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First chapter. |
Tick Tock Tick Tock, The only noise in this silent office i was sitting in. I sighed and put my hands behind my head and kicked my feet up on to the desk. I knew all I could do was sit and wait. Wait for what I already knew was coming to me. SLAM! The door opened and shut quick and tight only a few short seconds after. She walked past me toward the other side of the desk. Only making a breif stop to push my feet of the desk. She sat down and looked into a file cabnet sitting on the desk, she started thumbing through it. Finaly she took her hands out of the cabnet and along with it came a minella folder. She began to skim through it and as if she had found exactly what she was looking for she pulled out a packet of three pages and slammed the folder shut. She looked up at me with a minceing stare. "Alexis...", She began. "Lexi.", I inturupted. I knew exactly how to push her buttons. "I don't know what to do with you anymore. Detentions seem more like a treat for you than a punishment. I mean if we look at your record for the last three years at this school you have had detention 3/4ths of thhose years. You were enrolled on summer school all three. Let me ask you. Do you even want to graduate high school? And if you do why should I bother to keep you enrolled in this acadamey?", SHe inquired. Apparently Ms. Dean knew how to push mine as well. "I don't know.",I replied in monotone. "I just don't give a SHIT." The only word I actually had emphasized. "Do not use that word again. And further more, I don't think i should keep you here at Prestige Acadamy. I already called your parents, there on their way.", She nagged. I knew she was waiting for my reaction, but I didnt give her one. While we waited she read me the list a mile long they like to call my record. SLAM! Again the door quickly open and shut. This time in walked my dad and step mom. They sat down in the chairs on either side of me. They looked beyond P.O.'d. Faces so red they looked like a ripe tomatoe on a summer's day. Eyes bludging and red almost as much as a cartoon. It almost look like a bad scene form another teen drama. Almost three hours went by as we talked about our options. They decided Paramore would be my only option with my kind of history. Paramore public high school, know for sex, drugs, and the most violent teens the Orange County Police Dapartment has ever seen. The thought of it made me shutter. I had no choice though. The car ride home was silent. I knew better. I knew my punshiment awaited at home. Three hours after we got home that is. My "parents", if you can call them that, are full blown meth heads. It was only after they would get high would my punishment be handed to me. I went to my room and cried for the first hour i waited. Then unexpectedly the punishment came early. He stalked into the room and lurked by my bed. He sat on the edge of my bed and inhaled deeply. His hand began to rub up my leg. The tough guy act I hid behind began to quickly dissapear. I felt weak and vonrable like a little kid. His hand was now on the small of my back. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I screamed and shot up in my bed. The nightmares of three years ago still haunted me. I panted heavally and wiped my head. I looked at the time it was almost 7:30. So I got up to make breakfast before I went off to work. Sorry would write more but thr fionce's home. till next time enjoy! |