Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1645353-Fire-Child
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1645353
Xana's family history has chosen her fate for her. But she can decline?
**The scenery swirled in the heat. I stopped breathing. I thought I was going to die. I was on Fire.

Chapter 1: Arabia!

We were in Arabia, my family and I.

“Xana Ryall, watch where you are going. You'll run into someone.” My mom scolded.

“Okay mom.” I said looking around.

Each summer my parents take me to a different country, this time it was Arabia. We were going to Arabia because I was selected to play Jasmine in the Aladdin play that was being hosted there. They told me that I was also picked for my suggest; to show what Jasmine would be like if she was a street rat during the song, “One Jump Ahead.”

So, here we are in Arabia. I still couldn't believe what my Grandmother said when she heard.

My friend and I where at jaddatee's(my grandmother's) house.

“You have been chosen to play Jasmine, eh?” She asked.

“Yes jadda(grandmother).” I replied.

She had gone into her closet. When she returned she had a carpet, weaved just like the magic carpet in Aladdin.

“This is your Great-great jadda's carpet. You let no one, I mean no one, touch this without you touching it; or giving them permission.”

“Why jadda. What could happen? The carpet taking you on a magic carpet ride?” I laughed

“You'd be surprised what you could do with it. The magic skips generations just in case the magic gets out. This carpet, is perfect for your play because it came from your ancestors that came from Arabia.”

I stared at her stunned.

“I came from Arabia?!”

“She came from Arabia?” My friend, Kimilko asked.

“Yes.” Jadda laughed. “You hadn't noticed?” She asked. “Jadda means grandmother in Arabic.” She said.

I had looked at my friend. Her parents hated Arabs; which is probably why they treat me so poorly.

“Xana... you know how my family feels about Arabs...” Kimilko said softly. “You know how our school feels about Arabs....” She looked at me with her brown eyes. “We can't be friends...” She whispered.

I stared at her hopelessly.

She turned and faced jadda. “I'm sorry Miss Zaha; sorry for all the trouble. You won't need to worry because I won't be around anymore.” Kimilko said so seriously and then she left.

“Kimilko! Wait!” I yelled. “You don't have to do this!”

She looked back over her shoulder; shook her head and then left.

I stood there numbed and dumbfounded.

“True friends wouldn't walk out on you.” Jadda said calmly.

But I wasn't in the mood to be lectured.

“Jadda.... my friend walked out on my for what I am. Do you know what my school's going to do? Do you know how I'm going to be treated!?” I almost yelled when my mom came in.

“What's going on? I just saw Kimilko leave. Is everything alright?” My mom asked.

“Never been better.” Jadda said.

My mom looked at her skeptically.

“Mhm. Then why did Kimilko leave mother?” My jadda was on my mom's side.

Jadda stared at her for a long time; it was like they were speaking telepathically.

“Will someone say something!!!!” I screamed in frustration.

My mom looked at Jadda crossed. She turned around and grabbed my wrist.

“Come on, Xana, we're leaving for Arabia.” My mom said kind of angrily.

And then we left.

My mom tugged me out of my trance and out of the way of a camel.

“I told you to watch where you were going!” My mom scolded me.

“Yes mom.” I said absentmindedly.

When we got to the palace we were staying in(because we were actors which is powerful to the Arabs), I gazed in aw at the beautiful structure made of alabaster.

“It's...... beautiful.....” I said breathless.

I was fond of all art; but I loved the kind made from a long time ago. This palace reminded me of the Taj Muhal; one of the wonders of the world for the mid-evil times.

“Xana!” Daddy yelled.

“Huh?” I said coming out of my daze.

They were already claiming the stairs. It looked hard for them. But when I became to claim, I felt no problem.

“You must exercise everyday, young one.” Said an old geezer said.

“No, sir.” I said taking a short bow before him. “I do not.”

“Then tell me how you exercise, what you exercise and when you exercise.” He said.

“I exercise my mind with mathematics, reading, comprehension, spelling, etc. everyday.” I said, holding my head high. “I exercise my body with everything possible, only in the spring, summer and early autumn.”

The old geezer laughed. “You say you exercise your mind with all that, when you missed the basics!”

“What does that mean?” I questioned him, skeptically.

The old geezer said, “You will find out in time.” and then he vanished.

“How did you get up here so fast, Xana?” Mom asked.

I turned around and looked at them. They were panting and exhausted. Where I was ready for more.

“I'm just a young teenager still.” I said with a shrug.

“Welcome, welcome.” Chanted two girls behind me.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up; something wasn't right here. Those girls... they're different.

I turned around swiftly. They grabbed my hands and I snatched the free.

'Don't let them touch you....' A voice whispered inside me.

“Xana!” Mom scolded.

“I'm so sorry for my daughter's rudeness.” Daddy apologized

I rolled my eyes and then let them blogged out when I saw mom and daddy let the two girls touch their bare hands.

“Oh, that's just some reactions that we get from teenagers.” Evil thing 1 said..

That name didn't fit.... I know! How 'bout, Terrible and Devil. That's good enough for me!

They led my parents and I to our rooms. I had a separate room from my parents. I had my hands shoved in my front pockets of my mesh pants to avoid their touch. I also put my leather jacket over my bare arms; I was wearing a white tank because of the heat.

I was walking to my room; hair long and damp. Sweat sliding down my body as if it were a slide. I was enjoying the art, when I did bump into someone.

My bag went flying away from me, the bag that contained the magic carpet. I went backwards as well. When I hit the ground, I landed on my back. I stretched out my arms, hands and fingers to grab my bag. I grabbed a hold on the strap and pulled it back toward me. I lifted my hand to check the bag. Everything was in there still. Even the carpet.

I sighed a sigh of relief and closed my eyes. I could see a little sunlight passed my eye lids. I opened my eyes when a shadow was cast over them and the sound returned to my ears.

“Are you alright, princess?” Came a male voice.

I squinted. “Princess? I'm sorry, but I'm no princess.” I sat up.

He held out a hand. “You look like the princess.” He said.

I grabbed his hand and eased myself up.

“I'm not the princess in real life. But I am playing Princess Jasmine in the play. My name is Xana Ryall.” I said with a smile.

The man smiled and said in an accent that I knew so well, “I know exactly who you are Xan.”

It was Ray; Ray Empthis.

“Oh my god!” I couldn't believe it!! I haven't seen this guy since I was 10!

I gave him a quick hug of remembrance.

“How's my little street rat?” He asked.

“And how do you know that I'm playing in this play?” I asked smug.

“Because, I'm your street rat.” Ray said smug.

“Oh my god! You're Aladdin?!” I squealed.

Ray nodded proudly. “And you're my princess.”

I slapped away his hand and turned around.

“Well, your princess needs her rest.” I swung my bag over my shoulder, flipped my hair and headed to my room. Not once looking back.
© Copyright 2010 Sintary Sacuna (ssacuna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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