Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1664184-Enterprise-Part-1
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Sci-fi · #1664184
An adventure aboard the USS Enterprise CVN-65 is about to begin a mission in the future!
In the year 2025, a mission was about to begin. Several years earlier, the Aircraft Carrier Enterprises, CVN-65 was attacked by a group of Terrorists. The reactors were damaged and caused a radiation leak that had spread quickly from the ship, forcing the U.S. Navy to put it under remote control to move it out from Pearl Harbor and into a dock in the middle of the Pacific, which was where radioactive ships were sent to be isolated from the rest of civilization.

In 2024, two people: Cody Stiles and Ryon Harriman; both members of a newly formed Starfleet Command, and Cody a General in the Marines, bought the ship and sent in a team of people in advanced radiation resistant work suits fixed the reactor and sent it back to Pearl Harbor after cleaning up all the radiation on the ship. It was outfitted with all new weapons, fighter jets and a crew of only the finest the Navy and Marines could offer.

Two more people: Joshua O'Neill of the Air Force and Wyatt Stiles, Cody's brother, of the Navy joined the crew. Joshua brought the best of the Air Force officers to pilot the fighters. He also brought some of the most advanced fighters of that time.

The year of 2025 the Enterprise left dry dock and headed out to the Pacific command base of the U.S. Military/Starfleet.

On it's way to the base, Cody and Ryon decided to relieve the boredom with a game of golf. They gathered up their golfing supplies and went up on deck. Cody went first by grabbing a club and ball and setting it on the deck. He swung hard, hit the ball, and it went flying out and hit the water. Only a second later there was an explosion. Ryon laughed. "I guess that's par 4! Good job at taking out that underwater mine. Now, I'll go," he said.

Cody smiled. "Not until I hit that seagull," he said as he pointed to the sky. He laid down another golf ball and swung. He looked around for a splash and a bird squawk, but nothing happened. He looked down and jumped back surprised to see the ball sitting on the deck where he dropped it. He angrily picked it up and threw it. It hit the bird moments later and the bird came down. They jumped off to the side as it hit the deck in a mess of feathers. It promptly got up and flew off.

Several hours later, the ship shook as several shells from a group of ships nearby fired on it. Cody and Ryon ran onto the bridge and Wyatt turned to them from the windows. "They register as Somalian battleships. I am raising the shields and charging the laser cannon. Also, the railguns should be online momentarily," he said.

The area around the ship suddenly glowed light blue as the shields activated. Some areas glowed red as the shells detonated on the shields. The deck plating in the center retracted and a railgun came out. Nearby, two more did the same and a laser gun popped out nearby. They opened fire, and the attacking ships began to leave a smoke trail from where they impacted. The weapons officer turned from his console and spoke.

"We are down to 80% shields. We'll be down to 5% shields once we destroy those ships. I suggest we fire several torpedoes and fire up those old .100 caliber guns we have on the sides of the deck."

"Make it so," Wyatt said. "Scramble all the SR-73s and have them open fire," he finished. Several torpedoes fired from underneath the ship and the machine guns fired on the ships. The three SR-73s (Modified SR-71s with lasers and bombs, but retaining their same speed) flew off the deck. The shields lowered just enough for the fighters to launch. They flew into formation and began dropping bombs on the Somalian ships.

"We have only 53% shields left, sir," the weapons officer announced. Suddenly, there was a blinding flash as one of the ships erupted in flames and the others began to blow up.

Chapter 2

The Enterprise headed on course, with the crew aiming for a speed record for the ship. They were doing quite a good job at it too. They reached the base two hours ahead of time and entered the dry dock. Eli Sedgoh of the Navy, a engineer with an expert look at computer technology, (He's the one who designed all the new systems on the Enterprise) walked out of the elevator and greeted Ryon, Cody, Wyatt and Joshua. "Welcome back to base command, my friends," he said as he shook hands with them all.

"Eli! I don't believe it! How did you get here?" Ryon asked. Eli sighed and spoke as he always was known to when telling a long story.

"Well, I was back at the U.S. Embassy building when I got a call to head back to base to prepare for arrivals. I've heard that we soon will have a Fed coming to the base later so I've been called on to get the men all prepared. But, I was delayed. My jet was having engine problems, electrical shorts, coolant leaks and who knows what else. So, I borrowed your Bell 222. Don't worry, it made it here safely. Now, you'd all just better get ready for this Fed's arrival. He is to be here tomorrow. I've been told I know him, but I'm not sure who it is," he said with a big huff at the end. The crew members and dock workers were unloading food, supplies and weapons. Suddenly, a large black military helicopter came in and landed. Out came a government official and he turned to one of the dock workers.

"Get my bags, will you?" he asked as he grabbed a .50 caliber rifle. The worker gathered two others and they grabbed the bags.

"What's in here?" one of the workers asked.

"Pistols. The other holds grenades and trip mines. The third has my two favorite rifles. The last one has some of the rest of my weapons. Assorted throwing knives, machine gun pistols, and my specially modified .50 caliber AK-47 machine gun."

The workers continues lugging along the bags and loaded them onto the cargo truck. The government official walked over to the group and instantly everyone knew who it was. Joshua was the first to speak. "What are you doing here in that suit, Nathan. We are at a privately owned military base and our rules are no suits. And, no sunglasses unless out on the beach," he said, with a great deal of annoyance in his voice.

Nathan Siwel smiled back and took off the tie and glasses. "I'll change out of this suit once I unpack. The reason I was wearing it is I was told to wear it until arrival," he said, laughing. Joshua quickly said a famous 'that's what she said!' and they both tensed. Cody suddenly stepped between them and yelled at both. "Break it up. This is no time for inside jokes! Once Nathan gets used to this place THEN you can hurl insults at each other!" They went on their ways and split up.

Several hours later Joshua commented on how he almost thought he could have heard those capital letters when Cody said "THEN" when he was yelling at them.

The next day, everyone was gathered to discuss the war against both the terrorists and Somalian pirates. They were planning for an attack on a pirate outpost. The Enterprise would spearhead the assault, followed by ten Navy destroyers, four missile boats, and five nuclear submarines. The Russians would send in a few submarines. They would attack in a three pronged attack formation. The Russians would split up and form two divisions. They would protect two missile boats each. The Enterprise and the destroyers would lead the central attack as they drove the pirates back inland. The Enterprise would then fire the railguns at the base and destroy it. The remaining pirates would be taken in and brought to the Somalian Anti-Pirate division.

"We will have to move fast as the bait, which is a large cargo freighter called the Morning Star, will entice the pirates to attack. Then, once they are aboard, the modified cargo containers will explode with a blast of knockout gas. They will be rounded up by a group of Marines aboard. We will then attack the main base and destroy their raid ships. The only problem is that our only maximum speed is only slightly faster than their ships, being at 50 knots," Cody announced during a meeting on the flight deck of the USS Gerald R. Ford, a ten year old supercarrier of the newest design.

"I have also been given this ship under my command as we proceed to attack the base. It will launch a full squadron of B-52s and SR-73s. The fleet will then from there head up north. We are to meet with the rest of the fleet there to recover a large amount of heavy weapons, including several new generation laser rifles and nuclear missiles. These weapons are in large numbers. If these weapons fall into enemy hands, we could be in big trouble. They could easily punch right through our shields and destroy us.

"But, we do have an advantage. Several people of the Starfleet High Command had decided we should go ahead and place tracking devices aboard the containers with the weapons."

Wyatt stood up and Cody nodded to say he has the go ahead to speak. "Why don't the scouts have it located yet? They could track it with their devices."

"We are the only ones who have the technology available to detect it. It is sent on gamma rays, not radio waves. Only our SR-73s have the technology available to pick it up," Cody replied. He stepped down and let Ryon speak.

"We have made it possible to track them by taking out the device from our jet and placing it on a modified ATV called the Argaris. According to General Jack O'Neill(Of no relation to Joshua) we are able to use one of their portable cloaking devices to place on one of our SR-73s. Also, the starship U.S.S. Daedalus will be performing low orbital attacks," he finished.

Just as he was done speaking Wyatt stood up and pointed to the other side of the deck to point out Nathan walking up in a beach shirt and shorts. "Nathan Siwel reporting for duty, sir!" he said as he raised his hand to salute.

"Now what do you think we should do?" Eli whispered to Cody Ryon. Cody raised his hand and performed an upside down salute.

"At ease, soldier," Cody remarked.

"I think we should salute like the finest of soldiers this world has to offer," Ryon replied. Cody started to do the Nazi salute when Ryon interrupted. "No, not that one!"

"Oh, yeah. That's right," Cody said in his mocking tone. He proceeded to do the British salute and Ryon just shook his head. He stepped back up to the microphone and spoke. "Well, it seems that we have a new crew member. Nathan Siwel." He motioned towards Nathan and the assembly clapped their hands for a few seconds before silence."
© Copyright 2010 Ryon Olson (jevjanson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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