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The law according to Joe Smith |
My title was taken from Gen. 1:26. What do we know? Who is us? Are we not here by intelligent design? No, we are not, answered a federal court. It ruled that the idea may not be taught in public schools. The United States of America, by the way, was born Aquarius, according to astrologer Jeanne Avery. We’re entering the Age of Aquarius. From the musical, Hair, the song, Aquarius, When the moon is in the Seventh House, And Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace will guide the planets, And love will steer the stars. symbolically, with my moon in my Seventh House, I’m doing what I can to make the song our reality. We Aquarians are aware of where the spotlight shines and we don’t hide our light under a bushel. Joe Smith, the Original, written by an Aquarian, my story begins when my ruling planet, Uranus, transited to a position opposed to itself when I was born, at mid-life. Here’s what numerologist Widening Horizons said about that event: "Sometime in the middle of your life, probably between the ages of thirty-five and fifty, you’re apt to begin thinking about how free you would like to feel. . .There may be a significant change in one of the major stabilizing factors in your life—the end of a marriage or business." Actually, both, with my business and marriage on the rocks, when I was age 49 I cut my umbilical cord with my past. I went to sea on a boat I named Bold Venture. A couple of events at sea I’d like to mention: I was sailing off the coast of Palm Beach, Florida one afternoon with a friend when I heard cries for help. A search with my field glasses saw no one in the water. My friend said it was probably the wind on the shrouds I heard. I definitely heard the cries. I sailed in the direction from which I heard the voices. The sun went down. I was about to call off the search when I saw a flag marking where a lobster trap had been dropped. It was waving back and forth. I sailed toward it and found three scuba divers who had drifted miles from their dive boat on a current. What can we say? ESP is just one of those inexplicable things in life. By the way, my astrologer said my chart indicated that I’d be psychic. Little did I know that tropical storm Dottie had formed in the Gulf of Mexico, moved across South Florida, and then headed north off the east coast of Florida. I was sailing from Nassau to Palm Beach with thee friends. We ran into Dottie at 2:00 A.M., in the middle of that north moving current between the Bahamas and Florida, the Gulf Stream. With the wind moving against the current, it meant the waves would be steeper. If one should break in front of us it would pitchpole us. During lightning flashes, I saw them, white against a black sea. We were in the Bermuda Triangle, where ships and aircraft disappear without a trace. One of my friends was holding onto the stern rail for dear life, the other two below, rolling on the cabin floor in their vomit. With no protection from wind and sea, my head down, I was steering by the slope of the deck. It was like balancing on a tightrope—too close to the wind and the sail would back, too far off and the rail went under the ocean. I was in a zone—calm—my hand on the wheel that of an orchestra conductor, as if I’d become part of it all—become bigger than life. With daybreak, I came back to the real world. The seas were unbelievable. Going down, I saw nothing but water, going up, nothing but sky. As I rolled over a giant wave, I saw in the west smokestacks and pointed toward them. They turned out to be Florida Power and Light’s, a mile south of our inlet. We arrived at my estimated time of arrival. Impossible! There is talk about time warps in the Bermuda Triangle, but only to explain mysterious disappearances. We don’t want to know that we have within us the power to perform miracles. I was horrified to see seas breaking completely across Lake Worth Inlet. After a couple of passes and no place to get in, I decided to go for it anyway. The wind was blowing straight into the inlet and the tide going out, causing the seas to break. I unfurled my headsail and let it billow way out, with the mainsail out on the opposite side. Running wing and wing at the inlet, with the engine at full throttle, we entered the breakers. Seas were breaking on both sides. The stern went up and I held my breath. Would it break? We surfed down a wave that never broke into the inlet. I will never forget it. My friends called it a miracle. During my two years at sea. I saved seven lives, including my own: evidence of what a bigger than life calling can do. Before my departure, if anything could go wrong it did. After departure, when everything should have gone wrong, everything went right. The sea, the womb of all life, when you read the story of my rebirth, starting with a major calamity, I can’t prove intelligent design, but If you never turn loose of the trunk and go out on a limb you never find the fruit. Numerology gives me for a life lesson number “7”, I’m here to use and develop my mind. Here’s what Numerology and The Divine Triangle says: "Your words should be full of wisdom when you decide to talk. Your strong intuition helps in any line you choose and gives insight when needed. You may be an enigma to others, and even to yourself at times. . . You should learn to spend time by yourself, in the woods or by the seashore, where you can get in touch with your inner self and your deepest thoughts because your destiny is to use your mind." We like fairy tales, but the truth is stranger than fiction. Karen and I are retired, living in our dream home in the tall timber. I lived all of this long life and didn’t fully realize what was going on until I started spending my time doing what I was put here to do, making man in our image. Numerology places me in my ninth and final cycle, a time of selflessness and compassion. Here’s what Numerology and The Divine Triangle says: "Encompassing a love for all, it (9) desires to apply its energy to universal service. It bestows an impersonal but just view of life, one that is generous, benevolent and patient. This is the artist and thinker who has developed skills through the preceding cycles and is now ready to share his or her knowledge with the rest of the world." Having said all of this, this thought comes to mind. With a computer, you can overlay your image on any background you choose. Science has now discovered that the universe has many dimensions, one of which is a dimension of infinite possibility. We observe and that becomes our reality. |