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A story for anyone who likes professional wrestling. |
This story is about a professional female wrestler and the obstacles she has to overcome to achieve her dreams. This page has the Prologue and Chapter one. Let me know if this is good enough to continue. This was like eight months ago i started this story. THE REVIVAL Prologue Lita sighed as she watched TNA. Another boring night as a retired diva working a dead-end job. Betcha Trish Stratus never had to put up with watching mediocre wrestlers, she thought. Her boyfriend, Phil was at work and wouldn’t be home for another two weeks. WWE superstars just went off the air and TNA just came on. What a way to end the week. Suddenly her phone rang. She looked at it. She gasped out loud as she saw the name of Vince McMahon on the caller ID. She answered it. “H-Hello?” “Ah Amy, its Vince. Are you currently watching TNA?” a familiar old voice asked. “Uh, yeah, it-uh-just started. Why?” She suspiciously asked. “I need your opinion on one of the knockouts on TNA. I’m thinking about bringing her in since her contract ends next week and she looks rather bored.” Vince answered. “Ok. What’s so special about her?” Lita asked. “Just watch. And you might notice that she reminds you of a certain someone.” Vince quietly said. “Ok, I’ll call you back once I see her…by the way, what’s her name?” Lita asked. “Her ring name is Alexis Rae. Her real name is Gretchen Johnson.” He answered. Lita nodded as she turned the phone off. This knockout had to be something if Vince wanted her in the WWE. For an over fifty year old guy, he still had taste in beautiful women. Hell, Linda McMahon was a beautiful gal in her day. Luckily she didn’t have to wait long. The knockout section was coming up. But, she didn’t see anyone named Alexis Rae. Maybe he had the name wrong. Or maybe… “No fucking way…” she whispered as she dropped her remote. Alexis Rae was in the main event verses Kurt Angle. No woman wrestler could wrestle a male. Everyone knew that all pro-wrestling shows did not allow intergender matches. Even TNA had that rule since they were on Spike. But, she was in the Main Event. Lita waited impatiently for the Main Event. Then, it came on. Kurt Angle came out first and talked a little smack. Typical Angle shit. Then, the girl’s theme song came on. Lita knew that theme song anywhere. There was something about the Tripp pants, the arm paint, and the black highlights that sent shivers up Lita’s spine. “No way. Why? How?” she murmured to herself. The girl resembled a man who she hadn’t seen in several years. Wow, this is big. If she goes to the WWE, it will be…amazing. She’ll make it to the top for sure. How did this come back to me? What does Vince want me to do with her, Lita thought. Her phone rang once more. “Vince, how? W-What do you want me to do with her?” “Get her to come over. Her contract will run out next Friday and I want her. Talk her into coming into the WWE. Help us convince her.” “Done. Say hello to your new Diva.” Lita laughed. She grimaced as she hung up. This meant calling for help. Calling a guy who, even though they were good friends, would not believe this. Not in a million years. The brown eyes of Matt Hardy snapped open to hear his cell phone ringing. He groggily grabbed it and looked at the number. It was a North Carolina number so it must be important. He opened his phone. “Hello?” “Don’t hang up Matt. Please give me five minutes and you’ll understand why I’m calling you.” A familiar female voice answered back. “Amy”, matt rolled over to look at the alarm clock,” it fucking five in the morning! Can’t this wait?” “No. Do you have a laptop?” She asked. “Do bears shit in the woods?” He answered. “Get to it.” Matt sat up and pulled his laptop in front of him. “Now, go to your email, I’m sending you a video.” She instructed. “OK. Better not be anything sick.” Matt grumbled. “Shut up. Play the video and tell me what you see.” “Ok. Ummm, I see Angle, talking smack. Now there’s a theme song and...HOLY FUCK IT’S A CHICK!” “What is so different about her now Matt?” “She’s kind of dressed like Jeff. Hol-no way. No fucking way.” “Her contract ends next week. I’m going to Florida to recruit her with Vince. You might get a raise if you can help us.” Lita said. Matt thought for a minute. A brand new version of Jeff Hardy in the WWE. Oh the rates would sky rocket on Smackdown. The Hardy fan base would absolutely love her. “I’ll go, but not for the raise. But, why does Vince want her?” “Think of the hype Matt. People like your brother just don’t go by unnoticed. She was inspired by him, and now she can bring the people what they want.” Lita answered. “But, Amy. Why would she want to go to the WWE?” Matt asked. “Think Matt. One Hardy can’t do it by himself. Ever since Jeff was arrested they’ve not given you a push for any title right now. She can take the heat off of you and also deal with Punk. She may be a girl, but she can wrestle like…Orton or Adam. She is so much like Jeff, I’m surprised WWE didn’t sue her for impersonating Jeff Hardy. But you have to admit she isn’t like Jeff. She’s more outgoing, crazy and above all, extreme. Think of what she’ll bring back that even Evan Bourne can’t. She brings back a sense of hope for the people and, come on; you know that everyone loved Jeff. They are just going to adore her.” Amy finished. “But how are we going to convince TNA to let her go? She’s like a dime a dozen. She has that special talent that no one else does.” Matt asked her. “Allow Vince to take care of that. Her contract ends next week and she’s gonna allow the contract to run out. I don’t think it really matters anymore. She’s always wanted to come to the WWE and Vince thinks she will fit right in.” Amy explained. Matt thought for a minute. Even though it seemed like a plan, what was to happen if she did make it? Would she turn on him like the chick that he is now talking to? She may have been inspired by her brother, but she was a woman nonetheless. A woman who actually knew how to fight. Matt shuddered to himself as he remembered the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Amy. He couldn’t go through that anymore and he sure as hell wasn’t going to go through it again with this girl. He didn’t even know her name. “Amy, what’s her name?” “Gretchen Johnson. Also known as Alexis Rae.” CHAPTER ONE “One! Two! Three!” the referee shouted. The bell rang twice to signal the end of the match. Gretchen rolled out of the ring as fast as she could. The Main Even Mafia would be hot on her tail since she just destroyed Kurt angle for the third time in the past two months. She held her stomach as a she ran off-stage. She sighed in relief as she reached the door for the Knockouts locker room. Wait, it could be a trap, Gretchen thought. She reached over and took a metal bar from the floor on her right. Time for baseball practice if anybody messed with her. She slowly opened the door. She tensed up as she walked inside. No one. Just ODB and Roxxie. “Thanks for waiting girls.” Gretchen said as she breathed a sigh of relief. She, ODB, Roxxie, and several other divas were part of a dominion on TNA. Their greatest rival was the Main Event Mafia, a group formed by some of the legends on TNA. The group was a spin off of the TNA Originals, started by some of the new guys and some who were on TNA since it formed. The Knockout dominions, named the Queen Bees, were the most exclusive and the most deadly, for women that is. The leader was none other than Gretchen herself. How she got to be president, she didn’t know. But ever since then, she’s been more wanted than AJ Styles and her latest defeat of Kurt Angle was not going to help her situation. But, by a stroke of luck, her contract happened to be running out the next week, so she could pass her unwanted Queen ship over to someone who deserved it. Someone like ODB. “No prob. Hey, uh, Jarrett wants to see you when you’re done getting changed.” Roxxie informed her. ODB laughed. “Don’t worry about the Main Event Mafia. They wont fuck with you, since you just destroyed their so called ’Godfather’.” She joked. Gretchen remained serious. “All the more reason to fuck with me, ODB.” Roxxie nodded in agreement. Gretchen spoke as she got dressed. “Now look. My contract runs out next week and I’m not sure if I’m going to sign back with TNA or shoot for the WWE. If I don’t sign with TNA, ODB and Roxxie, I want you to take care of the girls. I’m going to leave you two in charge of the Queen Bees. No explanations, excuses or arguments, cause that is what makes us so damn strong is out unity. Just take care of them and continue owning the MEM. Understood?” “Are you sure you are not resigning with TNA? God knows Garrett is gonna try anything to get you to stay. The current story line is bringing in ratings like you wouldn’t believe!” Roxxie asked. “I’m sure. Being in the WWE is my dream.” Gretchen answered. Alexis headed for the door. “Girls shall we?” she asked. “Let’s go.” Roxxie answered. As they were walking, ODB opened her flask and handed it to Alexis. She took it, took a swig, and gave it back to her. They turned down the hall on the right to see Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, and Booker T talking. Gretchen immediately tensed up, this could not be good. “Hey Rae. That was some match. Kurt’s still feeling the after effects of that nasty right hook you gave him.” Booker said as they passed. “Really? Well next time maybe he shouldn’t piss me off.” Gretchen harshly said. “Easy Lexy.” ODB quietly said. “Ouch. That hurt so bad Rae. Let me tell you this. You’re barking up the wrong tree again with the Mafia. If you get too big, Mafia’s going to have to beat you down like we did Styles.” Booker T menacingly said. Steiner and Nash nodded in agreement. If there is one thing anybody in TNA learned, it was to not threaten or mess with the Queen Bees. Gretchen got in Booker’s face. “You think that you can threaten me? How ‘bout I meet you in the ring next week?” Gretchen threatenly asked. Bookers face fell. After what Rae just pulled off tonight, meeting her in the ring next week meant certain defeat. “Hey now no hostility. Leave it in the ring and lay off.” Nash said. “Move.” She defiantly said. They moved so ODB, Roxxie, and Gretchen could pass through. As she did, Gretchen pointed at Booker. “You’re next.” She said in a dangerous tone. The girls walked on. “Wow Rae. Harsh. Just askin’ for trouble. His old lady’s gonna try to find you and kick your ass.” Roxxie commented. “She can try, but she will not succeed. “ Gretchen strongly answered. They reached Jarrett’s office. Gretchen put her hand on the handle, but instead turned to the girls. “Thanks. Hopefully I’ll see you next week. But I have a feeling that someone is here, and the WWE is involved somehow.” She quietly said. They gave her a hug and walked away, leaving Gretchen to her fate in the office. She knocked and opened the door. “You wanted to…see…me…sir?” Gretchen asked, but slowed down as she entered his office. He wasn’t alone. A man who looked one hundred years old spinned around in his seat to her left. A very familiar female spinned around and gazed at her too. The woman had red hair and beautiful green eyes. Lita? Vince McMahon? Uh-oh, she thought. “I-uh-see you’re busy-“Gretchen shrewdly began, but Jarrett cut her off. “No! It’s alright! Right on time actually.” Jeff said behind his desk. “You wanted to see me?” Gretchen impatiently asked. “Yes. Gretchen Johnson, this is Amy Dumas and Vince McMahon.” Jarrett proudly announced. “Why am I not surprised? Contract gonna run out next week and Vince shows up. How ironic indeed.” Gretchen commented. This could be it. Her one ticket to achieving her ultimate goal. Hopefully they would negotiate something good. She would take anything, but it had to be long enough to complete her goal. “Well, seeing is believing. I would have never believed it, but now I see you.” Amy murmured. “Am I that unbelievable?” Gretchen questioned. “Because her and myself has never meet anyone whom my brother inspired, let alone had any part in their overall strategy.” A southern sounding male voice said behind her. She whipped around to see Matt Hardy smiling back at her. “M-Mister Hardy, w-what are you doing here?” she nervously asked. “Gretchen Johnson, we want you to be in the WWE and a part of the family on Friday Night Smackdown.” Vince proudly said. This was it. Her one shot at total domination. She defiantly had to take the shot, but she had to play hard to get with them. Not to be too willing for them or to show them how truly desperate she was to get onto the WWE. “Oh, I-I-I don’t know.” Alexis stammered. “I can underst-“ “Vince, I got this.” Matt interrupted. If matt hardy had gotten anything out of this knockout, it was that she was incredibly desperate to get onto WWE. Cause he knew that look she had on her face all too well. That was the face that Jeff had when he first learned that they wanted him in the WWE, maybe not so well concealed, but still an earnest face nonetheless. “Well, thank you for your time Mr. Jarrett and we will hopefully see you next week Miss. Johnson.” Vince said while he and Amy stood up. Matt opened the door for them and they walked out. “Shall we Gretchen?” Matt asked while he held the door open for her. “Sure.” She answered, still suspicious of the entire situation. “After a match like yours, I’m sure you are certainly hungry. You mind if I treat you to dinner at McDonalds? None to high class and so we can talk.” Matt asked her as they headed towards the main exit. “You want to keep this whole thing on the down low and the best place for privacy is McDonalds? You realize we are in Florida right?” Gretchen incredously asked. Matt laughed. She was a smart-aleck, just like his brother at times. “So, how’s that cheeseburger treatin’ you?” Matt asked. They sat in the furthest corner from the front counter and everyone else at the McDonalds. She made Matt wear his hood so they wouldn’t be bombarded with eager fans looking for an autograph; no one would mess with her since most people at the McDonalds already had her autograph and picture. The employees always helped her out when she ate there because she would attract more people than go up and buy their stuff. Ever since her gigantic debut on TNA everyone in America knew her and those that didn’t exactly know her knew her as the only woman to compete regularly against the male roster, so, everyone knew her. But sometimes, she wishes she never debuted on TNA for the simple fact that her diet was called upon and the issues with using steroids came up. She had never used them but for six straight months she was regularly tested for drugs and steroids. Then, everyone found out that her fiancé was a Marine and that she worked out a lot to prepare him for combat and just plain fitness, so then the issue of steroids was thrown out and everyone felt bad that they accused her of doing steroids because her fiancée was fighting for America and Iraqi freedom, so now about twenty-five percent of the fan mail she received was apologies concerning the false accusations and money from various news stations that made her take a steroid test for their own proof. To her it was a waste of the peoples time, since she nearly always sent the money back and responded that she fully understood why the people would be perplexed at her wrestling ability. While she ponde4red this, matt busied himself by studying the Jeff Hardy 2.0. Gretchen had blonde hair with black highlights. From the videos he had seen of her, she put neon green and neon purple extensions in her hair. She had a rather well built body, for once real breasts, and a tattoo of the Hardy Boyz symbol on the top of her right arm. Her arms had a muscular, but feminine build to them. She was pale and yet so beautiful. She had gorgeous green eyes that appeared to be capable of piercing the most impenetrable eyes. Gretchen was definitely off limits, but she was extremely attractive to Matt. He was dying to know the bare essentials about this girl. “Do you mind if I ask you a question or two?” He asked her. She nodded. Sharing her personal life seemed a rather low risk since everyone else knew it. “Ok, let’s start simple. Are you married?” Matt asked. “No, just engaged.” She simply answered. Dammit, Matt thought. “Really, to who?” “Jason Neols, He’s currently stationed in Iraq.” Gretchen sadly answered. “Does he know about your career?” “He nearly pissed his pants when I showed him the contract for TNA, so yeah, he’s well aware of what I’m doing.” Matt laughed at her reply. “Does he know about the WWE or was that your cohort Mercy Lynn?” “It was Mercy. You see, I don’t have much contact with Jason during the week, what with my wrestling schedule and his...Ah…job. He is only allowed to call me during the week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and he can call me on Saturdays and Sundays. Since today is a Thursday, I will be talking to him tonight about it.” She explained. Having Jason away in Iraq definitely put a strain on her and Jason’s relationship, but it’s what Jason wanted to do. Besides, he couldn’t do anything about what she was doing, because he knew that all the pain and worry that she felt towards the situation ended up being her biggest push when she was wrestling. Besides, TNA would never allow Jason to have the final say, Gretchen was too big of a rating to let go. She personified the nationalism felt by everyone and it made the wrestlers seem more human if one of their own was affected by war. “Nice. How long have you been watching professional wrestling?” Matt asked. “Surprisingly, only since I was fourteen. A very late bloomer with the whole wrestling thing. “She answered. “So, how’d you come by being inspired by Jeff? Shouldn’t you be obsessed with John Cena?” Matt inquired. “You want the truth? Cena is…overplayed. I like the stories where you don’t know what’s gonna happen. It’s the same old thing when it comes to John Cena, he loses a title, there is a big deal about how it happened, put him in a match that he cannot possibly win, and then have him win, it’s a cycle and its rather boring.” Gretchen answered. “True and that is quite understandable. Cena is a good guy and he understands his vicious cycle, but he’s had a huge push lately and everyone seems to love him, its for the fans y’know?” Matt asked. “Oh puhleaze, I’m a goddamn wrestler, not one of the fans and I know that John doesn’t want it, but he’s got no choice. Hollywood and WWE shouldn’t be mixed together; it gives the wrestler too big of a push and it makes a lot of fans who are fake. Fake with a capital F.” Gretchen responded. “But it brings in ratings.” Matt countered. “Bullshit, the wrestling brings in the ratings, not just the movies. The more exciting the wrestling gets, the bigger the matches, ratings and then the fans. There is no need for any of the superstars to be in movies, it’s too big of a push. Look at Coty Rhodes, who was in a 15 minute TV show and now he feels that he should be king of the ring for that. That’s acting, not wrestling. I don’t care how many movies Cena has been in, he needs to take it easy and not try to create a Dwayne Johnson career. But, we are not here to debate about shit that is out of our control. What do you think about me going into the WWE?” She asked Matt. “Me? It’s a damn good idea. I mean come on, what have you got to lose?” Matt asked. “Everything I have ever worked for, it was to respect Jeff’s career. If my coming over to the WWE interferes with his career, I won’t go over. I respect him and what he has done for the WWE too much. I don’t want it to look like I want to be the next Hardy, I just want to prove to everyone that Jeff did do something good, he inspired me. Jeff Hardy should never be forgotten.” Gretchen answered. “So, if I say or if Jeff says that you wouldn’t be taking anything away from Jeff’s career, you would definitely go over to the WWE?” Matt asked. “…Yes. I would join the WWE. But I don’t think that you can honestly tell me that you can make Jeff Hardy appear out of nowhere and say its okay for me to be the Jeff Hardy 2.o” Gretchen doubted. “All to the contrary my dear, you see, I had a feeling that it was just that that was holding you back from coming to the WWE, so I made a call and someone will be there on your debut night to see how you do.” Matt answered. “No way. You did not tell Jeff about me did you?” Gretchen asked. “Actually, he caught me looking at your videos and made the connection between you and him.” Matt informed her. “Dammit. That figures…and Jeff likes what he sees?” She asked him. “Or else he would not okay Vince to come and recruit you.” Gretchen blushed. She didn’t know that Jeff had an interest in her. But, if he said it was okay…then what was stopping her? “As long as I don’t get any static from Jeff, I guess I can go over to the WWE. But, I want him to watch every match I do in the WWE and if he doesn’t like something I do, then he should let me know. He really should consider coming back, y’know. I mean, I understand that he left for personal reasons and all that stuff, but WWE hasn’t been the same since he left. Something’s missing matt. And that something was the thing that all Jeff Hardy fans loved about him.” Gretchen quietly said to Matt. “I know my brother should come back. Hell, he should have never left in the first place. But its Jeff’s life, Jeff’s rules. I can’t tell him what to do when it comes to his life. Only he can decide when he leaves or when he comes back. That’s why we need you to come onto smack down, Gretch. You have that something that my brother has. You have that extreme streak in you. Don’t think I don’t feel the difference, because I do. Not a Friday comes when nobody misses Jeff and the way he got retired was a very ungracious ending on the WWE part. At least he went out with a bang and will probably come back with a bang. But with that not being likely, you are now going to have to be the Jeff Hardy 2.0.” Matt answered. “Before, about my debut night, is Jeff going to introduce me?” Gretchen asked. “Yes. Jeff wants to show certain people that he hasn’t left the WWE for good. Until he is allowed to get into the WWE, you will be taking his place as the Charismatic enigma. Jeff already Ok’d it with Vince so all you need to do is show up.” Gretchen looked out the window in wonder. Almost too easy. |