Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/164593-Chriss-and-Trinas-Story
by L.A.83
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #164593
A Corny Romance Story with a happy ending. Its Sequel is called A Honeymoon.
The Secret Valentine

She was a woman not that a person could tell by how easily she could repair homes. Construct cabinets. Also setting wire. Catrina has always been that way.
Today she was wiring a new renovation to a turn of the century building. Soon enough she set the wire for light fixtures and electrical
outlets to three of the ten offices she was
ordered to do. Although her work was impeccable she could not seem to keep her mind on work a strange feeling of dread or anticipation taking hold of her.
As soon as her lunch break had started the feelings assailed her once more. Annoyed with herself Trina stomped toward the company trailer to get her lunch out of her locker. But inside her locker in addition to her lunch, an extra hardhat, street clothes, sneakers, and an extra toolbelt it also held a bag from a nearby expensive boutique. Warily she opened the bag
then immediately closed it a rose blush rising
in her cheeks. With it was attached a valentine card although the day was about two weeks away.
Embarrassed she shoved the card into the
locker and locked it looking around her to check for any guys who could be the culprits but no one was there. Was this a joke. A pink dress one that matched her blush. Silk. What little she saw of it looked just like the dreams in her longing
feminine mind. But who would know no one knew how much she for once wanted to be the one who got valentine, gifts. It just seemed like a sick joke. And that really made tears rise up in her eyes. Which made her furious. Her lunch forgotten in her locker she got back to work.
By the time she work the furious energy from her body. Trina wired five more rooms than she had to. All done by quitting time. Like a thief she gathered all the things from her locker and headed for her black Saturn in record time. Streaking out of the parking lot not willing for anyone to see the embarrassment written plainly on her face.

Later that evening she read and reread the card over again.

I know how you long to be the belle of the ball
with your pink dress...

Lovingly she pinked up the delicate pink
dress complete with straps. Her dream, complete with secret admirer. What more could she hope for?
Later in the night she cursed herself for asking that question which kept disturbing her dreams.


The next day she was insulating the offices,
and there was the same feeling of anticipation and dread took over again forcibly Trina shifted her thoughts to those that were at hand insulating.
She couldn't bring herself to open her locker so she worked until quitting time. Insulating more than the five she was ordered to. Tired, hungry, and humiliated she went to her locker after everyone left and took out everything discovering another gift at the bottom, and another card.
As if followed by a demon Catrina hurried to her car and left skid marks leading to her apartment building behind her.
When she got home she took out a small
carton of ice cream and dug in wanting to have energy before she took a look at the gift and card.
Just as she was about to open the gift a loud pounding shook the door in its sturdy frame. Carefully she look through the peephole on the
door then open the door to the waiting man
holding a large pizza.
"Pizza night already, Chris?" Trina asked him while she moved across the room to hide the present and card.
"It is Tuesday." Mischievously he looked at her clothes taking in the old blue bathrobe." What waiting for prince charming?" Chris teased.
"I didn't know it was Tuesday." Trina explained as color flowed into her cheeks.
A strange emotion flickered in his eyes so quick Trina might have thought she was dreaming it.
With a boyish grin Christian set the pizza box on the coffee table, before slumping on the couch. "Did you get the movie?" Catrina asked.
"Yeah hope you don't mind High School
Softly Trina chuckled at his choice
remembering parts of the movie.
Then she looked at him taking in his mussed
raven black hair, royal blue eyes, aristocratic nose, strong lips, and chiseled chin. Once again she blushed not used to finding friends appealing
in a woman just looking at a man sort of way. Humiliated she cast her eyes at the rug seating herself gracefully on the sofa.
Chris stood up and pushed the movie into the VCR and opened the box of pizza. Dropping into the space next to her on the couch. The movie was ninety minutes long and they laughed through most of it. But it was she who sighed at the happy ending. The pizza done only the box left.
"See you at work tomorrow, Trina."
"Thanks for bringing the movie it’s was so funny."
"You're welcome."
Slowly they both got up and Trina yawned,
stretching like a sleepy cat. "Bye, Trina." Chris said as he opened the thick door.
"Bye, Chris." Trina said smiling softly. "See you tomorrow."
Uncharacteristic of their usual good-byes Trina hugged him. Their bodies electrified where they touched. As soon as Trina let go he turned and walked out the door.
As soon as she locked her door she took out today's gift. It was shoes not tennis shoes or boots but dress shoes. Silver-Grey sandals held
by delicate straps. Excited and thankful Trina
read the card.

Cute new shoes...

The two cards they sounded so familiar as if Trina heard it before. No couldn't be. She was so sleepy. Wearily she walked toward her room. As
soon as she tumbled onto her bed Trina was asleep. Dreams of Chris crowding her head.


After one week and four days she got a
present everyday. This is what the cards said altogether.

I know how you long to be the belle of the ball
with your pink dress...cute new shoes...
jewelry...and dream guy. I want to be the one
to give the dream to you.
To see you...Touch you...Kiss you...Give you
all the naughty things you've fantasized
Bubble bath.

Now it was only two days until valentine. Two days until the construction workers and their wives, she and Chris showed up for the annual
Valentine's day party scheduled by their boss,
David, and his wife, Abigail. Today was Friday, February 12, softly someone blew on the back her neck Trina reacting by arching her neck back. Lips traveled down her neck. Her head met the cool metal lockers. Her blood heating. Then the caressing kisses stopped. Slowly she turned around and no one was there. Saddened she opened her locker and grabbed her toolbelt and hardhat. Annoyed Trina pushed her lunch into the locker. A thought crept into her head. Trina tried hard to think about who the guy could be. Obviously it was the one who gave her the presents but it reminded her of someone else someone familiar, a person dear to her heart.
Slowly she walked toward the sight to help the team wall the renovated parts of the building.

Christian stayed within sight of her hoping to...He had no idea what he had been thinking if she had turned around he would have pretended it was a joke, but instead she move her neck closer to his lips. Christian could not seem
to help but kiss her long slim neck. She seemed confused now. Her eyes glazed and lips parted. He could not help but stay there working sneaking looks at Trina.
She work hard until lunch not able to hide her turmoil from him considering he had been the cause of it.
During lunch he teased her tried to make her smile but all Christian saw in her eyes was an unfulfilled desire. A desire that was echoed in his. Quickly he got up his pants uncomfortable. Walking toward the company trailer where the lockers were insinuated. Quickly he opened his locker and took out the last card slipping it into her locker.


Trina looked around David's house it large family room being used for the party she wore a pair of the undies, the pale pink silk dress, dark silver sandals, and the silver chain holding a rose quartz teardrop. The person asked for her to wait on the second story porch at the house. Quietly she asked the boss if he had one.
With an amused smile he gave her
Trina followed them with her heart in her
throat. When she got to the French doors Catrina stood warily and in a little fear but also confused. Then with an inner resolve she opened the door greeting the nicely warm California
winter. With a serene smile on her face she looked out upon her boss's property. Silently someone stepped up behind Trina wrapping strong arms loosely about her waist. The nerves where he
touching suddenly alive, tingling. With a smile she turned around meeting the face of none other than Christian. Quickly the smile on Trina's face turned joyous. Tenderly he kissed her forehead lingeringly. "Hi, kitten." Christian whispered against her skin.
Trina looked up at him putting their lips only inches apart. "Why?" She asked him. "Did you give me the cards, presents?"
"I started to love you." He replied pulling her closer so their bodies touched.
"Me, too." Catrina whispered.
Slowly he cupped his hands around her face pulling it toward his. Angling his face his lips met hers. At the contact she stiffened and
Christian knew she hadn't been kissed before. Then she melted against him.
Wanting to deepen the kiss Christian parted his lips, Trina following his example. Trustingly her eyes closed and he eased his tongue through her parted lips. Sighing at the contact, Trina licked at the bottom of his tongue. And he shuddered against her.
After minutes they eased apart still hugging each other closely.
"Catrina will you... marry...me?" Christian asked.
"You are asking me?" Trina replied.
"Of course."
"Then yes." She answered, tears of joy
clouding both their visions.
Once again their lips met in the silver
moonlight sealing their love forever. Their hearts complete and souls at peace. They went home.

The End
© Copyright 2001 L.A.83 (l.a.83 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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