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Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1654107
Spooky, eerie and bone-chilling. May not be for the faint-hearted ;p
Gift.  Because of the ‘gift’, it has changed my life.  Though, I should be grateful that I have it—it’s the other way around.  There were times when I thought that I should give up, but the heck, I already have it!  Why should I give up when I’ve accepted my fate?  Anyways, let me take the opportunity to tell you my story, about the gift that was about to change my life…FOREVER.


It was really a gloomy evening as I sat on the roof, blowing the flute a lot of times without any concentration, literally making a lot of noise.  My grandfather just died earlier that day, and everyone in the house was quiet.  I admit that I am not good in expressing what I feel, so I retreated to the roof.
         While trying to play the right tune, a very cold breeze touched my face.  It was gentle and very comforting.
         Suddenly, I was wrapped in a ray of light, and before I knew it, I was standing on the edge of a cliff.  I was afraid that I might fall and die, but someone spoke before me, “My child, could you ever spare a moment of silence?  I’m trying to rest here, you know. But anyways, don’t be afraid.  It’s just me.  Just remember to take good care of yourself, and especially your gift.”  As I heard the words, it came to my senses that it was grandfather who was actually talking to me.  But the sensible question was what was he talking about? Has it something to do with a Christmas gift?
         “Do not be confused, Jasmine.  Things will be clearer after some time.  No, it’s not a Christmas gift, young lady…it’s more than that.”  He continued.  “Now come to me and be free.”  Without hesitation, I stepped forward, wanting to hug him for the last time.  Unfortunately, all I embraced was air.  I fell from the cliff and landed on the ground.  Then everything went black.

The first thing I heard when I woke up was pure snoring.  The familiar sound and rhythmic pattern told me that it was my younger brother, Jonathan; making me giggle.  After realizing that I was at the hospital, the incident instantly flashed back into my mind, giving me an eerie feeling.
         But before I could think of anything else, something caught my attention.  I turned slowly to the other side to see what was moving.  To my horror, a lady stood just next to the wall, clothed in a dress very wet with blood, because at the bottom, blood was actually dripping vigorously on the floor.  She had a very disturbing face.  The left side of her head was covered with blood with no hair at all, except for the other part.  She was carrying a butcher’s knife, and it was exceptionally huge.  I was horror-stricken to have seen her walk towards me, with her knife aimed directly at me.  She slowly walked like a normal person would do, but the thing is...her left leg was twisted; it was turned backwards.
         She was now a few feet away from me, when I remembered that I was still in my bed; completely sandwiched.  I couldn’t budge.  It was as if a heavy weight was placed on top of my body.  My heart jumped when she raised her arm, ready to stab me at the chest.
         Everything stopped when someone touched me.  It made me realize that I was just dreaming—or so it seemed because it felt so real.  I turned and saw Jonathan standing.  He looked worried. “Jazz, you’re freaking me.  What’s the matter?” he asked.  I turned back at where the lady was and to my relief, she was gone.
         “Nah.  Just had a nightmare, but I’m okay,” I looked back at Jonathan.
         “You saw something back there, didn’t you?” He pointed the wall in front of him.
“Then I guess you saw the lady, too?”
“What lady?  All I’m saying is that you’ve seen something that made you go nuts.”  Hearing the words, I immediately shifted into a sitting position.  “But she was just—“ When I saw the set of red footprints on the floor, I trailed off distractedly.  Jonathan leaned over, curious of what was going on.  When he saw them, he gasped and our eyes widened as our gazes met.  He walked over to the place and bent to investigate.  “You said you saw a lady?  Thanks to you, you interrupted the nicest dream I ever had.  When I woke up and saw you, I thought you had something serious because your bed was shaking.  I hurried over and saw you pale as white, as if you had seen a ghost.  Well, it’s totally obvious that something was here,” he reached out his right hand and touched the fresh blood on the floor and rubbed it on his fingers.  “What are you doing?  You’re not supposed to do that,” I warned, looking from his face to his fingers.
“Why not?”
“Hello?  What if that lady follows you—wherever you go?”
“That’s nonsense.  I never believed in stories like that.”
“Whatever.  Just don’t touch me with that thing,” I shook my head. 
“You think I won’t?” Jonathan stood up.  Then I covered myself with a blanket, believing he would.  “Just wait till I—oh my…” I uncovered myself and looked at the tracks because it started to move.  To my shock, it began to evaporate into thin air, including the blood on Jonathan’s fingers.
“What did you just do?”  I asked.
“Can't you think of anything else to ask other than that?" he growled.
"Maybe we should forget about this…like it never happened,” I said.
“Right, but get some sleep. You need it.”

Later that afternoon, doctors confirmed no serious injuries, only small bruises and a mild sprain on the right ankle, but it’s all right.  They granted me permission to go home as long as I’d take at least a week to rest to mend the sprain.  Jonathan and I were on our way home when things got stranger.  Driving his own BMW, Jonathan cautiously watched his back as if someone was watching him.  “What’s the matter?  You seem so anxious about something,” I interrupted, sitting lifelessly at the passenger seat.  “It’s nothing.  Just being cautious.  Anyways, don’t go near the roof again or else,” he answered.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want my sister to be into some sort of trouble again, since she’s a little too careless about herself,” he replied.  “Careless?” I objected.  Then I remembered the night of the incident was just pure illusion.  Jonathan told me what had happened.  I realized that I was just imagining myself standing on the edge of the cliff, but in reality I was on the roof, ready to commit suicide.  “Go ahead.  I’m listening to your ‘almost’ suicide story,” he taunted.  I didn’t answer, knowing that he wouldn’t believe such a story like mine.  Fortunately, we soon arrived and parked near the garage.  “Listen, it’s not that I’m being hard on you or anything, it’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt again, understood?” he explained.
“Dear brother, you will always be loved and be special to me.  Of course I understand, but you still cannot forbid me to go back up there,” I frowned.
“We’ll see about that,” he removed his seatbelt.  As he was about to open the door, he suddenly froze and just stared at the rear view mirror.  I turned to the back seat to see what that was—it was the lady at the hospital.  She sat there, holding the big knife with her right hand.  Bloodstains surrounded where she sat.  Goosebumps emerged from my arms and I could already feel the hair of my skin standing simultaneously as she, for the second time, raised her arm and aimed the knife at me.  She swung her arm when Dad suddenly knocked the window next to Jonathan.  Both of us jumped at the same time.  We looked at each other, then to the back seat, but she was gone, including all the bloodstains on the seat.  We were unable to say anything for a moment, until Jonathan gave in and opened the door.  “How are you feeling, honey?” dad asked.  “Well, everything is fine.  Just a mild sprain and some bruises.  Doctors said I have to take enough time to rest,” I answered, trying to hide my exploding emotions of fear and shock.  “That’s good to hear,” he smiled.  “What are you waiting for, Jonathan?  Bring Jasmine inside while I get her things upstairs,” dad ordered, and then went to get my things at the back.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” I whispered.
“We’ll talk about it later.  Let’s just get of the car this instant,” Jonathan suggested.
“Good idea.  But—wait,” I took off my right Converse shoe and threw it at the back seat.  “What’s the big idea?” Jonathan nagged.  Innocently, I answered, “I just want to make sure she’s not really there.  There might be some force field in there…who knows?”  He crossed his brows and said, “You should try to minimize your reading hobby.  I think you must’ve read too much after all these years,” he took my shoe and helped me get out.  Thanks to Jonathan’s aid, he carried me all the way to the living room safely.  Dad came storming in with my things and hurried upstairs.  Jonathan and I sat face to face in the living room with nothing to say.  Dad returned and told us that he and mom would spend two nights at Los Angeles for business reasons.  I know L.A. is not so far from here in Sacramento but obviously, it would take a lot of time for them to come back here because I know they love to visit new places.  “And Jonathan, be sure to take care of Jasmine.  Jake’s out of town,” dad instructed, and then adding, “I think he’s in Alabama for a camping trip, I just hope it’s not for any other reason.”  Jake’s our oldest brother, but the silliest one.  I couldn’t imagine why he’s like that.  It seems that he must’ve had a soul exchange with Jonathan because Jake is so immature while Jonathan always assumed to be Mr.-know-it-all and independent, like he’s the boss.
“Great, I’m stuck here to babysit an older sister.  What next? I get to pamper a grizzly bear in the woods?” Jonathan complained.  I shot him an angry look, “Go ahead, say that again and I’m gonna twist your shoulders backwards.”
“Okay, show’s over.  I better go ahead; your mom’s probably waiting for me now,” dad said.  He walked to the door and before closing it, he told me to be more careful.  “Yeah, Dad.  As long as wise guy would lay his hands off his sister, consider it done,” I replied, looking at Jonathan, and then acted like that lady we saw in the car.  Dad closed the door, went to his Chevrolet and started the engine.  Then he took off.
“You know, that’s not very funny at all,” Jonathan whined.  He stood up and went to the kitchen.  “Aren’t you going to have a feast?  You’ve been granted total liberty, lady’s lover boy,” I joked.  He suddenly threw a bag of chips at me and roared, “Will you stop it?  I’m serious, Jasmine.  Like I said, it’s not funny.”  Carrying a cup of mayonnaise with the works, he slumped on the couch beside me and then placed the dip on the table in front of us.
“Jazz, do you think she followed us?  Would something bad happen to either one of us if dad hadn't jumped in?”  Grabbing the bag of chips, he dipped a handful and dumped it in his mouth.  “I don’t know.  It depends upon the purpose of the lady.  But why are you worried?  It’s not like she’s going to butcher the both of us like pigs…”
“Are you sure?  From the way she looks at you, it looks like she was ready to slice you into pieces.”
“Jonathan, if you hadn’t touched that blood, things like this wouldn’t have happened.”
“And I’m the one to be blamed for everything!  That’s it.  I’m going upstairs to grab a little shut-eye.  Too much has happened ever since you woke up,” Jonathan left.  Unaware, he carried my shoe all the way upstairs to his room, but I didn't mind - though I've still got one on. After his door shut, I sighed heavily.  But what if she’s REALLY here—in this house?  I closed my eyes for a while and eased myself from my worries.  Then suddenly, I heard the front door open itself and slam again.  I jerked, opened my eyes and tried to stay still.  Maybe it’s dad—he must’ve forgotten something.  But after some time, the whole house remained quiet, I heard no one—but I did have a feeling that someone was really there.  Then, I heard discreet footsteps coming from the stairs.  I sat up instantly and glanced at the stairway, and without a doubt, the familiar feet gave a dreadful shock when I remembered them from the hospital.  They were pale and stiff when blood began to drip from her body.  She continued slowly up the stairs.  My heart leaped when I remembered that Jonathan was upstairs.  Of course, she must have been after Jonathan.  If Jonathan hadn’t touched the blood, then none of this would have happened.  I was right all along, and I must do something to stop her.  I waited patiently for her feet to disappear.  Knowing that Jonathan would always lock himself in his room, I hurried over to the kitchen, trying to find a knife big enough to defend myself from hers.  My ankle was still aching, but I would worry about it later.  As I climbed the steps one by one, I could see the trails of blood left behind from her feet.  Then I heard loud bangs on the door, creaking sounds came from the handle as she tried to turn it.  “It’s not funny, Jasmine.  Why don’t you leave me alone for a while?” Jonathan sarcastically yelled.  Oh Jonathan, I just wish you wouldn’t open that door.
I arrived at the second landing just in time he opened the door.  But without seconds to spare, she quickly swung her hand and hit Jonathan’s arm, making him scream for pain.  He lay down on the floor as the lady stared at him.  It’s as if she was still trying to decide what to do with him when he was already helpless.  “No!” I screamed, but it was already too late.  The lady turned and saw me.  Her eyes were full of fury, and a devilish smile appeared on her lips.  She was now coming towards me, aiming directly that sharp edge at me.  I was frozen with fear for a moment, and when I came to my senses, it was just about time when I blocked her blow.  We were now face-to-face, an inch away from each other.  I kicked her right leg and threw her away from me with all my strength.  She fell down and crashed at the door to my room. This time, she was furious.  But thanks to Jonathan, he was able to stand up and ran into her as she rose.  They both crashed again, sending her knife flying down the staircase.  I hurried over to Jonathan and helped him get up from the collision.  “Let’s get out of here.” I said, trying to gather my strength for the second time.  “But where would we go?  There’s no one foolish enough to believe our story,” he objected as we stood up at the same time.  “I’ll think about it later.  Right now, we’ll have to get the hell out of here and to the car as fast as we can,” I said.  But just as we were about to go down the stairs, something very cold grabbed my sprained ankle, making me fall down to the floor.  At the same time, Jonathan lost his balance and fell down the stairs.  “Jonathan!” I shouted.  He heard me and responded that he was okay.  “Just get to the car immediately!  I’ll take care of this lady.”  He stood up and walked with all his might, leaning against the wall as he made his way out of the house.  I looked back at the lady who was also lying against the floor, with her bloody hand holding my right ankle.  She then laughed out loud, with a feeling of wickedness in her tone.  Just as when I was about to lose hope, a sensation hit me and made me remember that I was still wearing my lucky shoe on my left foot.  “You will always be my lucky shoe, Versey,” I held it tightly for a while and then looked back.  Then the lady tried to get up when I called her, “Hey, Samara-thingy!  I have a present for you.”  When she looked at me, I threw the shoe hard on her face.  She lost hold of my ankle, and I was able to make my way downstairs as fast as I could, forgetting that I had a sprained ankle.  I went out and into the driver’s seat, seeing that Jonathan was unconscious at the passenger’s seat.  “Good Lord, how am I supposed to drive this thing without experience and a license?” I mumbled.  Good thing the ignition keys were already there, so I was able to turn on the engine.  Presto! I did it.  Now’s the hard part, “How am I going to drive this?”  But when I saw the lady emerge from the front door, that’s when I immediately stepped on the gas and went dashing into the street.  I sighed, believing that the lady wouldn’t be able to follow us anymore.  But when I looked at the rear view mirror, my eyes popped as I saw her sitting at the back seat, wearing that smile again—as if she was trying to tell me something like the adage, ‘you can run, but you can’t hide’.
Again, she pointed the knife at me. To stop her from ever slicing me, I hysterically turned the wheel, making the car go in zigzags at high speed.  She bumped herself against the windows, and for the first time, it felt good inside of me.  At the same time, Jonathan woke up and asked me what was going on.  “Look behind you,” I replied.  He lazily turned his head to the back seat as if he were still in a dream. But he soon shrieked like a girl as he saw the lady in a bumping frenzy.  “What is she doing here?” Jonathan curled up on his own seat and moved closer to the dashboard.  “I don’t know!  For a moment I thought we left her at the house, but when I looked back, she was suddenly there!  Your lady-friend must have some specialty in teleportation!”
Jonathan shook his head, unable to endure the weird things that had happened to us since morning.  He held on to his seat tightly as he watched his back several times, looking at the lady who’s been bumping anywhere else. The moment that she would gain her balance, I'd purposely turn the wheel and she'd come crashing down again.  The good thing was, no one was out and hanging around the streets.  “Let’s head back to the hospital!” I yelled.  “What?  Do you want her to bury us there?” Jonathan whimpered as he bumped his head against the window near him.  “Are you nuts?  You’re injured, dimwit.  Where else would I take you?”  From the looks of his wound that was still bleeding, it was very important to look for help.  We were now a few meters away from the hospital when I lost hold of the wheel and crashed into a post.  “My BMW!  My precious car!” Jonathan cried.  I looked back just in time to duck from the lady’s knife as she swung her arm again.  For another attempt - and thanks to my clumsiness - she missed again as I lost balance and slipped from the seat. I tried to steal the knife away from her hands, but I ended up holding her cold wrists instead.  I felt her strength pressing against me as her hands shifted upwards and pointing down the knife at me, making me pour more of mine to avoid that tip of the blade, which was really really close to my nose.
Suddenly, an old man appeared by the window next to me and disrupted our combat.  After looking at him with a smile on his face, the heavy weight that was pressed against me was lifted.  I realized that the lady was already gone.  The old man opened the door and got Jonathan and me out of the car, then into an isolated bench nearby.  I was speechless.  I was so freaked out that I barely moved at all.  The old man was so kind, he even offered me his jacket, and aided Jonathan’s scar.  “Don’t worry.  My name is Ishmika.  I came from Russia,” he said with a strange accent.  “I know you’ve been through a rough time today.  Please, let me take you to the hospital,” he requested.  Without a word, I stood up, assisted him and the three of us went slowly to the same hospital where I was admitted.  “She used to be very kind and sweet before she was accused for being insane.  Her name is Ramona.  She’s from Vladivostok, Russia,” he spoke softly as we stopped just outside the hospital.  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is quite bad.  You’ve already lost a big amount of blood.  Ms. Jasmine, why don’t you go ahead and get a nurse for me?” Ishmika suggested.  How in the world did he know my name?  I just tried to ignore the thought and left immediately.  But it was very odd to find out that the hospital was deserted.  Where could have all the people in the neighborhood gone?
I decided to go back outside.  On my way back I found Jonathan and the old man, both immobile.  They seem to be alerted by something.  “What’s wrong?” I asked.  “Ssshh… Listen well,” Ishmika whispered.  For a moment, all I could hear was the rush of the wind.  But then, I heard a distinct cry of a child.  She was calling out my name.  She was asking for help, asking to save her companions.  But then, a loud crash was heard from the 3rd floor, followed by her scream.  I was so terrified that I tried to persuade Ishmika not to take Jonathan inside.  But Jonathan moaned, “Jazz, I can’t help it.  Please!  Just bring me inside, I wanna fall down.”  Ishmika nodded, “We have no other choice.  Mr. Jonathan cannot make it if we will take him to another hospital.”  There he goes again.  Is he a stalker?  I think so, but the heck, I’ll have to worry about it later.  While pondering the matter, he took Jonathan quickly to the operating room and got a big piece of cloth.  He applied a bandage to the wound and said, “This should lessen the blood flow.  Quickly, get me 2 bags of blood.  Make sure it’s type O,” Ishmika ordered.  He must be a stalker, I thought.  How could he have known that my brother’s blood type was O?  This is really weird!
As far as I could remember, the off-limits area was located on the third floor.  I explored the corridor, specifically at the right, searching for the door of the blood bank.  After passing two locked doors, I saw the words imprinted in gold letters, ‘St. Michael’s Blood Bank’ at the end of the hallway, which was at the left side.  Just as when I was walking towards it, another loud crash came from the opposite wing.  A door creaked as it opened and someone came out.  It was Ramona, as what Ishmika had said, the same lady who had followed us.  She rapidly walked, approaching me with the smile on her face, ready to kill and create bloodshed.  As I ran to the door, I turned the doorknob, but it was locked.  Fear engulfed my body and I was in a state of panic as I tried to open the gray door.  She was now a few feet away when finally; the door gave in and opened, giving me another chance to escape death.  I locked the door, blocked it with a table and a chair nearby and then heard loud bangs on the door.  Suddenly, it stopped.  Sighing, I was relieved that I was safe inside.  I scurried over to a big metal door and was able to open it at once.  It was freezing cold when I entered but it was worth it because I was able to seize at least 3 bags of blood.  Upon walking near the door where I have entered recently, the sharp end of the knife went through, slicing the wooden door painted with gray.  It was pulled back again, leaving a large cut on the door.  The same thing happened again twice when I stared at it insensibly.  It was just like in the movies, where the main actor had to find a hidden door or a passage to escape from his foes.  Gladly, I did find an old one hidden by a shadow at the furthest corner.  The pale door was unlocked and as I opened it, a loud crash echoed from the other door.  Ramona’s head emerged from the large hole she had made.  Fortunately, I went inside and a pitch of darkness overran me after locking the door.  The room was swallowed up with a foul smell which I couldn’t recognize.  It almost felt like I was in a dungeon, where that stinking smell from dead bodies would fill the whole place.  Using the walls as a guide for me to venture forth into the darkness, I hit something soft.  I thought it was some pillow—well, that’s what I thought.  But when I found the switch and turned on the lights, dead bodies of the hospital staff surrounded me.  Some were lying on the floor with half-opened eyes while some were bathed in blood. 
A child, about 7 years old, was sitting on a chair bigger than herself.  She was crying and I couldn’t help but wonder what happened to her.  Her face was covered between her knees as I boldly walked close to her.  She then looked at me and said, “Go away.  She’s after you, Jasmine.  Can’t you see?  After you, she’s going to kill Jonathan, too.  Because he touched her blood.”  She hastily stood up and led me to a narrow passage.  “What does she want from us?  Why is she after us?” I asked. “Revenge.  She wants revenge,” she replied as her cold hand held mine.  Then I saw this red mark on her wrist.  “Y-You’re already dead, r-right?” I asked bluntly.  Looking at her with tremendous fear, she just squeezed my hand and smiled.  “You don’t have to worry.  I don’t like hurting people, not like the bad lady back there…” she looked back and pointed at Ramona who had just entered the dim passageway.  “But what about you?” I objected.  She then smiled at me and nodded again, “Like I said, you don’t have to worry about me.  Now that you’re here, she can no longer harm me.  Oh, by the way, she’s afraid of you.  Instead of going after Jonathan first, she’s after you because she knows you have it.”  With a blink of an eye, she disappeared.  From where I stood, I saw Ramona fast approaching and without a second to spare, I ran as fast as I could.  But finally, I emerged into a room with a door painted in white.  Turning the knob, I entered.  It was empty.  Big square tiles of white reflected the dim light coming behind the thick curtains that covered large windows.  “Now what should I do?” I mumbled.  Staring at the still curtains for a while, a shadow passed by that startled me.  The shadow floated as it moved and then stopped in front of me.  Looking back, I found Ramona standing behind me just a few feet away.
I tried to imagine myself in her place, what would I feel knowing that I suffered a terrible death.  It was then that I realized something.  As far as I could remember, the little girl told me that Ramona was afraid of me, because she knows I have something in me.  That’s why she wants to kill me first—but what?  Aha! Maybe my Karate exhibition would scare her off…nah, maybe not.  Now, she’s advancing, ready to divide my body parts.  Com’on!  Think, think…  What is it in me that she’s afraid of?  I’ve got no special gift wrapped in paper inside of me!  With too much thinking, I was already unaware that she had already wounded my left arm, spilling a lot of blood.  It really hurt so much that I was jumping for pain.  “How dare you?” I shouted.  Angry at what she did, I gripped her neck with all my might until her back hit against the wall.  Her knife was sent flying far away from us.  She was helpless indeed and I was terribly happy to see her trying to grasp some air.  But her rage overpowered my strength.  She threw me and I went flying across the room.  I landed hard on the floor and began to feel dizzy.  I tried to stand up, but instead, she gripped my neck that forced me to stand up.  Now what?  I’m almost out of air and I’m helpless.  Think, Jasmine…use your head, I thought.  That’s it!  Without a doubt I grabbed her face and knocked her head with mine.  “Ow!  That really hurts…” I screamed.  At least she lost her grip.  And then I caught sight of her knife near me, I snatched it and struck Ramona at the abdomen, but nothing happened.  When I took it off, it was really weird because there was no stain on it, not even a single dot.  I tried again for the second time but still, nothing happened.  She grinned at me and gripped my neck again until I no longer felt the floor I was standing on.  Man, her hands were so cold, as cold as a bucket of ice!  I tried to reach her with my hands, but it was no use.  I was now at the brink of despair when I thought of using my legs instead.  Gathering all my strength, I used my left leg and kicked Ramona’s head so hard that I hit the floor giving me a lot of pain, especially on my sprained ankle.  This time, I was unable to walk but luckily, I was able to pull back the knife that was stuck in her abdomen.  I crawled back, carrying the knife with me until I felt the wall behind my back.  I was already out of ideas and I couldn’t help but think about death.  Then I saw the big wound on my arm and I was intrigued to see blood dripping on the unstained knife I held.  What if my blood has something to do with her fear?  But I had no more time to wonder, now that she’s standing right in front me.  I took the knife and wiped it with my blood and before I could strike her again, she took hold of my hand with the knife.  We were just a few centimeters away from each other while trying to take possession of the knife.  I did not know where the knife was pointed to because of her eyes that distracted me.  And then I felt a rush of wind pass through me—that’s when I thought it’s time.  Then I hit something.  For a moment, I was confused on whose body was it because of the deafening silence that filled the room.  But after the coldness of her hand began to disappear, I knew I wasn’t going to die.  But after all the effort I’ve made, I eventually lost my strength and went unconscious.

I woke up the next day, inside a room filled with flowers and gifts.  Obviously, I was at the hospital, but a different one.  My parents were there, talking softly to each other.  When they heard me whimper, they hurried over to see me.  I told them I was fine and asked where Jonathan was.  “Oh, he’s on the other room with Jake.  Look, you know that we have no idea what happened to you two.  If it weren’t for this old man, I would never see you and Jonathan alive anymore,” mom responded.  “He wants to talk to you, dear.  And if there’s anything you want, don’t hesitate to tell us, okay?” dad added.  I nodded and smiled at them.  Both of them went out and called Ishmika.  He went inside, wearing the same clothes that my grandfather wore before he died.  It was weird and for a moment, I thought it was my grandfather who was walking towards me.  Wait—it is grandfather!  But what’s he doing here?  He’s supposed to be dead, right?
He shook his head, “Jasmine, you haven’t changed a bit.  You’re still the foolish little girl that I knew.  Don’t be scared, I was sent here to guide you on what you should do.”
“What happened to Ramona, grandpa?” I asked.  “Ramona?  She’s still here.  But she can’t harm anyone, anymore,” he replied.
“What? She’s still here?” I responded.  “Does she still have unfinished business?”
“Well, it’s not exactly like that.  I instructed her to stay still and serve as a companion for your journey.”
After hearing what he said, I was speechless.  How could he do such a thing like that?  Of all the ghosts, why does it have to be her who almost cost Jonathan’s life and mine?  “Don’t worry, Jasmine.  Like I said, she can’t hurt people, anymore.  Only other spirits like her.  She’s here to protect you.”
“Okay, I’ll just deal with it later.  But, what really happened to Ramona?  Why is she seeking revenge?” I asked, curious about her past.
“Ramona was very sweet and adorable when she was just little.  She comes from a very influential family.  Until one day, a conspiracy was made by her family rivals to destroy and steal their possessions.  Ramona heard all of this and tried to warn her family, but her parents wouldn’t believe her.  After several months of trying to convince her family about their situation, they thought she must be disclaimed for it brought them shame.  She was brought here in America and lived in an institution run by a hideous mad professor.  Ramona, together with some mentally retarded patients, was tortured everyday.  Ramona heard the news about her family’s downfall and was very sad.  She blamed it on the professor, even on the staff who managed that institute.  One day, she successfully killed 2 nurses and this made the scientist mad.  The mad man decided to maltreat her in every way, including the unbearable event of twisting her left leg backwards so that she couldn’t walk anymore.  Finally, she died in the same place and in the same room where you were admitted,” he explained.
“What happened to that hospital right now?  Was it forced to shut down after what had happened to us?” I asked.
“No.  It’s running normally as it should.  Only a few people know what happened to you.”
“But what about those dead nurses and doctors which I found in a big room?  It smelled like a dungeon!” thinking about it made me shiver.
“Oh, if you have noticed the atmosphere we had yesterday, we were transported to another time—back when the institute was still open.  Those bodies you have seen, were the staff that Ramona had killed after she died, including the mad man who tortured her.”
“After she died?”
“Yes, after she died.  You see, after she passed away, she haunted that place.  The staff would often see her when they work, and somehow they were terrified to work again.  This drove the mad man insane.  So, he went to investigate.  He saw the trails of blood that Ramona had left, but then he touched it.  That’s when the curse comes alive.  Whoever touches her blood will make her real, summoning her to come back to life to have revenge.  But that only happens within a decade, if nobody touches it again.’
“Oh, so that explains it.  But why was she headed upstairs when I was in the living room?” I asked without hesitation, suspecting that he knows everything.
“It’s because of your shoe.  Remember, you threw that shoe at the back seat.  You knew your brother was unaware that he carried it all the way to his room but you ignored it.  She used your shoe as a tracking device, and so she thought you were upstairs inside your room,” he said.
“You know what, grandpa?  I know it would be hard for mom and dad to believe my story but I do hope they would understand.  And about Jonathan, I just wish he would come to his senses that I’m not in a hurry to grow up, and that it was the first time I saw him scream like a girl,” I gazed at the bright windows.  “Grandpa?  Do you think—“ I turned.  “Grandpa?”  He was gone.  But I guess, I have to accept reality.  After moments of thinking, the door opened and someone came in.  I looked at her from head to toe.  Fair-skinned, 5 feet 5 inches tall, having hazel eyes and long brown hair, she was definitely Ramona.  After some time, I smiled at her.  And in return, she gave me that DEVILISH SMILE I could never forget. 

It was really a gloomy evening as I sat on the roof, blowing the flute a lot of times without any concentration.  My grandfather just died earlier that day, and everyone in the house was quiet.  I admit that I am not good in expressing what I feel, so I retreated to the roof.  As usual, I was the loudest in the neighborhood, but I didn’t care if anyone yells at me.  Not this time when the unexpected and impossible began to happen.
         While trying to play the right tune, a very cold breeze touched my face.  It was gentle and very comforting.
         Suddenly, I was wrapped in a ray of light, and before I knew it, I was standing on the edge of a cliff.  I was afraid that I might fall and die, but someone spoke before me, “My child, could you ever spare a moment of silence?  I’m trying to rest here, you know. But anyways, don’t be afraid.  It’s just me.  Just remember to take good care of yourself, and especially your gift.”  As I heard the words, it came to my senses that it was grandfather who was actually talking to me.  But the sensible question was what was he talking about? Has it something to do with a Christmas gift?
         “Do not be confused, Jasmine.  Things will be clearer after some time.  No, it’s not a Christmas gift, young lady…it’s more than that.”  He continued.  “Now come to me and be free.”  Without hesitation, I stepped forward, wanting to hug him for the last time.  Unfortunately, all I embraced was air.  I fell from the cliff and landed on the ground.  Then everything went black.
         The first thing I heard when I woke up was pure snoring.  The familiar sound and rhythmic pattern told me that it was my younger brother, Jonathan.  I giggled before deciding to guess where I would be.  The faint smell of alcohol reminded me of a hospital, and I was right.  After realizing where I was, the incident instantly flashed back into my mind, giving me an eerie feeling.
         But before I could think of anything else, something caught my attention.  I turned slowly to my right to see what was moving.  To my horror, it was something monstrous.  A lady stood just next to the wall, clothed in a dress very wet with blood, because at the bottom, blood was actually dripping vigorously from her dress.  She had a very disturbing face.  The left side of her head was covered with blood with no hair at all.  She was carrying a butcher’s knife, and it was exceptionally huge!  I was horror-stricken to see her start walking towards me, with her knife aimed directly at me.  From her trail, all she left were sets of red footprints.  She slowly walked like a normal person would do, but the thing is...her left leg was twisted; it was turned backwards.
         She was now about 4 ft away from me, when I remembered that I was still in my bed; completely sandwiched.  I couldn’t budge.  It was as if a heavy weight was placed on top of my body.  My heart jumped when she raised her arm, ready to stab me at the chest.
         But, everything stopped when someone touched me.  It made me realize that I was just dreaming—or so it seemed because it felt so real.  I turned to my left and saw Jonathan standing.  He looked worried. “Jazz, you’re freaking me.  What’s the matter?” he asked.  I turned back at where the lady was and to my relief, she was gone.
         “Nah.  Just had a nightmare—I guess, but I’m okay,” I answered, looking back at Jonathan.
         “You saw something back there, didn’t you?” He pointed the wall in front of him.
“Then I guess you saw the lady, too?”
“What lady?  All I’m saying is that you’ve seen something that made you nuts.”  Hearing the words, I immediately shifted into a sitting position.  “But she was just—“ When I saw the set of red footprints on the floor, I trailed off distractedly.  Jonathan leaned over, curious of what was going on.  When he saw them, he was breathless and our eyes widened as our gazes met.  For the second time, my heart thumped fast.  I was about to jump out of the bed when Jonathan told me to stay still.  He walked over to the place and bent to investigate.  “You said you saw a lady?  Thanks to you, you interrupted the nicest dream I ever had.  When I woke up and saw you, I thought you had something serious, because your bed was shaking horribly.  I hurried over and saw you pale as white, as if you had seen a ghost.  Well, it’s totally obvious that something was here,” he reached out his right hand and touched the fresh blood on the floor and rubbed it on his fingers.  “What are you doing?  You’re not supposed to do that,” I warned, looking from his face to his fingers.
“Why not?”
“Hello?  What if that lady follows you—wherever you go?”
“That’s nonsense.  I never believed in stories like that.”
“Whatever.  Just don’t touch me with that thing,” I shook my head. 
“You think I won’t?” Jonathan stood up.  Then I covered myself with a blanket, believing he would.  “Just wait till I—oh my…” I uncovered myself from the blanket and saw him staring at his fingers.  Then, I looked at the tracks because it started to move.  To my shock, it began to evaporate into thin air, including the blood on Jonathan’s fingers.
“What did you just do?”  I asked.  Jonathan was speechless as he stared at his fingers.  He was trying to say something, but he was only able to open and close his mouth twice without saying a word.  “Okay, let’s just forget about this…like it never happened,” I interrupted.  “Right, but do get some sleep. You need it,” he replied.

Later that afternoon, doctors confirmed no serious injuries, only small bruises and a mild sprain in the right ankle, but it’s all right.  They granted me permission to go home as long as I’d take at least a week to rest to mend the sprain.  Jonathan and I were on our way home when things got stranger.  Driving his own BMW, Jonathan cautiously watched his back as if someone was watching him.  “What’s the matter?  You seem so anxious about something,” I interrupted, sitting lifelessly at the passenger seat.  “It’s nothing.  Just being cautious.  Anyways, don’t go near the roof again or else,” he answered.
“Why not?”
“I don’t want my sister to be into some sort of trouble again, since she’s a little too careless about herself,” he replied.  “Careless?” I objected.  Then I remembered the night of the incident was just pure illusion.  Jonathan told me what had happened.  I realized that I was just imagining myself standing on the edge of the cliff, but in reality I was on the roof, ready to commit suicide.  “Go ahead.  I’m listening to your ‘almost’ suicide story,” he asked.  I didn’t answer, knowing that he wouldn’t believe such a story like mine.  Fortunately, we arrived and parked near the garage.  “Listen, it’s not that I’m being hard on you or anything, it’s just that I don’t want you to get hurt again, understood?” he explained.
“Dear brother, you will always be loved and be special to me.  Of course I understand, but you still cannot forbid me to go back up there.”
“We’ll see about that,” he removed his seatbelt.  As he was about to open the door, he suddenly froze and stared at the rear view mirror.  He was obviously looking at the back seat.  I turned to see what that was—it was the lady at the hospital.  She sat there, holding the big knife with her right hand.  Bloodstains surrounded where she sat.  Everything about her was very terrible and it had become more terrible when she suddenly wore a devilish smile.  Goosebumps emerged from my arms and I could already feel the hair of my skin standing simultaneously as she, for the second time, raised her arm and aimed the knife at me.  She swung her arm when Dad suddenly knocked on the window next to Jonathan.  Both of us jumped at the same time.  We looked at each other, then to the back seat, but she was gone, including all the bloodstains on the seat.  We were unable to say anything for a moment, until Jonathan gave in and opened the door.  “How are you feeling, honey?” dad asked.  “Well, everything’s fine.  Just a mild sprain and some bruises.  Doctors said I have to take enough time to rest,” I answered, trying to hide my exploding emotions of fear and shock.  “That’s good to hear,” he smiled.  “What are you waiting for, Jonathan?  Bring Jasmine inside while I get her things upstairs,” dad ordered, and then went to get my things at the back.
“You saw her, didn’t you?” I whispered.
“We’ll talk about it later.  Let’s just get of the car this instant,” Jonathan suggested.
“Good idea.  But—wait,” I took of my Converse shoe on my right foot and threw it at the back seat.  “What’s the big idea?” Jonathan nagged.  Innocently, I answered, “I just want to make sure she’s not really there.  There might be some force field in there…who knows?”  He crossed his brows and said, “You should try to minimize your reading hobby.  I think you must’ve read too much after all these years,” he took my shoe and helped me get out.  Thanks to Jonathan’s aid, he carried me all the way to the living room safely.  Dad came storming in with my things and hurried upstairs.  Jonathan and I sat face to face in the living room with nothing to say.  Dad returned and told us that he and mom would spend two nights at Los Angeles for business reasons.  I know L.A. is not so far from here in Sacramento, California but obviously, it would take a lot of time for them to come back here because I know they love to visit new places.  “And Jonathan, be sure to take care of Jasmine.  Jake’s out of town,” dad instructed, adding, “I think he’s in Alabama for a camping trip, I just hope it’s not for any other reason.”  Jake’s our oldest brother, but the silliest one.  I couldn’t imagine why he’s like that.  It seems that he must’ve had a soul exchange with Jonathan because Jake is so immature while Jonathan always assumed to be Mr.-know-it-all and independent, like he’s the boss.
“Great, I’m stuck here to baby sit an older sister.  What next? I get to pamper a grizzly bear in the woods?” Jonathan complained.  I shot him an angry look, “Go ahead, say that again and I’m gonna twist your shoulders backwards.” I stood up and was about to attack him when I tripped, landing on the couch he was sitting on.  “Ouch.  I think that hurts,” Jonathan said ironically, followed with a laugh.  “Okay, show’s over.  I better go ahead; your mom’s probably waiting for me now,” dad said.  He walked to the door and before closing it, he asked me to take care of myself.  “Yeah, Dad.  As long as wise guy would lay his hands off his sister, consider it done,” looking at Jonathan, I acted like the lady we saw at his car.  Dad closed the door, went to his Chevrolet and started the engine.  Then he took off.
“You know, that’s not very funny at all,” Jonathan whined.  He stood up and went to the kitchen.  “Aren’t you going to have a feast?  You’ve been granted total liberty, lady’s lover boy,” I joked.  He suddenly threw a bag of chips at me and roared, “Will you stop it?  I’m serious, Jasmine.  Like I said, it’s not funny.”  Carrying a cup of mayonnaise with the works, he slumped on the couch beside me and then placed the dip on the table in front of us.
“Jazz, do you think she followed us?  Would something bad happen to either one of us?”  Grabbing the bag of chips, he dipped a handful and dumped it in his mouth.  “I don’t know.  It depends upon the purpose of the lady.  But why are you worried?  It’s not like she’s going to butcher the both of us like pigs…”
“Are you sure?  From the way she looks at you, it looks like she was ready to slice you into pieces.”
“Jonathan, if you hadn’t touched that blood, things like this wouldn’t have happened.”
“And I’m the one to be blamed for everything!  That’s it.  I’m going upstairs to grab a little shut-eye.  Too much has happened ever since you woke up,” Jonathan left.  Carrying my shoe, he made his way upstairs to his room.  After closing the door, I sighed heavily while lying on the couch.  But what if she’s REALLY here—in this house?  I closed my eyes for a while and eased myself from my worries.  Then suddenly, I heard the front door opened itself and slammed again.  I jerked, opened my eyes and tried to stay still.  Maybe it’s dad—he must’ve forgotten something.  But after some time, the place remained quiet, I heard no one—but I did have a feeling that someone was really there.  To my surprise, I heard discreet footsteps coming from the stairs. 
© Copyright 2010 Azurien (anikaroni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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