Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1642381-Symbiot-Chapter-1
by weerdo
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1642381
Lance's life changes greatly after getting infested with an alien symbiot.
This story is about a young man named Lance and his experiences of life after getting infested with an alien parasite. This was meant to be a short story but that ended up much longer then I expected. This is only the first part of my story Symbiot. This part contains no adult material other then some foul language, though later chapters will contain sexual scenes and themes.


It awoke to the sounds of a shrill beeping. It sluggishly examined the controls of its computer trying to figure why it had been removed from suspended animation so early. “God damn computer, if this is another of Ostur’s jokes…wait I don’t remember this being on my travel path” It exclaimed looking at the star formations on the computer’s viewscreen. It used its computer to identify where it was. “No information about present location on file” chimed the computer “huh? What is that supposed to mean? I am somewhere that no star maps have been made of yet? No way! Ok, funny joke Ostur, you can turn off the cameras now, you got me” it was only met with silence. A sharp chill resonated throughout its body; this was a joke…wasn’t it?

“Well let’s see what’s making that beeping anyway.” It searched through the computer for the ship’s status. What it found put an end to all thoughts of this being a joke, the ship’s guidance had fallen out of calibration, and there seemed to be some damage to the hull of the ship, however those were the least of its worries, it appeared that its ship was almost out of power, and only had enough energy for about a month, even if he just sat around and waited to die. “How the hell could my energy be so low? The reactor on this thing is supposed to last for…well much longer then I will ever live. How long have I been in this thing anyway? Computer, how much time has passed since the ship left Muran station?” the reply came back” approximately Seventy eight thousand planetary cycles”. “HA! Well I guess I just found another thing broken on this ship, I am going to kill those mechanics when I get home.” He growled.

“In the mean time, I better find somewhere to set down before I freeze. Computer, scan space for the nearest M class planet, preferably one with friendly relations“. The computer replied “no friendly planets found, one M class planet detected, no other information known.” “Damn it!” it roared in anger “how the hell will I get out of this one?” “Fine, computer take me to that planet”.

A week later it arrived in orbit. “It looks like a pretty nice planet, pretty blue and greens with lots of clouds, hopefully I will be able to find a host to look after me. Let’s fly over the nearest continent and find a good spot to land.”

Immediately after entering the atmosphere the ship gave a violent lurch, and a grinding noise could be heard, lights started flashing and a computer screen was reporting that the right side of the ship had crumpled and fallen off. “OH MY GOD!” it screamed as it was thrown around inside of its ship. The ship’s computers were attempting to stabilize the craft and slow it’s decent, but they couldn’t handle having half the ship being torn off. Using all its strength it clawed across the bulkheads of its ship trying to get into the emergency capsule.

A countdown began to the estimated time when the ship’s shields would fail. It made it to the aft cargo bay “60 seconds until shield collapse” it crawled towards the chamber on the left wall “30 seconds until shield collapse” it crawled inside and fastened the restraints “10 seconds until shield collapse” it hit the big red button with the word EJECT on it in big letters…nothing happened. “OH FUCK I FORGOT TO PRESSURIZE THE CHAMBER!” he hit several buttons “5, 4, 3” the screen indicated full pressurization. “2, 1” it smashed the eject button with its entire hand, and was immediately knocked out from the force of the ejection.

When it came to, it saw that it was on the ground in its jelly filled capsule in what looked like a city. “Well I can’t stay in here forever, I need to get to a host, or I’ll die.” It opened the hatch and looked out. There appeared to be a vent just next to its capsule, and it climbed inside. It fell into water, and was overjoyed, flowing water would lead to people, and they would help it. It followed the flow, and saw an opening above. It crawled up it and was greeted by a shower of rain and two large legs. “Whatever this thing is, it will make a nice host for the time being.” It skillfully began climbing up the walls of the room.

It had been a difficult day for Lance Bryce he had taken an exam in every one of his classes and his head was killing him. He shut his eyes and just let the warm water of the shower run over him, hoping that the two Advil he had taken would sooth his aching head soon. He felt something fall onto the back of his neck and straightened up trying to brush it off. It seemed to cling to his neck and he tried slapping at it. It wrapped a tendril around his neck and started choking him. "What the fuck?" He grabbed at it and tried to pull it off, but it was too strong, and tightened its grip around his neck. He reared back and rammed himself against the wall behind him trying to squash it, or at least knock it off. It still hung on. By this point he was seeing stars and his vision was turning black. He collapsed to his knees and tried to yell for help, but knew that even if he succeeded in yelling, no one was home to help him. His mother had gone to his aunt’s house and wouldn’t be home until late Saturday. Lance started really panicking and began thrashing around the bathroom floor trying desperately to get it off “I’m going to die! Oh god, mom…” with that he collapsed onto the bathroom floor and fell into unconsciousness.

The host had put up a considerable fight. Much more of a fight then it was expecting. In fact the force of the creature ramming it against the wall had caused serious damage to its memory centers and moderate injury to its body. The only thing it could think of was getting inside of the host and repairing itself with the host’s resources. It climbed up the host’s neck and began pushing itself into the host’s nose. In three minutes it was fully inside the host and began tapping into the host’s control center.

Lance’s body began writhing around on the ground in a jerky, uncoordinated manner, but after a few minutes he fell silent again. Four hours later he stood up and could only think about how tired he was and how much he needed rest.
© Copyright 2010 weerdo (mayeram at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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