Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1645297-Demons
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1645297
Contest Entry - Prompt - Start with "I saw a demon today."
    I thought I saw a demon today.

    It was hiding in the dark corner of my bedroom. I swear it was there. Once I turned off the lights, I saw its glowing eyes, staring at me in my cozy bed. I tried to hide in my covers but I could feel its gaze still on me. It was piercing. I felt naked, exposed under its gaze, even though I was under the heavy blankets. Aren’t beds supposed to be soft, cozy, and comforting? I think so too. Do you want to hear about the demon? I can tell you everything that happened, everything I saw . . .

    I know it's real. I mean, the demon. I wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't there. I'm not crazy, you know. I know what I saw, and what I saw was that demon. It was right there, in the corner of my bedroom. Did I say that already? It was lurking, like evil things do. I know it. It was just waiting for me to crawl into bed. Waiting for me to be vulnerable. I know, because all those things, and this demon, want to hurt me. That's why they are supposed to go away. My doctor told me so.

    It had glowing red eyes and long black claws. It looks like a shadow, only it’s solid and you know it can hurt you. I don't think it likes the light. It's only there when I turn the light off and go back into my bed. Only when I'm alone, and lying there, thinking. Or maybe I'm trying not to think. I guess I'm not really sure. I think it was scary, the demon. It sure scared me. I think it would have scared you too. It's a good thing you weren't there.

    I saw it today. I know I did. I’m not crazy and I know what I saw. I saw it and it came out of the corner and it spoke to me. You won't believe me, but I heard it so I know it to be true. It spoke to me, almost like in tongues. But I understood it. The sound-it kind of hurt my ears. It didn't like me very much. In fact, I think it hated me. It spoke in a hissing voice, and I listened. I listened and deciphered and understood. I listened for a very long time. I heard him say things about my life that I had forgotten, I guess. Or maybe I had just blocked them away. The demon got angry as he talked, and I wanted to hide. He talked for a very long time. And then, I ended up here. Talking to you. I know you're not a demon. Who are you again? You know, you're a lot nicer then that thing. I like talking to you.

    Why am I here anyway? Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick? This place sure smells funny, kind of like a doctor's office. The walls look funny too…everything here is so bare. All I remember is falling asleep, I think. The demon was still there. . .he was still talking and I was listening, but I was tired. Really tired. So, I just stopped listening. I wanted him to stop. He was being mean and I just wanted him to stop. He needed to stop, just SHUT UP! I think I tried to cover my ears. But I could still hear him, you know? And I wanted him to just shut up. . .He was really mean. . .he was hurting me. . .it wasn't my fault. . .

    He was talking about things I didn't want to hear! He was dragging up the past! The bad man taking me away, hurting me, I knew I deserved it but this DEMON he didn’t know anything about it and yet he talked and talked…You know it, don't you? He wasn't supposed to be there! He wasn't! I'm not supposed to see them anymore! Demons don't exist, that's what they told me, doctor told me! But he was there. . .he WAS. I just wanted him to go away, I’d do anything to make him just go away…

    Did I do something wrong? Why am I wearing this jacket? I can't really move you know, I'm really uncomfortable. My arms hurt. Can you take this off me? . . .no? Why not? Is something wrong? Wait, where are you going? Where is everyone else? Where is my doctor? Am I in trouble? Will someone please answer me? Where is everybody? Will someone let me out of this room? Hello? Don’t leave me! Somebody let me out! Let me out, damn it! What am I doing here? Why is everything so bright? Where are my Mom and Dad? Why am I here? I didn't do that! I didn't do that! I didn't do that, I didn't do that, no no no no no no no no no no no. . .


Operator: 911, state your emergency.

Woman's Voice: My daughter, she's gone mad!

O: Please state your address and help will be on the way.

WV: She's gone crazy! She's destroying everything! Please, help us! She's crazy, she's gone crazy! God, the noise!

O: Ma'am, stay on the line with me. Can you tell me about the situation?

WV: She's broken everything. Her room - my God! (screaming in background) Please help! She's cutting herself, she's cutting herself! Oh my God, the blood. . .

O: Help is on the way. Stay on the line with me, try to stay calm.

WV: Oh my God, she's coming towards me. . .there's so much blood. . .(sounds of retching)

O: Ma'am, try to keep yourself safe and stay calm.

WV: Stop it! Stop it! (screams and the sound of the phone being dropped)

O: Ma'am?

O: Ma'am? Are you still on the line?


                                                                      Murders Leave Town of in State of Shock

    Two gruesome murders committed in the early hours before dawn yesterday, March 23, left the quiet town of Quaker Hills in a state of utter shock.  Gerald Beruchi, age 40, and wife Bonnie, age 38, were killed in their home on Gate Rock Road by their only daughter, Callie, age 19. The couple was stabbed and beaten to death with shards from a broken mirror and a piece of the daughter's bedpost from her bedroom after she had what police are calling a 'mental breakdown'.  A 911 call was placed at approximately 2:09 A.M.  Paramedics pronounced the couple dead at the scene at 2:21 A.M., citing cause of death as blood loss and head trauma.  It is unknown at this time whether an autopsy will be performed.
    The daughter is currently being held at Green Field Institution for the Mentally Ill. She was arrested and placed there after a confession to police at her home following the murders. She is listed as mentally unstable and is under heavy suicide watch. Callie had been receiving therapy for the past five years, since her abduction by an escapee from a Florida mental institution, accompanied by heavy medication treatment. She was diagnosed as 'mildly schizophrenic' by her previous therapist, who had no comment when asked about the murders. A hearing will be held this month. Callie, who is too ill to be reached for comment, will be represented by a local attorney. He has stated publicly they will plead for insanity. Callie will be unable to attend the trials due to her mental state.
Services for the couple will be held at. . .

Written April 2004
© Copyright 2010 Melfiina (megamelfina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1645297-Demons