Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1654436-Wind-of-Passion-Breeze-of-Love
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1654436
Something my father wrote for my mother. Beautiful words of true love.
I get my love of writing from my father, he was a brilliant man. He never had the chance to get anything published so in honor of him I thought I’d post something he’s written, his words should be shared. Before you read this I would like to give you a quick history of my parents.
Once upon a time my mother was in a terribly abusive marriage, then she met my father. He rescued her and they left New York for safety and after a brief stay in Kentucky settled in Virginia for the next 11-12 years. It was there they had three children, first my sister, then my brother then, voila! yours truly was born (doncha get goose bumps at that part?). By the early 80's my mother’s health was horrible and she passed away in 1985. My father loved my mother immensely, he was with her and held her hand as she passed, he was heartbroken, but he stayed strong for us kids. He single handedly raised us three for the next four years until he passed away from cancer in 1989. He is by far the most remarkable human being I have ever had the fortune of knowing. Anyway, I'm not 100% sure if he wrote this for her while she was sick, on her death bed or after she passed, either way it's beautiful and I pray someday everyone knows what it's like to be loved like that (myself included).

The wind of passion, the breeze of love;
A soaring eagle, a peaceful dove.
Each brings thee joy, each brings thee sorrow
Day and night, today and tomorrow.
From whence do they come? Whither they go?
Seek into thine own heart, for there 'tis known.

The wind of passion sweeps o'er me,
swirling and blowing constantly;
The breeze of love is doing the same,
But gently wafting, so calm and so tame.
Pounding and piercing, caressing my heart,
The wind and the breeze do tear me apart.
They swirl and blow, yet; gently caress.
I pray thee tell me, which is best?

I once had a goal, once had an aim,
To wind and breeze I'd give a name.
I must seek and hunt, search till I find
The one I need for my peace of mind.
The wind of passion, the breeze of love.
Up from the depths? or down from above?
They grip my heart, torment my soul;
Twist me and turn me in search of my goal.

Which is best? was once my query,
The answer to which is not contrary.
Passion and love, wind and breeze,
Each is itself, each is the other.
My search is over, my goal is at hand.
Now i rejoice, the feeling is grand!
The breeze is Deloris, who's seen such strife.
Thank you Deloris, for touching my life.

Roger J. Leonardo (1935-1989)
Husband to Deloris E. Leonardo (1939-1985)
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1654436-Wind-of-Passion-Breeze-of-Love