Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1649538-The-first-Quarter
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1649538
The next fourteen pages
“Go for it.”

“Were we stupid?”

Marcello laughed. “We weren’t smart.”

Verona nodded in agreement.

“You don’t believe that I kidnapped Brianna really do you?”

“No, but a warning has been issued to the rulers of the First Quarter to arrest you on sight. I don’t believe everyone will, though. You have done too much for everyone.”

“You arrested me.”

“I was angry with you.” She laughed a little. “You should have this.”

Remarkably Verona pulled a pendant from over her head. It was exactly the same as the one that Onan had given him, except that the pendant on this one was the conjoined letters of the word ‘truth’.

“You’ve seen one of these before.” Verona realised.

Marcello simply nodded.

She smiled. “Then you have already gained the Blessing of one of the cities of the Four Quarters. That’s a good sign.”

“Is it?” Marcello muttered under his breath.

He took the amulet from Verona and rubbed it with a thumb. There it was again, that strange forbidding. He hoped that this forbidding was nothing just over cautiousness, but then what else could it be?

Chapter six; the city of Ceres Aesculapius

Once reacquainted with both Jase and Oughtnal, Marcello had regressed into silence.  What was there to say? What could he say? It was a long ride into Ceres Temple city, also named Ceres Aesculapius City and he would prefer not to do it in silence.

With this in mind, Marcello mounted his horse with a false smile, laugh and friendly lark at Jase.

As they had cleared Herculean’s borders Jase could no longer stand the fake attitude that Marcello had decided to assume.

“O.k. What’s the matter?” Jase asked.

“Nothing. Nothing. Why would you think, that there, that there… was something wrong?”

“Hmm, except for the ridiculously fake personality you have taken on?”

Marcello pulled a face.

“Oh come on Marcello you always do it when you’re upset about something.”


“Yes you do.” Jase said firmly.

Finally Marcello gave up and sighed.

“That boy, In Jocose; The one that Onan had round his ankles…”


“He’s my son.”

The words fell from his mouth simply, but left a heavy imprint in the air.  It was the kind of statement that couldn’t be answered or even thought at.

“Your son?” Jase repeated “Who’s the mother?”

There was a small pause.


Marcello nodded.

“But she’s only young, Twenty at best.”

“I know. It was something that, we’re not entirely proud of, but it’s happened now and we just have to be grateful that our son is safe and being raised properly.” Marcello said quietly. “He wouldn’t have been with Verona running a city and me training. I and Verona ended shortly after that.”

“Well, I won’t praise you for this. How old was she at the time, sixteen? But you’re right it’s happened. I can’t make you feel better for a… well not a mistake, but an unexpected happening.”

Marcello laughed slightly at this.

Jase caved slightly at his friends smile and his serious face melted slightly.

“I don’t know what you want me to say though.” Jase said his serious face, appearing again. “I mean how did you expect not to see him again?”

“I did” Marcello said “Just not as soon you know. I thought I wouldn’t see him again until he had time to grow and understand.”

“I’m sorry to interrupt.” Oughtnal said suddenly. “But I’m sure this is something Marcello has to live with every day, and our main concern right now, is finding Brianna.”

“Mmm” Jase muttered still frowning. “What are you going to do about her? I mean what are you going to say?”

“Jase, I’m working on it o.k.?” Marcello said finally losing his temper.

“o.k., o.k., I’m sorry” Jase said quickly.

He quickly silenced after this. He watched as Marcello seemed to with great effort heave back the reins of his horse. There was no doubt of it, although this journey had not been physically demanding up to this point Marcello’s mentality had been damaged, had taken a blow.

“Marcello?” Jase asked slowly.


  “I can take the pain away for a while if you like?”

“No” Marcello sighed wearing a wry smile. “I think its best now that we just move on.”

The journey to Ceres Aesculapius city was silent after this. Jase was still having trouble trying to process this new information; while Marcello found he had hours upon hours to dwell on it. Oughtnal, on the hand seemed to be the only person that was even remotely happy. He merely watched his companions in their grief wondering what it was to feel such pain.

Although the ride to Ceres Aesculapius city was a long and arduous one, they still found the city rapidly advancing on the horizon. Marcello had made this journey only once before in his life and it had been of great import; a retrieval mission for part of his training. He remembered it well. He had been instructed to claim a feather from a Kendis bird. It was a bird vital for white magic alchemical potions, and although helpful was never something he had ever had to use again.

“Jase?” Marcello asked with curiosity.


“How often do you use Kendis feathers?”

“Not often. They are very vital for alchemical potions. I mean you cannot make a curative potion without a Kendis feather, but nowadays white mages get taught curative spells rendering the alchemical counterpart useless, but the potion is still widely brewed by Alchemists.” Jase explained with interest, “Why?  Thinking about your training?”

Marcello nodded.

“They teach everyone whom can’t cure themselves through magic that potion just to make sure you don’t end up going on suicide missions,  though to be honest if you have half a brain cell you would journey with either a White Mage or an Alchemist anyway. Ceres Aesculapius city draws its revenue from Kendis feathers because apparently only White Mages can rear them otherwise alchemists would keep them in their own city.”

Marcello nodded again. “I didn’t know that.”

“Well you do now” Oughtnal smiled.

“I guess we’re here.” Marcello said looking upwards.

The city of White Magic; Ceres Aesculapius, it was an amazing city, inhabited by humans and elves alike. The high walls were gleaming white and sparkling, protected by ancient white magic that could only just be felt by Beings of Magic as they passed through the main gate and into the city. After the outer wall that had magically scanned them they faced the inner wall that was really there for decoration to welcome all peoples into the city. Beings usually just passed through either to receive rest and nourishment while others merely used it as a bridge to somewhere else, however this city also had somewhat of a tourist trade for the old buildings and main temple of Ceres Aesculapius. Also although rare, people of great illness journeyed to the city to receive a cure for their ailments, though because the city was built so far away from the other settlements many died on the way.

“Wow!” Oughtnal breathed.

“I must admit that it has been a long time since I was last here; it’s changed a lot.”

The city was now bigger, gargantuan even sporting an aviary that was open to the general public and one that was kept sanitised and closed off for the Kendis birds. The buildings were of grandeur; even the small houses looking mansion like in comparison with Marcello’s residence in the City of the Lupis. Mostly there were apothecaries to cater for their Alchemical visitors but there were also many souvenir shops along with shops that catered to the many residents of the city.  Open markets were rare if any and what astounded both Oughtnal and Marcello was how clean it all was. It was as if the whole place had just been built and had never been lived in.

“Hello!” A bright female voice shouted over the uproar of the city. “Marcello I presume?”

Marcello looked down from his staring into the city to find a young woman addressing him. She was no older than seventeen, Marcello guessed and was elfin. Blonde hair had been brought up and tied messily at the back of her head, slight parts of her fringe not quite fitting into the scruffy bundle and fell into sky blue eyes. She was very small, petite and generally fragile looking. The clothing she wore was not to show that she was a Being of Magic rather she wore a very big, loose fitting crimson shirt and wore her White Mage ranked sash around her hips like a skirt tied at the hip.   

“Um, yes, I apologise but who are you and why do you know my name?” Marcello asked immediately suspicious of her.

“Oh, I’m Zhi!” She said her smile stretching wider “It’s a bit embarrassing, but I’m techn- well I am, princess of this city.” A faint red flush came into her pale face as she said this.

“I’m sorry ma’am I had no idea.” Marcello said with a half bow atop his horse.

“Oh stop it,” She gushed “all that stuff is so embarrassing.”

Marcello exchanged a look with Jase.

“Um, oh yeah, I’m sorry gentlemen but I have been instructed to take you to the castle.” 

“Have we done something wrong?” Oughtnal asked.

“No!” Zhi exclaimed waving a hand at him impatiently. “Don’t be silly, but please do leave your horses with Mitchell, the people here are not used to traffic.”

“Of course…” Jase said dismounting gracefully.

Marcello dropped from his horse somewhat awkwardly and passed the reigns of his horse over feeling strangely put out as Jase promptly took one of Zhi’s hands and kissed it, introducing himself.

Marcello made a face as her cheeks flushed once again and a bubbly giggle escaped her lips.

“You have a very beautiful city here.” Jase said “Was it built after you and your family?”

“My ancestor’s” Zhi answered. “Mother says I am the spitting image of the first woman to ever rule here, but I appreciate what you were trying to say”

“Was she not the first to ever rule here?” He asked following her with Oughtnal and Marcello behind.

“No, up until the third age of this city did women rule”

“It’s a shame; you seem to look after your city wonderfully.”

Marcello tried his hardest to repress a laugh.

“It has always been this way” She laughed. “I like you, you are so eager to please, why be that?”

“A beautiful woman should always be complimented, should she not?” Jase asked her, slightly pink.


Marcello rolled his eyes. This always happened with Jase, women were powerless if he had their sights on them.

“How about,” she whispered deeply, whilst moving against him “You treat me like a person rather than a bit of skirt.” She brought her knee upwards to catch him in a rather sensitive area and though unfortunate Marcello could not help but laugh at his friend’s failure.   

“Uh, so” Marcello said trying to regain a sense of seriousness, “What is it that we are needed of at the palace?”

“Mother wishes to speak to you and I have some information that may benefit you.” She answered.

“I thought you said you liked me” Jase gasped trying his utmost to remove the pain he had just received magically.

“I do.” She said turning her head towards him, fluttering her eyelashes, with a playful smile before turning back and walking on.

Jase had stopped dead, shocked.

“You were just playing games with him?”

“Mmm, that and he’s not likely to forget me now is he?” She smiled.

Marcello returned her smile; he would make the most of the playful banter while he was still able.

Where Zhi was leading them now seemed completely different from the main city, it was dark for one, not so white or gleaming.  Zhi cheerfully bounded up the start of a flight of stairs. Marcello looked up trying to determine the height of the stairway and found it to be of dizzying length.

“Zhi, why does the palace sit at the highest point of the city?” Marcello asked.

“Are you actually interested or are you bitter that you must walk so far?” She laughed

“Both” He answered honestly.

“The city is here to cure people, agreed? Well the palace is so far away and so high so that the disease that comes from the people is unlikely to reach its ruler. Where would we be if a pandemic killed the city’s authority?”

“I guess but not many sick people come here anymore do they?” Marcello asked

“No, unfortunately so many people died on their way here that many don’t try any more, they would rather die in the company of their friends and family.”

“I can understand that.” Jase said.

“Oh!” Marcello exclaimed. “I’ve just remembered, do you think it would be possible to send some white mages to the Village of the Lupis? All of ours have left and without Jase they are currently surviving with nothing.”

Zhi frowned “Unfortunately we cannot it’s against royal policy, unless there is an exceptional case there that demands constant medical attention.”

Sorrowed silence fell between them.

“The baby with the Sight…” Jase murmured.

“I’m sorry, did you say something Jase?” She asked looking backward over her shoulder at him.

“There was a baby born with the Sight, is that an exceptional enough case?” He asked

“Yes definitely” She said turning on her heel and approaching him. “What’s its gender?”

“It was a girl” He said “does that matter?”

“The baby will have to be catalogued and monitored. A baby hasn’t been born with the sight since; well it’s been a very long time.” She muttered.

To everyone’s surprise and especially to Jase’s, a large smile broke out across Zhi’s face before she kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you. This is great news.” She gushed. “Right this calls for an alternative mode of transport, I think.”

Zhi brought her hands over her head in a sort or prayer like stance, her eyes closed. She stayed this way for a few minutes before driving her hands forcibly apart so her palms were exposed to the three men. Marcello wasn’t sure what was happening but all of a sudden he woke to find himself laid on the floor of a very white room. He sat up gingerly, rubbing the back of his head. Oughtnal was not to far away still out cold, whilst Jase was sat against a wall with Zhi standing over him.

Looking around, this one room reminded him of a hospital, in that it smelled of disinfectant and everything looked bleach clean.

“Zhi? Where are we?” Marcello asked groggily.

“In the palace” She smiled at him. “I’m sorry I realise that you have never Transported before. You are probably feeling pretty rubbish right now but not to worry it’s just Transport sickness it will go in a few minutes, Promise”

Hazily Marcello rose to his feet, the room around him spun slightly so he leant against the nearest wall where he took a few heavy, deep breaths until everything settled again. The spell had left a sickly feeling in his stomach and a dry sensation in his mouth.

“Zhi, please don’t do that again.”

“Would you rather take the stairs next time?”

“If it doesn’t make me feel like I’m going to puke then yes.”

Zhi laughed. It was a melodic, twinkly sort of noise, a bit like a music box and made Jase stare up at her smiling sappily. 

Oughtnal finally rose groaning and clutching his head.

“Don’t worry,” She grinned “next time you might get a bit of head rush but that’s it”

Marcello grimaced.

“Trust me”

Oughtnal got up pretty much straight away and seemed not to suffer much of an ailment as the other two, but Marcello seemed to catch the worst of it; it took him a few moments to be well enough to walk out of the room without heaving or experiencing some blurred vision.

Once the sickness had passed, Zhi led them out of the hospital like room into a large open space that seemed just as white and disinfectant covered as the last, however this one was more like an art gallery in that there were many pictures hung up on the walls here.

“Wow…” Jase said approaching the portrait of a man. He was painted to look not much past his early thirties, and had a red flush to his face; he was not portly nor was he a small man, but his blonde hair and blue eyes practically screamed out that Zhi was his daughter.

“What about him captures you?” Zhi asked her smile reduced somewhat.

“It’s his posture…his air of superiority, his elegance”

She sighed, almost reminiscent in her facial expression “That’s my dad,”

“He looks like a good man” Jase attempted to compliment.

“He wasn’t.” She said simply

Unsure what to say Jase merely looked at her.

“But anyway” She said brightening up again. “I didn’t bring you here to talk about him. Come with me if you please”

They followed Zhi now in silence, through a corridor at the end of which they stopped. Zhi lightly rapped at the wooden door that was, surprisingly painted a dark crimson red rather than the customary white and introduced herself and her company.

“Oh come in then, dear”

Zhi swung the door wide for them and then shut it again after they had all come through.

“So these are the three that you saw?”

“Yes, mother” Zhi said “Right down to the very letter”


Zhi’s mother was a woman in her early-forties; her hair contained only a few grey hairs which contrasted beautifully with the blue of her eyes and the silver of the dress she was wearing. What surprised Marcello most though were the pointy elf ears that poked out through her hair.

“I am Queen Helena” She said bowing slightly to the three of them. “I have some information for you. Some that will help with what you seek.”

Elves were a rarity even in the Four Quarters; their time had passed, so to speak. They had built everything that existed around humans today but as a breed and magical being, for all it was worth they may well have not existed in this time. This was not due to some ancient blood feud or war but rather in that the Humans of the Four Quarters were taught to treat elves as an equal, they were after all no less talented, or intelligent than humans were. There were a select few that felt that elves should no longer be involved in human affairs but these were rare and incidents didn’t happen.

“On Brianna?” Marcello asked “What is it.”

“Patience is a virtue, Marcello” Queen Helena smiled “You might not be happy to hear this but, we believe that Brianna has been kidnapped by a group called the Caden Siofra. Now Caden Siofra are a group of seventeen men led by an elf warrior called Herschel. They…Marcello, they capture women and kill them.”


Marcello felt the hand of Jase on his shoulder for support, but Marcello was at a loss for words.

“Herschel was seen, riding away from this city, with a woman draped across the horse’s hindquarters, whom matched Brianna’s description” Queen Helena continued.

“So that’s it,” Marcello breathed “She’s dead”

“Not necessarily, He was heading towards the city of Alquimista; he’s about a day’s ride in front of you. The report’s on the other bodies that have been found is that he rarely kills them straight from the off, he usually keeps them for a few days before…you know killing them.”

“Oh god…” Marcello paced the room trying to gather his thoughts. “What could that man be doing to her? Kept them for a few days before killing them? Why?”

“Please try and keep that from your mind right now, Marcello. Brianna needs you” Queen Helena watched him with pitying eyes. “Here take my blessing.”

From her desk, Queen Helena pulled out yet another pendant that held that strange glow. This one had the figure of a young woman; she was nude, slender, with a strange symbol carved into her forehead.

“The symbol of white magic” Jase observed from over his shoulder.

“I have one more gift for you.” Queen Helena smiled. “My daughter”

“We have a white mage” Marcello muttered absent minded.

“You don’t want her?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Huh? Oh it’s not that it’s just I wouldn’t like for her to be wasted with us, if she’s needed here, especially seeing as we already have someone that is a practitioner of her talent.” Marcello smiled.

“I wouldn’t have offered her if that was the case” The Queen smirked.

“Yeah, yeah that makes sense, I’m sorry I’m not all here at the moment.” He sighed gesturing with a finger.

“You know that this information clears your name.” Oughtnal said.

“It doesn’t” Marcello said “not really, not until we’ve found this man. You know how paranoid Abhey is at the moment.”

“That place needs a new ruler don’t you think?” Queen Helena asked.

“It will get one; Brianna will take the throne soon.” Marcello said carefully tucking the pendant away.

Queen Helena nodded thoughtfully.

“However we can’t stay here any longer, every minute we wait is another minute in which Brianna gets closer to death.” Marcello said having turned monotonous yet again.

“Of course” Helena said.

Marcello bowed his head and excused himself, leaving with the others in tow. Zhi would probably have to collect some things but for now he had to do something to keep his mind off of Brianna and her fate.

Chapter seven – Impatience.

Herschel stood, leant against a doorpost of rock; his eyes were shut where he was deep in thought. He relished in the cool breeze however how it relieved his red, flushed face and made his hair flutter around him.

Jonas approached his master cautiously. While he was concentrating on something, disturbing Herschel could mean your life, so Jonas waited and watched.

Herschel frowned and slowly his eyes opened to stare at the boy with impudence. He was new here new to this talent. Sixteen years of age, Jonas had become more of a lackey than a member and got all the jobs that the other members thought below them, or were not stupid enough to take on; such as approach Herschel when he did not wish to be interrupted. 

“Yes, Jonas?” He asked barely moving, his arms crossed across his chest.

“The other men, they are wondering…are curious why you have chosen, and we respect your decision, to keep the woman alive for so long.” Jonas stammered.

Herschel smiled, a thin line across his face; sharp and cruel.

“Jonas, dear, I’m not finished with her”

The boy’s eyes widened “oh”

Jonas really didn’t know what he had got himself into; he thought it would be fun to kill people, a bit of a game as it were, but the truth was that everyone here knew what they were doing, actually enjoyed the act of killing whereas he…well he now realised that all he liked was the idea.

Herschel knew this of course, but enjoyed playing with him. He was like a scared little mouse, cornered and shaking, he was well aware that Jonas was too scared to run from them, and far too terrified to go to the authorities. If he wasn’t going to make a use of himself, Herschel would end his life, but when he least expected it.

“Jonas, you may go now.”

“Oh right, yes, of course” he muttered before wandering off.

Herschel’s mind began to wander as he watched Jonas walk away. He couldn’t have been much older than him when it all started happening; His mother, whore. His face contorted into one of anger. Her, motives he couldn’t possibly begin to understand, but through her he learnt that women were scum and none of them deserved to live. Manipulative and wily they were evil. This new woman, she was of high authority, a princess she would be his crowning achievement until he could get a queen.

He didn’t actually interfere with the women he killed; the other guys may have, he didn’t know but nor did he care. Really, he just wanted to scare that boy, gain the higher ground; have control over him.

Putting his hands behind his back he walked silently down some stairs, deeper under ground, until he reached a small dingy dungeon. Inside a cage came a small sobbing, somewhere Herschel felt guilty for her situation.

“Brianna,” Herschel whispered into the gloom of her containment.

“You!” Brianna’s voice was shrill and filled with sorrow.

“You still have hope, I see” He muttered stepping back as she charged to the bars of her cage.

“Why shouldn’t I?” She pouted.

“Apart from the cage, the blood stained thighs and the hopeless surroundings?” Herschel muttered noticing the red. “Have my boys been rough with you?”

In response he got a wounded cry and a broken woman on her knees crying as if she was suffering her last.

“I don’t agree with that.” He said off-handed.

“Suddenly sympathetic?!” Brianna demanded getting up and pressing her self against the bars again.

She could see in his eyes that he was, but this did not make her warm to him, in the slightest.

“Who was it?” He asked quietly but forcefully

“What makes you assume it was just one person?” She muttered softly.

“What?” His eyes flashed dangerously in the dark. “No one undermines me; you’re mine. MINE” He punched the nearest wall, bloodying his knuckles “Tell me, who it was TELL ME”

“Areri, Caine, Daray and Boaz” she whispered.

With pure fury possessing him Herschel swept from the room, sword already unsheathed and ready to kill. He felt jealous he realised, Jealous. This simple fact made him angrier why was he jealous? Nothing would ever posses him to act that way with any woman, they deserved to die very much so, but he would not wish such torment on them. Death meant they were no longer in his life choking and strangling the male mentality. Torment and torture were what women did to men not the other way around, not around him and with his playthings anyway. His world, his shred of mortality would equal the death of as many women as he could, but it would be free from pain on his part.

Caine was the first to cross his path; noticing his master’s fury he had meant to console him but instead found himself stabbed against a wall, Herschel’s face only inches from his own.

“Did you enjoy my kill?” Herschel breathed into his pained face.

“It… it was Daray’s…idea” Caine gasped.

“But you still dabbled in her like a fool! I will not have my possessions played with. What you do with your own little whores is up to you, but do not mess with mine.” Herschel muttered spitting into the man’s face.

“It was, only…once or twice.” Caine spluttered

Herschel twisted the blade within the man’s torso, growling slightly and relishing in the groan that escaped the traitorous man’s lips. Herschel bore of this conspirator quickly, he was dying and it seemed had exhausted his desire to speak. Withdrawing his blade quickly Herschel was relieved to find that his anger had subdued somewhat.  Walking away from the dead man he noticed that little Jonas had seen his brutal murder. The child was white, shaking and breathing heavily.

“Jonas?” Herschel asked pulling the young man away from the body. “I need to ask you a few things, and I want you to be truthful to me, o.k.?”

The boy swallowed hard, and then nodded slowly.

“Good,” Herschel said calmly stopping to face the boy, making the conscious effort to not let the boy face the corpse yet again. “It has come to my attention that Areri, Caine, Daray and Boaz have been…forcing their attentions onto the young woman in the dungeons.”

“Bri-anna?” The boy managed quietly.

“That’s right do you know anything about it?”

“I have seen them go there a lot I didn’t know why but I assumed that they were acting on your orders, but one day I went down there to feed her, y’know, and they were,” He paused clearly reliving the moment. “Taking turns with her”

Herschel did his best to keep the shaking fury that had resurfaced under control. The next time he spoke he noticed that his voice shook very slightly.

“Why didn’t you come to me with this?”

The boy appeared not to have heard him within his memory. “I think she saw me” he whispered “her eyes…begged for me to help her but I didn’t know how.”

Herschel felt sympathy for the boy, but still at least Jonas had not been in her position, then he would understand why Herschel did what he did.

“Have you seen any of them?” Herschel asked.

“Are you trying to help her?” Jonas asked.

Herschel nodded against his better judgement.

“Areri is in the dining chamber, Daray in the smith and Boaz is asleep in his room I think”

“Thank you.” Herschel said releasing the boy and walking off, Areri would be next.

He was where the boy had said he was in the dining chamber several other members sat about there but away from Areri whom was sat by himself. Herschel pulled him back by the throat and held him up so his feet left the floor.

“Areri,” Herschel muttered

The other men with in the room turned round to stare sharply.

“Herschel?!” One of the men exclaimed.

“Boys, take this as a bit of a lesson.” Herschel muttered “This man is raping my women.”

“You have a problem with rape?” One of the men behind him asked nervously.

“I do if you have been raping my girls.” Herschel said tightening his grip.

“Oh no we wouldn’t-“

“I thought that was common sense”

“Yeah common sense”

“Apparently everyone isn’t as intelligent as you lot are” Herschel muttered

“It was just a bit of fun!” Areri suddenly cried out.

“A bit of fun? How dare you!” Herschel rammed the sword into his lower abdomen, blood gushing out and falling over Herschel’s knuckles. “We’re having a bit of fun now right?”

Herschel let go of Areri so he fell to the floor.

“Idiot” Herschel said walking away.

Boaz was simple; Herschel merely stabbed him where he slept. He had no wish to talk to him, was merely running on rage now.

“I wondered when you would find out.” Daray said as Herschel approached.

“You knew I would then.” Herschel whispered.

He was splattered in blood now from three different hearts.

“Seen the others, have you?” Daray turned to him “What am I saying of course you have.”

Daray had always been an obnoxious, arrogant man; Herschel had seen these traits as endearing, pathetic, but now they annoyed him more than anything else in the Four Quarters. Before Daray could speak again, Herschel slit his throat. All that came from Daray was a soft gurgle, but to Herschel’s great annoyance he was smiling nonetheless. Rage flared up in his chest and before he really knew it he was stabbing the man over and over and over; trying his hardest to remove the smile from his face. Finally the sick man died. A just deserved death, Herschel decided.

A sudden urge broke over Herschel; Where to put the body. He wanted to put it somewhere where people would see it. This killing felt a little like a triumph.  Actually, he knew where to put it; a place that would, with any luck discourage the small entourage from following him further, For he had been informed of the three men that had been tracking his progress across the First Quarter. Yes, it would be a perfect place; the more that he thought about this the more it sounded like a good idea. Herschel grinned and walked away, dragging Daray’s lifeless corpse behind him.

Chapter Eight – Alquimista 

Alquimista was actually, geographically very close to Ceres Aesculapius City. This was probably done purposely Marcello understood as Alquimista was the city of the alchemists; a dangerous exploit especially for it’s students whom often made mistakes as was the want of anybody new to a subject, however these were often fatal ones; Mistakes that the alchemist’s could not cure with their potions.

  Much experimentation and exploration of the talent of alchemy had been done elsewhere and therefore its origins were often debated upon depending on your own nationality but every body had to agree that Alquimista was its new home, at least for now.

Marcello had never been there, nor as far as he knew had Jase. Oughtnal expressed an indifference commenting that all alchemists that he had met had been very arrogant; surprising for a people that had to rely on practicalities rather than magical talent, or so he had said. Although he had tried Marcello could not repress a laugh at such comments reminding Oughtnal that he was a fighter and had to rely on ‘practicalities’ as much as the alchemists did. The soft blush that crept across Oughtnal’s cheeks as he realised his mistake laid a path of hilarity for everyone else.

“They were very arrogant though” He said reiterating his original point.

“I’m not allowed to comment; well not one that specifies that I’m on a particular side. I have to remain neutral.” Zhi said with a smile.

“Your two cities are allies.” Jase said. “I assume that’s why?”

Zhi nodded once.

“What’s going on at the gate?” Marcello wondered aloud.

A small-ish crowd had gathered, and by their body language, Marcello guessed that something was wrong. Some people were looking away, while others looked ill; pale and white like ghosts and others just couldn’t look away, their jaws looking wired shut.

Marcello dug his heels into the side of his horse and drove it to a full run at the gates. Smoothly dismounting as he slowed the horse to a stop outside the small throng of people he politely forced his way to the centre of the group; the thing they were gathered to see.

What Marcello saw, to begin with, halted him completely. He felt Jase, Oughtnal and Zhi behind him a gasp escaping Oughtnal’s lips.

A man perhaps in his mid-thirties was suspended from the gate to Alquimista. He was face down so his wide, glassy eyes stared down at the crowd. He was suspended by rope that fastened around his stomach and his chest so he was nearly flat against the archway that curved over the double-door main gate. His throat had been slit so blood slowly dripped down his face and off his forehead into the dirt. Judging by the amount of blood that had stained the dirt and the gate he had been here for a while.

“Where are the guards?” Marcello asked the nearest person.

“On the other side” Someone replied “they shut them for the night and now they can’t move the gates without disturbing the body. It needs to be taken down without damaging the gates and whatnot.”

Marcello then turned to Jase, “If I can get up there to untie the knots can you levitate the corpse to the ground?”

“Yeah, o.k.”  Jase murmured readying himself.

Marcello jumped the support beams of the gate, climbed a few feet than balanced on the very top of the archway, untying the knots carefully. Jase then caught the body magically and lowered it slowly and out of the way so the guards could finally get the gates open.  Falling into the blood stained dirt, grunting slightly, he moved out of the way as the gates swung forward.

“Yijiru, captain of the guard” A woman said announcing herself to Marcello who stood over the corpse. “What do you know about this man?”

“Nothing,” Marcello said “I think I know why he’s here though.”

“Well, then please do tell.” Yijiru said.

Looking at her finally Marcello noticed that Yijiru was a short petite woman, the heavy armour that she wore probably had to be custom made for her. Her face was soft, the kind of face that Marcello expected to see within the government rather than the army, in that it looked cared for and innocent unaware of the cruelties of war. However her eyes were hard as if of ice and of a similar shade of grey.

“He was a warning, to us,” Marcello said gesturing to the rest of his party. “We are here for news about the Princess Brianna and the Caden Siofra”

“Marcello.” Yijiru whispered. “We have been expecting you for a while, but I must admit that we are unprepared for you nonetheless. Please feel free to explore the city for a time while I inform the King and Queen of the situation. My guard will keep their eye on you, to make sure no harm comes to you.”

She paused.

“There is something I must ask you though.”


“You said he was a warning to you, is this because you are getting somewhere? Close to finding her I mean.”

“That and he is getting bolder. Look at the multiple stab wounds, this killing was done in anger, it’s an achievement. This guy did something that deserved death in Herschel’s eyes.” Marcello said gesturing.

“So now it’s not just women.” Yijiru sighed. “Brilliant.”

She addressed her men, and then turned back to Marcello.

“Please look around you will be quite safe here. But please excuse me for now.”

“Of course” Marcello dipping his head slightly.

Once the guard had moved on Jase approached Marcello.

“So he’s raised the stakes.”


“What do you want to do?”

Marcello paused then sighed; His rib cage visibly rising before releasing the breath.

“Well only one thing to do right now, have a bit of a rest I guess.”

Without another word Marcello marched into the city his arms behind his back. Quickly though his mind was swept away from the matter of the murder; the threat.

The city of Alquimista; full of sky scrapers, except these weren’t the usual skyscrapers made of mortar and stone, Instead they stood  made from the components of alchemy; iron, gold, lead, tin, copper, mercury and silver. All metallic and shining it was unlike something Marcello had ever had seen before.

“Wow, they must be rich here…” Oughtnal trailed off.

“Naturally,” Zhi said “Everyone needs potions; especially if you can’t afford to hire someone practised in White magic. Most city healers even import potions from here.”

She considered for a minute.

“Though, alchemists are known to be able to make the materials, which they have used to build, out of practically nothing.”


Zhi laughed. “I don’t claim to know the secrets of alchemy.”

A particular building caught Marcello’s eye; small and square it looked like some sort of museum. However it looked to be made of some sort of red quartz like ruby. As a result the walls were vaguely translucent and everything inside looked dipped in red.

“Do you mind if we go there?” Marcello asked pointing.

There was a general murmur or assent and indifference so Marcello made his way towards the crystalline building, wondering what he should expect to be inside. Pushing the heavy door open he found the door to be lightly guarded on the other side.

“Are we allowed-?”

“Absolutely sir, the museum of Gemstones and Minerals is open to the public.”

Marcello nodded and led the small party into the large open space. Full of display cases the whole room sparkled from overhead lights that refracted through the various stones.

“You know there’s a whole conspiracy theory that the philosopher’s stone is hidden somewhere in this museum.” Zhi said.

Oughtnal had wandered off, looking into each display case with only small interest.

Zhi and Jase on the hand had walked off together, Zhi muttering various pieces of information, relevant to the museum. She was actually rather knowledgeable, Marcello noticed. Jase merely looked on at her in a doting way. Marcello didn’t even know whether he was retaining the information that she was uttering but nor did he really care. It was relatively obvious that they would end up together whether they knew it yet or not.

Left to himself, Marcello walked to the nearest display case where a very large peridot was being displayed. Lime green and vibrant, it had been cut into a heart shape. It must have been worth so much, bright and sparkling. It lay on a square, purple velvet cushion and lit with an insanely bright light mounted above his head. The gem bent and refracted the light into many different colours of the rainbow, of which sparkled and winked in his eyes.

His hand met the cold glass of the display case unexpectedly; he had no recollection of raising it. He left a dirty handprint on the case as he withdrew from it, and turned away, feeling as if he was turning his back on something important.

As he walked down the corresponding aisle, other gems whether mineral or organic twinkled at him from behind the polished glass. So many different colours, red, blue, yellow, green, purple, pink none restrained, however to just one stone. Some intermixed pink and green others blended between all primary colours, others weren’t polished or ‘cut’, rather were dull and actually looked rocky.

© Copyright 2010 Dreamer676 (dreamer676 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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