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Well Um.... This is a story about a girl. |
“Hi. My name’s Serena.” The new girl said. She looked snotty. She looked bratty. Just like my little brother, Kel. “Hello, Serena. I’m Mr. Sanders. This is your math class.” Mr. Sanders and her would get along just fine. “Hi, Serena. I’m Jullian.” Just like Mr. Sanders and Jullian got along. “She looks mean…” Kirsten whispered to me. “I know.” I whispered back. “Well, Serena I’m sorry, but I guess you’re going to have to sit by Kirsten.” He said he was sorry she had to sit by Kirsten? “Oh no.” She mouthed. “Hey, Kirsten.” Serena said. Kirsten looked away arrogantly. “What is your name?” She asked me. “My name is Venn.” I know Venn is a weird name, but… She laughed so I guess she didn’t think any differently. “So, Kirsten would you like to sit at lunch with me?” Serena asked her. “Umm no I sit with Venn actually.” She winked at me. “Well maybe today can be something new. You, me, and a bunch of popular girls. Which excludes Venn. Right?” Serena didn’t even know me!! I am very popular by the way. “Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.” The 2nd period bell rang and I was ready I wanted to show Serena just how VERY popular I was. “Hi Dylan! Hey Izz. Oh my gosh I know Halle!” Those were all spread about around the school as I strutted through the hall. I was very nice, smart, athletic, and blonde. But, my parents being rich did help. Who wouldn’t be jealous. I heard Kirsten mutter to Serena, “Now do you think SHE’S popular?” And out of the corner of my eye I saw Serena’s face and she wasn’t pleased. When I got to my locker, I turned to her. “You will not be popular. I will spread every retarded rumor around about you. People will think you have the swine flu, thanks to me. Better start practicing your, oinks.” She just gave me an evil look and walked away. More like waddled away thanks to her candy colored stilettos. That’ll teach her. As I was walking to my related arts class, I ran into a kid who tipped on her own feet. “Excuse me.” The dork monster Amelia said. “Say you’re sorry.” I demanded. No kid does that to me. “I’m sorry Venn. “ She said and annoyingly. “Thank you!” I squealed very fake. She walked away and tipped her glasses further up her nose. “Venn!” I heard Serena scream. “What?” I said sneering. “Was that your friend? I’m not surprised. That’s exactly who I thought you would be friends with!” She and her fakey party walked away. “Well Serena…. I wouldn’t talking when you are hanging out with those dorks. With their fake noses and ugly waxed eyebrows. And you know what? I bet you didn’t even get your face done, but you fit in perfectly over there.” I turned to walk away but quickly turned back around. “Oh and girls! Huddle.” They came in closer. The Gossip Group did come in handy. I quickly turned animated as I acted like a little girl in a candy store. I whispered, “I would not be hanging out with her. I mean she not only brings your looks down but….. She has swine flu. That would scare me and I would stand ten feet back. It’s very contagious.” They winced and walked away leaving Serena dumbstruck. I turned to go to my music class. “I won’t forget this.” She walked the other direction as I left her. I was snickering when she said that. That didn’t even faze me the least. The most stupid remark ever. When I got to music Mrs. Wenceslas turned away from the board to face me. “Venn. You are late. Where have you been?” I knew this answer by heart. “Well Mrs. Wenceslas, I was dropping money off by Mr. Sander’s room for the benefit for adoption centers in Africa. I was very concerned and thought I needed to do something about it.” Everybody turned to me in their ‘really?’ face. I mouthed “yep.” I went and took my always reserved seat next to a hottie named Darok. But it was taken. By who? You ask. Serena. And they were flirting. When that period ended I walked slowly to lunch. Guess who stopped me in the hall. Well I guess that was pretty easy. It was Serena. “Thought you might want to know that your seat is going to be gone in lunch too. Darok said he would save it for me.” She winked and walked away. I walked briskly to lunch. As soon as I saw Darok I ambushed him. “Honnnneeyyy. How are you today?” He looked at me admiringly. “I’m good. How are you babe?” He called me babe…. “I’m great. Where are we sitting today?” I looked around the lunch room nonchalantly. “I think we should sit over there.” He said. Guess she was lying. I saw her through the corner of my eye and she glared at me. “Okay. Anything’s fine with me when it’s fine with you Darok. I love you.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he took me in his arms and hugged me. He’s so sweet. He linked his arm in mine and we walked to our popular table. “So what have you been doing honey?!” He asked me when we set our stuff down on the table and got situated. “Well you know that girl, Serena?” He nodded. “She’s been on my back all day and she even said you guys liked each other and were going to sit with each other. And I just walked away and was like ‘Yeah right.’ Ya know?? She really scared me though not that I would think you would cheat on me or some----“ He stopped me. “Don’t worry about it. She’s so not my type.” After lunch it was time for English. The only academic class we have together. My worst class. And it turns out “SHE” was in it. When we got in a pack of girls surrounded Darok. He had to make a pathway for me and him! When we got to a seat, we sat down and held each other’s hands. He said to Serena, “You better leave my girlfriend alone. I heard you have the swine flu. You better stay away from her. Don’t want her getting that.” He turned to me. “Seriously Tara told me she did…” Hahahaha! It was the best I could do to keep from laughing. “I don’t have swine flu jerk. And you better keep your girlfriend on a leash. Because she’s the one who started that rumor. Not saying she started it, but she did.” Okay first of all that didn’t make any sense at all. Second of all who cares? Thirdly… Well I don’t know a thirdly but I’ll come up with one. After English, it was time for Social Studies and Science. Science was first. And guess what? Me and Kirsten had that class. And Serena had it with us. “Hi swiney.” I heard someone say to her. I buried my face in my arm and went to my seat. “Well guess what I heard?” I saw Serena say to Kallea the girl who called her swiney. “What?” Kallea said dismissively. “I heard that….. That….. That Venn had strep.” What? I did not have strep. “Who cares? Swine flu is worse!” Kallea and her posse walked away laughing at Serena. She walked towards me. “See what you did? See what you started? Now the whole school thinks I have SWINE FLU. Stop this rumor. Now.” Did she seriously just tell ME what to do? “No. And you do have swine flu.” The bell sounded suddenly signaling the beginning of class and the ending of our conversation. She walked to an empty seat in the back of the room. Nobody was beside her or in front of her. She suddenly started bursting out in a loud cry. “Mr. Sonny! Some people are being mean to me and I want a stop!!” What?? She can’t just take what she gets? “Come outside with me Serena. I’ll help you.” I said voluntarily. I was going to put a stop to her crybaby, whining, crappy, attitude. “Okay.” She said innocently, acting like she was my friend. I walked to the door and waved bye to all my friends and the FFG. (Former Flirter Guys.) That was what I called the desperate boys who took advantage of all the LOSER girls. The only reason she probably hasn’t gotten a plead for homework doing is because she is kind of pretty. Once we got outside, I took her by the shoulders. “Girls around here aren’t tattle tails. Get a grip, and start fighting back. I won’t say I’m not going to win every single time but you could at least fight back.” She looked at me weirdly and I glared at her. “Brat please. I was fighting back. That’s how we do it. We equals I. I am the popular one. I just got started off on the wrong foot. I thought I was going to be the BIG one around here. I came in thinking everyone else was going to be a loser. You aren’t. Now Kirsten, I don’t know. She can get a little dorky. Darok is hot…. I want him. I will fight for him. Kirsten I will never fight for. And by the way she is bring your style WAY down. You need to leave her and get me. Me equals awesome. Kirsten equals dork, ugly, nerd. Get it together Cana. Find a popular girl. She’s so ugly.” She said. Cana is my last name, some people call me Candi. Kirsten was bringing down my style I guess I’m going to have to tell her goodbye. “Fine. But by the way… Darok’s mine and I’m never going to let him go. And same for him. “ I walked inside confidently. I walked over to Kirsten. “Mr. Sonny? Do you mind if I talk to Kirsten in the hall?” I asked him and Kirsten. “Sure.” They both mouthed. I linked my arm in hers and guided her outside. When we got outside I looked her in the eyes. “Kirsten. We can’t be friends anymore. You didn’t come into my life’s story fast enough. I’m sorry. Me equals popular, hot, rich. You equals low-classed, ugly, poor. I don’t want to be your friend anymore. I’m sorry.” I walked back inside and didn’t respond to her notes she passed to me. I kept thinking it was a mistake. But I knew in my heart, she wasn’t going to be there for long. I have more friends that are popular and only one ex-friend that’s a dork. I went to social studies with Kallea and the rest of her posse. If I was the most popular then she was the second popular. Darok stopped me though and pulled me aside. “Hey babe. Don’t you want to walk with me to social studies? Remember? I switched classes. I talked to Mrs. Redder and she switched all my classes so that now I’m with you in all of them.” YES! “Oh. Yay.” I said. “Wow down girl! It’s not THAT exciting!” He said sarcastically. “Serena almost busted me in Science and I stop being friends with Kirsten. It’s just been a really sad day.” I whimpered about to cry. “Oh no sweetie. Calm down. It’s not that bad! You will always have me!” He reassured me. “I know. I ignored her the whole rest of the class though. It kind of made me feel bad. Well let’s get to class.” I sobbed. He hugged me tight. He smelled so good. He guided me through the squiggly hallways as my eyes teared up. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. I didn’t say anything. In Social Studies class, I wouldn’t have made it through without Darok. He kept me laughing the whole time. The teacher got onto me a couple of times. After Social Studies I had to go home Darok walked me home, and we had a long talk about the future. CHAPTER 2 I went to school the next day with only one thing on my mind. Darok. I thought about him constantly last night. My Mom volunteered to even take me to the doctor, insisting something was wrong. Nothing was wrong. Our talk last night was just a little… Awkward. I think he’s taking everything a bit too seriously. He needs to slow down. It’s like he’s obsessed. I’m going to have a talk with him today about that. When I got to Math, I was kind of nervous when Darok came up to me and grabbed my hand. Kallea saved me though she talked to me the whole time and never let him talk. When he tried to talk she interrupted him every time. She always has a way of knowing what I want and when I want it. This was one of those times. When the bell rang I told Darok I had to go to my locker and get something. He insisted on coming with me, but I refused. I told him it was a ‘girl’ thing. He plastered a smile and said he would save a seat for me in lunch. I walked to Kallea and told her I needed to talk to her. And she put on a “I know.” Face. I took Kallea by the arm and guided her to the bathroom. “Kallea! He is smothering me! But… I love him. And he loves me.” I told her babbling. “Talk to him about it. I have a feeling SHE had something to do with it.” She walked away after she gave her suggestion. I walked toward the music room, (my first related arts class,) with a positive attitude that my seat would be saved today. Of course it was, and I sat there. Darok asked me what had taken so long. “Kallea talked to me about something.” I said. “And I need to talk to you about something during lunch.” I said and looked away. He grabbed for my hand but he let his fall when I put it on my lap. Our talk was short, but meaningful. He said Serena had told him I felt like he didn’t spend enough time with me. I was mad, but what could I do? I was going to get her back anyway. I told him I wanted him to still stay in my classes and walk me home but I could do without all the mushy gushy . He said he felt the same way and we told each other that we loved one another. But, I still felt he wanted to act the same way. That he liked the way it was before we had the talk. He put his arm around me while we walked to English. What?! It was better than him linking his arms with mine… In English class, a couple of girls walked up to me and asked how Darok and I were doing. They asked why he was talking to his friends all of a sudden. And I said, “Well, he heard Serena had a crush on him. And we are playing this joke on Serena like Darok is her boyfriend!” I snickered and so did they. Then when Serena walked towards them they told her that her boyfriend was hot . And she said, I KNOW! Well this is exactly what she said. “I know! We just got together at lunch!” And they laughed their butts off and Darok went up to her and said… “Hey Serena. I’m sorry I have to this. But… We have to break up. My heart belongs to Venn!” She put on a what face as she was humiliated by the class. She was mad, but who freaking cares? The PA came on the speakers. “Venn Wilson to the guidance room please. Venn Wilson.” That was me…. We didn’t get called to the guidance room unless there was BIG trouble… I waved goodbye to my friends, and walked out of the room. Well crap. I walked down the hall for what seemed like thirty minutes as my face flushed, my heart pumped, and my long strides seemed like baby steps. When I got to the room I quietly opened the door. “Hello Venn.” A tall platinum blonde woman said to me. That was one of the guidance counselors. The one that was young, the one that had sparkly blue eyes. She was one of my favorites. “Hi Mrs. Quail. How are you?” I said politely. “I’m fine. How are you?” Why was I here? “I would be a lot better if I knew what this was about!” I said and we both laughed. “Well. To get down to business. Serena told me something. And I was quite concerned.” Serena? I thought we talked about this… “Yes?” I answered. “She told me that you had a problem with almost all the girls in your class, and she felt you need be removed from school premises.” She said, not looking at my eyes. “I actually have quite a few friends. Serena doesn’t have any friends. She actually told me, (made me,) not be Kirsten Souter’s friend.” I said matter-of-factly. “You and Kirsten have been friends forever! And I doubt Serena would do that… She told me she had tons of friends!” She looked astonished at the idea that Serena didn’t have any friends. “Well, I guess you need to have a talk with the kids in my class. Me and Kirsten aren’t friends anymore.” I got up and walked out. I went to my math class. Serena went too far this time. At least I thought that was as far as she would go. Then as soon as I got into the math room, “Serena Wooly. To the guidance room. Now.” Mrs. Quail screeched across the PA. Serena bumped my shoulder as she walked out of the room. I sat down in my seat. Mrs. Thrice the English teacher, looked at me and mouthed what’s wrong?. I motioned for her to come to me. “There’s this fight going on between me and her. She’s just being a brat!” I laughed but she didn’t. She looked at me like I was the devil. Like she always does! I really didn’t give a crap though; some people just never know when to stop. “Mrs. Thrice! Mrs. Thrice to the guidance room! Mrs. Thrice we need you NOW! You are in very big trouble, ma’am.” I heard one of my dearest friends say. They were trying to save me! Great! Her eyes got REAL big as she hurried to the guidance room. “Cool! You know that was Dyl trying to save me!” I showed great admiration for Dylan. He always did the craziest things…. “Hi…” Dylan came in the room. “I did that for every teacher,” He continued. “Cool.” I said. Darok glared at me. “I wanted to tell you something, Venn. I… I… I…” He started to blush. “Have feelings for you.” He spat. “Um…. I don’t know what to say Dylan.” I blushed too. I knew there was always a connection in between us. But I was forgetting something. “You could try saying that you have a boyfriend.” Darok said meanly. Why does he have to be like that? Why can’t he let me have fun. “Now I don’t.” I got up and slapped Darok across the face. A small girl named Basil got up. “And Dylan! I thought you had a girlfriend! Um…. ME!” What? Such a pretty girl with such a HOT guy?? That didn’t make any sense. “I think we are over, Benita.” “It’s Basil, jerk.” She got up and popped him a good one in the jaw. His mouth started gushing out blood. “And we were over before we started Dylan McUgly.” McUgly? This was hilarious. “So um… now that our past relationships are over…” He grinned. I got up and hugged him. “No. I’m sorry Dyl. We are just friends until I get a grip on the whole Serena thing.” I smiled. And he frowned! Frown= Not happy. Not happy= my feelings hurt. Loud crying sounds=Teacher alert. Teacher alert= Err…. You get the picture….. “Mr. Dylan. I didn’t think this was your class. Mrs. Venn. Sit down. Would the representative like to tell me what’s going on?” I’m the representative I reminded myself as my blush-clad face walked to its seat. “We were having an experiment. On how well people can do their multiplication facts. I was done with this class, so Mrs. Thrice told me to go get someone out of the other class. I chose Dylan Mica. Is that so wrong, Mrs.Wango?” I said sweetly. “No I guess not.” I heard her say quietly. Dylan smiled at me. “Uhhh. That’s so not---” I interrupted Darok. “Uh, yeah it is actually. Darok Lemon.” I said. I winked at him. It was my nickname for his last name. He smiled at me. Wait!!! I need to stop. Dylan’s next. I smoothed my face and sat down. I crossed my legs and buried my face in my hands. His soft eyes burned into my brain as I did my Math work. “Wow she is so horrible to people.” I heard my ‘friend’ Ashton say and point at me. Well she was so horrible to me! She needs to back off. I heard Kirsten say, “I know.” Well, she needed to back off too. “BACK THE HECK UP!” I said to them. They were so surprised they actually did back up a little. Well their desk did. “Okay… Fine.” Kirsten said. Okay. She can act like that, I’m gonna be rocking her style. Actually I already was. “I’m serious. You too, brat.” I gave the evil eye to Ashton. “Back up. You back up. You aren’t going to be treating Kirsty that way. You just did that so you could be popular. I thought you were a better friend but I guess not.” Kirsten nodded along with Ashton while I did the opposite. “Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!” I yelled at them. “This is none of your business!” I yelled to Ashton. “And QUIT GOSSIPING about me!” I yelled to Kirsten. “I’m not…” She whispered. “I know you are.” The silence was so quiet is was blaring in my ears. Everybody had heard the conversation. Everybody knew who Kirsten was. Everybody knew I was the one that was right in this decision. Right? “Kirsten, Serena, Ashton, and Venn! To the guidance office please. Serena and Venn inside first. Ashton and Kirsten, well you stand outside.” Mrs. Quail. Mrs. Quail. UGH! This was the 15th time this week I had been to her class. 3 times each day. Today was Friday. They freaking hate me! I’m just so tired of it. I want to go home and never come back! Well at least Dylan asked me out daily so I know people still like me. I am still popular. I know right?? How could I not. Well, I went to the guidance office and wasn’t even nervous. Until I heard Mrs. Quail screech, “AHHHHHHH!!!” and I heard the loudest sound I’ve ever heard in my life. “Counseling will be on Thursday. Self Help Class will be on Wednesday the school is going to be closed for two weeks while we get this straightened out. Until then, Serena is still out there, so watch your backs.” Mrs. Yulely said to all four hundred students that went to my school. On Friday, February 17th, there was a tragic thing that happened to Mrs. Quail. She was shot by Serena Wooly. My arch nemesis. Seeing Mrs. Quail bloody and lifeless, seeing Serena run out the back door, pulling off a blonde wig to reveal a sea of black, and strip her clothes off, she ran like the wind. “YIYIYIYI!” She ran out the door yelling like a Indian. I passed out as soon as I saw her black hair, and Mrs. Quail. I thought I could help the poor teacher out, but I couldn’t I was too weak-hearted. “Mrs. Quail! Oh, Mrs. Q…. Oh!” And then the floor rushed up to meet me. I had to get stitches actually. And if it wasn’t for me falling, (and for her motherly instincts,) Mrs. Quail would be dead right now. She kept her blood flowing by moving… Therefore she moved like crap to save me. I knew I was her favorite! She picked me up, after she cleaned off her desk, and picked me up and put me on her desk. “Ugh… Gosh, you are heavy Venn!” She exclaimed. “Uh huh.” I replied sleepily. So school wasn’t closed because Mrs. Quail was dead, (which she wasn’t!) it was closed because Serena could come back here and kill us all. She was deadly… And no one realized it before me. “Honey! Venn sweetheart! How are you feeling?” My mom asked as soon as I got home. “Well I’m feeling a bit startled. I’m excited about no school though!” I said politely. My mom always pressured me to be PP. (Pretty and polite.) She said it always gets you everywhere. But what it didn’t get you was saved by a school shooting. Mrs. Quail was in critical condition when she was shot again. By a black-haired boy. “He looked a lot like, Serena Wooly. The first shooter/massacre.” Said the stand by hospital nurse. Of course, she died then, and the school was closed for a month this time. “Kids these days.” My dad said and he clucked his tongue. “I know right, Dad?” My little brother, Kel said. And if you’re wondering exactly why he hasn’t been in this story a whole lot it’s because he was on a field trip to Gatlinburg, (wherever that is… I mean once you live in California your whole life… You never knew that Tennessee existed!) where he stayed for a week studying accents. He’s in third grade! That makes you wonder how much they are learning! “So son. You never did tell us about the trip?” He said insisting. “Well Dad. It was horrible. I begged them to send me home! I tried getting in trouble, getting sick, and even kicking one of the country people!” CHAPTER 3 “Ummmmm…. How’s it going school? I know we are on standby. And this whole day, we will be on a lock down so, LOCK DOWN!” I heard the alarm go off unsurprisingly. “Stay silent. Stay seated. Stay safe.” Our principal is so stupid sometimes. She said that if the alarm went off while we were roaming the halls, to go into a random class room. But what she didn’t realize was that the whole 8th grade, (my grade,) was roaming the halls. So there were some classes with fifty kids in it. And, (oh good Lord save me right now,) I was one of the classes with sixty in it. So we were squished, shushed, punching each other about sixty times! “Shut the heck up!” I yelled at Dylan smiling. He smiled back. Thankfully. So I immediately said ‘no’ to the question I knew he was going to ask. And he frowned. And do you remember Jullian? At the beginning? Well she was sitting right next to me. “Dylan, babe. I will go out with you. I missed you. All this time we have been apart. I think she was tearing us apart.” She pointed to me with one hand while she said this, her other hand on his shoulder. “I missed you too, Jull. I think that idea is perfection. Everybody, I would like to make an announcement: I’m taken!” He yelled. And the teacher didn’t do anything. Ugh! I told you she…. She…… she…. She was a….. But….. She didn’t do anything wrong! I should’ve taken him. Why didn’t I? “Dylan, sweetie. Don’t you still want me? I can have you now. I was saying ‘no’ to something Brendy asked me!” I smiled and Brendy looked back at me. I shrugged. “Oh. Well now you don’t have to worry about it, dear.” He said. “Oh? You were planning on going out with him? I’m so very sorry. Hah.” Jullian Mc.Ugly said to me. “You could always take me back. If you want.” Darok suggested. I gave him the ‘look’. He smiled, shrugged, and said, “Just a suggestion?” I continued to glare at him and he looked away. “Darok. I will never go out with YOU. You are a lying, cheating, mischievous, guy. And it’s all because you are the hottest guy in school. Or you at least think you are. With your big butt ego.” I said to him. “Well, I think he is the hottest guy in school.” Brendy and Jullian said simultaneously. “Well then, we are through. You want to go out with me, Brendy?” Dylan asked her. “Dylan!” I yelled at him. “What?” He asked annoyed. “What? What? WHAT? What about me?” I asked him. “Well, everything you said about Darok… You are TWICE as bad. And I always knew you were.” He said. After I slapped him across the face, I kicked him in the nuts. And the worst thing that happened WAS…. I didn’t know this could happen but, I got sent to the office. (During a lockdown!) So I ran to the office. And when I got there, Mrs. Yuley yelled at me. No, not yelled, screamed at me. And then she called my parents. And I got O.S.S. for 5 days. Hey, at least I got out of school! If you don’t know what O.S.S. is, it’s…. Suspenseful music plays, out of school suspension. "But Mom.... He had it coming!" I yelled at her. She was getting on to ME for what I did. "Well, didn't you call Darok the same thing? What would you do if he called you that?" She asked me. I hate it when Mom's are right. "The same thing..." I muttered. It was stupid that I got O.S.S. What if her DAUGHTER (the principal's daughter,) did that? Would she do the same thing? Or say, 'Honey, it's okay. He had it coming.' ? I wonder about that all the time now. What else would I wonder about? I had a huge social blunder. At least I don't have to get embarrassed by Serena anymore. "French time!" My mom would say, "That was a major faux pas." I would reply. She did that randomly. It got annoying. I had to say a foreign phrase matching the random language. So when I went back to school, I saw a new student. Red head, green eyes, tight butt, skinny waist, and very (very,) tall. I hadn't seen a new student since Serena so this was kinda surprising. She came up to me, "Hi! My name's Gianda. What's yours?" She asked. "You already know my name, but it's Venn. I'm captain of the cheer-leading squad. You look like your team material, if you want to strut your stuff and be pop.... Then meet me after school right here. And, do NOT be late! That WILL ruin your chances."I offered her. She smiled and nodded. Did I mention I was into cheer? Well if I didn't I am. "Venn!! I don't think it's your job to assign team members!" The ugly 'coach' Mrs. Guly said to me. Okay said=screamed. "Well, I did." I took Gianda by the hand. "She's wonderful! So them what you got." I told her. I pressed a button on the radio and Britney Spear's "Circus," came on. The loud, pumping music mechanically bounced her around as she did a combo of cartwheels, front handsprings, back handsprings, and flips. |