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Here is the first chapter of the very ambitious amatuer work, Eirene's Awakening. |
Chapter One The Dragon Hunter The mist was still settled on the floor of Bercinalii when Filuavanna heard a familiar voice from the darkness. Her eyes opened, adjusting to the dim lighting almost immediately. She looked around the simply decorated room. Her gaze followed from the armoire in the corner, along the wall decorated in her favorite bows and daggers, and around the door. As her gaze followed further she saw a pair of green eyes staring back at her, just over the edge of her bed as if trying to hide from her. Just inches from her face her sister whispered to her. “Filuavanna. It is time to rise.” Her voice so quiet normal ears wouldn’t be able to articulate the sounds and syllables properly. “Please get up.” “Is it my turn to guard the Forest already? Are you not of age to do this yet, Amdarala? I tire of watching these empty Forests for days at a time.” She whispered back to her sister as she rolled her entire body on its side towards her. “By Eirene, the Sun has not even broken the leaves of Bercinalii. I mustn’t be up until midday. What is this about?” Her voice rose to a nearly audible level, her stress well hidden but still noticeable by her sister. Amdarala paused momentarily, as if she didn’t want to say. “It’s…” She started. “Amdarala, what is going on? You are acting strange.” Filuavanna’s voice had risen well within the reach of human ears at this point. “That is why I have come to you so early. I…” “Quit stalling!” “But sister…” “Amdarala…” Her voice slightly more patient, yet with the affliction only her closest friends, and of course her sister, would catch on to. “It’s Karethrail…” Amdarala was finally able to throw from her throat. Filuavanna lunged out of bed, in no need of stretching before performing an acrobatic spin to the ground beside her sister. “What, has happened?” She asked her sister as she grabbed her shoulders and pulled her line of sight straight into her own. Amdarala looked back at her sister, frightened and frozen from her quick and unexpected movements. Filuavanna let go and kneeled down in front of her, then sat back on her heels. “I am sorry, sister. Please, tell me what has happened.” “I don’t know…” She nearly whimpered. “I was awoken by a terrible nightmare of this horrid dragon. I couldn’t sleep after the things I saw in those dreams, they felt so real…” She paused a moment and brought her hand to her lips, attempting to comfort herself. Filuavanna took her hand from her mouth and held both hands at their knees. Comforted, Amdarala continued. “I knew Karethrail would be up watching the Forest, so I sought his comfort. When I got to the outside gates, to the point where you cannot see our fortress any longer, there was no sign of him. The forest was so still it was frightening. No birds were chirping. The moon’s light covered by cloud patterns I have never seen before, so thick almost no light penetrated. There was blood at the top of his favorite perch. More blood on limbs coming all the way to the ground.” Her voice began to gain pace in a slight panic, going faster and faster. “The Forest showed all signs of struggle the plants were flustered the leaves were torn blood was spent across all the land below the blood was smeared as though he was dragged…” She continued in a furious pace. Her mind so stressed she began speaking in Elvish. Filuavanna raised her hands to her sister’s face and held her head by the cheeks. “Let me grab my Dragonrite Bow and Purity Dagger. Whatever evil has done this to Karethrail shall know no mercy.” Filuavanna kissed her sister’s forehead and stood. Quickly she moved to the wall adorned with her bows. She used the Dragonrite Bow only when absolutely necessary. Karethrail comes from a house known to single-handedly kill dragons. He was no less renowned. The Dragonrite Bow was of finest quality. The wood came from the great Dragonrite trees. Only the Elvish could harness wood from this tree as it takes a precise technique to saw through the grains of this incredibly hard wood. Dwarven hands too aggressive for the precision required and Humans too impatient to learn the skills necessary. On each end were razor sharp daggers. The dagger on bottom, Virue, is named for its purpose. Its edge is sharp yet thick and heavy enough to break bone. The dagger on top, Tirue, is named for its ability to lacerate and cut wounds very deep. The archer wielding this weapon can instantly change combat tactics to melee if ambushed. Even regarding the different blades, the Dragonrite Bow is in perfect balance. The Purity Dagger is of no shorter amazement. This enchanted blade can sense Elven blood and will become dull if it senses an Elf to be struck. Even a small pin-prick will make this blade useless to the enemy should it fall into the wrong hands. If the wielder is in need of the blade’s sharpness he only need say for it to be sharp once more, in Ancient Elvish. The blade will only respond to the wielder’s voice. Filuavanna pulled the draw string over her chest, the Dragonrite Bow set on her back. She sheathed the Purity Dagger on her hip and a Dwarven Dagger on her other hip for assurance. Battle ready, she kneeled down to her sister, still petrified on the floor next to her bed. “I will go to Karethrail. Have you told the Guardian or any of the Keepers?” Amdarala slowly shook her head. “Go to them then. Immediately. Tell them everything you told me. Tell them I have gone to look for him, but I do not know what evil may be in our Forest. Risking others will be in the hands of the Keepers, it is not for us to decide.” She stood and began to the door. At the door’s frame she stopped and turned her head back. Her sleek red hair draped smoothly over her elegant shoulders, her slender body bent gracefully in a natural movement as she looked back to her sister. “Please do not follow me Amdarala. We do not know what dangers may be in this Forest. And to think that it was able to take Karethrail honestly frightens me.” “Then why don’t you look frightened, sister?” Amdarala interrupted. As she spoke she turned to face to sister, leaning her body against the door frame in a coy fashion. “I have over two hundred years on you. You learn to suppress your fears, even from yourself after so much time.” Amdarala chuckled lightly. “What is it?” “I see what you’ve done, hiding your old age behind ‘wisdom’ and ‘experience.’” “Ha ha.” She gave a sarcastic laugh as she turned and walked towards Amdarala, who was still kneeling beside her sister’s bed. “I guess you would have a point if you yourself weren’t nearly two hundred already. You know a human could have died twice in that life time.” Filuavanna pointed out, kneeling down to her sister’s level once more. “Really? How do you know that?” “Ancient texts from their civilization. A discussion for another time I’m afraid. I will tell you all you may want to know of them when I return.” Filuavanna reassured her. She stood and turned for the door and her sister’s voice came back. “With Karethrail.” “With Karethrail.” -/-/- Without a single noise, Filuavanna made her way to the trees Karethrail was to be watching over. Quickly she found the blood trails her sister spoke of. To her disdain, her sister was not exaggerating. Calmly and swiftly she made her way up a few limbs. She looked over the forest for greater signs of the direction they had traveled. She could determine from the tracks in the forest visible from the branches, that there were no Humans or even Dwarves at work here. This, was much bigger. The slender elf gracefully jumped from limb to limb all the way back to the ground, hitting the ground and instantly running, all with nearly no sound. Her eyes scanned the forest for clues to her friend’s capture with the speed of a hawk. Suddenly she stopped to examine a light glimmer hidden in a small Calima Berry bush. She pulled it’s thick, sturdy branches apart skillfully avoiding the incredibly sharp, poison tip thorns. It was Karethrail’s Greatsword. ‘Why didn’t they take his sword?’ Filuavanna thought to herself. She came to the conclusion that this was not raid or theft, they wanted her friend. For what, she could not begin to imagine. She continued to Trek through the familiar woods, traveling deeper and deeper. The trail was very long; whoever took Karethrail was moving very fast. She would have to work to catch up to them. Her pace quickened, with no sacrifice to her attention to details in the Forest leading her to her friend. The trail led her to a very shallow and well hidden cave entrance. “Funny, I don’t remember this cave before…” She whispered to herself out of audible range. Slowly, she came to the entrance of the cave. Stepping towards the cave’s opening from the side and not head on, she felt an incredible difference in temperature. The cold air was extremely still, hardly moving from the mouth of the cave. As if many Taanpak away, she heard the voice of Karethrail cry out in pain. ‘He is deep in these caves, and in trouble. I must hurry.’ She thought to herself. And so her light footsteps led her inside the cave. As she entered the cave she was greeted with silence. No creatures were stirring about. Not even spiders. The cave seemed to have been deserted. She kept her wits about her though, because either she was in luck and whatever evil possessed this cave had driven off all obstacles, or they were just waiting for her further beyond. Only moving forward would tell, so Filuavanna pressed on. Filuavanna’s nearly silent footsteps were not silent to all creatures, as her journey further into the cave came to prove. Suddenly she heard furious scurrying, then silence again. Slowing her pace, yet still moving forward, she opened her ears more to her environment, lending her to sense exactly where the threat may be coming from. She trekked through the largest portion of the cave, hoping that this would be the best chance to reach Karethrail, and she ignored the smaller outlets from the main path. These outlets proved to provide trickery for the creatures chasing her as it gave her the illusion of many when there were few, or that there were few and they were moving very quickly. It took her until the moment the creature was just about to lunge for her when she was able to sense that it was only one, using the echoes to fool her. Her fast eyes moved over her left shoulder, spotting the eight legged creature as it came from the darkness of the smaller outlet cave near the ceiling of the main tunnel. Ready with her Dragonrite drawn, her right hand turned sideways and grabbed the bow in preparation for a strike with Virue. Just as the giant spider raised its fangs Filuavanna swung Virue under the creature’s orifice, sending a mass amount of saliva about. As the creature fell to the ground she stepped gracefully to the side dodging the legs as the spider struggled to catch something before hitting the ground. Anticipating the spider’s next move, she flipped her bow to put Tirue on her strong hand. Not wasting a moment to catch wind, the spider turned and threw its front leg towards Filuavanna’s chest. Filuavanna could see the creature’s intent; to pin her to the ground then poison her with the enormous fangs adorning the creature’s face. Just before the spider’s leg was to crush her chest, Filuavanna kneeled down and brought Tirue around her body and swinging it through the spider’s leg, completely separating it from its body, very close to the base. As smooth as the wind, she brought Virue up into the bottom of the spider’s head, weakened from her first strike, fracturing the exoskeleton. She pulled her draw string over her chest and set the bow upon her back as she jumped back and performed two graceful back hand springs. Sliding back against the gravel on the cave floor she braced her weight forward to lunge toward to the spider. Running as fast as she could, she pulled the Dragonrite Bow off her back, prepared Tirue, and struck. She jumped from the ground while holding Tirue down towards the center of the spider’s body; the blade tore through the spider’s head and halfway down its abdomen before Filuavanna had to jump off the creature. She landed one knee down next to her foot and a hand placed in front. She stood slowly, not needing to look behind her to know that the spider was nearly split completely in half. Another cry came from deep in the cave, closer this time. “Karethrail. I am coming.” She whispered to herself as she put her bow away, holding the draw string for just a moment as unfortunate thoughts of his fate passed through her mind. Quickly she drew them out and focused at the task at hand. Worrying about her friend would only cost her time, she needed to hurry. In her first few steps she heard scurrying once more, only this time it was much closer to the sound of footsteps. The cave’s many tunnels distorted the sound slightly, but she thought for sure that these were footsteps of people. They were more organized and collected, they sounded to have more intelligent intent than the spider’s steps. She was soon to find out, because they were getting closer very quickly. Filuavanna wasted no time. Her feet carried her swiftly and quietly further into the cave towards Karethrail’s voice. She followed the sounds of the steps as they obviously were coming from the smaller tunnels of the cave. It was only a matter of time before they entered the main tunnel in front of her. As she made her way around a bend in the main tunnel, the sounds became absolutely clear. She was so close she could pick out the panting of the first creature coming through the small tunnel. By the sound of its panting breath she estimated its height to be around two Taan, almost a half Taan taller than herself. She pulled Purity from its sheath and prepared it in her right hand, her off hand, for they were coming through the tunnels of the right side of her approach. She slowed her pace to match theirs. Just a Taan away from the opening she spotted the leader and looked into its eyes, nearly three Taan above hers. The caves have distorted the sound once more to fool her, but the adjustment was easy enough. She leaped and struck the creature right across the throat. The only noise it made was the sound of its knees hitting the ground, its sound crashing down, and finally its body sliding across the cave floor. Filuavanna landed and gracefully slid across the cave floor turning to face the rest of the pack. As she sheathed Purity and began to draw her Dragonrite Bow her glance raced over each enemy as they passed through the tunnel’s opening. Still studying her foes, she drew an arrow and pulled back. Her breath perfectly controlled; she took in the caves thick air, held and steadied her aim, and released her first arrow. It soared through the air sinking straight into the pupil of her target. She determined the creatures to have once been men, but now have been taken over by dark or demonic magic. As she drew her next arrow and lined her next target, the first demon pulled the arrow from his eye socket, pulling his eye out with it. “Shit. I only seemed to have angered him.” She sarcastically said to herself, her tone conveying that she wasn’t worried in the slightest. The demon looked back at her with his one eye and let out an incredible roar. With his mouth wide open, Filuavanna drew her bow back harder and aimed for the back of his throat. His head thrown slightly back made for the perfect shot. When she released the arrow, it flew through his mouth, hit the top of his throat and went straight through the back of his head, completely separating his spinal cord from his brain. The demon immediately went limp and fell to the ground. Two demons had fallen, and the otherwise confused group had finally caught its attention of their attacker. The group was only five large, just two left. The first to charge her had a longsword in his right hand. She stepped towards the demon as he to her. As she charged she put her bow on her back and grabbed both daggers; Purity in her left and the Dwarven dagger in her left. She flipped each dagger around a few times, just to show off a little, putting Purity in a normal position for slashing and the Dwarven dagger in a backwards position for stabbing. As she stepped closer to the creature she leaped up leading right left foot forward putting Purity in front. The demon swung his longsword at her strong side. With ease she redirected his swing with Purity, turning her body left in one fluid motion. Stepping on the demon’s chest now, she had the Dwarven dagger poised to strike. She drove the dagger into the side of the Demon’s neck, instantly paralyzing it. Letting go of the Dwarven dagger, she took hold of the longsword the demon was wielding and used his body as a launch as it hit the ground. She swung the sword at the first demon’s stomach running past on the right. Then, quickly changing step to confuse the second, she swung the longsword from the hip of the last demon up to its shoulder, leaving an incredibly long laceration that was oozing with a very deep purple blood. The last demon crouched over, holding his wound. Filuavanna took the chance to quickly turn and strike. Unexpectedly, the demon did not even seem to notice her coming, so her strike hit exactly where she wanted it to. The demon’s head rolled off its shoulders and to the ground, his body lumped to the ground. Filuavanna stood over her latest victim and straightened her poise. She put her hips to the side and blew a kiss to the last demon who was still holding his stomach wound. Locking eyes with her the demon paused for a moment; then let out a roar as he pulled his hand from his stomach and flexed his muscles in a masculine fashion. Filuavanna shrugged and said to herself, “So much for having fun with this one.” The demon charged. Filuavanna tossed the sword in the air, caught it once more, swung it around her side and threw it straight for the demons head. Out of pure rage, his arm blocked the sword from striking his face, though leaving a massive laceration in his forearm. Once about four steps away the graceful Elf jumped high into the air, turning and flipping to face her foe. She took Purity by both hands and when completely vertical and upside down, she lodged it into the top of his mouth, putting the dagger between his two front teeth. She used the demon’s weight to swing her body down, landing on the back of its shoulders. Pushing off and back away from the demon, she pulled hard at Purity, splitting the demon’s head from the top of his mouth, up between his eyes, and through the top of his skull. Deep purple blood flew in a spray through the air as the demon flew forward hitting the ground face first. Filuavanna landed on her feet, sheathing Purity. Karethrail’s voice cried out once more. This time she was close enough to hear the sound of the whip that punished him for crying out. The crack echoed through the caves walls and pierced straight through her heart. She winced lightly, then without hesitation bolted in the direction she heard his voice coming from. As she ran his cries got louder, and were becoming more frequent. Her footsteps became less covert as she pushed her running to a dead sprint. A fork in the tunnel quickly came to her sight. She slowed her pace slightly and concentrated on her friends cries of pain. Just as she reached the divide she was able to determine his voice to come from the right side. Her speed was still at such a pace that she had to brace her hand to the wall as she made the turn. At the end of this last tunnel she could see light coming again. Moments later the cave opened into a large room, dimly lit with a few torches. Karethrail was tied to a post stuck into the ground, precariously leaning towards the edge of a drop-off. The drop was extremely far, as what little light was available, the ground was still unseen. Next to Karethrail and very aware of Filuavanna’s presence was a much larger demon than those she saw in the caves before. The whip fell from his hand and just as quickly as the demon started after her, his greatsword was drawn. His mouth wide open releasing a powerful roar, the demon carried his sword with both hands high over his head. Filuavanna quickly drew her bow and took a quick shot. The arrow plunged into the demon’s chest, just beside his shoulder. Hardly flinching, the demon charged harder. The agile elf lowered her stance and rolled away from his strike just before his sword struck the ground. The demon put so much force behind the blow that his greatsword stuck into the cave floor. The demon slowly rose, leaving his sword in the ground. He turned and looked at Filuavanna who had another arrow drawn, her sights set directly at the demon’s forehead. “You are quicker than her was.” The demon spoke, his voice very low, dark, and ominous. An echo of another, slightly deeper voice was in the air as well. It was like his thoughts were penetrating hers as he spoke. “I have underestimated you elf. It won’t happen again.” Both surprised and relieved that the demon could talk, she decided she would attempt to probe the demon. “Why have you…” “Taken the Dragon Hunter?” The demon interrupted. “You seem surprised.” Filuavanna retorted, still holding her bow and full draw. “Surprised at what, de…” “My strength, my cunning, maybe it’s simply that I can speak to you.” The demon’s voice had become patronizing and arrogant. “You will pay for what you…” Yet again, cutting her off, the demon finished her sentence. “What I’ve done? Oh dear, I wish upon your goddess for forgiveness… Oh, what is it… ‘I’ something…” “Eirene! And she will guide my arrow to strike you down!” She released her arrow upon full draw. As it drew nearer to him, the demon turned his head, and the arrow that would have gone through the back of his throat passed by his face, merely leaving a flesh wound on his cheek. “Oooohhh!” He screamed in agony, grabbing his cheek with both hands. “You bitch! You could have killed me with that!” His laughter started to show and within his next words he could not contain himself. “Oh, you’ll be so much more fun to take down than your pathetic friend here.” Filuavanna kept silent. She slowly turned her Dragonrite over to Tirue, stepping around the demon in a large arc. In one swift movement, the demon’s strong arms picked the sword out from the ground and he charged, wielding the greatsword with just one hand. As he swung for her center mass, Filuavanna leaped into the air, turning over and aiming Tirue for the demon’s neck. The blade made contact, but only just. As she flipped around and over the great blade that had just passed under her, she swung Virue through the demon’s ankle. His knee crashed to the ground and the momentum of swing of his sword caused him to fall to the side. Preparing Tirue once more, she jumped to strike at his spinal cord. As she came down, the demon reached over as he turned and grabbed the Dragonrite. With great force, he ripped the bow from her hands and punched at her chest, this time making contact. Her body flew backwards, slamming her back into the cave wall five Taan away. With no real use for the bow, the demon tossed it aside. “So rude of me! I did not even tell you my name.” The demon announced. “I do not need to know your name to kill you for what you’ve done to Ka…” “Now, now miss elf. No need to be violent or aggressive.” He pointed out to her, with an odd sense of honesty. Sitting with her back on the cave wall with blood coming from the top of her head and running down her face, she replied back. “What is it you want then, mister demon.” She said in more of a statement than a question, knowing an answer was unlikely. “Oh if I told you that, I’d have to kill you.” The demon said with a menacing laugh that echoed loudly throughout the cave. He walked over to his sword and picked it up, still chuckling lightly to himself. “Which I may just have to do regardless…” Taking the opportunity of the demon’s back to her, Filuavanna quickly got up, drew Purity and ran for him. Knowing that killing him would take more power than she had at the moment, she went for a crippling blow. She swung Purity through the tendons behind his knee. The demon fell to his knee once more, and this time his cry for pain was serious. With the demon on his knees, she went for her friend. “Karethrail!” She lightly slapped his face. “Wake up! We’re getting out of here.” She cut his ropes and slung his arm over her shoulders. When she turned the demon was coming straight for her. Staggering because of his limp, she was able to get passed the demon with ease, even with her friend on her back. On her way to the exit, she stopped to pick up her bow. She slung it over her back and Karethrail’s. Because of the added body, the drawstring was very tight on her chest, cutting into her shoulders, breasts, and under arms. With a deafening roar, the demon cried out to all evil creatures in the cave. Filuavanna ran as fast as she could. The further through the cave she got, the more feet she could hear behind her. As the end of the cave came into sight, she could hear the closest footsteps to her. They were right behind her, nearly within arm’s reach. With a final burst of adrenaline, she pulled away and ran into the forest. The sun was shining in Bercinalii. The evil creatures from the cave; demons, spiders, centipede, and the like, all stopped at the opening of the cave. Those that didn’t burned in the sunlight, forcing them to retreat back into the darkness. Exhausted, Filuavanna set her friend down and they each rested against a tree. Karethrail was just coming to. “Thank you.” He struggled to say. “Hush now. You’re safe. We’ll be returning home soon. You can say all you wish to say when we speak to the keepers. For now, please rest.” Filuavanna said with reassurance, yet with enough force to let him know she demanded it. “He took my sword Fi…” He coughed some blood before finishing her name. “It’s okay Karethrail. You are safe, and that is what matters.” She pulled herself up and moved next to him. Her gentle hand pulled his head over to her shoulder, where he fell asleep. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed having him safe in her arms. |