Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1656880-Whats-true-is-whats-inside
Rated: E · Draft · Children's · #1656880
About a girl waking up from a dream.
I must be dreaming, I thought, as I stared into a scene of huge blank white! It takes a great deal of effort just to let out these basic thoughts out, and, as I drowsily struggle to look around in search of where I am, and keep my eyes from falling into the white white emptiness beyond, I find out, that, in fact, I can't. Actually, it seems more like... I'm not really in any sort of scene at all...but more, like a distant ghost watching over her reveries of the past, or like someone from an audience, watching a movie, and unable to take their eyes off of the television screen, but, instead that this time, instead of all the bright features and animations of a t.v show, it seemed more like an empty ghostly blank. This must be a dream, I silently approve to my self, but with a vastly, uncertain air. I continue to watch the nothingness, helplessly, mesmerizing the little unidentifiable shining sparkles it gave off, for another full 5 seconds, and, before I began to give up all hope in finding my home, on earth ever again, a little brown fuzzy clump of fur pops out, from some unknown underground compartment. An underground burrow, I conclude instinctively. Two, exceptionally, long little ears pop out spring out of the little fuzzy-looking ball of fur, and I am surprised that those two long ears are trembling so violently. It must be really cold, I thought suddenly, also, finally realizing, that all the blank white nothingness in which I've been staring into for the past five minutes, was actually a a glittering and beautiful scene, with a white layer of snow; well, at least I figured it seemed cold enough to be regarded as snow.The little brown furball must be freezing! And, as I watch, unable to do anything to save it, the little brown bunny, I think, hops, shivering at each rush of cold air that passes it, and, while it is leaving little white white indents, in the freshly lain out snow. The bunny gives another desperately compelling shiver,and then, after a long still glare, as if it was thinking of what it should do next, I experience agony, as it the poor thing is jumping into the, now see-able holes. It feels like I'm a sort of goddess, and, watching over one of my kind, able to see through anything, but unable to do anything at all, except to simply watch them from above. But, my face slowly start smoothing itself out, from the tension, as it tenderly watches that little bunny finally snuggle itself into a cozy round, pitch-black hole, full of, what I interpret, are, many little other bunny fledglings. However, right before the puny fur ball had a chance to even close its small little glassy dark eyes, I saw it suddenly reappear at the foot of the hole once again. I am wondering what to do at a time like this, but just continue watching. the bunny, little as it was, was pretty determined to find a home, and as it fervently jumped into yet, another hole, about 5 feet away from the last one, it jumped intruded again, cautiously squeezing into many of the other bunnies. I could easily tell by the pigment of its fur that it would be quite easy to find this little guy apart from the bunnies, as it brown fur showed up among the whites, quite extremely. This time... it takes this cute little furry guy a little longer to figure out, but a little bunny decides to just stretch out their mouths and whine out a bit.Then, widening its eyes, the agile bunny stumblles over to the intruder and kicks him out of his sanctuary., and ends up making a funny up and movement. Kicked out of his own home. I suddenly realize that the bunny is laughing at him...
"Milley! Milley!! TIME to get up, okay?" Augh...!!! Something about me felt terrible! I felt a growing stinging pain starting up, through my lower left arm...and immediately,I sensed my nostrils widening, the smell of blood hit me up close, right in the face, like the way a butcher would do to a piece of fish, and filling my nostrils with the most imprudent smell of a dry, old thick blood. My soft downy pillow, and cushions muffle my helplessly growing pain, and, with it,the smell of it too, but, unlike and of my ideas of this perfectly functionally awakening world, I find it doesn't do the same thing at all to, the evil intentions, of seeking my name. Which I could hear, quite clearly, at this moment, right now, as I am speaking.
"Oh m gosh! Will you hurry it up!? C'mon! For Pete's sakes. What did I ever do to DESERVE this? Get up! Get up! Are you even up at all? Milley????"
My mom pauses, in, what I think is, a thoughtful repensation, then, I hear her again. "I know that you can hear me! Milley!!!" Augh...! I groan, as my mother continues her yammering, and I frown deeper, as the ends of my face start scrunching up, in that ever-hating annoyed expression, and instinctively, I bury myself a bit deeper into the comfort of my soft covers. " Hey! Milley! Let's just hope that we don't have to go through that same experience again!" There is a smile hinted within my mother's blaring voice, and I can imagine her eyes drawing closer that familiar way, towards that, too-well-known ice bucket, from ages ago. It was from so long ago. I wonder why she keeps it so closely in care, and so handily in place. Oh no! The palms of my hands start to tremble, and I could already start to feel the beads of sweat slowly forming over upon my face. What to do...what to do... My body starts to envision the nice warming silkiness of the bed wrapped around me, every bone in my weary body demanding more, for that entrancing sleep... erm, maybe just five more minutes...? Touching the soft heavenly piece of cloth soothes me do just that, that I can't help but fall even more deeper into my housewarming sleep... I wanted to rest, just... a little more....just.... a little...bit...more... "Milley!!!!!!!" Oh, snap!Wrapped in the most comfortable position ever, I start to think about what I should do.... Think, think, think. Now, do I want to sneak in a few precious minutes of sleep, or should I get up for school? Wait, school? School! That thought instantly sends a signal throughout my brain, and it instinctively I position my arms, ready to hoist myself off of the tempting covers, and awakening up my senses. Drats! I forgot all about school! Remember, the first day's the best, or worst...or whatever you make of it! Oh, darn it...why didn't I realize this before? Besides, I figure that I probably don't think I really want to experience that day, with that ice bucket. I cringe, as the events of that particular memory, replay over and over again, in my mind. In fact, I think I might hear that treacherous sound, in the background right now. Laying there for another second, I sigh one more time, in exasperation, and, within another, I am gone.
"Mom! Mom! Will you please hurry it up?" I am trying earnestly to get my mom to quickly make it to the car, as soon as possible. In an attempt, to actually make it to school on time, for once.
"Oh, good gracious, Milley! Who do you think it was, that was trying to wake you up, for, the last half hour? Huh?" In a means of sarcasm, I roll my eyes, desperately, and groan, but, with a smile, I say, "Ugh! Alright, alright. I get it! You're the best, mom...alright? Now, will you please hurry it up, maybe just a wee bit faster than before?????" My mom, with three, different, duffel bags, full of "work" luggage, and effetely easing it onto her back...slowly stumbles her way over to the, newly running, brand new Chevrolet SUV, battery charged car. For the third time this morning, I groan, again, and, soon, I jump down from the car, towards my my mom, and hitch two, green and yellow, bright of duffel bags. Looking at me, in surprise, she smiles in relieved appreciation. Of course, I don't smile back, because I'd be pointing to my watch by now, if I'd had one. Wow, they're pretty heavy, I thought, for my mother, because, if I'd been a normally fit girl, it would have been pretty heavy for me. Of course, I had to be granted with the talent of being, a freakishly strong She-Hulk.
" Whoa, Milley, you're pretty strong...You know, you're not even breaking a sweat!" Mom looks at me, and I give her sheepish grin.
"Well, maybe it's because you, need to get a little bit stronger, mom! Hurry up... Oh, gosh! It's already eight, fifteen! Oh brother!"
I'm a little bit freaked out, by how in-charge, I sound right now, at the moment, but I know that, however long, that this position may last, it isn't going to last very long, for my mom was a very strong, willed person, indeed! It is very tiring. As the duration...of my mom's got alot to go, I am desperately, trying to dust off all of the sparkles that have caught onto my new hippie outfit. When I saw this bright yellow, and red, outfit, it was like the store knew that I had stepped in. Within a few more painstakingly long moments, my mom, along with her beefy companion, waddled towards the trunk, took forever to find the keys, opened the trunk, and hauled her one bag inside. I banged fervently against the car door, wincing as, my gnawed knuckles, bashed roughly against it. Once again, I rolled my eyes desperately, and recklessly bawled out,
"MOM! Hurry up! please? I really don't need to be late again for school. Especially not now!"
My mom, also not in the best of moods, sedately made her way towards the car door, and gently clicked that button.
"Milley, you know you don't talk like that to me," she spat out hoarsely. Whoop-de-doo, here we go again, I thought.
Hearing the car door click, I relentlessly crawled inside, and waited, as my mom struggled with the keys. Hmmmm, I wonder how school will end up being like, for me today.
"Hey, Milley! You forgot your lunch bag!" I hear a snickering from behind me, and slowly, I spin around on my heel keenly, wondering who this wise-crack is. That's when, everything blows right into my face. IT was like- Bam! I could feel the jaw that my mouth was attached to, gain weight, as I stared at the vast open space, of what, I think, is supposed to be, my school, and now aprt of my life. Which is only, what I can describe to be, the most dingiest, revolting, disgusting place ever! The first thing that hits me hard, is the light, lingering stench, which seemed desperate to cover up all other scents. that light, aroma, was so rancid, that the contents of my pancake breakfast was literally chugging up my stomach tube and tugging at at my throat, just being there. It reminded me, roughly, of the time I saw some kid puking into some sort of luminous background almost looked like a fire to me. Poor kid... I quickly buried myself into the scarf of my hippie outfit, while, slowly, I scanned the field, checking for any other flaws that this smell could possibly be hinting to. And, indeed there was. For the grass was SO unbearably gray, that I mistaken-ed it to be mucky cotton, instead of, little green living plants. In fact, the most brightest thing there, was a single dandelion weed, which was already drooping, ready to pass away onto a better life, than its nightmarish lands. Quickly, I also swept my gaze over the many insecurely glaring kids, that I knew I would I have to melt down to, soon. Honk! Honk! "Milley! I already told you...don't forget your lunch bag!" I felt the back of my neck crawling vivaciously, as I registered the tones of both, where that honk and voice had officially come from. Again, that sly snickering could be heard, behind me, and, sending me, a weird, mixed-up, quick flash of infuriating pain as my heart ached felt a sort of stabbbing, as I remembered, watching a little girl, running off crying, all because her friends, had discriminated her. So, are you going to play this game? I though, aggravatingly. Well, so am I. I briskly walked over to my mom, with a look of content, and before she even had a chance to shove that nylon, green paper bag into my hands, I gave her a little peck on the cheek, and yelled, as loud as I could, "Thanks mom! Love ya!" I turned around triumphantly, as I came face-to-face with a couple of dumbfounded kids, and a now-deaf, teacher. I knew it was just a kiss, but it made me feel so much less inferior. That's right. Milley is in the zone!
"Hi, my name is Milley. What's yours?" The girl that I am facing, undergoes an expression of shock, which makes me wonder if I've worn my hippie outfit wrong today, or something. But, after a split second, her face regains that cool, and friendly posture again, and she smiles back warmly, as she extends her left hand, and I gratefully take it and smile back, examining the freckles on her forehead, keenly.
"Um, hi, My name's Lena. Nice to meet you." She mouthed out every word slowly, in an uncertain tone, with her pretty, little high-pitched voice. It makes me feel like I'm making her feel uneasy, and unwanted, or something. As she talks her freckles slowly move around her forehead, as she crosses and uncrosses her brow, in thought, making me curiously wonder about them. Making me, think, that, in something about those freckles, that seem very, very familiar...
"Hey, wait, are you a natural redhead?" I blurt out, suddenly. Something in the way she responds, makes me regret shouting that out, for her, deep orange eyebrows raised in such surprise, and, I felt her intense sensitivity and offensiveness, hinting, along, with her rosiness, around her pale, burning cheeks, as she, opens her mouth, trying to talk, appalled, "How- how, did you-"
I laugh, offhandedly. "aha, don't worry, you have to be a true redhead to own such nice, little freckles, as those ones. As you can see, I'm a natural redhead too," Lena laughed, with a look of, what I thought, to be, anxiety. "Okay, yes. You caught me. I was a natural redhead, but, now I'm a brunette. And you have to promise me something. Do not tell anyone, alright?"
Startled by this uncanny request, puzzled, I nodded, uncertainly, watching deep into her eyes. "Um...okay, sure...why not?" She looked at me with her critical eyes, integrally scanning me for the very first time, all the way from my scarf to the ends of my slippers as if checking for any weakness I had had. Her stare, almost sent shiver up my spine. Then she smiled, conscientiously herself, again, and was back to her normal sweet self. At least, I thought so. You can only learn so much about someone, in so little time.
I am now walking around school, and actually bonding with, my new friend, Lena. It seems as if, she used to move from California, to Connecticut, from Texas to the provinces, and back again, last year. I laughed as she told me how many times, she convinced all the students, there that she was from an Alien planet. live on a farm, all the way back within Tennessee, and, she was really something back on the ranch , as she describes her love for her horses, piglets, and little ducklings, telling me how she used to run around in her diaper chasing them all. "My dad used to tell me how I would purposely, drop dead on the floor, just so I could attract those cute little furballs, of feathers," I laughed openly when she told me of this. "they would try to get close to pecking me, then I would wake up and start chasing them all again, with my chubby little hands and legs reaching for each of them!" And, so, in turn, I told her all about my life, about how I And, how, I ended up here.. and how, this place could be our permanent "settlement". She also laughed too, in enjoyment. Then, came the time when they showed up. I had a creepy crawling feeling, ever since they stepped into the school, and my stomach felt like it was already churning, from two rows of lockers away. They were just some kind of really pretty, picturesque, and synchronized, group of girls, from when you'd seen them from afar, but as they approached, I could already feel the tension in the air pick up. Especially, the way Lena's shoulders looked, as she trembled in one spot, in such a tight position, as they drew nearer, at the same time. As they casually walked down the hall towards us, I recognized one the girls to be that, jeering, sneering one, from earlier, and I felt a kind of in the pit of my stomach, as she 'accidentally' slams a little guy 3
inches right into his locker. "Oh my, who do they think they are?" I undeniably thought, aloud.
"don't you know?" Hissed Lena, "they are one of the most fashionably, trendy, and popular girls, of all time,"
"What?" I inquired hastily, "Popular? As in having a lot of...? Friends? why would anyone want to be friends with them?"
"I guess I don't really understand it, either, but basically, if you're friends with them, they'll stop teasing you, and consider you a 'worthy' person; Worthy enough not to get beaten up by them."
I watched, as Lena's eyes shivered, in that ever frigid, eye widening moment. Whoa, I thought, as I tried, fervently, to wrap my head around this all! Regarding what Lena just told me, right now... it seemed as if, she'd rather stand by and watch these girls snitch me down, so she could have a 15% chance of not being the next target. I mean, did she not just hear herself? Does she think I'm not stupid? Seriously? The mixes of emotions inside me, are all so confusing, and that I almost have to grasp Lena just to steady myself, I get so overtaken with a hysterical bewilderment. Something inside me stirs.
"Wait, why are you guys, so scared of her? I mean, what can she do to you? Seriously! Hasn't anybody tried to stop them? I mean, are you guys just going to stand around, and do nothing?"
My voice, was pretty defiant, and I tried to get them to reach Lena, but her fathomless, as her eyes just turned into anger, as she turned to my shocking bewilderment, and answered,
"Why? Did you just ask why? Why I shouldn't just go up to them, and yell at them, like how you're yelling at me right now? Why I shouldn't be just as arrogant as them? Well, I don't know, Milley! Gee, why aren't I? Oh, wait! Oh, yeah! That's right... because I don't want to get half beaten up to death, like that dude over there!"
My face is nearly covered in spit, all thanks to her, as I, duly, comply, with a crumpling inside me, wondering, how deaf she really is.
"Do you even hear a word you're saying? I mean...oh, never mind."
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