here. Oh well.

I'm conflicted about those who have viewed my work. On one hand, I'm glad that I'm not bombarded with reviews and recommended changes. On the other, I wish that I'd get some reviews to know if my story is worthwhile to continue.

Been playing Borderlands and Last Chaos, and started reading War & Peace by Tolstoy. He's a heavy writer.
April 17, 2010 at 4:14pm
April 17, 2010 at 4:14pm
Man, I love how you learn about people from others.

I found something out about Dorian this morning (at about 5:30 am Mountain Time, I think) that I didn't realize.

And, no. I'm not going to tell you (whoever it is you may be, if anyone).

Also, I found chapter 3 (or maybe it should be the end of chapter 2, not quite sure yet. I'll deal with that after I do my second draft, I think) already written. I'd forgotten that I'd put about half a chapter worth of Dorian on my HDD without the rest (the rest is in longhand except for Samaritan, which was only on WDC).

Plus, I just finished On Writing by King, which I found to be an enthralling read. Between that for general writing and The Writer's Journey by Vogler, the only mechanics I feel I need to really keep worrying about is dialogue and names. Although, I've come to think that those two come (for the most part, obviously there is some writer's work involved) pretty spontaneously. At least for DoDorian. Era I've set on a back burner now, I don't feel I'm fully ready to keep working on it and I realize it is very clunky and forced sounding (because I was forcing a lot of it).

While I acknoweldge that zombie and alien stories have become pretty cliche, I had a thought: What if a guy is visiting a friend about 600 miles from home and something breaks in and attacks? What if there are more than one thing? And he's an average joe, like... really an average guy. No special forces training, hell, not even Boy Scouts. What would he and his friend do, and how would they survive? Meh, maybe I'll get around to toying with the idea. For now, I'm reading three books and writing one with another stewing. My plate is pretty full, and if I don't watch out the kitchen will set on fire.

Also, I think I realized the main reason I've been so slothful and frustrated with my writing. I've been doing most of it with the tv blaring in the background, always with one of my favorites on.

Hmm... in about an hour the confessional opens. It would feel good to go, but my waist and below is hurting like the Dickens. Which is a cliche I've never understood.

It's tempting to print out the first 3+ chapters of Dorian and have someone read it, but I think I'll take King's advice and leave the door shut (at least mostly, since it's open to WDC) for now.

But man, I am curious to see what people think. Meh, f*** it. Let them tell me when we both have the full story. Up to 8 pages single spaced with 10 pt Arial on Word, not much to read so far. (16 on double space, but that's a pretty big duh right there)

All right, Officer Watson makes his first appearance, too. Didn't even know he existed. Weird, huh?

Chapter 3 gives a better idea of Rule Number Three. I bet if someone took the time, they'd get a pretty good guess of Rules #1 and #3, but I don't know. Eventually they'll all be clear as day, and maybe after rewrite they'll be clearer earlier.

I'm off. Again.
April 16, 2010 at 10:49am
April 16, 2010 at 10:49am
DoDorian is getting rough to write, and I'm not sure why.

I think I'm trying to force things that aren't there. His condo seems hazy at best in my recounting, but in my mind its clear. I'm not too worried about it, as pretty much every third chapter will take place (at least partly) there, providing multiple opportunities to clean up the place. His night time walks, however, are a little more problematic and all gracious readers should expect them to shift and grow into proper maturity and reality over time. For example, his first night out (in the story) he finds a bar in which two drunken patrons (one known as "The Floppy One" and other only as "Citybilly Guy") are destroying the bar in attempt to destroy each other.

The dialogue is better than it would normally be, mainly because there isn't a lot other than cursing. When Dorian speaks (something he hasn't really done until this part in the story) he just becomes more mysterious. What do we know about Dorian? Well, he is an amazing cook of the short-order variety, he has a sarcasticly dry stream of thought, he drives a piece of dung car that is literally falling apart. We also know that he is prone to migraines, and that historically (although we don't know how long) he would combat it with bourbon. We know he lives in Francois d'Assissian Condominiums, complete with a red carpet entry and nice hardwood floors. He reads, or at least used to, a lot. We also have a vague notion that he has certain rules, #1 and #3, and roughly what they are. #1 came into play when Frankie was going to "take" Jessica home, and after the bartender was knocked unconscious by the drunken brawlers, and that #3 came into Dorian's mind when Floppy made an angry comment to Citybilly.

Well, I decided to faceplant my way through and see what happens at the bar. It's a little lean, I think, but I got the bones in the right order.

Man, the bartender is a bit of a windbag, but then again I have a feeling he's the type so used to listening to others talk that he's subconciously making up for it.

Also, looking at my chapter lengths, either this will end up a rather short novel, or it might need to start eating more. It looks about as weighty as Christian Bale in the Machinist.

Oh well, we'll see what happens.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1665009-Mental-Notes-and-Random-Excrement