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Rated: GC · In & Out · Animal · #1642420
The story of a Turkey before Thanksgiving (Turkeys Point of view)
Thanksgiving is coming in a few days, what shall I do. Sit and wait, or should I run? I saw my first hunter yesterday, but as of now I am safely catching worms in my nice secluded little spot I found last year. *SNAP*! What was that? I look around... I smell his cheap cologne before I see him.

Just before I am about to get waxed I see him and dash away just as the tree next to me explodes into a thousands little splinters. I crash through the trees trying to loose him before I am made into dinner. I risk a glance backwards and see him stumble on a fallen log. That didn't stop him though, he just plopped on a knee took aim and fired barely missing my head. I turned another direction to make it where he couldn't get another shot.

After a while I loose him just to be seen by another hunter. This one takes aim and fires, I get clipped on the shoulder but I wheel around and take off. I can see the blood spurting out of the wound but after a while I feel no pain. I see a stream ahead and decide its a good idea to was my feather that the blood has now dried over make them stiff and rigid.

As I come out of the water feeling refreshed the hunter walks out of the trees gun loaded and ready. I dive back into the water as soon as the ground around me explodes. I know the hunter will be waiting for me to resurface so I swim downstream a little before before bursting out of the water and making a break for it.

The hunter notices though takes aim and fires hitting me right in the back. A sharp pain shoots through my body and I feel blood oozing out of the wound. I start to get tired but I keep running, I don't want to give in. I don't care how much blood I loose or where the hunter is, all I care about now is escaping. I am now to tired to carry on, time to lay down for a quick nap. As I sleep the hunter tracks me from a trail of blood.

He quickly finds me laying there in a pool of my own blood. I sense him and wake up coughing up more blood and the effort make even more squirt out my back. It is pointless now to try and run away. I've lost. I look up to see him raise his boot, I close my eyes and wait... It doesn't come. I open them just a peep and then *SPLAT* he crushes my head and my brains squirt out in all directions. My body lies there limp and utterly devastated.


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